private LandingsRecord ParseRequest(string htmlReturn, string nNumber) { HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlReturn); HtmlNodeCollection bTags = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//b"); int startIndex = bTags.IndexOf(bTags.FirstOrDefault(record => record.InnerText.Contains(nNumber.ToUpper()))); int currentIndex = startIndex; LandingsRecord landingsRecord = new LandingsRecord(); landingsRecord.N_Number = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Serial_Number = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Mfr = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Model = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Eng_Mfr = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Type_Engine = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Year_Mfr = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Name = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Street = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.City = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Type_Aircraft = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Cert_Issue_Date = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Classification = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord.Aircraft_Category = bTags[currentIndex++].InnerText; landingsRecord = FixAddressFields(landingsRecord); return(landingsRecord); }
public int IndexOf(HtmlNode item) { HtmlNode[] items = this._items; if (items == null) { return(-1); } return(HtmlNodeCollection.IndexOf(items, item, this._parentnode._childNodesCount)); }
private List <HeadingModel> ExtractHeadingIndexes(HtmlNodeCollection headingNodes) { List <HeadingModel> headingIndexes = new List <HeadingModel>(); foreach (HtmlNode headingNode in headingNodes) { string heading = headingNode.InnerText; int index = headingNodes.IndexOf(headingNode); HeadingModel headingModel = new HeadingModel(heading, index); headingIndexes.Add(headingModel); } return(headingIndexes); }
public bool Remove(HtmlNode item) { HtmlNode[] items = this._items; if (items == null) { return(false); } int num = HtmlNodeCollection.IndexOf(items, item, this._parentnode._childNodesCount); if (num == -1) { return(false); } this.RemoveAt(num); return(true); }
//Updated July 30th - Combined with WriteEpisodes public static void RefreshEpisodes() { try { MongoCollection mongoCollection = MongoUtils.GetMongoCollection ( @"mongodb://" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mongoHost"] + @"/", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["port"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["db"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["show_collection"] ); foreach (var show in mongoCollection.FindAllAs <TvShow>().ToList <TvShow>()) { if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["show_excl"].Split(',').Any(s => show.Name.Contains(s))) { HtmlNodeCollection collection = DownloadMgmtUtils.GetHtmlNodeCollection( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["show_url"] + show.Path, "//a"); if (collection != null) { foreach (var link in collection.Where(link => !ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["episode_innerhtml_excl"].Split(',') .Any(s => link.InnerHtml.Contains(s)) && link.Attributes.Count > 0 && !link.Attributes[0].Value.Contains("tvnews") && link.Attributes[HrefIndex(link)].Value.Contains("/ep"))) { UpdateShowFromHtml(show, link.InnerHtml, collection, collection.IndexOf(link)); } } mongoCollection.Save(show); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.AppendToLog("Error : FATAL Refresh Episodes Issue : " + e, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["log_file"]); } }
public static string GetPropertyValueByLabel(string key, HtmlNodeCollection labels, HtmlNodeCollection infos, string def = "") { var currentDesc = labels.FirstOrDefault(l => l.InnerText == key); return(currentDesc != null ? infos[labels.IndexOf(currentDesc)]?.InnerText ?? def : def); }
private void ProcessCompare() { JObject jo = new JObject(); try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("t", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("o1", typeof(double)); dt.Columns.Add("o2", typeof(double)); dt.Columns.Add("o3", typeof(double)); HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb(); HtmlDocument doc = web.Load("" + Request["id"]); HtmlNodeCollection zdnodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//span[@id='odds']//span[text()='走地']/../.."); foreach (HtmlNode zdnode in zdnodes) { for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["t"] = i; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zdnode.SelectSingleNode("td[" + (i * 6 - 1) + "]").InnerText.Trim())) { continue; } dr["o1"] = zdnode.SelectSingleNode("td[" + (i * 6 - 