private CurveFamilyF GenerateAdiabaticSaturationFamily() { double dewPoint; double ysat; double wetBulb; double temperature; double ih; double tsat; double maxTemp; HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator(); double p = (double)pressure.Value; double cg = humidGasCalculator.GetSpecificHeatOfDryGas(); double cv = humidGasCalculator.GetSpecificHeatOfVapor(); double r0 = humidGasCalculator.GetEvaporationHeat(273.15); double dewPoint1 = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromDryBulbAndRelativeHumidity(xVar.Max, 1.0); double dewPoint2 = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromHumidityAndPressure(yVar.Max, p); double dewPointMin = Math.Min(dewPoint1, dewPoint2); int numOfCurves = (int)((dewPointMin - xVar.Min) / 5.0) + 1; CurveF[] curves = new CurveF[numOfCurves]; double y; for (int i = 0; i < numOfCurves; i++) { tsat = xVar.Min + i * 5.0; dewPoint = humidGasCalculator.GetDewPointFromDryBulbAndRelativeHumidity(tsat, 1.0); ysat = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidityFromDewPointAndPressure(dewPoint, p); wetBulb = humidGasCalculator.GetWetBulbFromDryBulbHumidityAndPressure(tsat, ysat, p); PointF[] dataPoints = new PointF[11]; maxTemp = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromWetBulbHumidityAndPressure(wetBulb, 0.0, p); if (maxTemp > xVar.Max) { maxTemp = xVar.Max; } if (ysat > yVar.Max) { tsat = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromWetBulbHumidityAndPressure(wetBulb, yVar.Max, p); } ih = (cg + cv * ysat) * (tsat - 273.15) + r0 * ysat; for (int j = 0; j <= 10; j++) { temperature = tsat + (maxTemp - tsat) / 10.0 * j; //iso-enthalpy line y = (ih - cg * (temperature - 273.15)) / (r0 + cv * (temperature - 273.15)); dataPoints[j] = new PointF((float)temperature, (float)y); } curves[i] = new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.ADIABATIC_SATURATION), (float)tsat, dataPoints); } CurveFamilyF curveFamily = new CurveFamilyF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.ADIABATIC_SATURATION), PhysicalQuantity.Temperature, curves); return(curveFamily); }
private CurveF GenerateEvaporationHeatCurve() { double temperature; double evapHeat; PointF[] dataPoints = new PointF[10]; HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = GetHumidGasCalculator(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { temperature = (xVar.Max - xVar.Min) / 10.0 * i; evapHeat = humidGasCalculator.GetEvaporationHeat(temperature); dataPoints[i] = new PointF((float)temperature, (float)evapHeat); } return(new CurveF(StringConstants.GetTypeName(StringConstants.EVAPORATION_HEAT), 0.1f, dataPoints)); }
private void Solve() { double totalEenthalpyOfReactantInFuelInlet = 0; double moleFractionCarbon = 0; double moleFractionHydrogen = 0; double moleFractionSulfur = 0; double moleFractionOxygen = 0; //double massAsh = 0; double moleFractionCarbonDioxide = 0; double moleFractionNitrogen = 0; //mole fraction of nitrogen in original gas fuel MaterialComponents components = fuelInlet.Components; if (fuelInlet is GenericFuelStream) { for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++) { MaterialComponent component = components[i]; Substance mySubstance = component.Substance; //myMassFraction = component.MassFraction.Value; double myMoleFraction = component.MoleFraction.Value; if (mySubstance == carbon) { moleFractionCarbon = myMoleFraction; } else if (mySubstance == hydrogen) { moleFractionHydrogen = myMoleFraction; } else if (mySubstance == oxygen) { moleFractionOxygen = myMoleFraction; } else if (mySubstance == sulfur) { moleFractionSulfur = myMoleFraction; } //else if (component.Substance == ash) { // massAsh = myMassFraction; //} } } else if (fuelInlet is DetailedFuelStream) { totalEenthalpyOfReactantInFuelInlet = 0; moleFractionCarbon = 0; moleFractionHydrogen = 0; moleFractionOxygen = 0; moleFractionSulfur = 0; double t = fuelInlet.Temperature.Value; for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++) { MaterialComponent