public async Task <SpeakerProfilesResponse> GetProfilesAsync(VoiceProfileType profileType) { string speakerUrl = profileType == VoiceProfileType.TextIndependentVerification ? this.SPEAKER_VERIFICATION_URL : this.SPEAKER_IDENTIFICATION_URL; Uri requestUri = new Uri($"{this.BaseServiceUrl}{speakerUrl}"); return(await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <SpeakerProfilesResponse>(requestUri, this.RequestHeaders)); }
public async Task <VideoIndexerSearchResult> SearchAsync(string query = "", string face = "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query) == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(face) == true) { return(default(VideoIndexerSearchResult)); } Dictionary <string, string> queryParams = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "query", WebUtility.UrlEncode(query) }, { "face", WebUtility.UrlEncode(face) }, }; IEnumerable <string> queryString = queryParams .Where(p => string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.Value) == false) .Select(p => p.Key + "=" + p.Value); string searchQuery = queryString.Count() == 1 ? queryString.FirstOrDefault() : string.Join("&", queryString); // Get request uri string searchUrl = this.BaseServiceUrl + "?" + searchQuery; Uri requestUri = new Uri(searchUrl); // Get response VideoIndexerSearchResult result = await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <VideoIndexerSearchResult>(requestUri, this.RequestHeaders); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Query LUIS service to obtain results /// </summary> public async Task <LUISResult> QueryAsync(string query) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query) == true) { return(default(LUISResult)); } query = WebUtility.UrlEncode(query); // Get request uri string requestUrl = this.BaseServiceUrl + "&verbose=true&timezoneOffset=0&q=" + query; Uri requestUri = new Uri(requestUrl); LUISResult result = await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <LUISResult>(requestUri, this.RequestHeaders); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Search web pages with Bing service /// </summary> public async Task <BingWebSearchResult> SearchWebAsync(string query, int count = 10, int offset = 0, string market = "en-us", SafeSearch safeSearch = SafeSearch.Strict) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query) == true) { return(default(BingWebSearchResult)); } else if (query.Length > MAX_QUERY_LENGTH) { query = query.Substring(0, MAX_QUERY_LENGTH); } query = WebUtility.UrlEncode(query); // Get request uri string searchUrl = string.Format(this.BaseServiceUrl + "search?q={0}&count={1}&offset={2}&mkt={3}&safesearch={4}", query, count, offset, market, safeSearch); Uri requestUri = new Uri(searchUrl); // Get response BingWebSearchResult result = await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <BingWebSearchResult>(requestUri, this.RequestHeaders); return(result); }
private async void btnInitData_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var client = new HttpClientUtility().GetHttpClient(this.txtToken.Text.Trim()); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("api/values"); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); BaseViewModel model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BaseViewModel>(content); this.dgUser.ItemsSource =; this.lblTotal.Content = "总条数:" +; } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private async Task <HandwritingRecognitionResult> GetResultFromOperationResponse(HttpResponseMessage response) { // Process operation if (response.Headers.Contains(this.HEADER_OPLOC_KEY) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No operation-location value returned from initial request."); } Uri opLocationUri = new Uri(response.Headers.GetValues(this.HEADER_OPLOC_KEY).First()); HandwritingRecognitionOperationResult opResult = new HandwritingRecognitionOperationResult(); int i = 0; while (i++ < HttpClientUtility.RETRY_COUNT) { // Get the operation result opResult = await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <HandwritingRecognitionOperationResult>(opLocationUri, this.RequestHeaders); // Wait if operation is running or has not started if (opResult.Status == HandwritingRecognitionOperationResult.HandwritingRecognitionOperationStatus.NotStarted || opResult.Status == HandwritingRecognitionOperationResult.HandwritingRecognitionOperationStatus.Running) { await Task.Delay(HttpClientUtility.RETRY_DELAY); } else { break; } } if (opResult.Status != HandwritingRecognitionOperationResult.HandwritingRecognitionOperationStatus.Succeeded) { throw new Exception($"Handwriting recognition operation was not successful with status: {opResult.Status}"); } return(opResult.Result); }
private async Task <AnalyzeFormResult> GetResultFromResponse(HttpResponseMessage response) { // Process operation if (response.Headers.Contains(this.HEADER_OPERATION_LOCATION_KEY) == false) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No operation-location value returned from initial request."); } Uri locationUri = new Uri(response.Headers.GetValues(this.HEADER_OPERATION_LOCATION_KEY).First()); var opResult = new AnalyzeResultResponse(); int i = 0; while (i++ < RETRY_COUNT) { // Get the operation result opResult = await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <AnalyzeResultResponse>(locationUri, this.RequestHeaders); // Wait if operation is running or has not started if (opResult.Status == "notStarted" || opResult.Status == "running") { await Task.Delay(RETRY_DELAY); } else { break; } } if (opResult.Status != "succeeded") { throw new Exception($"Form recognition operation was not successful with status: {opResult.Status}"); } return(opResult.AnalyzeResult); }
/// <summary> /// Get languages currently supported by Translator Text API /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <SupportedLanguages> GetSupportedLanguagesAsync() { Uri requestUri = new Uri($"{this.BaseServiceUrl}/languages?{this.API_VERSION}"); return(await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <SupportedLanguages>(requestUri, this.RequestHeaders)); }
public async Task <ModelResultResponse> GetCustomModelAsync(Guid modelId) { Uri requestUri = new Uri($"{this.BaseServiceUrl}/custom/models/{modelId}"); return(await HttpClientUtility.GetAsync <ModelResultResponse>(requestUri, this.RequestHeaders)); }