protected byte[] GetPdf(object model)
     HtmlToPdfBuilder builder = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.LETTER);
     HtmlPdfPage page = builder.AddPage();
     string htmlText = RenderActionResultToString(View(model));
     return builder.RenderPdf();
예제 #2
        public static byte[] CreateiTextPdfDoc(string exporthtml, string linkedResourcePath = null)
            HtmlToPdfBuilder builder = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.A4);
            HtmlPdfPage      first   = builder.AddPage();

        protected byte[] GetPdf(object model)
            HtmlToPdfBuilder builder  = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.LETTER);
            HtmlPdfPage      page     = builder.AddPage();
            string           htmlText = RenderActionResultToString(View(model));

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a PDF action result. This method renders the view to a string then
        /// use that string to generate a PDF file. The generated PDF file is then
        /// returned to the browser as binary content. The view associated with this
        /// action should render an XML compatible with iTextSharp xml format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to send to the view.</param>
        /// <returns>The resulted BinaryResult.</returns>
        protected ActionResult ViewPdf(object model)
            HtmlToPdfBuilder builder = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.LETTER);
            HtmlPdfPage page = builder.AddPage();
            string htmlText = RenderActionResultToString(View(model));
            byte[] file = builder.RenderPdf();

            // Send the binary data to the browser.
            return new BinaryResult(file, "application/pdf");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a PDF action result. This method renders the view to a string then
        /// use that string to generate a PDF file. The generated PDF file is then
        /// returned to the browser as binary content. The view associated with this
        /// action should render an XML compatible with iTextSharp xml format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model to send to the view.</param>
        /// <returns>The resulted BinaryResult.</returns>
        protected ActionResult ViewPdf(object model)
            HtmlToPdfBuilder builder  = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.LETTER);
            HtmlPdfPage      page     = builder.AddPage();
            string           htmlText = RenderActionResultToString(View(model));

            byte[] file = builder.RenderPdf();

            // Send the binary data to the browser.
            return(new BinaryResult(file, "application/pdf"));
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Cria o PDF que será anexado ao email
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="html">html com o texto do certificado</param>
 /// <param name="backgroundPath">caminho da imagem de fundo do certificado</param>
 /// <returns>retorna um array de bytes com o PDF</returns>
 private Byte[] CreatePDF(string html, string backgroundPath)
         //define o tamanho da página
         HtmlToPdfBuilder builder = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4);
         HtmlPdfPage      first   = builder.AddPage();
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
예제 #7
    protected void btnExportPdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string path     = Server.MapPath("~/PDF/");
        string filename = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".pdf";

        HtmlToPdfBuilder builder = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.LETTER);
        HtmlPdfPage      first   = builder.AddPage();

        byte[] file = builder.RenderPdf();
        filename = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".pdf";
        File.WriteAllBytes(path + filename + ".pdf", file);

        HttpContext.Current.Response.Buffer = true;
        HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application//pdf";
        HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + filename);
예제 #8
파일: BasePage.cs 프로젝트: hyori7/Hospital
 //convert html to pdf
 protected void toPDF(string html, string path)
     //Page sizes are found in iTextSharp.text.PageSize
     HtmlToPdfBuilder builder = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.LETTER);
     HtmlPdfPage first = builder.AddPage();
     //also found at builder[0]
     //import an entire sheet
     byte[] file = builder.RenderPdf();
     File.WriteAllBytes(path, file);
예제 #9
    protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //bac_bidEvaluationDetails1.Page.LoadComplete += new EventHandler(Page_LoadCompleteX);

        string        sCommand, sSubCommand;
        string        connstring = HttpContext.Current.Session["ConnectionString"].ToString();
        SqlDataReader oReader, oSubReader;

        HtmlInputHidden txtNewVendor = (HtmlInputHidden)bac_bidEvaluationDetails1.FindControl("txtNewVendor");

        txtNewVendor.Value = "0";
        HtmlInputHidden txtCDVendor = (HtmlInputHidden)bac_bidEvaluationDetails1.FindControl("txtCDVendor");

        txtCDVendor.Value = "0";
        HtmlInputHidden NewRow = ((System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputHidden)bac_bidEvaluationDetails1.FindControl("txtNewRow"));