component = components[i]; Substance mySubstance = component.Substance; double myMoleFraction = component.MoleFraction.Value; if (mySubstance == carbonDioxide) { moleFractionCarbonDioxide = myMoleFraction; } else if (mySubstance == nitrogen) { moleFractionNitrogen = myMoleFraction; } else { totalEenthalpyOfReactantInFuelInlet += myMoleFraction * propCalculator.CalculateEnthalpyOfFormation(t, mySubstance); SubstanceFormula formula = mySubstance.Formula; string[] elements = formula.Elements; foreach (string element in elements) { int elementCount = formula.GetElementCount(element); if (element == "C") { moleFractionCarbon += elementCount * myMoleFraction; } else if (element == "H") { moleFractionHydrogen += elementCount * myMoleFraction; } else if (element == "O") { moleFractionOxygen += elementCount * myMoleFraction; } else if (element == "S") { moleFractionSulfur += elementCount * myMoleFraction; } } } } } moleFractionHydrogen = 0.5 * moleFractionHydrogen; //convert from H to H2 moleFractionOxygen = 0.5 * moleFractionOxygen; //convert from O to O2 //multiply 0.5 for moleFractionHydrogen because 1 mole of H2 only needs 0.5 mole of O2 double moleFractionOxygenNeeded = moleFractionCarbon + 0.5 * moleFractionHydrogen + moleFractionSulfur - moleFractionOxygen; double exactDryAirMassNeeded = moleFractionOxygenNeeded / OXYGEN_MOLE_FRACTION_IN_AIR * air.MolarWeight; double excessAirValue = excessAir.HasValue ? excessAir.Value / 100 : 0; double excessDryAirNeeded = exactDryAirMassNeeded * excessAirValue; double dryAirMassNeeded = exactDryAirMassNeeded + excessDryAirNeeded; double moistureMassCarriedByInletAir = dryAirMassNeeded * airInlet.Humidity.Value; double airMassNeeded = dryAirMassNeeded + moistureMassCarriedByInletAir; double moitureGeneratedByReaction = moleFractionHydrogen * water.MolarWeight; //since 1 mole of H2 generates 1 mole of water double totalMoistureInFlueGas = moitureGeneratedByReaction + moistureMassCarriedByInletAir; double flueGasTotal = airMassNeeded + fuelInlet.Components.MolarWeight; double dryFlueGas = flueGasTotal - totalMoistureInFlueGas; double flueGasMoistureContentDryBase = totalMoistureInFlueGas / dryFlueGas; CompositeSubstance flueGas = CreateDryFlueGasSubstance(moleFractionCarbon, moleFractionSulfur, moleFractionCarbonDioxide, moleFractionNitrogen, moleFractionOxygenNeeded, dryAirMassNeeded, dryFlueGas, excessAirValue); DryingGasComponents flueGasComponents = CreateDryingGasComponents(flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, flueGas); flueGasOutlet.GasComponents = flueGasComponents; double fuelMoleFlowRate = fuelInlet.MoleFlowRate.Value; if (excessAir.HasValue) { Calculate(flueGasOutlet.Humidity, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase); if (fuelInlet.MoleFlowRate.HasValue) { Calculate(airInlet.MassFlowRateDryBase, dryAirMassNeeded * fuelMoleFlowRate); Calculate(flueGasOutlet.MassFlowRate, flueGasTotal * fuelMoleFlowRate); } else if (flueGasOutlet.MassFlowRate.HasValue) { fuelMoleFlowRate = flueGasOutlet.MassFlowRate.Value / flueGasTotal; Calculate(fuelInlet.MoleFlowRate, fuelMoleFlowRate); Calculate(airInlet.MassFlowRateDryBase, dryAirMassNeeded * fuelMoleFlowRate); } } double fuelInletEnthalpy = fuelInlet.SpecificEnthalpy.Value; double airInletEnthalpy = airMassNeeded * airInlet.SpecificEnthalpy.Value; double totalHeatGenerated = Constants.NO_VALUE; double heatLossValue = 0; if (fuelInlet is GenericFuelStream) { //GenericFuelStream gfs = fuelInlet as GenericFuelStream; //if (gfs.HeatValue.HasValue) { // //total heat genrate eaquls to heat value of the fuel times fuelMassFlowRate // totalHeatGenerated = gfs.HeatValue.Value * fuelMoleFlowRate; // heatLossValue = totalHeatGenerated * percentageHeatLoss.Value / 100; // double totalFlueGasSpecificEnthalpy = (fuelInletEnthalpy + airInletEnthalpy + totalHeatGenerated - heatLossValue) / flueGasTotal; // Calculate(flueGasOutlet.SpecificEnthalpy, totalFlueGasSpecificEnthalpy); //} } else if (fuelInlet is DetailedFuelStream) { HumidGasCalculator humidGasCalculator = new HumidGasCalculator(flueGas, water); //evaporation heat of 2 moles of water double evaporationHeat = 2.0 * water.MolarWeight * humidGasCalculator.GetEvaporationHeat(273.15); double p = flueGasOutlet.Pressure.Value; //double originalTemperature = airInlet.Temperature.Value; //double initialHumidEnthalpy = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidEnthalpyFromDryBulbHumidityAndPressure(originalTemperature, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); double initialHumidEnthalpy = airInlet.SpecificEnthalpyDryBase.Value; initialHumidEnthalpy = initialHumidEnthalpy * dryAirMassNeeded / dryFlueGas; double t = airInlet.Temperature.Value; double totalEnthalpyOfReactantOxygen = moleFractionOxygenNeeded * propCalculator.CalculateEnthalpyOfFormation(t, oxygen); double totalEenthalpyOfReactants = totalEenthalpyOfReactantInFuelInlet + totalEnthalpyOfReactantOxygen; double tNew = t; int counter = 0; if (excessAir.HasValue && percentageHeatLoss.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue) { do { counter++; t = tNew; double totalEenthalpyOfProduct = CalculateTotalEntalpyOfProduct(moleFractionCarbon, moleFractionHydrogen, moleFractionSulfur, t); totalHeatGenerated = totalEenthalpyOfReactants - totalEenthalpyOfProduct + evaporationHeat; heatLossValue = totalHeatGenerated * percentageHeatLoss.Value / 100; double flueGasHumidEnthalpy = initialHumidEnthalpy + (totalHeatGenerated - heatLossValue) / dryFlueGas; tNew = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromHumidEnthalpyHumidityAndPressure(flueGasHumidEnthalpy, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); } while (Math.Abs(tNew - t) / tNew > 1.0e-8 && counter < 100); if (counter == 100) { throw new CalculationFailedException("Calculation of flame temperature failed."); } Calculate(flueGasOutlet.Temperature, tNew); totalHeatGenerated *= fuelMoleFlowRate; Calculate(heatLoss, totalHeatGenerated * percentageHeatLoss.Value / 100); } else if (excessAir.HasValue && flueGasOutlet.Temperature.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue) { double flueGasTemp = flueGasOutlet.Temperature.Value; double totalEenthalpyOfProduct = CalculateTotalEntalpyOfProduct(moleFractionCarbon, moleFractionHydrogen, moleFractionSulfur, flueGasTemp); totalHeatGenerated = totalEenthalpyOfReactants - totalEenthalpyOfProduct + evaporationHeat; heatLossValue = totalHeatGenerated * percentageHeatLoss.Value / 100; double flueGasHumidEnthalpy = initialHumidEnthalpy + (totalHeatGenerated - heatLossValue) / dryFlueGas; tNew = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromHumidEnthalpyHumidityAndPressure(flueGasHumidEnthalpy, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); if (tNew < flueGasTemp) { throw new CalculationFailedException("Specified flue gas temperature cannot be reached."); } counter = 0; double humidEnthanlpy0 = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidEnthalpyFromDryBulbHumidityAndPressure(flueGasTemp, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); do { counter++; double humidEnthanlpy1 = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidEnthalpyFromDryBulbHumidityAndPressure(tNew, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); heatLossValue += dryFlueGas * (humidEnthanlpy1 - humidEnthanlpy0); flueGasHumidEnthalpy = initialHumidEnthalpy + (totalHeatGenerated - heatLossValue) / dryFlueGas; tNew = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromHumidEnthalpyHumidityAndPressure(flueGasHumidEnthalpy, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); } while (Math.Abs(tNew - flueGasTemp) / flueGasTemp > 1.0e-8 && counter < 100); if (counter == 100) { throw new CalculationFailedException("Calculation of flame temperature failed."); } totalHeatGenerated *= fuelMoleFlowRate; heatLossValue *= fuelMoleFlowRate; Calculate(heatLoss, heatLossValue); Calculate(percentageHeatLoss, heatLossValue / totalHeatGenerated * 100); } else if (flueGasOutlet.Temperature.