protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["htmlSource"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pdfOutput"]))
            string host_url = Request.QueryString["htmlSource"];
            string file_out = string.Format("{0}{1}", Server.MapPath(Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Site_PdfOutput"])), Request.QueryString["pdfOutput"]);
            var authentication_cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];

            var sb_parameters = new StringBuilder();

            HtmlToPdfConverter converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

                                     new HtmlToPdfConverterOptions
                                         Orientation = "portrait",
                                         CookieName = authentication_cookie.Name,
                                         CookieValue = authentication_cookie.Value

            Response.ContentType = string.Format("application/{0}", Path.GetExtension(file_out).Trim('.'));
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename=\"{0}\"", Path.GetFileName(file_out)));

 private void SetPageSettings(HtmlToPdfConverter pdfConverter)
     _pdfConverter.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
     _pdfConverter.Size = PageSize.A4;
     _pdfConverter.Margins.Bottom = 5;
     _pdfConverter.Margins.Top = 15;
     _pdfConverter.Margins.Left = 10;
     _pdfConverter.Margins.Right = 10;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["htmlSource"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pdfOutput"]))
            string host_url = Request.QueryString["htmlSource"];
            string file_out = string.Format("{0}{1}", Server.MapPath(Convert.ToString(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Site_PdfOutput"])), Request.QueryString["pdfOutput"]);

            var authentication_cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];

            var sb_parameters = new StringBuilder();

            HtmlToPdfConverter converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

                                     new HtmlToPdfConverterOptions
                                         Orientation = "portrait",
                                         CookieName = authentication_cookie.Name,
                                         CookieValue = authentication_cookie.Value

            // EMAIL PDF
            int email_id = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Members_InvitationEmailID"]);
            string email_address = Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["emailAddress"]);

            Quartz.Communication.qCom_EmailTool email = new Quartz.Communication.qCom_EmailTool(email_id);

            qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]));
            email.SendDatabaseMailWithAttachment(email_address, email_id, user.UserID, "", "", "", file_out);

            string message = "* Email Successfully Sent";

            // DELETE FILE

            // REDIRECT
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["returnURL"]))
                Response.Redirect("~/qPtl/invitation-email.aspx?message=" + message + "&file=" + file_out);

            Response.ContentType = string.Format("application/{0}", Path.GetExtension(file_out).Trim('.'));
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename=\"{0}\"", Path.GetFileName(file_out)));


    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
            int training_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["TrainingID"]);

            string file_out = string.Format("{0}\\user_id{1}_training_id{2}.pdf", Server.MapPath("temp"), user_id, training_id);

            var authentication_cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];

            var sb_parameters = new StringBuilder();

            sb_parameters.AppendFormat("TrainingID={0}", training_id);

            HtmlToPdfConverter converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
            string host_url = string.Format("/social/learning/printing/generate-cert-printout.aspx?"+ sb_parameters.ToString());

                                     new HtmlToPdfConverterOptions
                                         Orientation = "landscape",
                                         CookieName = authentication_cookie.Name,
                                         CookieValue = authentication_cookie.Value

            if (File.Exists(file_out))
                var file_info = new FileInfo(file_out);

                Response.ContentType = string.Format("application/{0}", Path.GetExtension(file_out).Trim('.'));
                Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename=\"{0}\"", Path.GetFileName(file_out)));
                Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", file_info.Length.ToString());

예제 #5
		public ActionResult Registration(int? id)
			var workStream = new MemoryStream();

			// get the record to which this registation id belongs to
			using (var session = NHibernateHelper.CreateSessionFactory())
				using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
					// get the html template content

					var path = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/templates/registration.html");
					var htmlContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);

					var registrations =
						new List<Registration>(session.CreateCriteria(typeof (Registration)).List<Registration>());

					var r = registrations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

					// do string replacements to htmlContent here
					var parsedHtmlContent = htmlContent;

					// Head details
					if (r != null)
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$BootstrapCss$$", BootstrapCss);

						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PHERMC_REG_NO$$", r.PhermcRegistrationNumber);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$LAST_RENEWAL_DATE$$", r.LastRenewalDate.HasValue ?  r.LastRenewalDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$CAC_NUMBER$$", r.CacNumber);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$REGISTRATION_DATE$$", r.RegistrationDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

						// Proprietor details
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_NAME$$", string.Concat(r.ProprietorFirstName, " ", r.ProprietorLastName));

						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_GENDER_MALE$$", r.ProprietorGender.Equals("Male") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_GENDER_FEMALE$$", r.ProprietorGender.Equals("Female") ? "X" : "");

						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_NIN_NUMBER$$", r.ProprietorNinNumber);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_MOBILE1$$", r.ProprietorMobile1);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_MOBILE2$$", r.ProprietorMobile2);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_EMAIL$$", r.ProprietorEmailAddress);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_IS_MD_NO$$", !r.ProprietorIsMedicalDirector ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PROPRIETOR_IS_MD_YES$$", r.ProprietorIsMedicalDirector ? "X" : "");

						// Medical Director details
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$MD_NAME$$", string.Concat(r.MedicalDirectorFirstName, " ", r.MedicalDirectorLastName));
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$MD_GENDER_MALE$$", r.MedicalDirectorGender == null ? "" : r.MedicalDirectorGender.Equals("Male") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$MD_GENDER_FEMALE$$", r.MedicalDirectorGender == null ? "" : r.MedicalDirectorGender.Equals("Female") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$MD_NIN_NUMBER$$", r.MedicalDirectorNinNumber);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$MD_MOBILE1$$", r.MedicalDirectorMobile1);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$MD_MOBILE2$$", r.MedicalDirectorMobile2);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$MD_EMAIL$$", r.MedicalDirectorEmailAddress);

						// Establishment details
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_NAME$$", r.EstablishmentName);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_HOSPITAL$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Hospital") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_CLINIC$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Clinic") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_LABARATORY$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Laboratory") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_MATERNITY$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Marernity") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_PHYSIOTHERAPY$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Physiotherapy") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_RADIODIAGNOSTIC$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Radiodiagnostic") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_OTHER$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Other") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_TYPE_OTHER_NAME$$", r.TypeOfEstablishment.Equals("Hospital") ? "X" : "");

						// Establishment address
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_ADDRESS$$", string.Concat(r.AddressLine1, " ", r.AddressLine2));
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_LGA$$", r.Lga);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_LANDMARK$$", r.LandMark);

						// Numbers of staff
						var staffing = new StringBuilder();
						for (var i = 0; i < r.RegistrationStaffing.Count; i++)
							var staff = r.RegistrationStaffing[i];

							staffing.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", staff.NumberOfStaff, staff.Staffing.Name);

							if (i >= 0 && i < r.RegistrationStaffing.Count - 1)
								staffing.Append(", ");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$STAFFING_PROFILE$$", staffing.ToString());
						// Services
						var services = new StringBuilder();
						for (var i = 0; i < r.RegistrationServices.Count; i++)
							var service = r.RegistrationServices[i];

							services.AppendFormat("{0} {1}", service.Selected, service.Service.Name);

							if (i >= 0 && i < r.RegistrationServices.Count - 1)
								services.Append(", ");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$SERVICES$$", services.ToString());

						// Administrator details
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ADMIN_NAME$$", string.Concat(r.AdministratorFirstName, " ", r.AdministratorLastName));
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ADMIN_MOBILE1$$", r.AdministratorMobile1);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ADMIN_MOBILE2$$", r.AdministratorMobile2);

						// Professional Body details
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_ATT_20$$", r.ProfessionalBodyAttendance.Equals("20 Units") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_ATT_LESS20$$", r.ProfessionalBodyAttendance.Equals("Less than 20 Units") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_ATT_NOTATALL$$", r.ProfessionalBodyAttendance.Equals("Not at all") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_INVOLVE_REGULAR$$", r.ProfessionalBodyInvolvement.Equals("Regular") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_INVOLVE_IRREGULAR$$", r.ProfessionalBodyInvolvement.Equals("Irregular") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_INVOLVE_NOT$$", r.ProfessionalBodyInvolvement.Equals("Not Involved") ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_NAME$$", string.Concat(r.ProfessionalBodyFirstName, " ", r.ProfessionalBodyLastName));
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_POSITION$$", r.ProfessionalBodyPosition);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PBODY_REMARKS$$", r.ProfessionalBodyRemarks);

						// Acceptance details
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ACCEPTANCE_NO$$", !r.AcceptanceDetailsAccepted ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ACCEPTANCE_YES$$", r.AcceptanceDetailsAccepted ? "X" : "");
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ACCEPTANCE_REASON$$", r.AcceptanceDetailsReason);

						// create instance of pdf api
						var htmlToPdf = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

						// convert theget a byte array 
						var pdfBytes = htmlToPdf.GeneratePdf(parsedHtmlContent);

						var byteInfo = pdfBytes;
						workStream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length);
						workStream.Position = 0;

			//return new FileStreamResult(workStream, "application/pdf");
			return File(workStream, "application/pdf", string.Format("Establishment_{0}_{1}.pdf", id, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")) );
예제 #6
        private async Task <byte[]> PdfConverter(string fileName)
            //html = "<div class='col-sm-12'><img src='" + Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, "") +
            //        "/Images/Barcode-ObservationConsultation.jpg' height='70' width='126' style='float:right'/><div style='clear:both'></div></div>" + html;

            string viewHtml = string.Empty;

            viewHtml = await _viewRenderService.RenderViewToStringAsync(this.ControllerContext, "LoanApplication", new LoanViewModel(), TempData);

            string applicationFormFilePath       = _applicationFormDirectorypath + "/" + fileName;
            string applicationFormOutputFilePath = _applicationFormDirectorypath + "/Generated_" + fileName;

            if (!Directory.Exists(_applicationFormDirectorypath))

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(applicationFormFilePath, viewHtml, Encoding.UTF8);

            //var headerText = "<br/><b>" + patient.SName + ", " + patient.FName + "</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PAS No: " + patient.PasNo + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DOB: " + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(patient.DOB) ? "N/A" : dob.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")) + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(patient.NHS_No) ? "" : " NHS No :" + patient.NHS_No);

            byte[] convertedPdfBytes;

                var pdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter
                    //PageHeaderHtml = "",
                    Orientation = PageOrientation.Portrait,
                    LowQuality  = false,
                    Margins     = new PageMargins {
                        Bottom = 20, Left = 10, Right = 10, Top = 20
                    //PageFooterHtml =
                    //    "<center><small>Generated by Our Clinic Report Generator on " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "<span class='page'></span>" +

                //pdfConverter.PageHeaderHtml = headerText + "<div style='vertical-align: middle; font-size: 12px;font-weight:bold; color: #fff;background-color:#007fff;margin: 20px 0px 10px 0px; padding: 5px 5px;float:right'>Page <b class='page'></b> of <b class='topage'></b></div><div style='clear:both;'></div>";

                convertedPdfBytes = pdfConverter.GeneratePdfFromFile(applicationFormFilePath, null);//Creates pdf very quickly from html file than content itself

                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(_applicationFormDirectorypath + "/ " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".pdf", convertedPdfBytes);

                //if (!ignoreDownload)
                //    Response.Clear();
                //    var ms = new MemoryStream(convertedPdfBytes);
                //    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                //    Response.AddHeader("Refresh", "3;URL=/Clinic/ClinicPatientManager.aspx");
                //    Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=PatientClinicalInfo_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".pdf");
                //    Response.Buffer = true;
                //    ms.WriteTo(Response.OutputStream);
                //    Response.End();
            catch (Exception ex)
                convertedPdfBytes = null;
예제 #7
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToPdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Html Viewer Options

            // Set HTML Viewer width in pixels which is the equivalent in converter of the browser window width
            // This is a preferred width of the browser but the actual HTML content width can be larger in case the HTML page
            // cannot be entirely displayed in the given viewer width
            // This property gives the size of the HTML content which can be further scaled to fit the PDF page based on selected options
            // The HTML content size is in pixels and the PDF page size is in points (1 point = 1/72 inches)
            // The converter is using a 96 DPI resolution to transform pixels to points with the following formula: Points = Pixels/96 * 72
            htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = int.Parse(collection["htmlViewerWidthTextBox"]);

            // Set HTML viewer height in pixels to convert the top part of a HTML page
            // Leave it not set to convert the entire HTML
            if (collection["htmlViewerHeightTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerHeight = int.Parse(collection["htmlViewerHeightTextBox"]);

            // Set the HTML content clipping option to force the HTML content width to be exactly HtmlViewerWidth pixels
            // If this option is false then the actual HTML content width can be larger than HtmlViewerWidth pixels in case the HTML page
            // cannot be entirely displayed in the given viewer width
            // By default this option is false and the HTML content is not clipped
            htmlToPdfConverter.ClipHtmlView = collection["clipContentCheckBox"].Count > 0;