        NewRow.Value = "-1";

        // criteria
        sCommand = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT RowNum) count1 FROM tblBACCriteria WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
        oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
        if (oReader.HasRows)
            int iRow = int.Parse(oReader["count1"].ToString());
            NewRow.Value = iRow.ToString();

        string sCookieName1;

        sCommand = "SELECT * FROM tblBACCriteria WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ORDER BY RowNum";
        oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
        while (oReader.Read())
            if (oReader["VendorID"].ToString() == "0")
                sCookieName1 = "Criteria_" + oReader["RowNum"].ToString() + "_";
                sCookieName1 = "Criteria_" + oReader["RowNum"].ToString() + "_" + oReader["VendorID"].ToString();
            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), sCookieName1, "<script language='Javascript'>createCookie('" + sCookieName1 + "', '" + oReader["CriteriaText"].ToString() + "', 1);</script>");


        // rebind commercial details
        //lstCommDetails.DataSourceID = null;
        //lstCommDetails.DataSourceID = "dsItems1";

        // awarding committee
        SqlDataSource dsApprover = (SqlDataSource)bac_bidApprovingCommittee1.FindControl("dsApprover");

        dsApprover.SelectCommand = "select BACId, NAME1, ApprovingLimit, ApprovedDt from ( SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_1 ApprovedDt, 1 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_1 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_2 ApprovedDt, 2 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_2 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_3 ApprovedDt, 3 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_3 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_4 ApprovedDt, 4 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_4 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_5 ApprovedDt, 5 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_5 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_6 ApprovedDt, 6 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_6 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_7 ApprovedDt, 7 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_7 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_8 ApprovedDt,  8 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_8 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_9 ApprovedDt,  9 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2   WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_9 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " UNION SELECT t1.BACId, t1.LastName + ', ' + t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.MiddleName AS Name1, t2.ApprovedDt_10 ApprovedDt, 10 AS ApprovingLimit  FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee t1, tblBacBidItems t2 WHERE t1.BACId = t2.Approver_10 AND t2.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + ") as table_1 order by ApprovingLimit";
        Repeater RepeaterApprover1 = (Repeater)bac_bidApprovingCommittee1.FindControl("RepeaterApprover1");

        RepeaterApprover1.DataSourceID = null;
        RepeaterApprover1.DataSourceID = "dsApprover";

        string control1 = Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"];

        if (control1 == "SaveAsPDF")
            HtmlToPdfBuilder builder = new HtmlToPdfBuilder(PageSize.LETTER);
            HtmlPdfPage      pge     = builder.AddPage();

            string contents = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("PDF/BAC.htm"));
            string sTxt, SS_Nobidders, SS_NoBidsRcvd, SS_TechCompliance, descPaymentTerms, SS_crc_no;
            string SavingsGen_PctSpend, AccumulativeCost, SavingsGen_Amount, PreparedDt, sBuyerID;

            SS_Nobidders        = "0";
            SS_NoBidsRcvd       = "0";
            SS_TechCompliance   = "0";
            SS_crc_no           = "";
            descPaymentTerms    = "";
            SavingsGen_PctSpend = "0";
            AccumulativeCost    = "0.00";
            SavingsGen_Amount   = "0.00";
            PreparedDt          = "";
            sBuyerID            = "";

