private void AdjustWindowDynamic(int bytesConsumed, Http2Stream stream)
                _deliveredBytes += bytesConsumed;

                if (_deliveredBytes < StreamWindowThreshold)

                int             windowUpdateIncrement = _deliveredBytes;
                long            currentTime           = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                Http2Connection connection            = stream.Connection;

                TimeSpan rtt = connection._rttEstimator.MinRtt;

                if (rtt > TimeSpan.Zero && _streamWindowSize < MaxStreamWindowSize)
                    TimeSpan dt = Stopwatch.GetElapsedTime(_lastWindowUpdate, currentTime);

                    // We are detecting bursts in the amount of data consumed within a single 'dt' window update period.
                    // The value "_deliveredBytes / dt" correlates with the bandwidth of the connection.
                    // We need to extend the window, if the bandwidth-delay product grows over the current window size.
                    // To enable empirical fine tuning, we apply a configurable multiplier (_windowScaleThresholdMultiplier) to the window size, which defaults to 1.0
                    // The condition to extend the window is:
                    // (_deliveredBytes / dt) * rtt > _streamWindowSize * _windowScaleThresholdMultiplier
                    // Which is reordered into the form below, to avoid the division:
                    if (_deliveredBytes * (double)rtt.Ticks > _streamWindowSize * dt.Ticks * WindowScaleThresholdMultiplier)
                        int extendedWindowSize = Math.Min(MaxStreamWindowSize, _streamWindowSize * 2);
                        windowUpdateIncrement += extendedWindowSize - _streamWindowSize;
                        _streamWindowSize      = extendedWindowSize;

                        if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                            stream.Trace($"[FlowControl] Updated Stream Window. StreamWindowSize: {StreamWindowSize}, StreamWindowThreshold: {StreamWindowThreshold}");

                        Debug.Assert(_streamWindowSize <= MaxStreamWindowSize);
                        if (_streamWindowSize == MaxStreamWindowSize)
                            if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                                stream.Trace($"[FlowControl] StreamWindowSize reached the configured maximum of {MaxStreamWindowSize}.");

                _deliveredBytes = 0;

                Task sendWindowUpdateTask = connection.SendWindowUpdateAsync(stream.StreamId, windowUpdateIncrement);


                _lastWindowUpdate = currentTime;
            public Http2StreamWindowManager(Http2Connection connection, Http2Stream stream)
                HttpConnectionSettings settings = connection._pool.Settings;

                _streamWindowSize = settings._initialHttp2StreamWindowSize;
                _deliveredBytes   = 0;
                _lastWindowUpdate = default;

                if (NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
                    stream.Trace($"[FlowControl] InitialClientStreamWindowSize: {StreamWindowSize}, StreamWindowThreshold: {StreamWindowThreshold}, WindowScaleThresholdMultiplier: {WindowScaleThresholdMultiplier}");