1) + "]").InnerText; dr["o3"] = zdnode.SelectSingleNode("td[" + (i * 6 + 1) + "]").InnerText; string o2text = zdnode.SelectSingleNode("td[" + (i * 6) + "]").InnerText; if (i == 1) { dr["o2"] = CommonHelper.GoalCnToGoal(o2text); } else if (i == 2) { dr["o2"] = o2text; } else if (i == 3) { dr["o2"] = CommonHelper.BallSizeToBall(o2text); } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } } doc = web.Load("" + Request["key"] + "&ip=1&gn=0&lng=2&ct=198&cts=43&clt=9996&ot=2"); DataTable bdt = dt.Clone(); zdnodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//section[position()<3] | //h1[starts-with(text(),'全場賽果')]/../../../.."); foreach (HtmlNode zdnode in zdnodes) { try { DataRow dr = bdt.NewRow(); HtmlNodeCollection oddsNodes = zdnode.SelectNodes("div//td[@class='cols2'] | div//td[@class='cols3']"); if (oddsNodes.Count == 2) { dr["t"] = zdnodes.IndexOf(zdnode) == 0 ? 1 : 3; string pankou = oddsNodes[0].SelectSingleNode("div/text()").InnerText; List <double> pkList = new List <double>(); foreach (string item in pankou.Split(',')) { pkList.Add(Convert.ToDouble(item.Replace("超過", ""))); } dr["o2"] = Convert.ToInt32(dr["t"]) == 1 ? (0 - pkList.Average()) : pkList.Average(); dr["o1"] = Convert.ToDouble(oddsNodes[0].SelectSingleNode("div/span").InnerText) - 1; dr["o3"] = Convert.ToDouble(oddsNodes[oddsNodes.Count - 1].SelectSingleNode("div/span").InnerText) - 1; } else { dr["t"] = 2; dr["o2"] = oddsNodes[1].SelectSingleNode("div/span").InnerText; dr["o1"] = Convert.ToDouble(oddsNodes[0].SelectSingleNode("div/span").InnerText); dr["o3"] = Convert.ToDouble(oddsNodes[oddsNodes.Count - 1].SelectSingleNode("div/span").InnerText); } bdt.Rows.Add(dr); } catch (Exception) { continue; } } string s = ""; if (Convert.ToInt32(bdt.Compute("count(t)", "t=1")) > 0) { DataRow dr = bdt.Select("t=1")[0]; int count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o2={0}", new object[] { dr["o2"] }))); if (count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o1<={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o1"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好赢盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o1>={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o1"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰赢盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o3<={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o3"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好输盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o3>={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o3"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰输盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } } } if (Convert.ToInt32(bdt.Compute("count(t)", "t=2")) > 0) { DataRow dr = bdt.Select("t=2")[0]; if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=2 and o1<={0}", new object[] { dr["o1"] }))) == 0) { s += "欧盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好胜<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=2 and o1>={0}", new object[] { dr["o1"] }))) == 0) { s += "欧盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰胜<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=2 and o2<={0}", new object[] { dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "欧盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好平<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=2 and o2>={0}", new object[] { dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "欧盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰平<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=2 and o3<={0}", new object[] { dr["o3"] }))) == 0) { s += "欧盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好负<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=2 and o3>={0}", new object[] { dr["o3"] }))) == 0) { s += "欧盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰负<br>"; } } if (Convert.ToInt32(bdt.Compute("count(t)", "t=3")) > 0) { DataRow dr = bdt.Select("t=3")[0]; int count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=3 and o2={0}", new object[] { dr["o2"] }))); if (count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=3 and o1<={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o1"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "大小盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好大球信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=3 and o1>={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o1"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "大小盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰大球信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=3 and o3<={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o3"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "大小盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好小球信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=3 and