            // BAC Bid Details
            sCommand = "SELECT ItemDesc, BidRefNo, SAPPRNo, CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, BidAmount), 1) BidAmount, BuyerId, ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), SAPPRDate, 106) SAPPRDate, CONVERT(VARCHAR(17), PreparedDt, 113) PreparedDt, ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "CASE Budgeted WHEN 1 THEN 'Budgeted' ELSE 'Unbudgeted' END Budgeted, ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "CASE CompanyId WHEN 0 THEN 'GT' WHEN 1 THEN 'IC' WHEN 2 THEN 'GXI' ELSE 'EGG' END CompanyId, ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "SS_Nobidders, SS_NoBidsRcvd, SS_TechCompliance, ss_crc_no, descPaymentTerms, SavingsGen_PctSpend, ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, AccumulativeCost), 1) AccumulativeCost, ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, SavingsGen_Amount), 1) SavingsGen_Amount ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM tblBACBidItems WHERE BacRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBacRefNo"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                contents            = contents.Replace("[BidRefNo]", oReader["BidRefNo"].ToString());
                contents            = contents.Replace("[ItemDesc]", oReader["ItemDesc"].ToString());
                contents            = contents.Replace("[SAPPRNo]", oReader["SAPPRNo"].ToString());
                contents            = contents.Replace("[BidAmount]", oReader["BidAmount"].ToString());
                contents            = contents.Replace("[SAPPRDate]", oReader["SAPPRDate"].ToString());
                contents            = contents.Replace("[PreparedDt]", oReader["PreparedDt"].ToString());
                contents            = contents.Replace("[Budgeted]", oReader["Budgeted"].ToString());
                contents            = contents.Replace("[CompanyId]", "Company: " + oReader["CompanyId"].ToString());
                SS_Nobidders        = oReader["SS_Nobidders"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["SS_Nobidders"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                SS_NoBidsRcvd       = oReader["SS_NoBidsRcvd"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["SS_NoBidsRcvd"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                SS_TechCompliance   = oReader["SS_TechCompliance"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["SS_TechCompliance"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                SS_crc_no           = oReader["ss_crc_no"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["ss_crc_no"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                descPaymentTerms    = oReader["descPaymentTerms"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["descPaymentTerms"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                SavingsGen_PctSpend = oReader["SavingsGen_PctSpend"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["SavingsGen_PctSpend"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                AccumulativeCost    = oReader["AccumulativeCost"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["AccumulativeCost"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                SavingsGen_Amount   = oReader["SavingsGen_Amount"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["SavingsGen_Amount"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                PreparedDt          = oReader["PreparedDt"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["PreparedDt"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";
                sBuyerID            = oReader["BuyerId"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["BuyerId"].ToString() : "&nbsp;";

            // Executive Summary
            sCommand = "SELECT Comment FROM tblBACExecutiveSummary WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                contents = contents.Replace("[ExecSummary]", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + oReader["Comment"].ToString());

            // Remarks/Comments
            sTxt     = "";
            sCommand = "SELECT A.FrUserId, B.Name1 FrName, A.Comment, A.ToUserId, C.Name1 ToName, CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), A.DatePosted, 100) DatePosted FROM ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "(SELECT FrUserId, Comment, ToUserId, DatePosted FROM tblBACClarifications ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND (Comment IS NOT NULL ) ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "UNION ALL ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "SELECT UserId FrUserId, Comment, UserId ToUserId, DatePosted FROM tblBACComments ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND (Comment IS NOT NULL) ";
            sCommand = sCommand + ") AS A ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "INNER JOIN ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "(SELECT BuyerId UserId, BuyerLastName + ', ' + BuyerFirstName + ' ' + BuyerMidName AS Name1 FROM tblBuyers ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "UNION ALL ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "SELECT PurchasingID UserId, LastName + ', ' + FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName AS Name1 FROM tblPurchasing ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "UNION ALL ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "SELECT BACId UserId, LastName + ', ' + FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName AS Name1 FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee) ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "B ON A.FrUserId=B.UserId ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "INNER JOIN ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "(SELECT BuyerId UserId, BuyerLastName + ', ' + BuyerFirstName + ' ' + BuyerMidName AS Name1 FROM tblBuyers ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "UNION ALL ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "SELECT PurchasingID UserId, LastName + ', ' + FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName AS Name1 FROM tblPurchasing ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "UNION ALL ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "SELECT BACId UserId, LastName + ', ' + FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName AS Name1 FROM tblBidAwardingCommittee) ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "C ON A.ToUserId=C.UserId ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "ORDER BY DatePosted DESC ";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["FrName"].ToString() + "<br />";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + oReader["DatePosted"].ToString() + "<br />";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + oReader["Comment"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[RemComments]", sTxt);

