/// <summary> /// Write the pst data. /// </summary> /// <param name="pstFile">The pst file name to be stored.</param> /// <param name="data">The pst data to be write.</param> /// <param name="ttsPhoneSet">The tts Phone set.</param> /// <param name="ttsPosSet">The tts pst set.</param> public void WritePSTData(string pstFile, PSTData data, TtsPhoneSet ttsPhoneSet, TtsPosSet ttsPosSet) { foreach (Question question in data.DecisionForest.QuestionList) { question.Language = ttsPhoneSet.Language; question.ValueSetToCodeValueSet(ttsPosSet, ttsPhoneSet, data.CustomFeatures); } FileStream file = new FileStream(pstFile, FileMode.Create); try { using (DataWriter writer = new DataWriter(file)) { file = null; uint position = 0; // Write header section place holder PreselectionFileHeader header = new PreselectionFileHeader(); position += (uint)header.Write(writer); HtsFontSerializer serializer = new HtsFontSerializer(); using (StringPool stringPool = new StringPool()) { Dictionary<string, uint> questionIndexes = new Dictionary<string, uint>(); header.QuestionOffset = position; header.QuestionSize = serializer.Write( data.QuestionSet, writer, stringPool, questionIndexes, data.CustomFeatures); position += header.QuestionSize; // Write leaf referenced data to buffer List<CandidateSetData> dataNodes = data.CadidateSets; int val = data.CadidateSets.Sum(c => c.Candidates.Count); using (MemoryStream candidateSetBuffer = new MemoryStream()) { Dictionary<string, int> namedSetOffset = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int candidateSetSize = HtsFontSerializer.Write( dataNodes, new DataWriter(candidateSetBuffer), namedSetOffset); // Write decision forest Dictionary<string, uint[]> namedOffsets = namedSetOffset.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => new[] { (uint)p.Value }); header.DecisionTreeSectionOffset = position; header.DecisionTreeSectionSize = (uint)Write(data.DecisionForest, data.TreeIndexes, questionIndexes, data.QuestionSet, namedOffsets, new DecisionForestSerializer(), writer); position += header.DecisionTreeSectionSize; // Write string pool header.StringPoolOffset = position; header.StringPoolSize = HtsFontSerializer.Write(stringPool, writer); position += header.StringPoolSize; // Write leaf referenced data header.CandidateSetSectionOffset = position; header.CandidateSetSectionSize = writer.Write(candidateSetBuffer.ToArray()); position += header.CandidateSetSectionSize; } // Write header section place holder using (PositionRecover recover = new PositionRecover(writer, 0)) { header.Write(writer); } } } } finally { if (null != file) { file.Dispose(); } } }
public void Save(string fontPath, HtsFontSerializer serializer, Dictionary<HmmModelType, int> xformBandWidths = null) { Helper.ThrowIfNull(fontPath); Helper.ThrowIfNull(serializer); Helper.EnsureFolderExistForFile(fontPath); using (FileStream fontStream = new FileStream(fontPath, FileMode.Create)) { using (DataWriter writer = new DataWriter(fontStream)) { uint size = serializer.Write(this, writer, xformBandWidths); Debug.Assert(size == fontStream.Length, "Calculated size of byte written out should equal with stream size."); } } }
/// <summary> /// Save pre-selection forest. /// </summary> /// <param name="decisionForest">The forest with each tree corresponding to a unit.</param> /// <param name="candidateGroups">The candidate group collection.</param> /// <param name="unitCandidateNameIds">Given candidate idx.</param> /// <param name="customFeatures">Cusotmized linguistic feature list.</param> /// <param name="outputPath">The output path.</param> public void Write(DecisionForest decisionForest, ICollection<CandidateGroup> candidateGroups, IDictionary<string, int> unitCandidateNameIds, HashSet<string> customFeatures, string outputPath) { foreach (Question question in decisionForest.QuestionList) { question.Language = _phoneSet.Language; question.ValueSetToCodeValueSet(_posSet, _phoneSet, customFeatures); } FileStream file = new FileStream(outputPath, FileMode.Create); try { using (DataWriter writer = new DataWriter(file)) { file = null; uint position = 0; // Write header section place holder PreselectionFileHeader header = new PreselectionFileHeader(); position += (uint)header.Write(writer); HtsFontSerializer serializer = new HtsFontSerializer(); // Write feature, question and prepare string pool HtsQuestionSet questionSet = new HtsQuestionSet { Items = decisionForest.QuestionList, Header = new HtsQuestionSetHeader { HasQuestionName = false }, CustomFeatures = customFeatures, }; using (StringPool stringPool = new StringPool()) { Dictionary<string, uint> questionIndexes = new Dictionary<string, uint>(); header.QuestionOffset = position; header.QuestionSize = serializer.Write( questionSet, writer, stringPool, questionIndexes, customFeatures); position += header.QuestionSize; // Write leaf referenced data to buffer IEnumerable<INodeData> dataNodes = GetCandidateNodes(candidateGroups); using (MemoryStream candidateSetBuffer = new MemoryStream()) { Dictionary<string, int> namedSetOffset = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int candidateSetSize = HtsFontSerializer.Write( dataNodes, new DataWriter(candidateSetBuffer), namedSetOffset); // Write decision forest Dictionary<string, uint[]> namedOffsets = namedSetOffset.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => new[] { (uint)p.Value }); header.DecisionTreeSectionOffset = position; header.DecisionTreeSectionSize = (uint)Write(decisionForest, unitCandidateNameIds, questionIndexes, questionSet, namedOffsets, new DecisionForestSerializer(), writer); position += header.DecisionTreeSectionSize; // Write string pool header.StringPoolOffset = position; header.StringPoolSize = HtsFontSerializer.Write(stringPool, writer); position += header.StringPoolSize; // Write leaf referenced data header.CandidateSetSectionOffset = position; header.CandidateSetSectionSize = writer.Write(candidateSetBuffer.ToArray()); position += header.CandidateSetSectionSize; } // Write header section place holder using (PositionRecover recover = new PositionRecover(writer, 0)) { header.Write(writer); } } } } finally { if (null != file) { file.Dispose(); } } }