o3>={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o3"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "大小盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰小球信心" + count + "<br>"; } } } if (Convert.ToInt32(bdt.Compute("count(t)", "t=1")) > 0) { DataRow dr = bdt.Select("t=1")[0]; int count = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o2={0}", new object[] { dr["o2"] }))); if (count > 0) { s += "--------逆向亚盘---------<br>"; if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o1<={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o3"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好赢盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o1>={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o3"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰赢盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o3<={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o1"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看好输盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Compute("count(t)", string.Format("t=1 and o3>={0} and o2={1}", new object[] { dr["o1"], dr["o2"] }))) == 0) { s += "亚盘" + dr["o1"] + " " + dr["o2"] + " " + dr["o3"] + "看衰输盘信心" + count + "<br>"; } } } jo.Add("success", true); jo.Add("message", s); } catch (Exception e) { jo.Add("success", false); jo.Add("message", e.Message); } finally { json = jo.ToString(); } }
public void DownloadCouncilPdfFiles() { List <Documents> docs = this.LoadDocumentsDoneSQL(); List <QueryResult> queries = this.LoadQueriesDoneSQL(); WebClient c = new WebClient(); ChromeDriver cd = new ChromeDriver(); Regex dateReg = new Regex("[a-zA-Z]+[\\s]{0,2}[0-9]{1,2},[\\s]{0,2}[0-9]{4}"); foreach (string url in this.docUrls) { cd.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(cd.PageSource); HtmlNodeCollection fileNodes = null; string category = string.Empty; if (!url.Contains("planning-commission")) { category = "City Council"; fileNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='agendasminutesitem']"); } else { fileNodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='interiorcontenteditabletext']/table"); } foreach (HtmlNode entryNode in fileNodes) { if (category == "City Council") { string meetingUrl = entryNode.Attributes["href"].Value; string meetingDateText = dateReg.Match(entryNode.InnerText).ToString(); DateTime meetingDate = DateTime.Parse(meetingDateText); if (meetingDate < this.dtStartFrom) { Console.WriteLine("Too early, skip..."); continue; } this.ExtractADoc(c, meetingUrl, category, "pdf", meetingDate, ref docs, ref queries); } else { if (fileNodes.IndexOf(entryNode) == 0) { category = "Planning Commission"; } else { category = "Zoning Board of Appeals"; } HtmlNodeCollection meetingNodes = entryNode.SelectNodes(".//a[@class='pdf']"); if (meetingNodes != null) { foreach (HtmlNode meetingNode in meetingNodes) { string meetingDocUrl = meetingNode.Attributes["href"].Value; string meetingDateText = dateReg.Match(meetingNode.InnerText).Value; DateTime meetingDate = DateTime.Parse(meetingDateText); if (meetingDate < this.dtStartFrom) { Console.WriteLine("Too early, skip..."); continue; } this.ExtractADoc(c, meetingDocUrl, category, "pdf", meetingDate, ref docs, ref queries); } } } } } cd.Quit(); }
public void InsertTest() { HtmlElement root = new HtmlElement("root"); HtmlNodeCollection target = new HtmlNodeCollection(root); HtmlElement child = new HtmlElement("child"); target.Add(child); child = new HtmlElement("second"); target.Insert(0, child); Assert.AreEqual(root, child.Parent); Assert.AreEqual(target.IndexOf(child), 0); target.Insert(0, null); }
public bool getIndex(int novelid) { this.novelid = novelid; setPrompt("下载首页中……", Color.Orange); HttpUtil hu = getHTTPUtil(); string index = hu.Get(getNovelURL(), getReferer()); //StreamReader sFile = new StreamReader("z://1.htm", Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); //string index = sFile.ReadToEnd(); HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument hd = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); hd.LoadHtml(index); //setPrompt("分析中……",Color.Orange); HtmlNode hn; HtmlNodeCollection hnc; HtmlNode root = hd.DocumentNode; if (useMobileEdition) { //book title hn = root.SelectSingleNode("//h2"); = hn.InnerText.Substring(3); //descriptions hnc = root.SelectNodes("//div[@class='b module']/ul/li"); foreach (HtmlNode n in hnc) { if (n.SelectSingleNode("a") != null && == "") { = hnc[0].SelectSingleNode("a").InnerText; continue; } this.descriptions += n.