            // Supply Position
            sTxt     = "";
            sCommand = "SELECT SupplyPosition FROM tblBACSupplyPosition WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["SupplyPosition"].ToString() + "<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[SupplyPosition]", sTxt);

            // Sourcing Strategy
            sTxt     = "";
            sCommand = "SELECT SourcingStrategy FROM tblBACSourcingStrategy WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["SourcingStrategy"].ToString() + "<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[SourcingStrategy]", sTxt);

            contents = contents.Replace("[SS_Nobidders]", SS_Nobidders);
            contents = contents.Replace("[SS_NoBidsRcvd]", SS_NoBidsRcvd);
            contents = contents.Replace("[SS_TechCompliance]", SS_TechCompliance);
            contents = contents.Replace("[SS_crc_no]", SS_crc_no);

            // Type of Purchase
            sTxt     = "";
            sCommand = "SELECT TypeOfPurchase FROM tblBACTypeOfPurchase WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["TypeOfPurchase"].ToString() + "<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[TypeOfPurchase]", sTxt);

            // Payment Terms
            sTxt     = "";
            sCommand = "SELECT PaymentTerm FROM tblBACPaymentTerms WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["PaymentTerm"].ToString() + "<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[PaymentTerms]", sTxt);

            contents = contents.Replace("[PaymentTermsDesc]", descPaymentTerms);

            // Supporting Documents Attached
            sTxt     = ""; // Approved SAP PR
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='Approved_PR' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[ApprovedSAPPR]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Commercial Evaluation
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='Commercial_Evaluation' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[CommercialEvaluation]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Approved Business Case
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='Approved_Business_Case' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[ApprovedBusinessCase]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Negotiation Results
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='Negotiation_Results' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[NegotiationResults]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Board Resolution
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='Board_Resolution' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[BoardResolution]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Others
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='Others' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[Others]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Technical Evaluation
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='Technical_Evaluation' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[TechnicalEvaluation]", sTxt);

            // Basis for Awarding
            sTxt     = ""; // Lowest-Price Bidder
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='bfa_LowestPr' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[LowestPriceBidder]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Sole Source w/ LOA Approved Waiver of Completion
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='bfa_SoleLOA' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[SoleSourceLOA]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Sole Source w/ Certificate of Sale Distributorship
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='bfa_SoleCSD' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[SoleSourceCertificate]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Compliance to Technical/ Functional Specifications
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='bfa_TechSpec' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            contents = contents.Replace("[ComplianceTechnicalFunctional]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Compliance to Delivery Lead-Time
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='bfa_LeadTime' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[ComplianceDelivery]", sTxt);

            sTxt     = ""; // Others
            sCommand = "SELECT OriginalFileName ActualFileName FROM tblBACSupportingDocuments WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND DocuName='bfa_BFAOth' ORDER BY FileUploadID";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["ActualFileName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[Others1]", sTxt);

            // Bid Evaluation Summary
            sTxt     = "<tr><td><b>&nbsp;VENDOR / CRITERIA</b></td>"; // Vendor / Criteria
            sCommand = "SELECT VendorName FROM tblBACEvaluationSummary WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ORDER BY VendorName ASC";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["VendorName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";

            sTxt     = sTxt + "<tr><td><b>&nbsp;Accreditation Status</b></td>"; // Accreditation Status
            sCommand = "SELECT ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    CASE Accredited ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 1 THEN 'Accredited' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 2 THEN 'Unaccredited' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 3 THEN 'One Time Supplier' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 4 THEN 'Exempted' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        ELSE 'Due For Renewal' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    END Accredited ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM tblBACEvaluationSummary ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "ORDER BY VendorName ASC";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["Accredited"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";

            sTxt     = sTxt + "<tr><td><b>&nbsp;Performance Rating</b></td>"; // Performance Rating
            sCommand = "SELECT PerformanceRating FROM tblBACEvaluationSummary WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ORDER BY VendorName ASC";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["PerformanceRating"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";

