public IElement Apply(IElement e, Tag t, HtmlPipelineContext ctx) { try { return(this.Apply(e, t, ctx, ctx, ctx.GetImageProvider())); } catch (NoImageProviderException) { return(this.Apply(e, t, ctx, ctx, null)); } }
/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * com.itextpdf.tool.xml.ITagProcessor#endElement(com.itextpdf.tool.xml.Tag, * java.util.List, com.itextpdf.text.Document) */ public override IList <IElement> End(IWorkerContext ctx, Tag tag, IList <IElement> currentContent) { IDictionary <String, String> attributes = tag.Attributes; String src; attributes.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.SRC, out src); iTextSharp.text.Image img = null; IList <IElement> l = new List <IElement>(1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(src)) { src = XMLUtil.UnescapeXML(src); src = src.Trim(); // check if the image was already added once try { if (logger.IsLogging(Level.TRACE)) { logger.Trace(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage(LocaleMessages.HTML_IMG_USE), src)); } HtmlPipelineContext context = GetHtmlPipelineContext(ctx); img = new ImageRetrieve(context.ResourcePath, context.GetImageProvider()).RetrieveImage(src); } catch (NoImageException e) { if (logger.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) { logger.Error(string.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage(LocaleMessages.HTML_IMG_RETRIEVE_FAIL), src), e); } } catch (NoCustomContextException e) { throw new RuntimeWorkerException(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage(LocaleMessages.NO_CUSTOM_CONTEXT), e); } if (null != img) { try { String alt; attributes.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.ALT, out alt); if (alt != null) { img.SetAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.ALT, new PdfString(attributes[HTML.Attribute.ALT])); } HtmlPipelineContext htmlPipelineContext = GetHtmlPipelineContext(ctx); l.Add(GetCssAppliers().Apply(new Chunk((iTextSharp.text.Image)GetCssAppliers().Apply(img, tag, htmlPipelineContext), 0, 0, true), tag, htmlPipelineContext)); } catch (NoCustomContextException e) { throw new RuntimeWorkerException(e); } } } return(l); }
virtual public void VerifyNewImageProvider() { Assert.AreSame(ctx.GetImageProvider(), clone.GetImageProvider()); }
virtual public void VerifyNoImageProvider() { ctx.GetImageProvider(); }
public override PdfDiv Apply(PdfDiv div, Tag t, IMarginMemory memory, IPageSizeContainable psc, HtmlPipelineContext context) { IDictionary<String, String> css = t.CSS; float fontSize = FontSizeTranslator.GetInstance().TranslateFontSize(t); if (fontSize == Font.UNDEFINED) { fontSize = FontSizeTranslator.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE; } String align = null; if (t.Attributes.ContainsKey(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN)) { align = t.Attributes[HTML.Attribute.ALIGN]; } else if (css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.TEXT_ALIGN)) { align = css[CSS.Property.TEXT_ALIGN]; } if (align != null) { div.TextAlignment = CSS.GetElementAlignment(align); } String widthValue; if (!css.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, out widthValue)) { t.Attributes.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.WIDTH, out widthValue); } if (widthValue != null) { float pageWidth = psc.PageSize.Width; if (utils.IsNumericValue(widthValue) || utils.IsMetricValue(widthValue)) { div.Width = Math.Min(pageWidth, utils.ParsePxInCmMmPcToPt(widthValue)); } else if (utils.IsRelativeValue(widthValue)) { if (widthValue.Contains(CSS.Value.PERCENTAGE)) { div.PercentageWidth = utils.ParseRelativeValue(widthValue, 1f); } else { div.Width = Math.Min(pageWidth, utils.ParseRelativeValue(widthValue, fontSize)); } } } String heightValue; if (!css.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.HEIGHT, out heightValue)) { t.Attributes.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.HEIGHT, out heightValue); } if (heightValue != null) { if (utils.IsNumericValue(heightValue) || utils.IsMetricValue(heightValue)) { div.Height = utils.ParsePxInCmMmPcToPt(heightValue); } else if (utils.IsRelativeValue(heightValue)) { if (heightValue.Contains(CSS.Value.PERCENTAGE)) { div.PercentageHeight = utils.ParseRelativeValue(heightValue, 1f); } else { div.Height = utils.ParseRelativeValue(heightValue, fontSize); } } } float? marginTop = null; float? marginBottom = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> entry in css) { String key = entry.Key; String value = entry.Value; if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.LEFT)) { div.Left = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.RIGHT)) { if (div.Width == null || div.Left == null) { div.Right = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.TOP)) { div.Top = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.BOTTOM)) { if (div.Height == null || div.Top == null) { div.Bottom = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.BACKGROUND_COLOR)) { div.BackgroundColor = HtmlUtilities.DecodeColor(value); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.BACKGROUND_IMAGE)) { string url = utils.ExtractUrl(value); try { Image img = new ImageRetrieve(context.ResourcePath, context.GetImageProvider()).RetrieveImage(url); div.BackgroundImage = img; } catch (NoImageException e) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) { LOG.Error(string.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("html.tag.img.failed"), url), e); } } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.PADDING_LEFT)) { div.PaddingLeft = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.PADDING_RIGHT)) { div.PaddingRight = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.PADDING_TOP)) { div.PaddingTop = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.PADDING_BOTTOM)) { div.PaddingBottom = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.MARGIN_TOP)) { marginTop = utils.CalculateMarginTop(value, fontSize, memory); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.MARGIN_BOTTOM)) { marginBottom = utils.ParseValueToPt(value, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.FLOAT)) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.LEFT)) { div.Float = PdfDiv.FloatType.LEFT; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.RIGHT)) { div.Float = PdfDiv.FloatType.RIGHT; } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.POSITION)) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.ABSOLUTE)) { div.Position = PdfDiv.PositionType.ABSOLUTE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.FIXED)) { div.Position = PdfDiv.PositionType.FIXED; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.RELATIVE)) { div.Position = PdfDiv.PositionType.RELATIVE; } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.DISPLAY)) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.BLOCK)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.BLOCK; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.INLINE)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.INLINE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.INLINE_BLOCK)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.INLINE_BLOCK; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.INLINE_TABLE)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.INLINE_TABLE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.LIST_ITEM)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.LIST_ITEM; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.NONE)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.NONE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.RUN_IN)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.RUN_IN; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_CAPTION)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_CAPTION; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_CELL)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_CELL; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_COLUMN)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_COLUMN; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_HEADER_GROUP)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_HEADER_GROUP; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_ROW)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_ROW; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.TABLE_ROW_GROUP)) { div.Display = PdfDiv.DisplayType.TABLE_ROW_GROUP; } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Property.BORDER_TOP_STYLE, key)) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DOTTED, value)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.DOTTED; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DASHED, value)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.DASHED; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.SOLID, value)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.SOLID; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DOUBLE, value)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.DOUBLE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.GROOVE, value)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.GROOVE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.RIDGE, value)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.RIDGE; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.INSET)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.INSET; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.OUTSET)) { div.BorderStyle = PdfDiv.BorderTopStyle.OUTSET; } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(key, CSS.Property.PAGE_BREAK_INSIDE)) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(value, CSS.Value.AVOID)) { div.KeepTogether = true; } } //TODO: border, background properties. } return div; }
/** * The ListCssApplier has the capabilities to change the type of the given {@link List} dependable on the css. * This means: <strong>Always replace your list with the returned one and add content to the list after applying!</strong> */ // not implemented: list-style-type:armenian, georgian, decimal-leading-zero. virtual public List Apply(List list, Tag t, HtmlPipelineContext context) { float fontSize = FontSizeTranslator.GetInstance().GetFontSize(t); List lst = list; IDictionary <String, String> css = t.CSS; String styleType; css.TryGetValue(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_TYPE, out styleType); BaseColor color = HtmlUtilities.DecodeColor(css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.COLOR) ? css[CSS.Property.COLOR] : null); if (null == color) { color = BaseColor.BLACK; } if (null != styleType) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(styleType, CSS.Value.NONE)) { lst.Lettered = false; lst.Numbered = false; lst.SetListSymbol(""); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DECIMAL, styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DISC, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(108); lst.Autoindent = false; lst.SymbolIndent = 7.75f; Chunk symbol = lst.Symbol; symbol.SetTextRise(1.5f); Font font = symbol.Font; font.Size = 4.5f; font.Color = color; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.SQUARE, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(110); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize, color); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.CIRCLE, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(109); lst.Autoindent = false; lst.SymbolIndent = 7.75f; Chunk symbol = lst.Symbol; symbol.SetTextRise(1.5f); Font font = symbol.Font; font.Size = 4.5f; font.Color = color; } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_ROMAN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new RomanList(true, 0); lst.Autoindent = true; SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_ROMAN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new RomanList(false, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_GREEK.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new GreekList(true, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_GREEK.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new GreekList(false, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_ALPHA.Equals(styleType) || CSS.Value.LOWER_LATIN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED, List.ALPHABETICAL); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Lowercase = true; lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_ALPHA.Equals(styleType) || CSS.Value.UPPER_LATIN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED, List.ALPHABETICAL); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Lowercase = false; lst.Autoindent = true; } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(t.Name, HTML.Tag.OL)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED); String type = null; t.Attributes.TryGetValue("type", out type); if (type != null) { if (type.Equals("A")) { lst.Lettered = true; } else if (type.Equals("a")) { lst.Lettered = true; lst.Lowercase = true; } } SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst, color); lst.Autoindent = true; } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(t.Name, HTML.Tag.UL)) { lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize, color); } if (css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE) && !Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE], CSS.Value.NONE)) { lst = new List(); String url = utils.ExtractUrl(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE]); try { Image img = new ImageRetrieve(context.ResourcePath, context.GetImageProvider()).RetrieveImage(url); lst.ListSymbol = new Chunk(img, 0, 0, false); lst.SymbolIndent = img.Width; if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.TRACE)) { LOG.Trace(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("html.tag.list"), url)); } } catch (NoImageException e) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) { LOG.Error(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("html.tag.img.failed"), url), e); } lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); } lst.Autoindent = false; } lst.Alignindent = false; float leftIndent = 0; if (css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_POSITION) && Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_POSITION], CSS.Value.INSIDE)) { leftIndent += 30; } else { leftIndent += 15; } leftIndent += css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.MARGIN_LEFT)?utils.ParseValueToPt(css[CSS.Property.MARGIN_LEFT], fontSize):0; leftIndent += css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.PADDING_LEFT)?utils.ParseValueToPt(css[CSS.Property.PADDING_LEFT], fontSize):0; lst.IndentationLeft = leftIndent; String startAtr = null; t.Attributes.TryGetValue(HTML.Attribute.START, out startAtr); if (startAtr != null) { try { int start = int.Parse(startAtr); lst.First = start; } catch (FormatException exc) { } } return(lst); }
/** * The ListCssApplier has the capabilities to change the type of the given {@link List} dependable on the css. * This means: <strong>Always replace your list with the returned one and add content to the list after applying!</strong> */ // not implemented: list-style-type:armenian, georgian, decimal-leading-zero. public List Apply(List list, Tag t, HtmlPipelineContext htmlPipelineContext) { float fontSize = FontSizeTranslator.GetInstance().GetFontSize(t); List lst = list; IDictionary <String, String> css = t.CSS; String styleType; css.TryGetValue(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_TYPE, out styleType); if (null != styleType) { if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(styleType, CSS.Value.NONE)) { lst.Lettered = false; lst.Numbered = false; lst.SetListSymbol(""); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DECIMAL, styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.DISC, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(108); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.SQUARE, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(110); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(CSS.Value.CIRCLE, styleType)) { lst = new ZapfDingbatsList(109); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize); } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_ROMAN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new RomanList(true, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_ROMAN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new RomanList(false, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_GREEK.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new GreekList(true, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_GREEK.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new GreekList(false, 0); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); } else if (CSS.Value.LOWER_ALPHA.Equals(styleType) || CSS.Value.LOWER_LATIN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED, List.ALPHABETICAL); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); lst.Lowercase = true; } else if (CSS.Value.UPPER_ALPHA.Equals(styleType) || CSS.Value.UPPER_LATIN.Equals(styleType)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED, List.ALPHABETICAL); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); lst.Lowercase = false; } } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(t.Name, HTML.Tag.OL)) { lst = new List(List.ORDERED); SynchronizeSymbol(fontSize, lst); } else if (Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(t.Name, HTML.Tag.UL)) { lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); ShrinkSymbol(lst, fontSize); } if (css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE) && !Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE], CSS.Value.NONE)) { lst = new List(); String url = utils.ExtractUrl(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE]); iTextSharp.text.Image img = null; try { if (htmlPipelineContext == null) { img = new ImageRetrieve().RetrieveImage(url); } else { try { img = new ImageRetrieve(htmlPipelineContext.GetImageProvider()).RetrieveImage(url); } catch (NoImageProviderException) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.TRACE)) { LOG.Trace(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("pipeline.html.noimageprovider"), htmlPipelineContext.GetType().FullName)); } img = new ImageRetrieve().RetrieveImage(url); } } lst.ListSymbol = new Chunk(img, 0, 0, false); lst.SymbolIndent = img.Width; if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.TRACE)) { LOG.Trace(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("html.tag.list"), url)); } } catch (IOException e) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) { LOG.Error(String.Format(LocaleMessages.GetInstance().GetMessage("html.tag.list.failed"), url), e); } lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); } catch (NoImageException e) { if (LOG.IsLogging(Level.ERROR)) { LOG.Error(e.Message, e); } lst = new List(List.UNORDERED); } } lst.Alignindent = false; lst.Autoindent = false; float leftIndent = 0; if (css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_POSITION) && Util.EqualsIgnoreCase(css[CSS.Property.LIST_STYLE_POSITION], CSS.Value.INSIDE)) { leftIndent += 30; } else { leftIndent += 15; } leftIndent += css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.MARGIN_LEFT)?utils.ParseValueToPt(css[CSS.Property.MARGIN_LEFT], fontSize):0; leftIndent += css.ContainsKey(CSS.Property.PADDING_LEFT)?utils.ParseValueToPt(css[CSS.Property.PADDING_LEFT], fontSize):0; lst.IndentationLeft = leftIndent; return(lst); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.itextpdf.tool.xml.html.CssAppliers#apply(com.itextpdf.text.Element, com.itextpdf.tool.xml.Tag, com.itextpdf.tool.xml.pipeline.html.HtmlPipelineContext) */ virtual public IElement Apply(IElement e, Tag t, HtmlPipelineContext ctx) { return(this.Apply(e, t, ctx, ctx, ctx.GetImageProvider())); }