            // Set the HTML content zoom percentage similar to zoom level in a browser
            htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerZoom = int.Parse(collection["htmlViewerZoomTextBox"]);

            // PDF Page Options

            // Set PDF page size which can be a predefined size like A4 or a custom size in points
            // Leave it not set to have a default A4 PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = SelectedPdfPageSize(collection["pdfPageSizeDropDownList"]);

            // Set PDF page orientation to Portrait or Landscape
            // Leave it not set to have a default Portrait orientation for PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = SelectedPdfPageOrientation(collection["pdfPageOrientationDropDownList"]);

            // Set PDF page margins in points or leave them not set to have a PDF page without margins
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin   = float.Parse(collection["leftMarginTextBox"]);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin  = float.Parse(collection["rightMarginTextBox"]);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopMargin    = float.Parse(collection["topMarginTextBox"]);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomMargin = float.Parse(collection["bottomMarginTextBox"]);

            // HTML Content Destination and Spacing Options

            // Set HTML content destination in PDF page
            if (collection["xLocationTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.X = float.Parse(collection["xLocationTextBox"]);
            if (collection["yLocationTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Y = float.Parse(collection["yLocationTextBox"]);
            if (collection["contentWidthTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Width = float.Parse(collection["contentWidthTextBox"]);
            if (collection["contentHeightTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Height = float.Parse(collection["contentHeightTextBox"]);

            // Set HTML content top and bottom spacing or leave them not set to have no spacing for the HTML content
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopSpacing    = float.Parse(collection["topSpacingTextBox"]);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomSpacing = float.Parse(collection["bottomSpacingTextBox"]);

            // Scaling Options

            // Use this option to fit the HTML content width in PDF page width
            // By default this property is true and the HTML content can be resized to fit the PDF page width
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = collection["fitWidthCheckBox"].Count > 0;

            // Use this option to enable the HTML content stretching when its width is smaller than PDF page width
            // This property has effect only when FitWidth option is true
            // By default this property is false and the HTML content is not stretched
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.StretchToFit = collection["stretchCheckBox"].Count > 0;

            // Use this option to automatically dimension the PDF page to display the HTML content unscaled
            // This property has effect only when the FitWidth property is false
            // By default this property is true and the PDF page is automatically dimensioned when FitWidth is false
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage = collection["autoSizeCheckBox"].Count > 0;

            // Use this option to fit the HTML content height in PDF page height
            // If both FitWidth and FitHeight are true then the HTML content will resized if necessary to fit both width and height
            // preserving the aspect ratio at the same time
            // By default this property is false and the HTML content is not resized to fit the PDF page height
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitHeight = collection["fitHeightCheckBox"].Count > 0;

            // Use this option to render the whole HTML content into a single PDF page
            // The PDF page size is limited to 14400 points
            // By default this property is false
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.SinglePage = collection["singlePageCheckBox"].Count > 0;

            string url = collection["urlTextBox"];

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document using the scaling options
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);

            // Send the PDF file to browser
            FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");

            fileResult.FileDownloadName = "HTML_Content_Scaling.pdf";

        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Set the PDF file to be inserted before conversion result
            string pdfFileBefore = Server.MapPath("~/DemoAppFiles/Input/PDF_Files/Merge_Before_Conversion.pdf");

            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AddStartDocument(pdfFileBefore, addHeaderFooterInInsertedPdfCheckBox.Checked,
                                                                   showHeaderInFirstPageCheckBox.Checked, showFooterInFirstPageCheckBox.Checked);

            // Set the PDF file to be added after conversion result
            string pdfFileAfter = Server.MapPath("~/DemoAppFiles/Input/PDF_Files/Merge_After_Conversion.pdf");

            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AddEndDocument(pdfFileAfter, addHeaderFooterInAppendedPdfCheckBox.Checked, true, true);

            // Enable header in the generated PDF document
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = true;

            // Draw header elements
            if (htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader)
                DrawHeader(htmlToPdfConverter, true);

            // Enable footer in the generated PDF document
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = true;

            // Draw footer elements
            if (htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter)
                DrawFooter(htmlToPdfConverter, true, true);

            string url = urlTextBox.Text;

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document and add the external PDF documents
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Header_Footer_in_External_PDF.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #9
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Add custom HTTP headers

            if (header1NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && header1ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpRequestHeaders.Add(header1NameTextBox.Text, header1ValueTextBox.Text);

            if (header2NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && header2ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpRequestHeaders.Add(header2NameTextBox.Text, header2ValueTextBox.Text);

            if (header3NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && header3ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpRequestHeaders.Add(header3NameTextBox.Text, header3ValueTextBox.Text);

            if (header4NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && header4ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpRequestHeaders.Add(header4NameTextBox.Text, header4ValueTextBox.Text);

            if (header5NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 && header5ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpRequestHeaders.Add(header5NameTextBox.Text, header5ValueTextBox.Text);

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(urlTextBox.Text);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=HTTP_Headers.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #10
파일: Reporting.cs 프로젝트: mahitosh/HRA4
 private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     SaveFileDialog MyFiles = new SaveFileDialog();
     MyFiles.Filter = "PDF File (*.pdf)|*.pdf|HTML File (*.html)|*.html";
     MyFiles.Title = "Save As...";
     MyFiles.DefaultExt = "*.pdf";
     MyFiles.FileName = ReportCombo.Text.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("/", ""); ;
     if (MyFiles.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
         string name = MyFiles.FileName;
         string ext = Path.GetExtension(name);
         if (string.Compare(".pdf",ext,true)==0)
             HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
             htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "sjwvPS4uPSskPSgzLT0uLDMsLzMkJCQk";
             htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = 850;
             htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AvoidImageBreak = true;
             htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToFile(winFormHtmlEditor1.DocumentHtml, "", name);
             File.WriteAllText(name, winFormHtmlEditor1.DocumentHtml);
예제 #11
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Convert a HTML page to a PDF document object
            Document pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrlToPdfDocumentObject(urlTextBox.Text);

            // Get the stamp width and height
            float stampWidth  = float.Parse(stampWidthTextBox.Text);
            float stampHeight = float.Parse(stampHeightTextBox.Text);

            // Center the stamp at the top of PDF page
            float stampXLocation = (pdfDocument.GetPage(0).PageSize.Width - stampWidth) / 2;
            float stampYLocation = 0;

            // Create the stamp template to be repeated in each PDF page
            Template stampTemplate = pdfDocument.AddTemplate(stampXLocation, stampYLocation, stampWidth, stampHeight);

            // Create the HTML element to add in stamp template
            HtmlToPdfElement stampHtmlElement = new HtmlToPdfElement(htmlStringTextBox.Text, baseUrlTextBox.Text);

            // Set the HTML viewer width for the HTML added in stamp
            stampHtmlElement.HtmlViewerWidth = 600;
            // Fit the HTML content in stamp template
            stampHtmlElement.FitWidth  = true;
            stampHtmlElement.FitHeight = true;

            // Add HTML to stamp template

            // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Watermarks_and_Stamps.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToPdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            Document pdfDocument = null;

                // Convert HTML page or string with mapping attributes to a PDF document object
                // The document can be further modified to highlight the selected elements
                if (collection["HtmlPageSource"] == "convertHtmlRadioButton")
                    string htmlWithMappingAttributes = collection["htmlStringTextBox"];
                    string baseUrl = collection["baseUrlTextBox"];

                    // Convert a HTML string with mapping attributes to a PDF document object
                    pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdfDocumentObject(htmlWithMappingAttributes, baseUrl);
                    string url = collection["urlTextBox"];

                    // Convert a HTML page with mapping attributes to a PDF document object
                    pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrlToPdfDocumentObject(url);

                // Display detailed information about the selected elements
                StringBuilder htmlElementInfoBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (HtmlElementMapping htmlElementInfo in htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult)
                    // Get other information about HTML element
                    string htmlElementTagName       = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementTagName;
                    string htmlElementID            = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementId;
                    string htmlElementMappingID     = htmlElementInfo.MappingId;
                    string htmlElementCssClasssName = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementCssClassName;
                    string htmlElementHtmlCode      = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementOuterHtml;
                    string htmlElementInnerHtml     = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementInnerHtml;
                    string htmlElementText          = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementText;
                    System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection htmlElementAttributes = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementAttributes;
                    HtmlElementPdfRectangle[] htmlElementRectanglesInPdf = htmlElementInfo.PdfRectangles;

                    htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("<br/>---------------------------------------- HTML Element Info ----------------------------------------<br/><br/>");
                    htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>Tag Name:</b> {0}<br/>", htmlElementTagName);
                    htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>Element ID:</b> {0}<br/>", htmlElementID);
                    htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>Mapping ID:</b> {0}<br/>", htmlElementMappingID);
                    htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>Text:</b> {0}<br/>", htmlElementText);

                    for (int i = 0; i < htmlElementAttributes.Count; i++)
                        htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{0} = \"{1}\"<br/>", htmlElementAttributes.GetKey(i), htmlElementAttributes.Get(i));

                    htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("<b>Location in PDF:</b><br/>");
                    for (int i = 0; i < htmlElementRectanglesInPdf.Length; i++)
                        PdfPage    pdfPage            = htmlElementRectanglesInPdf[i].PdfPage;
                        int        pdfPageIndex       = htmlElementRectanglesInPdf[i].PageIndex;
                        RectangleF rectangleInPdfPage = htmlElementRectanglesInPdf[i].Rectangle;

                        htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF Page Index: {0}<br>", pdfPageIndex);
                        htmlElementInfoBuilder.AppendFormat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Rectangle: X = {0:N2} pt , Y = {1:N2} pt , W = {2:N2} pt , H = {3:N2} pt<br/>",
                                                            rectangleInPdfPage.X, rectangleInPdfPage.Y, rectangleInPdfPage.Width, rectangleInPdfPage.Height);


                PdfPage    lastPdfPage       = htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionSummary.LastPdfPage;
                RectangleF lastPageRectangle = htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionSummary.LastPageRectangle;

                HtmlToPdfElement htmlElementInfoHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, lastPageRectangle.Bottom + 1, htmlElementInfoBuilder.ToString(), null);

                // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
                byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

                // Send the PDF file to browser
                FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");
                fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Select_in_HTML_Elements_to_Retrieve.pdf";

                // Close the PDF document
                if (pdfDocument != null)
예제 #13
		public ActionResult ReceiptX(int? id)
			var workStream = new MemoryStream();

			// get the record to which this registation id belongs to
			using (var session = NHibernateHelper.CreateSessionFactory())
				using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
					// get the html template content

					var path = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/templates/receipt.html");
					var htmlContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);

					var registrations =
						new List<Registration>(session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Registration)).List<Registration>());

					var r = registrations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

					// do string replacements to htmlContent here
					var parsedHtmlContent = htmlContent;

					// Head details
					if (r != null)
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$BootstrapCss$$", BootstrapCss);

						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PHERMC_REG_NO$$", r.PhermcRegistrationNumber);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$LAST_RENEWAL_DATE$$", r.LastRenewalDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$CAC_NUMBER$$", r.CacNumber);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$REGISTRATION_DATE$$", r.RegistrationDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

						// create $$TBODY_CONTENT$$ here
						var totalPaid = 0.0M;
						var tbodyRows = new StringBuilder();

						var payments =
							new List<Payment>(session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Payment)).List<Payment>());

						var paymentEntries =
							from x in payments
								where x.Registration.Id == id
							select x;

						if (paymentEntries.Any())
							foreach (var p in paymentEntries)
								totalPaid += p.AmountPaid;

						var lastPayment = paymentEntries.LastOrDefault();


						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.Created.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.PaymentMethod);
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.ReferenceNumber);
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.ReceivedFrom);
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.ReceivedByName);
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td class=\"right\">&#x20a6;{0}</td>", lastPayment.AmountPaid.ToString("#,##0.00"));


						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$TBODY_CONTENT$$", tbodyRows.ToString());

						// Update totals
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$TOTAL$$", lastPayment.AmountPaid.ToString("N2"));
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$TOTAL_DUE$$", r.RegistrationCosts.ToString("#,##0.00"));
						var amountOutstanding = r.RegistrationCosts - totalPaid;
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$OUTSTANDING$$", amountOutstanding.ToString("#,##0.00"));

						// create instance of pdf api
						var htmlToPdf = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