            sTxt     = sTxt + "<tr><td><b>&nbsp;Technical Compliance</b></td>"; // Technical Compliance
            sCommand = "SELECT ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    CASE TechCompliance ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 1 THEN 'Not-Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 2 THEN 'Fully Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        ELSE '' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    END TechCompliance ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM tblBACEvaluationSummary ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "ORDER BY VendorName ASC";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["TechCompliance"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";

            sTxt     = sTxt + "<tr><td><b>&nbsp;Commercial Compliance</b></td>"; // Commercial Compliance
            sCommand = "SELECT ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    CASE CommCompliance ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 1 THEN 'Not-Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 2 THEN 'Partial Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 3 THEN 'Fully Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        ELSE '' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    END CommCompliance ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM tblBACEvaluationSummary ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "ORDER BY VendorName ASC";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["CommCompliance"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";

            sTxt     = sTxt + "<tr><td><b>&nbsp;Contract Compliance</b></td>"; // Contract Compliance
            sCommand = "SELECT ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    CASE ContCompliance ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 1 THEN 'Not-Applicable' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 2 THEN 'Not-Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 3 THEN 'Partial Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        WHEN 4 THEN 'Fully Compliant' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "        ELSE '' ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "    END ContCompliance ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM tblBACEvaluationSummary ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "ORDER BY VendorName ASC";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["ContCompliance"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";

            contents = contents.Replace("[BidEvaluationSummary]", sTxt);

            // Items
            sTxt     = "<tr>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Item #</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Item Details</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;PR No</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "</tr>";
            sCommand = "SELECT DISTINCT BidDetailNo, ItemName, PR_No ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM  tblBACEvaluationDetails ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ORDER BY BidDetailNo";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["BidDetailNo"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["ItemName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["PR_No"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</tr>";
            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";
            contents = contents.Replace("[BidEvalItems]", sTxt);

            // COMMERCIAL DETAIL
            sTxt     = "<tr><td><b>&nbsp;Item Description</b><br><b>&nbsp;Qty in base unit</b></td><td><b>&nbsp;BIDDER:</b></td>"; // Vendor / ITEMS
            sCommand = "SELECT VendorName FROM tblBACEvaluationDetails WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ORDER BY VendorName ASC";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["VendorName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";

            sCommand = "SELECT t1.ItemName, t1.ItemName + '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + cast(max(t1.Qty) as varchar) + ' ' + max(t1.UnitMeasure) ItemNameD FROM tblBACEvaluationDetails t1 WHERE t1.BidRefNo = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " GROUP BY t1.ItemName Order by t1.ItemName";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["ItemNameD"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;Value:<br>&nbsp;Price:<br>&nbsp;Currency<br>&nbsp;Rank:";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";

                    sSubCommand = "SELECT CASE WHEN t1.TotalCost is NOT null THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, t1.TotalCost), 1) + '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, t1.UnitCost), 1) + '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + t1.Currenzy + '<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + CAST(t1.Ranking as varchar) ELSE 'NO PRICE' END AS ItemDtl ";
                    sSubCommand = sSubCommand + "FROM tblBACEvaluationDetails t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblBACEvaluationSummary t2 ";
                    sSubCommand = sSubCommand + "ON t1.BidRefNO = t2.BidRefNO AND t1.VendorName = t2.VendorName ";
                    sSubCommand = sSubCommand + "WHERE t2.BidRefNO = " + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " ";
                    sSubCommand = sSubCommand + "AND   t1.ItemName = '" + oReader["ItemName"].ToString() + "' ";
                    sSubCommand = sSubCommand + "Order by t2.VendorName";
                    oSubReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sSubCommand);
                    if (oSubReader.HasRows)
                        while (oSubReader.Read())
                            sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                            sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + oSubReader["ItemDtl"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                            sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";

                    //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;";

            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("BidCommercialDetail", sTxt);

