public InsertCompanyStatus InsertUser(int companyId, User user, Profile profile, int? depositId)
            // If ProfileId equal 0 then the profile no exists in bd
            var pManager = new ProfileManager(this);
            if (profile.ProfileId == 0)

            //method to insert a new user
            var provider = Membership.Provider as VivinaMembershipProvider;
            MembershipCreateStatus status;
            var membershipManager = new MembershipManager(this);
            user.ProfileId = profile.ProfileId;
            membershipManager.Insert(user, out status, provider.RequiresValidEmail);
            //verify if the status of the inclusion is ok
            if (status != MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
                switch (status)
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidPassword:
                        return InsertCompanyStatus.InvalidPassword;
                    case MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail:
                        return InsertCompanyStatus.DuplicatedAdminEmail;

            // Associate the User with company
            AssociateUser(companyId, user.UserId, depositId, true);

            // Insert a Employee
            var humanResourcesManager = new HumanResourcesManager(this);
            var employee = new Employee();
            employee.IsActive = true;
            employee.ProfileId = profile.ProfileId;
            employee.CompanyId = companyId;
            humanResourcesManager.InsertEmployee(employee, new List<EmployeeAdditionalInformation>());

            return InsertCompanyStatus.Success;