						// convert theget a byte array 
						var pdfBytes = htmlToPdf.GeneratePdf(parsedHtmlContent);

						var byteInfo = pdfBytes;
						workStream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length);
						workStream.Position = 0;

			return new FileStreamResult(workStream, "application/pdf");
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set the conversion triggering mode
            if (autoRadioButton.Checked)
                // Set Auto triggering mode
                htmlToPdfConverter.TriggeringMode = TriggeringMode.Auto;
            else if (delayedRadioButton.Checked)
                // Set delayed triggering moe
                htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = int.Parse(conversionDelayTextBox.Text);
            else if (manualRadioButton.Checked)
                // Set manual triggering mode
                // The conversion starts when the evoPdfConverter.startConversion() is called
                // in JavaScript code of the converted HTML page
                htmlToPdfConverter.TriggeringMode = TriggeringMode.Manual;

            byte[] outPdfBuffer = null;

            if (convertHtmlRadioButton.Checked)
                string htmlWithForm = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
                string baseUrl      = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert the HTML string with page-break-inside:avoid styles to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(htmlWithForm, baseUrl);
                string url = urlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert the HTML page with page-break-inside:avoid styles to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Conversion_Triggering_Modes.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #15
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Html Viewer Options

            // Set HTML Viewer width in pixels which is the equivalent in converter of the browser window width
            // This is a preferred width of the browser but the actual HTML content width can be larger in case the HTML page
            // cannot be entirely displayed in the given viewer width
            // This property gives the size of the HTML content which can be further scaled to fit the PDF page based on selected options
            // The HTML content size is in pixels and the PDF page size is in points (1 point = 1/72 inches)
            // The converter is using a 96 DPI resolution to transform pixels to points with the following formula: Points = Pixels/96 * 72
            htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = int.Parse(htmlViewerWidthTextBox.Text);

            // Set HTML viewer height in pixels to convert the top part of a HTML page
            // Leave it not set to convert the entire HTML
            if (htmlViewerHeightTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerHeight = int.Parse(htmlViewerHeightTextBox.Text);

            // Set the HTML content clipping option to force the HTML content width to be exactly HtmlViewerWidth pixels
            // If this option is false then the actual HTML content width can be larger than HtmlViewerWidth pixels in case the HTML page
            // cannot be entirely displayed in the given viewer width
            // By default this option is false and the HTML content is not clipped
            htmlToPdfConverter.ClipHtmlView = clipContentCheckBox.Checked;

            // PDF Page Options

            // Set PDF page size which can be a predefined size like A4 or a custom size in points
            // Leave it not set to have a default A4 PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = SelectedPdfPageSize();

            // Set PDF page orientation to Portrait or Landscape
            // Leave it not set to have a default Portrait orientation for PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = SelectedPdfPageOrientation();

            // Set PDF page margins in points or leave them not set to have a PDF page without margins
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin   = float.Parse(leftMarginTextBox.Text);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin  = float.Parse(rightMarginTextBox.Text);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopMargin    = float.Parse(topMarginTextBox.Text);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomMargin = float.Parse(bottomMarginTextBox.Text);

            // HTML Content Destination and Spacing Options

            // Set HTML content destination in PDF page
            if (xLocationTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.X = float.Parse(xLocationTextBox.Text);
            if (yLocationTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Y = float.Parse(yLocationTextBox.Text);
            if (contentWidthTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Width = float.Parse(contentWidthTextBox.Text);
            if (contentHeightTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Height = float.Parse(contentHeightTextBox.Text);

            // Set HTML content top and bottom spacing or leave them not set to have no spacing for the HTML content
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopSpacing    = float.Parse(topSpacingTextBox.Text);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomSpacing = float.Parse(bottomSpacingTextBox.Text);

            // Scaling Options

            // Use this option to fit the HTML content width in PDF page width
            // By default this property is true and the HTML content can be resized to fit the PDF page width
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitWidth = fitWidthCheckBox.Checked;

            // Use this option to enable the HTML content stretching when its width is smaller than PDF page width
            // This property has effect only when FitWidth option is true
            // By default this property is false and the HTML content is not stretched
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.StretchToFit = stretchCheckBox.Checked;

            // Use this option to automatically dimension the PDF page to display the HTML content unscaled
            // This property has effect only when the FitWidth property is false
            // By default this property is true and the PDF page is automatically dimensioned when FitWidth is false
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AutoSizePdfPage = autoSizeCheckBox.Checked;

            // Use this option to fit the HTML content height in PDF page height
            // If both FitWidth and FitHeight are true then the HTML content will resized if necessary to fit both width and height
            // preserving the aspect ratio at the same time
            // By default this property is false and the HTML content is not resized to fit the PDF page height
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.FitHeight = fitHeightCheckBox.Checked;

            // Use this option to render the whole HTML content into a single PDF page
            // The PDF page size is limited to 14400 points
            // By default this property is false
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.SinglePage = singlePageCheckBox.Checked;

            string url = urlTextBox.Text;

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document using the scaling options
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=HTML_Content_Scaling.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #16
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToPdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Select the HTML elements for which to retrieve location and other information from HTML document
            htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementSelectors = new string[] { collection["htmlElementsSelectorTextBox"] };

            Document pdfDocument = null;

                // Convert HTML page to a PDF document object which can be further modified to highlight the selected elements
                pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrlToPdfDocumentObject(collection["urlTextBox"]);

                // Highlight the selected elements in PDF with colored rectangles
                foreach (HtmlElementMapping htmlElementInfo in htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult)
                    // Get other information about HTML element
                    string htmlElementTagName = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementTagName;
                    string htmlElementID      = htmlElementInfo.HtmlElementId;

                    // Hightlight the HTML element in PDF

                    // A HTML element can span over many PDF pages and therefore the mapping of the HTML element in PDF document consists
                    // in a list of rectangles, one rectangle for each PDF page where this element was rendered
                    foreach (HtmlElementPdfRectangle htmlElementLocationInPdf in htmlElementInfo.PdfRectangles)
                        // Get the HTML element location in PDF page
                        PdfPage    htmlElementPdfPage            = htmlElementLocationInPdf.PdfPage;
                        RectangleF htmlElementRectangleInPdfPage = htmlElementLocationInPdf.Rectangle;

                        // Highlight the HTML element element with a colored rectangle in PDF
                        RectangleElement highlightRectangle = new RectangleElement(htmlElementRectangleInPdfPage.X, htmlElementRectangleInPdfPage.Y,
                                                                                   htmlElementRectangleInPdfPage.Width, htmlElementRectangleInPdfPage.Height);

                        if (htmlElementTagName.ToLower() == "h1")
                            highlightRectangle.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
                        else if (htmlElementTagName.ToLower() == "h2")
                            highlightRectangle.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                        else if (htmlElementTagName.ToLower() == "h3")
                            highlightRectangle.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                        else if (htmlElementTagName.ToLower() == "h4")
                            highlightRectangle.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
                        else if (htmlElementTagName.ToLower() == "h5")
                            highlightRectangle.ForeColor = Color.Indigo;
                        else if (htmlElementTagName.ToLower() == "h6")
                            highlightRectangle.ForeColor = Color.Orange;
                            highlightRectangle.ForeColor = Color.Navy;

                        highlightRectangle.LineStyle.LineDashStyle = LineDashStyle.Solid;


                // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
                byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

                // Send the PDF file to browser
                FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");
                fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Select_in_API_HTML_Elements_to_Retrieve.pdf";

                // Close the PDF document
                if (pdfDocument != null)
예제 #17
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Enable header in the generated PDF document
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = true;

            string   headerHtmlUrl  = Server.MapPath("~/DemoAppFiles/Input/HTML_Files/Header_HTML.html");
            Document documentObject = null;

                if (autoResizeHeaderRadioButton.Checked)
                    // Create a HTML element to be added in header
                    HtmlToPdfElement headerHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(headerHtmlUrl);

                    // Install a handler where to set the automatically calculated header height
                    headerHtml.NavigationCompletedEvent += new NavigationCompletedDelegate(headerHtml_NavigationCompletedEvent);

                    // Add the HTML element to header
                    // When the element is rendered in header by converter, the headerHtml_NavigationCompletedEvent handler
                    // will be invoked and the header height will be automatically calculated

                    // Call the converter to produce a Document object
                    documentObject = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrlToPdfDocumentObject(urlTextBox.Text);

                    // Uninstall the handler
                    headerHtml.NavigationCompletedEvent -= new NavigationCompletedDelegate(headerHtml_NavigationCompletedEvent);

                    // Draw a line at the header bottom
                    if (drawHeaderLine)
                        float headerWidth  = documentObject.Header.Width;
                        float headerHeight = documentObject.Header.Height;

                        // Create a line element for the bottom of the header
                        LineElement headerLine = new LineElement(0, headerHeight - 1, headerWidth, headerHeight - 1);

                        // Set line color
                        headerLine.ForeColor = Color.Gray;

                        // Add line element to the bottom of the header

                    // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
                    byte[] outPdfBuffer = documentObject.Save();

                    // Send the PDF as response to browser

                    // Set response content type
                    Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

                    // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
                    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Auto_Resize_Header_Footer.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

                    // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

                    // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
                    // Create a HTML to PDF element to be added in header
                    HtmlToPdfElement headerHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(headerHtmlUrl);

                    // Set a fixed header height in points
                    htmlToPdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight = float.Parse(headerHeightTextBox.Text);

                    // Set the HTML element to fit the container height
                    headerHtml.FitHeight = true;

                    // Add HTML element to fit the fixed header height

                    // Draw a line at the header bottom
                    if (drawHeaderLine)
                        // Calculate the header width based on PDF page size and margins
                        float headerWidth = htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize.Width -
                                            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin - htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin;

                        // Calculate header height
                        float headerHeight = htmlToPdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight;

                        // Create a line element for the bottom of the header
                        LineElement headerLine = new LineElement(0, headerHeight - 1, headerWidth, headerHeight - 1);

                        // Set line color
                        headerLine.ForeColor = Color.Gray;

                        // Add line element to the bottom of the header

                    // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                    byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(urlTextBox.Text);

                    // Send the PDF as response to browser

                    // Set response content type
                    Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

                    // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
                    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Auto_Resize_Header_Footer.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

                    // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

                    // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
                // Close the PDF document
                if (documentObject != null)
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToPdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Set the encryption algorithm and the encryption key size if they are not the default ones
            if (collection["EncryptionKey"] != "bit128RadioButton" || collection["EncryptionType"] != "rc4RadioButton")
                // set the encryption algorithm
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.EncryptionAlgorithm = collection["EncryptionType"] == "rc4RadioButton" ? EncryptionAlgorithm.RC4 : EncryptionAlgorithm.AES;

                // set the encryption key size
                if (collection["EncryptionKey"] == "bit40RadioButton")
                    htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.KeySize = EncryptionKeySize.EncryptKey40Bit;
                else if (collection["EncryptionKey"] == "bit128RadioButton")
                    htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.KeySize = EncryptionKeySize.EncryptKey128Bit;
                else if (collection["EncryptionKey"] == "bit256RadioButton")
                    htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.KeySize = EncryptionKeySize.EncryptKey256Bit;

            // Set user and owner passwords
            if (collection["userPasswordTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.UserPassword = collection["userPasswordTextBox"];

            if (collection["ownerPasswordTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.OwnerPassword = collection["ownerPasswordTextBox"];

            // Set PDF document permissions
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanPrint = collection["printEnabledCheckBox"].Count > 0;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanPrintHighResolution      = collection["highResolutionPrintEnabledCheckBox"].Count > 0;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanCopyContent              = collection["copyContentEnabledCheckBox"].Count > 0;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanCopyAccessibilityContent = collection["copyAccessibilityContentEnabledCheckBox"].Count > 0;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanEditContent              = collection["editContentEnabledCheckBox"].Count > 0;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanEditAnnotations          = collection["editAnnotationsEnabledCheckBox"].Count > 0;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.CanFillFormFields           = collection["fillFormFieldsEnabledCheckBox"].Count > 0;

            if ((PermissionsChanged(htmlToPdfConverter) || htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.UserPassword.Length > 0) &&
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.OwnerPassword.Length == 0)
                // A user password is set but the owner password is not set or the permissions are not the default ones
                // Set a default owner password
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfSecurityOptions.OwnerPassword = "******";

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(collection["urlTextBox"]);

            // Send the PDF file to browser
            FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");

            fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Set_Permissions_Password.pdf";

예제 #19
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set HTML Viewer width in pixels which is the equivalent in converter of the browser window width
            htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = int.Parse(htmlViewerWidthTextBox.Text);

            // Set HTML viewer height in pixels to convert the top part of a HTML page
            // Leave it not set to convert the entire HTML
            if (htmlViewerHeightTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerHeight = int.Parse(htmlViewerHeightTextBox.Text);

            // Set PDF page size which can be a predefined size like A4 or a custom size in points
            // Leave it not set to have a default A4 PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = SelectedPdfPageSize();

