public override void UpdateOnceBeforeFrame() { if (firstrun) { var info = new List <MyUpgradeModuleInfo>(); hyperDriveBlock.GetUpgradeList(out info); Maxhyper = info.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UpgradeType == "WarpFactor").Modifier; ResourceSink.SetMaxRequiredInputByType(_electricity, HyperFunctions.MinimumPowertoActivate()); ResourceSink.SetRequiredInputByType(_electricity, HyperFunctions.PowerConsumption()); ResourceSink.SetRequiredInputFuncByType(_electricity, HyperFunctions.PowerConsumption); ResourceSink.Update(); hyperDriveBlock.AppendingCustomInfo += HyperFunctions.hyperDriveBlock_AppendingCustomInfo; Maxhyper = Maxhyper * 100f; emitter = new Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntity3DSoundEmitter(hyperDriveBlock as MyEntity); MyEntity3DSoundEmitter.PreloadSound(pair); HyperFunctions.CreatehyperUI(); firstrun = false; White = Color.White; MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingSetColor(White); } }
public override void UpdateOnceBeforeFrame() { if (firstrun) { HyperFunctions.Init(); } }
public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation() { // Ignore damaged or build progress hyper_blocks. Ignore ghost grids (projections). if (!hyperDriveBlock.IsFunctional || hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics == null) { return; } _ticks++; _tick++; HyperFunctions.UpdateGridPower(); ResourceSink.Update(); hyperDriveBlock.RefreshCustomInfo(); if (!firstrun) { if (_ticks > 12) { HyperFunctions.RefreshLists(); HyperFunctions.Distance(); totalMass = Math.Sqrt(hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics.Mass); totalMassF = (float)totalMass; HyperFunctions.curPDistF = (float)HyperFunctions.distance; MyAPIGateway.Parallel.StartBackground(HyperFunctions.BackGroundChecks); HyperFunctions._powerPercent = (HyperFunctions._maxPower * 0.6f); if (HyperFunctions.curPDistF < HyperFunctions.maxPDistF) { if (HyperFunctions._powerPercent >= 100f && HyperFunctions._powerPercent <= Maxhyper) { hyperFactor = HyperFunctions._powerPercent; float invSqr = (((HyperFunctions.maxPDistF * HyperFunctions.maxPDistF) / (HyperFunctions.curPDistF * HyperFunctions.curPDistF)) * 0.01f); if (invSqr < 0.95f) { hyperFactor = (hyperFactor - (hyperFactor * invSqr)); gravMsg = true; } else if (invSqr >= 0.95f) { hyperFactor = 0f; Engage_OnOff(); if (gravMsg) { var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("Gravity Field Interference: " + "Minimum Safe Distance - 200km", 19200, "Red", id); } gravMsg = false; } } } } else if (HyperFunctions.curPDistF > HyperFunctions.maxPDistF) { if (HyperFunctions._powerPercent >= 100f && HyperFunctions._powerPercent <= Maxhyper) { hyperFactor = HyperFunctions._powerPercent; } } //Convert Mass Double to non-Infinite Float// if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(totalMassF)) { totalMassF = float.MaxValue; } else if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(totalMassF)) { totalMassF = float.MinValue; } if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(HyperFunctions.curPDistF)) { HyperFunctions.curPDistF = float.MaxValue; } else if (float.IsNegativeInfinity(HyperFunctions.curPDistF)) { HyperFunctions.curPDistF = float.MinValue; } _ticks = 0; } if (MyAPIGateway.Session.IsServer) { if (ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(_electricity, HyperFunctions.PowerConsumption())) { BubbleFormed = true; _bubbleNotification = true; } else if (!ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(_electricity, HyperFunctions.PowerConsumption())) { BubbleFormed = false; } if (_tick > 10000) { _tick = 0; msgSent = false; } if (HyperFunctions.IsWorking() && hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() >= 0f && HyperEngaged) { hyper = true; var grid = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid; //_minSpeed = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity.LengthSquared(); //if (_minSpeed >= 5000) //{ if (BubbleFormed && hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics != null && hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix != null && hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix.Translation != null && warpTimer < 300) { //remoteControl; //hyperDriveBlock.SetLocalMatrix(hyperDriveBlock.LocalMatrix, shipForward); //hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.SetLocalMatrix(hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.LocalMatrix, hyperDriveBlock.Orientation.Forward); //var fwd = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.LocalMatrix.GetDirectionVector(hyperDriveBlock.Orientation.Forward); from = hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Translation + hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Forward; // * 1d; to = hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Translation + hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Forward * 50d; var gridSpeed = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix; var