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue && percentageHeatLoss.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue) { double flueGasTemp = flueGasOutlet.Temperature.Value; double totalEenthalpyOfProduct = CalculateTotalEntalpyOfProduct(moleFractionCarbon, moleFractionHydrogen, moleFractionSulfur, flueGasTemp); totalHeatGenerated = totalEenthalpyOfReactants - totalEenthalpyOfProduct + evaporationHeat; heatLossValue = totalHeatGenerated * percentageHeatLoss.Value / 100; double flueGasHumidEnthalpy = initialHumidEnthalpy + (totalHeatGenerated - heatLossValue) / dryFlueGas; tNew = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromHumidEnthalpyHumidityAndPressure(flueGasHumidEnthalpy, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); if (tNew < flueGasTemp) { throw new CalculationFailedException("Specified flue gas temperature cannot be reached."); } //double excessDryAirNeededOld; do { counter++; t = tNew; //excessDryAirNeededOld = excessDryAirNeeded; //initialHumidEnthalpy = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidEnthalpyFromDryBulbHumidityAndPressure(originalTemperature, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); flueGasHumidEnthalpy = humidGasCalculator.GetHumidEnthalpyFromDryBulbHumidityAndPressure(flueGasTemp, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); dryFlueGas = (totalHeatGenerated - heatLossValue) / (flueGasHumidEnthalpy - initialHumidEnthalpy); flueGasTotal = dryFlueGas + totalMoistureInFlueGas; airMassNeeded = flueGasTotal - fuelInlet.Components.MolarWeight; dryAirMassNeeded = airMassNeeded / (1 + airInlet.Humidity.Value); totalMoistureInFlueGas = moitureGeneratedByReaction + dryAirMassNeeded * airInlet.Humidity.Value; excessDryAirNeeded = dryAirMassNeeded - exactDryAirMassNeeded; excessAirValue = excessDryAirNeeded / exactDryAirMassNeeded; flueGasMoistureContentDryBase = totalMoistureInFlueGas / dryFlueGas; flueGas = CreateDryFlueGasSubstance(moleFractionCarbon, moleFractionSulfur, moleFractionCarbonDioxide, moleFractionNitrogen, moleFractionOxygenNeeded, dryAirMassNeeded, dryFlueGas, excessAirValue); humidGasCalculator = new HumidGasCalculator(flueGas, water); tNew = humidGasCalculator.GetDryBulbFromHumidEnthalpyHumidityAndPressure(flueGasHumidEnthalpy, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, p); } while (Math.Abs(tNew - flueGasTemp) / flueGasTemp > 1.0e-8 && counter < 100); //} while (Math.Abs(excessDryAirNeeded - excessDryAirNeededOld) > 1.0e-6 && counter < 100); if (counter == 100) { throw new CalculationFailedException("Calculation of flame temperature failed."); } Calculate(flueGasOutlet.Humidity, flueGasMoistureContentDryBase); Calculate(excessAir, excessAirValue * 100); flueGasComponents = CreateDryingGasComponents(flueGasMoistureContentDryBase, flueGas); flueGasOutlet.GasComponents = flueGasComponents; if (flueGasOutlet.MassFlowRate.IsSpecifiedAndHasValue) { fuelMoleFlowRate = flueGasOutlet.MassFlowRate.Value / flueGasTotal; Calculate(fuelInlet.MoleFlowRate, fuelMoleFlowRate); } else { Calculate(flueGasOutlet.MassFlowRate, flueGasTotal * fuelMoleFlowRate); } Calculate(airInlet.MassFlowRateDryBase, dryAirMassNeeded * fuelMoleFlowRate); Calculate(heatLoss, heatLossValue * fuelMoleFlowRate); totalHeatGenerated *= fuelMoleFlowRate; } Calculate(totalHeatGeneration, totalHeatGenerated); } if (flueGasOutlet.Temperature.HasValue && totalHeatGeneration.HasValue) { solveState = SolveState.Solved; double oxygenMassFraction = moleFractionOxygenNeeded * excessAirValue * oxygen.MolarWeight / flueGasTotal; double oxygenMoleFraction = moleFractionOxygenNeeded * excessAirValue / (1 + airMassNeeded / air.MolarWeight); Calculate(oxygenMassFractionFlueGas, oxygenMassFraction); Calculate(oxygenMoleFractionFlueGas, oxygenMoleFraction); } }