            // Set PDF page orientation to Portrait or Landscape
            // Leave it not set to have a default Portrait orientation for PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = SelectedPdfPageOrientation();

            // Set the maximum time in seconds to wait for HTML page to be loaded
            // Leave it not set for a default 60 seconds maximum wait time
            htmlToPdfConverter.NavigationTimeout = int.Parse(navigationTimeoutTextBox.Text);

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            if (conversionDelayTextBox.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = int.Parse(conversionDelayTextBox.Text);

            // The buffer to receive the generated PDF document
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = null;

            if (convertUrlRadioButton.Checked)
                string url = urlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert the HTML page given by an URL to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);
                string htmlString = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
                string baseUrl    = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert a HTML string with a base URL to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(htmlString, baseUrl);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("{0}; filename=Getting_Started.pdf; size={1}",
                                                                    openInlineCheckBox.Checked ? "inline" : "attachment", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #20
        public ActionResult GeneratePdf(string htmlContent, string htmlUrl)
            string[] htmlFiles;

                htmlFiles = Directory.GetFiles(htmlUrl);
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw e;

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

            foreach (var htmlDoc in htmlFiles)

                var x = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='pageHeader']");
                if (!object.Equals(x, null))

                x = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='leftNav']");
                if (!object.Equals(x, null))

                x = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='topicContent']");
                if (!object.Equals(x, null))
                    x.SetAttributeValue("Style", "margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 100px;");

                MemoryStream output = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(htmlDoc, output.ToArray());

            var htmlToPdf = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            htmlToPdf.Orientation    = PageOrientation.Landscape;
            htmlToPdf.PageHeaderHtml = "<img width='182' height='75' src='' align='right' hspace='12' v:shapes='Picture_x0020_2'>";
            htmlToPdf.PageFooterHtml = "<span style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Segoe UI&quot;,sans-serif;color:#70AD47;mso-themecolor:accent6;mso-font-kerning:12.0pt'> </span><span style='font-size:" +
                                       "8.0pt; font - family:&quot; Segoe UI&quot;,sans - serif; color: black; mso - themecolor:text1; mso - font - kerning:12.0pt'>&lt;Confidential&gt; See Avanade’s </span><a href=';FolderCTID=0x0120D52000634FE8B87F4B4141A21BFCB3CDC3E3D6&amp;List=caf52708-714a-4e5f-ba50-5017dacf9744&amp;RootFolder=/organizations/Policies/Policies2/Data%20Management'><span style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Segoe UI&quot;,sans-serif;color:#FF5800;mso-font-kerning:12.0pt'>Data Classification and Protection Standard</span></a><span class='MsoHyperlink'><span style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Segoe UI&quot;,sans-serif;color:#70AD47;mso-themecolor:accent6;mso-font-kerning:12.0pt'><o:p></o:p></span></span></p><p class='MsoNormal'><span style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:&quot;Segoe UI&quot;,sans-serif'>©2017 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved<o:p></o:p></span>";

            var pdfContentType = "application/pdf";

            string pdfName = Path.GetTempPath() + "/Document.pdf";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlUrl))
                htmlToPdf.GeneratePdfFromFiles(htmlFiles, null, pdfName);
                return(File(pdfName, pdfContentType));
                return(File(htmlToPdf.GeneratePdf(htmlContent, null), pdfContentType));
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToPdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set HTML Viewer width in pixels which is the equivalent in converter of the browser window width
            htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = int.Parse(collection["htmlViewerWidthTextBox"]);

            // Set HTML viewer height in pixels to convert the top part of a HTML page
            // Leave it not set to convert the entire HTML
            if (collection["htmlViewerHeightTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerHeight = int.Parse(collection["htmlViewerHeightTextBox"]);

            // Set PDF page size which can be a predefined size like A4 or a custom size in points
            // Leave it not set to have a default A4 PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize = SelectedPdfPageSize(collection["pdfPageSizeDropDownList"]);

            // Set PDF page orientation to Portrait or Landscape
            // Leave it not set to have a default Portrait orientation for PDF page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageOrientation = SelectedPdfPageOrientation(collection["pdfPageOrientationDropDownList"]);

            // Set the maximum time in seconds to wait for HTML page to be loaded
            // Leave it not set for a default 60 seconds maximum wait time
            htmlToPdfConverter.NavigationTimeout = int.Parse(collection["navigationTimeoutTextBox"]);

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            if (collection["conversionDelayTextBox"][0].Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = int.Parse(collection["conversionDelayTextBox"]);

            // The buffer to receive the generated PDF document
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = null;

            if (collection["HtmlPageSource"] == "convertUrlRadioButton")
                string url = collection["urlTextBox"];

                // Convert the HTML page given by an URL to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);
                string htmlString = collection["htmlStringTextBox"];
                string baseUrl    = collection["baseUrlTextBox"];

                // Convert a HTML string with a base URL to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(htmlString, baseUrl);

            // Send the PDF file to browser
            FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");

            if (collection["openInlineCheckBox"].Count == 0)
                // send as attachment
                fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Getting_Started.pdf";

예제 #22
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Optionally set the table of contents title
            htmlToPdfConverter.TableOfContentsOptions.Title = "Table of Contents";

            // Optionally set the title style using CSS sttributes
            htmlToPdfConverter.TableOfContentsOptions.TitleStyle = "color:navy; font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:28px; font-weight:normal";

            // Optionally set the style of level 1 items in table of contents
            string level1TextStyle = "color:navy; font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:20px; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; background-color:#F0F0F0";

            htmlToPdfConverter.TableOfContentsOptions.SetItemStyle(1, level1TextStyle);

            // Optionally set the page numbers style of level 1 items in table of contents
            string level1PageNumberStyle = "color:navy; padding-right:3px; background-color:#F0F0F0; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold";

            htmlToPdfConverter.TableOfContentsOptions.SetPageNumberStyle(1, level1PageNumberStyle);

            byte[] outPdfBuffer = null;

            if (convertHtmlRadioButton.Checked)
                string htmlWithBookmarkAttributes = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
                string baseUrl = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert a HTML string with table of contents to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(htmlWithBookmarkAttributes, baseUrl);
                string url = urlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert a HTML page with table of contents to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Define_in_HTML_Table_of_Contents.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #23
        public static HtmlToPdfConverter GetInitializedHtmlConverter(string html_string, out string html_body)
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Width = 750;
            htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = 650;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin = 50;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin = 50;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopMargin = 25;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomMargin = 10;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AvoidImageBreak = true;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AvoidTextBreak = true;
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.JpegCompressionLevel = 0;

            // Install a handler where to change the header and footer in first page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PrepareRenderPdfPageEvent += new PrepareRenderPdfPageDelegate(htmlToPdfConverter_PrepareRenderPdfPageEvent);

            html_body = "";
            string header = "";
            string footer = "";
            int header_height = 0;
            int footer_height = 0;
            DocumentTemplate.GetPageParts(html_string, out header, out footer, out html_body, out header_height, out footer_height);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(header))
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = true;
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight = header_height;
                HtmlToPdfElement headerElem = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, header, "", 680);
                headerElem.FitHeight = true;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footer))
                htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = true;
                HtmlToPdfElement footerElem = new HtmlToPdfElement(footer, "");
                if (footer_height > 0)
                    htmlToPdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight = footer_height;
                    footerElem.FitHeight = true;

            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "sjwvPS4uPSskPSgzLT0uLDMsLzMkJCQk";
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AvoidImageBreak = true;

            return htmlToPdfConverter;
예제 #24
        public IActionResult CreatePDF(int id)
            string invoiceNumber = "";
            string logo          = Path.Combine(_env.WebRootPath, "images/" + _settings.Logo);

            Invoice            invoice      = null;
            Debtor             debtor       = null;
            Company            company      = null;
            List <InvoiceItem> invoiceItems = null;
            List <Product>     productList  = new List <Product>();

                invoice      = _context.Invoices.SingleOrDefault(s => s.InvoiceNumber == id);
                debtor       = _context.Debtors.SingleOrDefault(s => s.DebtorID == invoice.DebtorID);
                invoiceItems = _context.InvoiceItems.Where(s => s.InvoiceNumber == invoice.InvoiceNumber).ToList();

                if (debtor == null)
                    int cid = (int)invoice.CompanyID;
                    company = _context.Companies.SingleOrDefault(s => s.CompanyID == cid);
            } catch (Exception ex)

            foreach (var item in invoiceItems)
                Product product = _context.Products.Single(s => s.ProductID == item.ProductID);

            if (_settings.Prefix != "")
                invoiceNumber = _settings.Prefix + "-" + invoice.InvoiceNumber.ToString();
                invoiceNumber = invoice.InvoiceNumber.ToString();

            //CSS string
            var cssString = @"<style>
                .invoice-box {
                    max-width: 2480px;
                    max-height: 3495px:
                    width: 100%;
                    height: 90%;
                    margin: auto 0;
                    padding: 30px 7px;
                    font-size: 15px;
                    line-height: 24px;
                    font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
                    color: #555;
                    letter-spacing: 0px;
                .invoice-box table {
                    width: 100%;
                    line-height: inherit;
                    text-align: left;
                .invoice-box table td {
                    padding: 5px 0px;
                    vertical-align: top;
                .invoice-box table table td {
                    padding-bottom: 50px;
                .invoice-box table .top td .title {
                    font-size: 32px;
                    line-height: 32px;
                    padding-left: 65px !important;
                    color: #333;
                    float: left;
                    width: 80%;
                    text-align: left;
                .invoice-box table .top td .logo {
                    padding-left: 0px !important;
                    float: left;
                    max-width: 65%;
                    height: auto;
                    text-align: left;
                .invoice-box table .top .company {
                    float: right;
                    font-size: 13.5px;
                    text-align: left !important;
                    width: 30%;
                    align: right !important;
                    margin-right: 0;
                    padding-right: 10px;
                    margin-left: 10px;
                .invoice-box table .top .company hr{
                    margin-left: auto;
                    margin-right: auto;
                    width: 100%;
                    height: 2px;
                    margin-top: 2px;
                    margin-bottom: 0;
                    padding-bottom: 1px;
                .invoice-box .debtor-table{
                    margin-left: 55px !important;
                    margin-bottom: 45px !important;
                .invoice-box .debtor-table .debtor-info{
                    border-collapse: collapse;
                    border-spacing; 0;
                    padding: 0 0 0 0;
                    margin: 0 0 0 15px;
                .invoice-box .debtor-table .debtor-info tr{
                    padding: 0 0 0 0;
                    margin: 0 0 0 0;
                .invoice-box .debtor-table .debtor-name,
                .invoice-box .debtor-table .debtor-address,
                .invoice-box .debtor-table .debtor-city{
                    font-size: 16px;
                    text-align: left !important;
                    padding-bottom: 0px;
                    line-height: normal;
                .invoice-box .invoice-info{
                    border-collapse: collapse;
                    border-spacing; 0;
                    padding: 0 0 0 0;
                    margin: 8px 0 65px 55px !important;
                    width: 30%;
                .invoice-box .invoice-info tr{
                    margin: 0 0 0 0 !important;
                    padding: 0 0 0 0;
                    line-height: 64%;
                    font-size: 16px;
                    border-collapse: collapse;
                    border-spacing; 0;
                .invoice-box .invoice-info tr td:nth-child(1){
                    width: 40%;
                .invoice-box .invoice-info tr td:nth-child(2){
                    width: 60%
                    padding-left: 2px;
                    text-align: left;
                    align: left;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr.heading td {
                    background: #eee;
                    border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
                    font-weight: bold;
                    font-size: 15px;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr.details td {
                    padding-bottom: 20px;
                .invoice-box .item-table{
                    margin-bottom: 25px !important;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr.item td {
                    border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
                    font-size: 14px;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr.item.last td {
                    border-bottom: none;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(1){
                    border-top: 2px solid #eee;
                    width: 26%;
                    padding-left: 4px;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(2){
                    width: 34%;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(4),
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(5),
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(6){
                    text-align: center;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(3){
                    width: 12%;
                    text-align: center;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(4),
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(5){
                    width: 8%;
                .invoice-box .item-table tr td:nth-child(6){
                    width: 12%
                .invoice-box .total-table{
                    border-collapse: collapse;
                    border-spacing; 0;
                    width: 18%;
                    float: right;
                    margin: 5px 35px 0 0 !important;
                    padding: 0 0 0 0 !important;
                .invoice-box .total-table .total{
                    border-top: 1px solid #888;
                .invoice-box .total-table tr td:nth-child(1){
                    font-weight: 600;
                    text-align: right;
                    font-size: 15px;
                    padding-bottom: 1px;
                    width: 40%;
                .invoice-box .total-table tr td:nth-child(2){
                    font-weight: 800;
                    text-align: left;
                    font-size: 15px;
                    padding-bottom: 1px;
                    padding-left: 6px;
                    width: 60%;
                .invoice-box .disclaimer-table{
                    width: 100%;
                    border-top: 2px solid #DDD;
                    margin: 0 0 0 0 !important;
                    padding: 0 0 0 0 !important;
                    position: fixed !important;
                    bottom: 4%;
                    left: 0%;
                .invoice-box .disclaimer-table .message .message-text{
                    font-size: 16px;
                    text-align: center;
                    padding: 5px 25px !important;
                @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
                    .invoice-box table table td {
                        width: 100%;
                        display: block;
                        text-align: center;
                    .invoice-box table tr.information table td {
                        width: 100%;
                        display: block;
                        text-align: center;