gridTranslation = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix.Translation; var gPhysics = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics; var gameSteps = MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS; var predictedMatrix = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix; var multipler = 500; predictedMatrix.Translation = gridTranslation + gPhysics.GetVelocityAtPoint(gridTranslation) * gameSteps * multipler; //gPhysics.LinearVelocity = (fwd ); gPhysics.LinearVelocity = from - to; //object not set remoteControl.DampenersOverride = false; //grid.Physics.SetSpeeds(gPhysics.LinearVelocity, Vector3.Zero); gPhysics.AngularVelocity = Vector3D.Zero; grid.Teleport(predictedMatrix); gPhysics.AngularVelocity = Vector3D.Zero; warpTimer = (warpTimer + 1); if (warpTimer > 250 && fade) { fade = false; var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { //MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("Jump Initialisation Success: " + "Maybe", 19200, "White", id); MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStart(0.25f, true); } } //var setSpeed = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity; //remoteControl.WorldMatrix.SetDirectionVector(remoteControl.Orientation.Forward, shipForward); /* Original Code * var gridSpeed = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix; * var gridTranslation = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix.Translation; * var gPhysics = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics; * var gameSteps = MyEngineConstants.UPDATE_STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS; * var predictedMatrix = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix; * var multipler = WF_Scale; * predictedMatrix.Translation = gridTranslation + gPhysics.GetVelocityAtPoint(gridTranslation) * gameSteps * multipler; * gPhysics.AngularVelocity = Vector3D.Zero; * grid.Teleport(predictedMatrix); * gPhysics.AngularVelocity = Vector3D.Zero;*/ } //} else { hyper = false; warpTimer = 0; fade = true; var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("Jump Time: " + "Time to Jump to HyperSpace", 19200, "Red", id); MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStartSwitch(0.1f); } //Color White = new Color(); //White = Color.White; //MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingSetColor(White); //MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStart(4, true); //MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStartSwitch(1); } } if (!BubbleFormed && hyperDriveBlock.Enabled && _tick > 16) { var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("hyper Field Collapse Imminent: " + "Emergency Shutdown" + "\nInsufficient Power - You require additional pylons.", 19200, "Red", id); } WF_Scale = 0f; hyper = false; hyperDriveBlock.Enabled = false; } if (!HyperFunctions.IsWorking() && hyper) { var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("hyper Drive Manually Disabled: Emergency Stop", 19200, "White", id); } WF_Scale = 0f; hyper = false; HyperFunctions.EmergencyStop(); } if (hyper) { if (WF_Scale < hyperFactor && WF_Scale >= 0f) { float WF_CurveM = (hyperFactor - hyperFactor * 0.05f); if (WF_Scale < WF_CurveM) { WF_Curve = (hyperFactor * 0.0001f); WF_Scale = (WF_Curve + (WF_Scale + (WF_Scale * 0.0025f))); } else if (WF_Scale > WF_CurveM) { WF_Scale = hyperFactor; } } else if (WF_Scale > hyperFactor && WF_Scale >= 0f) { float WF_CurveP = (hyperFactor * 0.05f + hyperFactor); if (WF_Scale > WF_CurveP) { WF_Scale--; } if (WF_Scale < WF_CurveP) { WF_Scale = hyperFactor; } } else if (WF_Scale == hyperFactor && WF_Scale > 0.1f) { if (hyperFactor > 30f && hyper && !msgSent) { var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("Target hyper Achieved", 19200, "White", id); msgSent = true; } } } else if (WF_Scale < 0f) { hyperFactor = (hyperFactor * -1f); WF_Scale = hyperFactor; hyper = false; } } if (!hyper) { emitter.StopSound(false, true); if (WF_Scale <= 0f) { hyperFactor = 0f; WF_Scale = hyperFactor; HyperEngaged = false; } else if (WF_Scale > 0f) { hyperFactor = 0f; WF_Scale = hyperFactor; HyperEngaged = false; } } } } }
public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation() { // Ignore damaged or build progress hyper_blocks. Ignore ghost grids (projections). if (!hyperDriveBlock.IsFunctional || hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics == null) { return; } _ticks++; _tick++; if (!firstrun) { if (_ticks > 12) { MyAPIGateway.Parallel.StartBackground(HyperFunctions.BackGroundChecks); //HyperFunctions._powerPercent = (HyperFunctions._maxPower * 0.6f); HyperFunctions.UpdateGridPower(); HyperFunctions.ResourceSink.Update(); hyperDriveBlock.RefreshCustomInfo(); _ticks = 0; } if (MyAPIGateway.Session.IsServer) { if (!