            // Awarded To
            sTxt     = "<tr>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Item #</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Item Details</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Vendor Name</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Qty</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Total</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "<td><h2>&nbsp;Ranking</h2></td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "</tr>";
            sCommand = "SELECT BidDetailNo, ItemName, VendorName, Qty, CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CONVERT(MONEY, TotalCost), 1) TotalCost, Ranking ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM tblBACEvaluationDetails WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " AND Chkd=1";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["BidDetailNo"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["ItemName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["VendorName"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["Qty"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["TotalCost"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;" + oReader["Ranking"].ToString() + "&nbsp;";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</td>";
                    sTxt = sTxt + "</tr>";
            //sTxt = sTxt + "<tr>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[BidAwardedTo]", sTxt);

            // Nature of Savings
            sTxt     = "";
            sCommand = "SELECT NatureOfSavings FROM tblBACNatureOfSavings WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "&nbsp;•&nbsp;" + oReader["NatureOfSavings"].ToString() + "&nbsp;<br />";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "&nbsp;";
            contents = contents.Replace("[NatureOfSavings]", sTxt);

            // Savings Generated
            contents = contents.Replace("[AccumulatedCost]", AccumulativeCost);
            contents = contents.Replace("[SavingsAmount]", SavingsGen_Amount);
            contents = contents.Replace("[PercentSavings]", SavingsGen_PctSpend);

            // Purchasing
            contents = contents.Replace("[PreparedDate]", PreparedDt);

            sCommand = "SELECT t1.BuyerLastName + ', ' + t1.BuyerFirstName + ' ' + t1.BuyerMidName AS Name1 FROM tblBuyers t1, tblBacBidItems t2 ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "WHERE t1.BuyerID=t2.BuyerId AND t2.BacRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBacRefNo"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                contents = contents.Replace("[PreparedBy]", oReader["Name1"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["Name1"].ToString() : "&nbsp;");

            sCommand = "SELECT t1.PurchasingID, t2.LastName + ', ' + t2.FirstName + ' ' + t2.MiddleName AS Name1, CONVERT(VARCHAR(17), t3.ApprovedDt_0, 113) ApprovedDt ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "FROM tblSupervisor t1, tblPurchasing t2, tblBacBidItems t3 WHERE ";
            sCommand = sCommand + "t1.PurchasingID=t2.PurchasingID and t1.BuyerId = t3.buyerId AND t2.PurchasingID=t3.Approver_0 and t3.BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"];
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                contents = contents.Replace("[ReviewedBy]", oReader["Name1"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["Name1"].ToString() : "&nbsp;");
                contents = contents.Replace("[ReviewedDt]", oReader["ApprovedDt"].ToString() != "" ? oReader["ApprovedDt"].ToString() : "&nbsp;");

            // Bid Approving Authority
            sTxt     = "<tr>";
            sCommand = "SELECT Name1, CASE WHEN ApprovedDt IS NOT NULL THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(17), ApprovedDt, 113) + '<br>&nbsp;Approver' else 'Approver' END ApprovedDt FROM vwBacBidApprovers WHERE BidRefNo=" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + " Order by ApprovingLimit";
            oReader  = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connstring, CommandType.Text, sCommand);
            if (oReader.HasRows)
                while (oReader.Read())
                    sTxt = sTxt + "<td><br>&nbsp;Approved By / Date:<br><br /><b>&nbsp;" + oReader["Name1"].ToString() + "&nbsp;</b><br>&nbsp;" + oReader["ApprovedDt"].ToString() + "</td>";
                sTxt = sTxt + "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
            sTxt     = sTxt + "</tr>";
            contents = contents.Replace("[BacApprovers]", sTxt);

            //Response.Write (contents);
            // Convert to PDF
            builder.AddStyle("H1", "font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; bgcolor:#70A8D2;");
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            builder.AddStyle("p", "font-family:Arial; font-size:10px; bgcolor:#FFFFFF;");
            byte[] file = builder.RenderPdf();
            File.WriteAllBytes(Server.MapPath("PDF/BAC-" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + ".pdf"), file);

            Response.Redirect("PDF/BAC-" + Session["BuyerBidForBac"] + ".pdf");

            builder = null;
            pge     = null;
            file    = null;

            // redirect
            // END SaveAsPDF