            //Company string
            string companyString = @"<div class=invoice-box>
                <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
                <tr class=top>
                <td colspan=2>
                <td class=title>";

            if (_settings.UseLogoInPDF == true)
                companyString += "<img class=logo src=" + logo + " />";
                companyString += "<h2>" + _settings.CompanyName + "</h2>";

            companyString +=
                + "<td class=company>"
                + "<b>" + _settings.CompanyName + "</b>"
                + "<hr />"
                + _settings.Address
                + "<br />" + _settings.PostalCode + " " + _settings.City
                + "<br />" + _settings.Country
                + "<hr />"
                + "<b>Tel: </b>" + _settings.Phone
                + "<br />"
                + "<b>Web: </b>" + _settings.Website
                + "<hr />"
                + "<b>Reg No: </b>" + _settings.RegNumber
                + "<br />"
                + "<b>VAT: </b>" + _settings.FinancialNumber
                + "</td>"
                + "</tr> "
                + "</table> "
                + "</td>"
                + "</tr>"
                + "</table>";

            string debtorString = "";

            //Debtor string
            if (debtor != null)
                debtorString = @"<table class=debtor-table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
                               + "<tr>"
                               + "<td class=debtor-name>"
                               + debtor.FirstName + " " + debtor.LastName
                               + "</td>"
                               + "</tr>"
                               + "<tr>"
                               + "<td class=debtor-address>"
                               + debtor.Address
                               + "</td>"
                               + "</tr>"
                               + "<tr>"
                               + "<td class=debtor-city>"
                               + debtor.PostalCode + " " + debtor.City
                               + "</td>"
                               + "</tr>"
                               + "</table>";
            else if (company != null)
                debtorString = @"<table class=debtor-table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
                               + "<tr>"
                               + "<td class=debtor-name>"
                               + company.CompanyName
                               + "</td>"
                               + "</tr>"
                               + "<tr>"
                               + "<td class=debtor-address>"
                               + company.Address
                               + "</td>"
                               + "</tr>"
                               + "<tr>"
                               + "<td class=debtor-city>"
                               + company.PostalCode + " " + company.City
                               + "</td>"
                               + "</tr>"
                               + "</table>";

            //Spacer string
            string spacerString = @"<br />";

            //Invoice info
            string invoiceString = @"<table class=invoice-info cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
                                   + "<tr>"
                                   + "<td><b>Date: </b></td>"
                                   + "<td>" + invoice.CreatedOn.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "</td>"
                                   + "</tr>"
                                   + "<tr>"
                                   + "<td><b>Invoice No: </b></td>"
                                   + "<td>" + invoiceNumber + "</td>"
                                   + "</tr>"
                                   + "</table>";

            //Product string
            string productString = @"<table class=item-table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
                                   + "<tr class=heading> "
                                   + "<td>Product</td>"
                                   + "<td>Description</td>"
                                   + "<td>Price</td>"
                                   + "<td>Qnt</td>"
                                   + "<td>VAT</td>"
                                   + "<td>Total</td>"
                                   + "</tr>";

            //Table string
            string  tableString         = "";
            decimal totalBeforeDiscount = 0;
            decimal totalAmount         = invoice.Total;
            decimal subTotalAmount      = 0;
            decimal vatTotalAmount      = 0;
            decimal discount            = 0;
            int     discountPercentage  = invoice.Discount;

            for (int i = 0; i < invoiceItems.Count; i++)
                InvoiceItem item          = invoiceItems[i];
                Product     product       = productList.Single(s => s.ProductID == item.ProductID);
                int         vatPercentage = 100 + product.VAT;

                decimal total    = (decimal)(product.Price * item.Amount);
                decimal subTotal = (decimal)(product.Price * 100) / vatPercentage;

                totalBeforeDiscount += total;
                subTotalAmount      += subTotal;

                tableString += @"<tr class=item>"
                               + "<td>" + product.Name + "</td>"
                               + "<td>" + product.Description + "</td>"
                               + "<td>&euro; " + String.Format("{0:N2}", product.Price) + "</td>"
                               + "<td>" + item.Amount + "</td>"
                               + "<td>" + String.Format("{0}%", product.VAT) + "</td>"
                               + "<td>&euro; " + String.Format("{0:N2}", total) + "</td>"
                               + "</tr>";

            vatTotalAmount = totalAmount - subTotalAmount;
            discount       = (totalBeforeDiscount * discountPercentage) / 100;

            Debug.WriteLine("Discount Percentage: " + discountPercentage + "%");
            Debug.WriteLine("Discount: " + discount);

            tableString += "</table>";

            //Total string
            string totalString = @"<table class=total-table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"
                                 + "<tr class=vat>"
                                 + "<td>VAT:</td>"
                                 + "<td>&euro; " + String.Format("{0:N2}", vatTotalAmount) + "</td>"
                                 + "</tr>"
                                 + "<tr class=subtotal>"
                                 + "<td>Subtotal:</td>"
                                 + "<td>&euro; " + String.Format("{0:N2}", subTotalAmount) + "</td>"
                                 + "</tr>"
                                 + "<tr class=discount>"
                                 + "<td>Discount:</td>"
                                 + "<td>&euro; " + String.Format("{0:N2}", discount) + "</td>"
                                 + "</tr>"
                                 + "<tr class=total>"
                                 + "<td>Total:</td>"
                                 + "<td>&euro; " + String.Format("{0:N2}", totalAmount) + "</td>"
                                 + "</tr>"
                                 + "</table>";

            //Disclaimer string
            string disclaimerString = @"<table class=disclaimer-table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"
                                      + "<tr class=message>"
                                      + "<td><p class=message-text> We kindly request you to pay the amount of <b>" + String.Format("&euro;{0:N2}", totalAmount) + "</b> described above before <b>" + invoice.ExpirationDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "</b> on our bank account <b>" + _settings.BankAccountNumber + "</b> in the name of <b>" + _settings.CompanyName + "</b>, indicating the invoice number <b>" + invoiceNumber + "</b>. For questions, please contact."
                                      + "</p></td>"
                                      + "</tr>"
                                      + "</table>"
                                      + "</div>";

            //Full HTML string
            string htmlContent = cssString + companyString + debtorString + spacerString
                                 + invoiceString + productString + tableString + totalString + disclaimerString;

            var wkhtmltopdf = new FileInfo(@"wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf.exe");
            var converter   = new HtmlToPdfConverter(wkhtmltopdf);
            var pdfBytes    = converter.ConvertToPdf(htmlContent);

            FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(pdfBytes, "application/pdf");

            fileResult.FileDownloadName = "invoice-" + id + ".pdf";
예제 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts html into PDF using nReco dll and wkhtmltopdf.exe.
 /// </summary>        
 private byte[] ConvertHtmlToPDF()
     HtmlToPdfConverter nRecohtmltoPdfObj = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
     nRecohtmltoPdfObj.Orientation = PageOrientation.Portrait;
     nRecohtmltoPdfObj.PageFooterHtml = CreatePDFFooter();
     nRecohtmltoPdfObj.CustomWkHtmlArgs = "--margin-top 35 --header-spacing 0 --margin-left 0 --margin-right 0";
     return nRecohtmltoPdfObj.GeneratePdf(CreatePDFScript() + ShowHtml() + "</body></html>");
예제 #26
        private PdfDocument ConvertWithWebKitRendering()
            //Initialize HTML to PDF converter with WebKit settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter      htmlConverter     = new HtmlToPdfConverter(HtmlRenderingEngine.WebKit);
            WebKitConverterSettings converterSettings = new WebKitConverterSettings();

            //Set page margins
            converterSettings.Margin = new PdfMargins()
                All = float.Parse(pagemargin)

            //Set page orientation
            if (rdbtnOrientation == "Portrait")
                converterSettings.Orientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;
                converterSettings.Orientation = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape;

            //Set rotation
            converterSettings.PageRotateAngle = (PdfPageRotateAngle)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfPageRotateAngle), rotate);

            //Enable Javascript
            converterSettings.EnableJavaScript = chkEnableJavaScript == "on" ? true : false;
            //Enable Hyperlink
            converterSettings.EnableHyperLink = chkEnableHyperlink == "on" ? true : false;
            //Enable Form
            converterSettings.EnableForm = chkEnableForm == "on" ? true : false;
            //Enabel Toc
            converterSettings.EnableToc = chkEnableToc == "on" ? true : false;
            //Enable Bookmark
            converterSettings.EnableBookmarks = chkEnableBookmark == "on" ? true : false;

            //Set WebKit viewport size
            int viewportWidth = 1024;

            if (int.TryParse(ViewportWidth, out viewportWidth))

            int viewportHeight = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(ViewportHeight, out viewportHeight))

            converterSettings.WebKitViewPort = new Size(viewportWidth, viewportHeight);

            //Set WebKitPath
            string WebKitBinaryPath = ResolveApplicationImagePath("QtBinaries");

            converterSettings.WebKitPath = WebKitBinaryPath;

            //Set additional delay
            if (int.TryParse(jsAdditionalDelay, out int additionalDelay))
                converterSettings.AdditionalDelay = additionalDelay * 1000;

            //Adding Header
            if (showHeader == "on")
                converterSettings.PdfHeader = this.AddHeader(converterSettings.PdfPageSize.Width, "Syncfusion Essential PDF", " ");

            //Adding Footer
            if (showFooter == "on")
                converterSettings.PdfFooter = this.AddFooter(converterSettings.PdfPageSize.Height, "@Copyright 2016");

            //Assign WebKit settings to HTML converter
            htmlConverter.ConverterSettings = converterSettings;

            //Convert url to pdf
            Pdfdoc = htmlConverter.Convert(sourceUrl);

예제 #27
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Parse MessageContents using MsgReader Library
                // MsgReader library can be obtained from:
                using (var msg = new MsgReader.Outlook.Storage.Message("HtmlSampleEmail.msg"))
                    // Get Sender information
                    var from = msg.GetEmailSender(false, false);

                    // Message sent datetime
                    var sentOn = msg.SentOn;

                    // Recipient To information
                    var recipientsTo = msg.GetEmailRecipients(MsgReader.Outlook.RecipientType.To, false, false);

                    // Recipient CC information
                    var recipientsCc = msg.GetEmailRecipients(MsgReader.Outlook.RecipientType.Cc, false, false);

                    // Message subject
                    var subject = msg.Subject;

                    // Get Message Body
                    var msgBody = msg.BodyHtml;

                    // Prepare PDF docuemnt
                    using (Document outputDocument = new Document())
                        // Add registration keys
                        outputDocument.RegistrationName = "demo";
                        outputDocument.RegistrationKey  = "demo";

                        // Add page
                        Page page = new Page(PaperFormat.A4);

                        // Add sample content
                        Font  font  = new Font(StandardFonts.Times, 12);
                        Brush brush = new SolidBrush();

                        // Add Email contents
                        int topMargin = 20;
                        page.Canvas.DrawString($"File Name: {msg.FileName}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20));
                        page.Canvas.DrawString($"From: {from}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20));
                        page.Canvas.DrawString($"Sent On: {(sentOn.HasValue ? sentOn.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") : "")}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20));
                        page.Canvas.DrawString($"To: {recipientsTo}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20));

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipientsCc))
                            page.Canvas.DrawString($"CC: {recipientsCc}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20));

                        page.Canvas.DrawString($"Subject: {subject}", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20));
                        page.Canvas.DrawString("Message body in next page.", font, brush, 20, (topMargin += 20));

                        // Convert Html body to PDF in order to retain all formatting.
                        using (HtmlToPdfConverter converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter())
                            converter.PageSize    = PaperKind.A4;
                            converter.Orientation = Bytescout.PDF.Converters.PaperOrientation.Portrait;

                            // Convert input HTML to stream
                            byte[]       byteArrayBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msgBody);
                            MemoryStream inputStream   = new MemoryStream(byteArrayBody);