_shellBool) { try { var parent = (MyEntity)hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid; Spawn._emptyGridShell = Spawn.EmptyEntity("dShellPassive2", $"{Session.Instance.ModPath()}{Spawn._modelShell}", parent, true); Spawn._emptyGridShell.Render.CastShadows = false; Spawn._emptyGridShell.IsPreview = true; Spawn._emptyGridShell.Render.Visible = true; Spawn._emptyGridShell.Render.RemoveRenderObjects(); Spawn._emptyGridShell.Render.UpdateRenderObject(true); Spawn._emptyGridShell.Render.UpdateRenderObject(false); Spawn._emptyGridShell.Save = false; Spawn._emptyGridShell.SyncFlag = false; try { Session.Instance.CreateMobileShape(); Spawn._emptyGridShell.PositionComp.LocalMatrix = Matrix.Zero; // Bug - Cannot just change X coord, so I reset first. Spawn._emptyGridShell.PositionComp.LocalMatrix = Spawn._shieldShapeMatrix; } catch { Logging.Logging.Instance.WriteLine("CreateMobileShape() Failure"); } } catch { Logging.Logging.Instance.WriteLine("emptyGrid Failure"); } _shellBool = true; } if (HyperFunctions.ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(HyperFunctions._electricity, HyperFunctions.PowerConsumption())) { BubbleFormed = true; _bubbleNotification = true; } else if (!HyperFunctions.ResourceSink.IsPowerAvailable(HyperFunctions._electricity, HyperFunctions.PowerConsumption())) { BubbleFormed = false; } if (_tick > 10000) { _tick = 0; msgSent = false; } if (HyperFunctions.IsWorking() && HyperEngaged) { hyper = true; //var grid = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid; if (BubbleFormed && hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics != null && hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix != null && hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.WorldMatrix.Translation != null && warpTimer < 120) { HyperFunctions.Warp(); warpTimer = (warpTimer + 1); if (warpTimer > 95 && fade) { fade = false; var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { //MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("Jump Initialisation Success: " + "Maybe", 9500, "White", id); MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStart(0.25f, true); } lastPos = hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.GetPosition(); from = hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Translation + hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Forward;// * 1d; to = hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Translation + hyperDriveBlock.WorldMatrix.Forward * 2001d; destination = from - to; hyperSpaceTimer = 7200; //hyperSpaceTimer = (hyperSpaceTimer + distanceVar); jumpOut = true; HyperFunctions.HyperJump(); } } else { hyper = false; warpTimer = 0; fade = true; if (jumpOut) { var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); jumpOut = false; DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { //MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("Jump Time: " + "Time to Jump to HyperSpace", 9500, "White", id); MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStartSwitch(0.25f); } hyperSpace = true; HyperEngaged = false; HyperSpaceParticle(); } } } if (hyperSpace) { hyperSpaceTimer = (hyperSpaceTimer - 1); try { Session.Instance.ShellVisibility(true); } catch { Logging.Logging.Instance.WriteLine("ShellVisibility(true) Failure"); } if (hyperSpaceTimer >= 0) { hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics.AngularVelocity = Vector3D.Zero; hyperDriveBlock.CubeGrid.Physics.LinearVelocity = Vector3D.Zero; if (!ExitWarning10 && hyperSpaceTimer <= 600) { var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("10 Seconds to Normal Space", 9600, "White", id); } ExitWarning10 = true; } else if (!ExitWarning60 && hyperSpaceTimer <= 3600) { var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ShowNotification("60 Seconds to Normal Space", 9600, "White", id); } ExitWarning60 = true; } } else if (ExitWarning10 && ExitWarning60) { warpTimer = (warpTimer + 1); if (warpTimer < 25 && fade) { fade = false; var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStart(0.25f, true); } } else { HyperFunctions.HyperJumpDestination(destination, lastPos); hyperSpace = false; jumpIn = true; warpTimer = 0; ExitWarning10 = false; ExitWarning60 = false; //hyperSpaceTimer = 7200; HyperSpaceParticleStop(); } } } else if (!hyperSpace && !jumpIn) { if (!BubbleFormed && hyperDriveBlock.Enabled && _tick > 16) { hyper = false; hyperDriveBlock.Enabled = false; } if (!HyperFunctions.IsWorking() && hyper) { hyper = false; HyperFunctions.EmergencyStop(); } if (!hyper) { HyperFunctions.emitter.StopSound(false, true); HyperEngaged = false; } } if (jumpIn) { warpTimer = (warpTimer + 1); HyperFunctions.Warp(); try { Session.Instance.ShellVisibility(false); } catch { Logging.Logging.Instance.WriteLine("ShellVisibility(false) Failure"); } if (warpTimer > 30) { if (!fade) { fade = true; var realPlayerIds = new List <long>(); DsUtilsStatic.GetRealPlayers(hyperDriveBlock.PositionComp.WorldVolume.Center, 500f, realPlayerIds); foreach (var id in realPlayerIds) { MyVisualScriptLogicProvider.ScreenColorFadingStartSwitch(0.04f); } } if (warpTimer > 120) { warpTimer = 0; jumpIn = false; HyperEngaged = false; } } } } } }