                            // Create output stream to store generated PDF file
                            using (var outputStream = new MemoryStream())
                                // Convert HTML to PDF
                                converter.ConvertHtmlToPdf(inputStream, outputStream);

                                // Create new document from generated output stream
                                Document docContent = new Document(outputStream);

                                // Append all pages to main PDF
                                foreach (Page item in docContent.Pages)

                                // Save output file

                        // Open result document in default associated application (for demo purpose)
                        ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("result.pdf");
                        processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit...");
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            string param1Name  = param1NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param1NameTextBox.Text : "param1";
            string param1Value = param1ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param1ValueTextBox.Text : "Value 1";

            string param2Name  = param2NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param2NameTextBox.Text : "param2";
            string param2Value = param2ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param2ValueTextBox.Text : "Value 2";

            string param3Name  = param3NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param3NameTextBox.Text : "param3";
            string param3Value = param3ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param3ValueTextBox.Text : "Value 3";

            string param4Name  = param4NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param4NameTextBox.Text : "param4";
            string param4Value = param4ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param4ValueTextBox.Text : "Value 4";

            string param5Name  = param5NameTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param5NameTextBox.Text : "param5";
            string param5Value = param5ValueTextBox.Text.Length > 0 ? param5ValueTextBox.Text : "Value 5";

            string urlToConvert = urlTextBox.Text;

            if (postMethodRadioButton.Checked)
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpPostFields.Add(param1Name, param1Value);
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpPostFields.Add(param2Name, param2Value);
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpPostFields.Add(param3Name, param3Value);
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpPostFields.Add(param4Name, param4Value);
                htmlToPdfConverter.HttpPostFields.Add(param5Name, param5Value);
                Uri getMethodUri = new Uri(urlTextBox.Text);

                string query = getMethodUri.Query.Length > 0 ? "&" : "?" + String.Format("{0}={1}", param1Name, param1Value);
                query += String.Format("&{0}={1}", param2Name, param2Value);
                query += String.Format("&{0}={1}", param3Name, param3Value);
                query += String.Format("&{0}={1}", param4Name, param4Value);
                query += String.Format("&{0}={1}", param5Name, param5Value);

                urlToConvert = urlTextBox.Text + query;

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(urlToConvert);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=GET_and_POST.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
        public ActionResult ConvertHtmlToPdf(IFormCollection collection)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Enable footer in the generated PDF document
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = true;

            // Optionally add a space between footer and the page body
            // Leave this option not set for no spacing
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomSpacing = float.Parse(collection["footerSpacingTextBox"]);

            // Set the footer height in points
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight = 50;

            // ----- Add HTML with Page Numbering to Footer -----

            // Create a variable HTML element with page numbering
            string htmlStringWithPageNumbers = collection["htmlWithPageNumbersTextBox"];
            string baseUrl = collection["baseUrlTextBox"];
            HtmlToPdfVariableElement footerHtmlWithPageNumbers = new HtmlToPdfVariableElement(htmlStringWithPageNumbers, baseUrl);

            // Set the HTML element to fit the container height
            footerHtmlWithPageNumbers.FitHeight = true;

            // Add variable HTML element with page numbering to footer

            // Optionally draw a line at the top of the footer
            if (collection["drawFooterLineCheckBox"].Count > 0)
                // Calculate the footer width based on PDF page size and margins
                float footerWidth = htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PdfPageSize.Width -
                                    htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.LeftMargin - htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.RightMargin;

                // Create a line element for the top of the footer
                LineElement footerLine = new LineElement(0, 0, footerWidth, 0);

                // Set line color
                footerLine.ForeColor = Color.Gray;

                // Add line element to the bottom of the footer

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(collection["urlTextBox"]);

            // Send the PDF file to browser
            FileResult fileResult = new FileContentResult(outPdfBuffer, "application/pdf");

            fileResult.FileDownloadName = "Page_Numbers_in_HTML.pdf";

        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Convert a HTML page to a PDF document object
            Document pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrlToPdfDocumentObject(urlTextBox.Text);

            string javaScript = null;

            if (alertMessageRadioButton.Checked)
                // JavaScript to display an alert mesage
                javaScript = String.Format("app.alert(\"{0}\")", alertMessageTextBox.Text);
            else if (printDialogRadioButton.Checked)
                // JavaScript to open the print dialog
                javaScript = "print()";
            else if (zoomLevelRadioButton.Checked)
                // JavaScript to set an initial zoom level
                javaScript = String.Format("zoom={0}", int.Parse(zoomLevelTextBox.Text));

            // Set the JavaScript action
            pdfDocument.OpenAction = new PdfActionJavaScript(javaScript);

            // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Execute_Acrobat_JavaScript.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #31
        public async Task <dynamic> GenerateAct(BE.ReportBE.Report report, int type)
            var assignment  = _assignmentRepository.GetReportSupervisor(report.AssignmentId);
            var users       = _assignmentRepository.GetByPersonnelIdAssignment(report.AssignmentId).ToList();
            var usersClient = _assignmentRepository.GetContactByAssignemtnId(report.AssignmentId).ToList();

            var supervisor = users.Where(x => x.UserType == 1).FirstOrDefault();
            var technician = users.Where(x => x.UserType == 2).FirstOrDefault();
            var client     = usersClient.Where(x => x.Id == report.ContactId).FirstOrDefault();

            var sValue     = ConvertNumberToString(report.Value) + "\"";
            var pdfContent = string.Empty;

            if (type == 1)
                pdfContent = Resources.Template.ActString.ToString();
            else if (type == 2)
                pdfContent = Resources.Template.ExeString.ToString();

            CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("es-PE");

            var colorStyle = sValue + " " + strFill.Replace("@@strcolor", strColor);

            pdfContent = pdfContent
                         .Replace("@SocialName", assignment.CompanyName)
                         .Replace("@RUC", assignment.RUC)
                         .Replace("@Branch", assignment.CorpId)
                         .Replace("@Description", assignment.Description)

                         .Replace("@OT", assignment.WorkOrderNumber)
                         .Replace("@Brand", assignment.Machine.Brand)
                         .Replace("@Model", assignment.Machine.Model)
                         .Replace("@Technical", technician?.Name)
                         .Replace("@Horometro", assignment.Machine.TotalHoursFunction.ToString())
                         .Replace("@NumberSerie", assignment.Machine.SerialNumber)
                         .Replace("@DateDelivery", report.Date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy", ci))
                         .Replace("@DateService", assignment.RequestDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy", ci))

                         .Replace("@Antecedent", report.Antecedent)
                         .Replace("@Work", report.Work)
                         .Replace("@Observations", report.Observation)
                         .Replace("@Recommendations", report.Replacement)
                         .Replace("@Client", client?.Name + " " + client?.LastName)
                         .Replace("@SignAct", report.UrlSign)
                         .Replace(sValue.ToString(), colorStyle)
                         .Replace("@Supervisor", supervisor?.Name)
                         .Replace("@SPhone", supervisor?.Phone)
                         .Replace("@SMail", supervisor?.Email);

            var converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
            var pdfFile   = converter.GeneratePdf(pdfContent);
            var path      = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();

            dynamic dynamicAttachment = new ExpandoObject();

            string pdfString = ""; string nameFile = "";

            nameFile = report.Id + ".pdf";
            if (type == 1)
                pdfString = nameFile;
            else if (type == 2)
                pdfString = $"{path}\\" + nameFile;
                dynamicAttachment.Route = pdfString;
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pdfString, pdfFile);

            string container = "act";

            dynamicAttachment.File      = pdfFile;
            dynamicAttachment.Container = container;
            dynamicAttachment.Name      = nameFile;
            dynamicAttachment.Route     = pdfString;
            dynamicAttachment.FileUrl   = "";

            var result = await StorageHelperAzure.UploadFileToAzure(dynamicAttachment
                                                                    , Constants.AzureStorage.DefaultConnectionString);

            dynamicAttachment.FileUrl = result.FileUrl;
예제 #32
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Set the CSS selectors of the HTML elements before which to insert page breaks
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PageBreakBeforeHtmlElementsSelectors = new string[] { htmlElementsBeforeSelectorTextBox.Text };

            // Set the CSS selectors of the HTML elements after which to insert page breaks
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.PageBreakAfterHtmlElementsSelectors = new string[] { htmlElementsAfterSelectorTextBox.Text };

            byte[] outPdfBuffer = null;

            if (convertHtmlRadioButton.Checked)
                string htmlWithForm = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
                string baseUrl      = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert the HTML string to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(htmlWithForm, baseUrl);
                string url = urlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document in a memory buffer
                outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(url);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Insert_Page_Breaks_Before_After_HTML_Elements_Using_API.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #33
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Console.WriteLine("Please wait while PDF is being created...");

                // Parse MessageContents using MsgReader Library
                // MsgReader library can be obtained from:
                using (var msg = new MsgReader.Outlook.Storage.Message("TxtSampleEmail.msg"))
                    // Get Sender information
                    var from = msg.GetEmailSender(false, false);

                    // Message sent datetime
                    var sentOn = msg.SentOn;

                    // Recipient To information
                    var recipientsTo = msg.GetEmailRecipients(MsgReader.Outlook.RecipientType.To, false, false);

                    // Recipient CC information
                    var recipientsCc = msg.GetEmailRecipients(MsgReader.Outlook.RecipientType.Cc, false, false);

                    #region Generate and save html

                    // Get Html
                    HtmlGenerator oHtmlGenerator = new HtmlGenerator();
                    oHtmlGenerator.Title = $"Subject: {msg.Subject}";

                    oHtmlGenerator.AddParagraphBodyItem($"File Name: {msg.FileName}");
                    oHtmlGenerator.AddParagraphBodyItem($"From: {from}");
                    oHtmlGenerator.AddParagraphBodyItem($"Sent On: {(sentOn.HasValue ? sentOn.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm") : "")}");
                    oHtmlGenerator.AddParagraphBodyItem($"To: {recipientsTo}");
                    oHtmlGenerator.AddParagraphBodyItem($"Subject: {msg.Subject}");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipientsCc))
                        oHtmlGenerator.AddParagraphBodyItem($"CC: {recipientsCc}");


                    var msgBodySplitted = msg.BodyText.Split("\n".ToCharArray());

                    foreach (var itmBody in msgBodySplitted)

                    // Generate Html


                    using (HtmlToPdfConverter converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter())
                        converter.PageSize    = PaperKind.A4;
                        converter.Orientation = Bytescout.PDF.Converters.PaperOrientation.Portrait;

                        converter.ConvertHtmlToPdf("result.html", "result.pdf");

                        // Open result document in default associated application (for demo purpose)
                        ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("result.pdf");
                        processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exit...");
예제 #34
파일: DerController.cs 프로젝트: fazar/Pear
        public ActionResult Generate(GenerateViewModel viewModel)
            var theDate = DateTime.ParseExact(viewModel.Date, "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).AddDays(1);
            var htmlToPdf = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
            htmlToPdf.Size = PageSize.A3;
            if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath(PathConstant.DerPath)))
            int revision = 0;
            var isExisted = _derService.IsDerExisted(theDate, out revision);
            revision = isExisted ? (revision + 1) : revision;
            var title = "DER/" + theDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy");
            var pdfName = string.Format("{0}_{1}.pdf", title.Replace('/', '-'), revision);
            var pdfPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(PathConstant.DerPath), pdfName);
            var secretNumber = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var secretPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(PathConstant.DerPath), secretNumber + ".txt");
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(secretPath, viewModel.Content);
            var displayUrl = Url.Action("Preview", "DerImage", new { secretNumber = secretNumber }, this.Request.Url.Scheme);
            htmlToPdf.Margins.Top = 20;
            htmlToPdf.Margins.Bottom = 20;
            htmlToPdf.Margins.Left = 20;
            htmlToPdf.Margins.Right = 20;
            htmlToPdf.GeneratePdfFromFile(displayUrl, null, pdfPath);
            var response = _derService.CreateOrUpdate(new CreateOrUpdateDerRequest
                Filename = PathConstant.DerPath + "/" + pdfName,
                Title = title,
                Date = theDate,
                RevisionBy = UserProfile().UserId
            if (response.IsSuccess)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return base.ErrorPage(response.Message);
            //htmlToPdf.GeneratePdfFromFile(displayUrl, null, pdfPath);
            //return File(pdfPath, "application/pdf");
            //var htmlToImageConverter = new HtmlToImageConverter();
            //htmlToImageConverter.Height = 2481;
            //htmlToImageConverter.Width = 1754;
            //return File(htmlToImageConverter.GenerateImageFromFile(displayUrl, ImageFormat.Png), "image/png", "TheGraph.png");
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            Document pdfDocument = null;

                string htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
                string baseUrl = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

                // Convert a HTML string with a marker for digital signature to a PDF document object
                pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdfDocumentObject(htmlWithDigitalSignatureMarker, baseUrl);

                // Make the HTML element with 'digital_signature_element' mapping ID a link to digital signature properties
                HtmlElementMapping digitalSignatureMapping = htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult.GetElementByMappingId("digital_signature_element");
                if (digitalSignatureMapping != null)
                    PdfPage    digitalSignaturePage      = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].PdfPage;
                    RectangleF digitalSignatureRectangle = digitalSignatureMapping.PdfRectangles[0].Rectangle;

                    string certificateFilePath = Server.MapPath("~/DemoAppFiles/Input/Certificates/evopdf.pfx");

                    // Get the certificate from password protected PFX file
                    DigitalCertificatesCollection certificates = DigitalCertificatesStore.GetCertificates(certificateFilePath, "evopdf");
                    DigitalCertificate            certificate  = certificates[0];

                    // Create the digital signature
                    DigitalSignatureElement signature = new DigitalSignatureElement(digitalSignatureRectangle, certificate);
                    signature.Reason      = "Protect the document from unwanted changes";
                    signature.ContactInfo = "The contact email is [email protected]";
                    signature.Location    = "Development server";

                // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
                byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

                // Send the PDF as response to browser

                // Set response content type
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

                // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
                Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Digital_Signatures.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

                // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

                // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
                // Close the PDF document
                if (pdfDocument != null)
예제 #36
        //HTML Conversion
        private void convertBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Initialize HTML converter
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(HtmlRenderingEngine.WebKit);

            //WebKit converter settings
            WebKitConverterSettings webKitSettings = new WebKitConverterSettings();

            string urlToConvert = string.Empty;

            if (rdo_urlBtn.Checked)
                if (this.openFileDialog1.FileName == string.Empty)
                    urlToConvert = url_TxtBox.Text;
                    urlToConvert = openFileDialog1.FileName;
            if (!IsUrlValid(urlToConvert) && urlToConvert != string.Empty)
                if (MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid URL", "Alert!!!",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                    == DialogResult.OK)
                    url_TxtBox.Text = string.Empty;
                int delay = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(this.delay_txtBox.Text, out delay))
                    //Set additional delay
                    webKitSettings.AdditionalDelay = delay;

                    //Assign the WebKit binaries path
                    //webKitSettings.WebKitPath = @"../../QtBinaries";

                    //Enable javascript
                    webKitSettings.EnableJavaScript = this.JavaScript_CheckBox.Checked;

                    //HTML to PDF conversion
                    if (this.rdo_PDFBtn.Checked)
                        //Enable hyperlink
                        webKitSettings.EnableHyperLink = this.hyperlink_checkBox.Checked;

                        //Enable bookmarks
                        webKitSettings.EnableBookmarks = this.bookmark_checkBox.Checked;

                        //Enble form
                        webKitSettings.EnableForm = this.form_checkBox.Checked;

                        //Enable toc
                        webKitSettings.EnableToc = this.toc_checkBox.Checked;

                        //Page rotation angle
                        webKitSettings.PageRotateAngle = (PdfPageRotateAngle)Enum.Parse(typeof(PdfPageRotateAngle), this.rotation_comboBox.SelectedItem.ToString());

                        int margin = 0;
                        if (int.TryParse(this.margin_comboBox.Text, out margin))
                            //Set page margins
                            webKitSettings.Margin.All = margin;

                            //Set page orientation.
                            if (this.rdo_portraitBtn.Checked)
                                webKitSettings.Orientation = PdfPageOrientation.Portrait;
                                webKitSettings.Orientation = PdfPageOrientation.Landscape;

                            //Adding Header
                            if (this.header_checkBox.Checked)
                                webKitSettings.PdfHeader = this.AddHeader(webKitSettings.PdfPageSize.Width, "Syncfusion Essential PDF", " ");

                            //Adding Footer
                            if (this.footer_checkBox.Checked)
                                webKitSettings.PdfFooter = this.AddFooter(webKitSettings.PdfPageSize.Width, "@Copyright 2015");

                            htmlConverter.ConverterSettings = webKitSettings;

                            PdfDocument document = null;
                                if (rdo_urlBtn.Checked)
                                    //Convert url to PDF document.
                                    document = htmlConverter.Convert(urlToConvert);
                                    //Convert HTML string to PDF document
                                    document = htmlConverter.Convert(this.htmlString_txtBox.Text, this.baseURL_txtBox.Text);

                                // Save and close the document.

                                //Message box confirmation to view the created PDF document.
                                if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the PDF file?", "PDF File Created",
                                                    MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                                    == DialogResult.Yes)
                                    //Launching the PDF file using the default Application.[Acrobat Reader]
                                    // Exit
                            catch (PdfException ex)
                                if (MessageBox.Show("WebKit assemblies are missing", "Alert!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK)
                            if (MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid margin", "Alert!!!",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK)
                                margin_comboBox.Text = "20";
                    //HTML to SVG Conversion
                    else if (this.rdo_SvgBtn.Checked)
                        //Assign the WebKit settings
                        htmlConverter.ConverterSettings = webKitSettings;
                            //Convert url to svg
                            htmlConverter.ConvertToSvg(urlToConvert, "Sample.svg");

                            //Message box confirmation to view the created SVG document.
                            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the SVG file?", "SVG File Created",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                                == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //Launching the SVG file using the default Application.[Default Browser]
                                // Exit
                        catch (PdfException ex)
                            if (MessageBox.Show("WebKit assemblies are missing", "Alert!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK)
                    // HTML to Image Conversion
                    else if (this.rdo_ImageBtn.Checked)
                        //Assign the WebKit settings
                        htmlConverter.ConverterSettings = webKitSettings;
                            Image[] images;
                            if (this.rdo_urlBtn.Checked)
                                //Convert HTML to image
                                images = htmlConverter.ConvertToImage(urlToConvert);
                                //Convert HTML string to image
                                images = htmlConverter.ConvertToImage(this.htmlString_txtBox.Text, this.baseURL_txtBox.Text);

                            //Save the image
                            images[0].Save("Sample.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                            //Message box confirmation to view the created Image document.
                            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the image file?", "Image File Created",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                                == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //Launching the Image file using the default Application.[Image viewer]
                                // Exit
                        catch (PdfException ex)
                            if (MessageBox.Show("WebKit assemblies are missing", "Alert!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK)
                    //HTML to MHTML conversion
                        //Assign the WebKit settings
                        htmlConverter.ConverterSettings = webKitSettings;
                            //Convert url to mhtml
                            htmlConverter.ConvertToMhtml(urlToConvert, "Sample.mhtml");

                            //Message box confirmation to view the created MHTML document.
                            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to view the MHTML file?", "MHTML File Created",
                                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                                == DialogResult.Yes)
                                //Launching the MHTML file using the default Application.[Default browser]
                                // Exit
                        catch (PdfException ex)
                            if (MessageBox.Show("WebKit assemblies are missing", "Alert!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid delay", "Alert!!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                        == DialogResult.OK)
                        delay_txtBox.Text = "0";
예제 #37
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the server IP and port
            String serverIP   = textBoxServerIP.Text;
            uint   serverPort = uint.Parse(textBoxServerPort.Text);

            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter(serverIP, serverPort);

            // Set optional service password
            if (textBoxServicePassword.Text.Length > 0)
                htmlToPdfConverter.ServicePassword = textBoxServicePassword.Text;

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            string htmlWithButton = htmlStringTextBox.Text;
            string baseUrl        = baseUrlTextBox.Text;

            // Convert a HTML string with a button to a PDF document object
            Document pdfDocument = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToPdfDocumentObject(htmlWithButton, baseUrl);

            // Get the button location in PDF
            HtmlElementMapping buttonMapping = htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlElementsMappingOptions.HtmlElementsMappingResult.GetElementByMappingId("javascript_button");

            if (buttonMapping != null)
                PdfPage        buttonPdfPage   = pdfDocument.GetPage(buttonMapping.PdfRectangles[0].PageIndex);
                RectangleFloat buttonRectangle = buttonMapping.PdfRectangles[0].Rectangle;

                // The font used for buttons text in PDF document
                PdfFont buttonTextFont = new PdfFont("Times New Roman", 8, true);

                // Create a PDF form button
                PdfFormButton pdfButton = new PdfFormButton(buttonRectangle, "Execute Acrobat JavaScript", buttonTextFont);
                pdfButton.Style.BackColor = RgbColor.Beige;
                pdfDocument.Form.AddButton(buttonPdfPage, pdfButton);

                // Set JavaScript action to be executed when the button is clicked
                string javaScript = null;
                if (alertMessageRadioButton.Checked)
                    // JavaScript to display an alert mesage
                    javaScript = String.Format("app.alert(\"{0}\")", alertMessageTextBox.Text);
                else if (printDialogRadioButton.Checked)
                    // JavaScript to open the print dialog
                    javaScript = "print()";
                else if (zoomLevelRadioButton.Checked)
                    // JavaScript to set an initial zoom level
                    javaScript = String.Format("zoom={0}", int.Parse(zoomLevelTextBox.Text));

                // Set the JavaScript action
                pdfButton.Action = new PdfActionJavaScript(javaScript);

            // Save the PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = pdfDocument.Save();

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=Button_JavaScript_Actions.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #38
		public ActionResult Receipt(int? id)
			var workStream = new MemoryStream();

			// get the record to which this registation id belongs to
			using (var session = NHibernateHelper.CreateSessionFactory())
				using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
					// get the html template content
					var path = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/templates/receipt.html");
					var htmlContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);

					var registrations = new List<Renewal>(session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Renewal)).List<Renewal>());

					var ts = new List<Transaction>(session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Transaction)).List<Transaction>());
					var t = ts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

					var r = t.Renewal.Registration;

					// do string replacements to htmlContent here
					var parsedHtmlContent = htmlContent;

					// Head details
					if (r != null)
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$BootstrapCss$$", BootstrapCss);

						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$PHERMC_REG_NO$$", r.PhermcRegistrationNumber);

						var lastRenewalDate = r.LastRenewalDate == null || r.LastRenewalDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)
							? ""
							: r.LastRenewalDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$ESTABLISHMENT_NAME$$", r.EstablishmentName);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$CAC_NUMBER$$", r.CacNumber);
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$REGISTRATION_DATE$$", r.RegistrationDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

						// create $$TBODY_CONTENT$$ here
						var totalPaid = 0.0M;
						var tbodyRows = new StringBuilder();

						var payments = t.Renewal.Transactions;

						if (payments.Any())
							foreach (var p in payments)
								totalPaid += p.Amount;

						var lastPayment = t;

						var receiptTitle = "PAYMENT RECEIPT";
						if (lastPayment.Printed)
							receiptTitle = "COPY OF RECEIPT";
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$RECEIPT_TITLE$$", receiptTitle);


						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.PaymentType.Name);
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", "");
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.ReceivedFrom);
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td>{0}</td>", lastPayment.ReceivedBy.Username);
						tbodyRows.AppendFormat("<td class=\"right\">&#x20a6;{0}</td>", lastPayment.Amount.ToString("#,##0.00"));


						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$TBODY_CONTENT$$", tbodyRows.ToString());

						// Update totals
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$TOTAL$$", lastPayment.Amount.ToString("N2"));
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$TOTAL_DUE$$", t.Renewal.Amount.ToString("#,##0.00"));
						var amountOutstanding = t.Renewal.Amount - totalPaid;
						parsedHtmlContent = Replacement(parsedHtmlContent, "$$OUTSTANDING$$", amountOutstanding.ToString("#,##0.00"));

						// create instance of pdf api
						var htmlToPdf = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

						// convert theget a byte array 
						var pdfBytes = htmlToPdf.GeneratePdf(parsedHtmlContent);

						var byteInfo = pdfBytes;
						workStream.Write(byteInfo, 0, byteInfo.Length);
						workStream.Position = 0;

						lastPayment.Printed = true;



			return File(workStream, "application/pdf", string.Format("Receipt_{0}_{1}.pdf", id, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss")));

예제 #39
파일: Reporting.cs 프로젝트: mahitosh/HRA4
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string printername = "";
            PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
            if (pd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                printername = pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
                    HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
                    htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "sjwvPS4uPSskPSgzLT0uLDMsLzMkJCQk";
                    htmlToPdfConverter.HtmlViewerWidth = 850;
                    htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.AvoidImageBreak = true;

                    byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtml(winFormHtmlEditor1.DocumentHtml, "");

                    InputPdf inputPdf = new InputPdf(outPdfBuffer);
                    //PrinterSettings settings = new PrinterSettings();
                    PrintJob printJob = new PrintJob(printername, inputPdf);
                    printJob.DocumentName = ReportCombo.Text.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("/","");
                    printJob.PrintOptions.Scaling = new AutoPageScaling();
                catch (Exception ee)
예제 #40
        internal HtmlToPdfConverter CreateWkConverter(PdfConvertSettings settings)
            // Global options
            var converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter
                Grayscale   = settings.Grayscale,
                LowQuality  = settings.LowQuality,
                Orientation = (PageOrientation)(int)settings.Orientation,
                PageHeight  = settings.PageHeight,
                PageWidth   = settings.PageWidth,
                Size        = (PageSize)(int)settings.Size,
                PdfToolPath = FileSystemHelper.TempDir("wkhtmltopdf")

            if (settings.Margins != null)
                converter.Margins.Bottom = settings.Margins.Bottom;
                converter.Margins.Left   = settings.Margins.Left;
                converter.Margins.Right  = settings.Margins.Right;
                converter.Margins.Top    = settings.Margins.Top;

            var sb = new StringBuilder(settings.CustomFlags);

            // doc title
            if (settings.Title.HasValue())
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " --title \"{0}\"", settings.Title);

            // Cover content & options
            if (settings.Cover != null)
                var path = settings.Cover.Process("cover");
                if (path.HasValue())
                    sb.AppendFormat(" cover \"{0}\" ", path);
                    settings.Cover.WriteArguments("cover", sb);
                    if (settings.CoverOptions != null)
                        settings.CoverOptions.Process("cover", sb);

            // Toc options
            if (settings.TocOptions != null && settings.TocOptions.Enabled)
                settings.TocOptions.Process("toc", sb);

            // apply cover & toc
            converter.CustomWkHtmlArgs = sb.ToString().Trim().NullEmpty();

            // Page options
            if (settings.PageOptions != null)
                settings.PageOptions.Process("page", sb);

            // Header content & options
            if (settings.Header != null)
                var path = settings.Header.Process("header");
                if (path.HasValue())
                    sb.AppendFormat(" --header-html \"{0}\"", path);
                    settings.Header.WriteArguments("header", sb);
            if (settings.HeaderOptions != null && (settings.Header != null || settings.HeaderOptions.HasText))
                settings.HeaderOptions.Process("header", sb);

            // Footer content & options
            if (settings.Footer != null)
                var path = settings.Footer.Process("footer");
                if (path.HasValue())
                    sb.AppendFormat(" --footer-html \"{0}\"", path);
                    settings.Footer.WriteArguments("footer", sb);
            if (settings.FooterOptions != null && (settings.Footer != null || settings.FooterOptions.HasText))
                settings.FooterOptions.Process("footer", sb);

            // apply settings
            converter.CustomWkHtmlPageArgs = sb.ToString().Trim().NullEmpty();

        internal HtmlToPdfConverter CreateWkConverter(PdfConvertSettings settings)
            // Global options
            var converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter
                Grayscale = settings.Grayscale,
                LowQuality = settings.LowQuality,
                Orientation = (PageOrientation)(int)settings.Orientation,
                PageHeight = settings.PageHeight,
                PageWidth = settings.PageWidth,
                Size = (PageSize)(int)settings.Size,

            if (settings.Margins != null)
                converter.Margins.Bottom = settings.Margins.Bottom;
                converter.Margins.Left = settings.Margins.Left;
                converter.Margins.Right = settings.Margins.Right;
                converter.Margins.Top = settings.Margins.Top;

            var sb = new StringBuilder(settings.CustomFlags);

            // doc title
            if (settings.Title.HasValue())
                sb.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " --title \"{0}\"", settings.Title);

            // Cover content & options
            if (settings.Cover != null)
                var path = settings.Cover.Process("cover");
                if (path.HasValue())
                    sb.AppendFormat(" cover \"{0}\" ", path);
                    settings.Cover.WriteArguments("cover", sb);
                    if (settings.CoverOptions != null)
                        settings.CoverOptions.Process("cover", sb);

            // Toc options
            if (settings.TocOptions != null && settings.TocOptions.Enabled)
                settings.TocOptions.Process("toc", sb);

            // apply cover & toc
            converter.CustomWkHtmlArgs = sb.ToString().Trim().NullEmpty();

            // Page options
            if (settings.PageOptions != null)
                settings.PageOptions.Process("page", sb);

            // Header content & options
            if (settings.Header != null)
                var path = settings.Header.Process("header");
                if (path.HasValue())
                    sb.AppendFormat(" --header-html \"{0}\"", path);
                    settings.Header.WriteArguments("header", sb);
            if (settings.HeaderOptions != null && (settings.Header != null || settings.HeaderOptions.HasText))
                settings.HeaderOptions.Process("header", sb);

            // Footer content & options
            if (settings.Footer != null)
                var path = settings.Footer.Process("footer");
                if (path.HasValue())
                    sb.AppendFormat(" --footer-html \"{0}\"", path);
                    settings.Footer.WriteArguments("footer", sb);
            if (settings.FooterOptions != null && (settings.Footer != null || settings.FooterOptions.HasText))
                settings.FooterOptions.Process("footer", sb);

            // apply settings
            converter.CustomWkHtmlPageArgs = sb.ToString().Trim().NullEmpty();

            return converter;
        protected void convertToPdfButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a HTML to PDF converter object with default settings
            HtmlToPdfConverter htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();

            // Set license key received after purchase to use the converter in licensed mode
            // Leave it not set to use the converter in demo mode
            htmlToPdfConverter.LicenseKey = "4W9+bn19bn5ue2B+bn1/YH98YHd3d3c=";

            // Set an adddional delay in seconds to wait for JavaScript or AJAX calls after page load completed
            // Set this property to 0 if you don't need to wait for such asynchcronous operations to finish
            htmlToPdfConverter.ConversionDelay = 2;

            // Install a handler where you can set header and footer visibility or create a custom header and footer in each page
            htmlToPdfConverter.PrepareRenderPdfPageEvent += new PrepareRenderPdfPageDelegate(htmlToPdfConverter_PrepareRenderPdfPageEvent);

            // Add Header

            // Enable header in the generated PDF document
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = addHeaderCheckBox.Checked;

            // Optionally add a space between header and the page body
            // The spacing for first page and the subsequent pages can be set independently
            // Leave this option not set for no spacing
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.Y          = float.Parse(firstPageSpacingTextBox.Text);
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.TopSpacing = float.Parse(headerSpacingTextBox.Text);

            // Draw header elements
            if (htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader)
                DrawHeader(htmlToPdfConverter, drawHeaderLineCheckBox.Checked);

            // Add Footer

            // Enable footer in the generated PDF document
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = addFooterCheckBox.Checked;

            // Optionally add a space between footer and the page body
            // Leave this option not set for no spacing
            htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.BottomSpacing = float.Parse(footerSpacingTextBox.Text);

            // Draw footer elements
            if (htmlToPdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter)
                DrawFooter(htmlToPdfConverter, addPageNumbersInFooterCheckBox.Checked, drawFooterLineCheckBox.Checked);

            // Convert the HTML page to a PDF document in a memory buffer
            byte[] outPdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertUrl(urlTextBox.Text);

            // Send the PDF as response to browser

            // Set response content type
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");

            // Instruct the browser to open the PDF file as an attachment or inline
            Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename=HTML_in_Header_Footer.pdf; size={0}", outPdfBuffer.Length.ToString()));

            // Write the PDF document buffer to HTTP response

            // End the HTTP response and stop the current page processing
예제 #43
        public IActionResult pdf(int id)
            //Initialize HTML to PDF converter
            HtmlToPdfConverter      htmlConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
            WebKitConverterSettings settings      = new WebKitConverterSettings();

            //Set WebKit path
            settings.WebKitPath = Path.Combine(hosting.ContentRootPath, "QtBinariesWindows");

            //Assign WebKit settings to HTML converter
            htmlConverter.ConverterSettings = settings;

            //Convert URL to PDF

            Nomination mrki = _db.Nomination.Where(a => a.NominationId == id).Include(b => b.Applicant).ThenInclude(q => q.University).Include(b => b.Applicant).ThenInclude(c => c.ApplicationUser).ThenInclude(x => x.Country).FirstOrDefault();

            PdfDocument pdfDocument = new PdfDocument();

            //Add a page to the PDF document.

            PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.Pages.Add();

            //Create a PDF Template.

            PdfTemplate template = new PdfTemplate(900, 900);

            //Draw a rectangle on the template graphics

            template.Graphics.DrawRectangle(PdfBrushes.White, new Syncfusion.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, 900, 900));

            PdfFont font  = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 12);
            PdfFont font2 = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 20);
            PdfFont font3 = new PdfStandardFont(PdfFontFamily.Helvetica, 16);

            PdfBrush brush = new PdfSolidBrush(Color.Black);

            //Draw a string using the graphics of the template.

            RectangleF bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, pdfDocument.Pages[0].GetClientSize().Width, 52); //dirao

            PdfPageTemplateElement header = new PdfPageTemplateElement(bounds);

            //Load the PDF document

            FileStream imageStream = new FileStream("unmo_logo.png", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            PdfImage image = new PdfBitmap(imageStream);

            //Draw the image in the header.

            header.Graphics.DrawImage(image, new PointF(75, 0), new SizeF(137, 52));
            header.Graphics.DrawString("Nomination number " + mrki.NominationId, font2, brush, 205, 12);

            //Add the header at the top.

            pdfDocument.Template.Top = header;

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Full name: ", font, brush, 32, 15);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.ApplicationUser.Name + " " + mrki.Applicant.ApplicationUser.Surname, font, brush, 280, 15);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Account created: ", font, brush, 32, 30);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.CreatedProfile.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 30);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Nomination created: ", font, brush, 32, 45);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.CreatedNom.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 45);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Nomination submitted: ", font, brush, 32, 60);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.FinishedTime.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 60);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Information", font3, brush, 10, 87);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("E-mail: ", font, brush, 32, 112);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.ApplicationUser.Email.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 112);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Phone number: ", font, brush, 32, 127);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.ApplicationUser.PhoneNumber.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 127);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Nationality: ", font, brush, 32, 142);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.ApplicationUser.Country.Name.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 142);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Faculty: ", font, brush, 32, 157);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.FacultyName.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 157);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("University: ", font, brush, 32, 172);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.University.Name.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 172);

            template.Graphics.DrawString("Student/staff: ", font, brush, 32, 187);
            template.Graphics.DrawString(mrki.Applicant.TypeOfApplication.ToString(), font, brush, 280, 187);

            var path1 = "";

            if (mrki.LearningAgreement != null)
                path1 = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                                     "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.LearningAgreement);
            else if (mrki.WorkPlan != null)
                path1 = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),
                                     "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.WorkPlan);

            var path2 = Path.Combine(
                "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.CV);

            var pathx = Path.Combine(
                "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.Passport);

            var path3 = Path.Combine(
                "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.EngProficiency);

            var path4 = Path.Combine(
                "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.TranscriptOfRecords);

            var path5 = Path.Combine(
                "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.MotivationLetter);

            var path6 = Path.Combine(
                "wwwroot\\uploads\\", mrki.ReferenceLetter);

            FileStream stream1 = new FileStream(path1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            FileStream stream2 = new FileStream(path2, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            FileStream streamx = new FileStream(pathx, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            FileStream stream3 = new FileStream(path3, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            FileStream stream4 = new FileStream(path4, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            FileStream stream5 = new FileStream(path5, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            // Creates a PDF stream for merging

            Stream[] streams = { stream1, stream2, stream3, streamx, stream4, stream5 };

            // Merges PDFDocument.

            PdfDocumentBase.Merge(pdfDocument, streams);

            ////Draw the template on the page graphics of the document.

            pdfPage.Graphics.DrawPdfTemplate(template, PointF.Empty);

            //Save the document into stream
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            stream.Position = 0;

            //Define the file name
            FileStreamResult nova       = new FileStreamResult(stream, "nomination/pdf");
            string           nameOfFile = "Nomination_" + mrki.NominationId + "_" + mrki.Applicant.ApplicationUser.Name + "_" + mrki.Applicant.ApplicationUser.Surname + ".pdf";

            nova.FileDownloadName = nameOfFile;
        public void A_Pdf_Is_Generated()
            string html = @"<div class='row'>


                    Voornaam Achternaam



                                <td>doel omschrijving</td>
                                       Andere taak
                                <td>doel omschrijving</td>
                                <td>doel omschrijving</td>
                                        Andere taak


                <div>Totaal: ??</div>

                    <div> Opmerking:</div>
            string filename = @"C:\temp\pdftest.pdf";
            var pdfConverter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
            pdfConverter.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;

            pdfConverter.GeneratePdf(html,null, filename);

            // bool success = SaveData(filename, pdfbytes);

            // no assert assert = no error