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", ""). Replace(" ", "").Replace(":", ":") + "\n"; } //chapters HtmlNodeCollection chaps = root.SelectNodes("//div[@style='padding-left:10px']/a"); this.chapterCount = chaps.Count; foreach (HtmlNode c in chaps) { if (c.OuterHtml.IndexOf("vip") != -1) { vipChapters.Add(chaps.IndexOf(c) + 1); } } } else { = root.SelectSingleNode("//span[@itemprop='articleSection']").InnerText; = root.SelectSingleNode("//span[@itemprop='author']").InnerText; hnc = root.SelectNodes("//ul[@class='rightul']/li"); for (int idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) { HtmlNode n = hnc[idx]; this.descriptions += HtmlEntity.DeEntitize(n.InnerText.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", ""). Replace(" ", "").Replace(":", ":")) + "\n"; } this.descriptions += root.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='smallreadbody']/font").InnerText; HtmlNodeCollection chaps = root.SelectNodes("//table[@class='cytable']/tbody/tr[@itemtype='']"); this.chapterCount = chaps.Count; foreach (HtmlNode c in chaps) { if (c.InnerHtml.IndexOf("onebook_vip") != -1) { vipChapters.Add(int.Parse(c.SelectSingleNode("./td[1]").InnerText.Trim())); } } this.chapterCount = chaps.Count; } isFinnished = descriptions.IndexOf("连载中") == -1; setPrompt("首页分析完成,可以开始了"); readProgress(); return(true); }
public string ExportacionCAP(string HtmlDoc, bool Soar) { var random = new Random(); string token = new string(Enumerable.Repeat("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", 30).Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray()); XSSFWorkbook xwb = new XSSFWorkbook(); XSSFSheet xs = (XSSFSheet)xwb.CreateSheet("CAP"); XSSFRow xcr = (XSSFRow)xs.CreateRow(0); XSSFCell xcc; XSSFCellStyle cstl; XSSFFont cfnt; XSSFColor ccol; int iCell = 0; int iRow = 1; HtmlDocument ht = new HtmlDocument(); ht.LoadHtml(HtmlDoc); HtmlNodeCollection Tables = ht.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//body/table"); HtmlNodeCollection HeaderRows; HtmlNodeCollection Rows; HtmlNodeCollection ValueRows; for (int t = 0; t < Tables.Count; t++) { if ((Soar && t == 0) || !Soar) { iCell = 0; if (Tables.IndexOf(Tables[t]) != 0) { iRow += Soar?1:2; } xcr = (XSSFRow)xs.CreateRow(iRow - 1); xcc = (XSSFCell)xcr.CreateCell(iCell); HeaderRows = Tables[t].SelectNodes("./thead/tr/th"); foreach (HtmlNode TableHeader in HeaderRows) { xcc = (XSSFCell)xcr.CreateCell(iCell); string[] arr = TableHeader.Attributes["style"].Value.ToString().Split(';'); int[] BackRgb = new int[3]; string[] BackRgbStr; int[] FrontRgb = new int[3]; string[] FrontRgbStr; foreach (string style in arr) { if (style.Trim().StartsWith("background-color:")) { BackRgbStr = style.Split(':')[1].Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < BackRgbStr.Length; i++) { BackRgb[i] = int.Parse(BackRgbStr[i].Replace("rgb(", "").Replace(")", "")); } } if (style.Trim().StartsWith("color:")) { FrontRgbStr = style.Split(':')[1].Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FrontRgbStr.Length; i++) { FrontRgb[i] = int.Parse(FrontRgbStr[i].Replace("rgb(", "").Replace(")", "")); } } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (BackRgb[i] == 0) { BackRgb[i] = 255; } } cstl = (XSSFCellStyle)xwb.CreateCellStyle(); cfnt = (XSSFFont)xwb.CreateFont(); ccol = (!Soar? new XSSFColor(Color.FromArgb(BackRgb[0], BackRgb[1], BackRgb[2])): new XSSFColor((iCell != 0 && iCell != 1?Color.FromArgb(253, 234, 218): Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)))); cstl.SetFillForegroundColor(ccol); cstl.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground; ccol = (!Soar? new XSSFColor(Color.FromArgb(FrontRgb[0], FrontRgb[1], FrontRgb[2])): new XSSFColor(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255))); cfnt.SetColor(ccol); cfnt.IsBold = true; cfnt.FontHeightInPoints = (short)(!Soar?14:10); cstl.SetFont(cfnt); if (Soar) { cstl.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; } if (!Soar) { cstl.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; } xcc.CellStyle = cstl; xs.AutoSizeColumn(xcc.ColumnIndex); } xcc.SetCellValue(Soar ? TableHeader.InnerHtml.Split('(')[0] : TableHeader.InnerHtml); iCell++; } } Rows = Tables[t].SelectNodes("./tbody/tr"); iCell = 0; foreach (HtmlNode Row in Rows) { xcr = (XSSFRow)xs.CreateRow(iRow++); ValueRows = Row.SelectNodes("./td"); iCell = 0; foreach (HtmlNode RowData in ValueRows) { string[] arr = RowData.Attributes["style"].Value.ToString().Split(';'); int[] BackRgb = new int[3]; string[] BackRgbStr; int[] FrontRgb = new int[3]; string[] FrontRgbStr; bool bRightBorder = false; xcc = (XSSFCell)xcr.CreateCell(iCell++); foreach (string style in arr) { if (style.Trim().StartsWith("background-color:")) { BackRgbStr = style.Split(':')[1].Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < BackRgbStr.Length; i++) { BackRgb[i] = int.Parse(BackRgbStr[i].Replace("rgb(", "").Replace(")", "")); } } if (style.Trim().StartsWith("color:")) { FrontRgbStr = style.Split(':')[1].Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < FrontRgbStr.Length; i++) { FrontRgb[i] = int.Parse(FrontRgbStr[i].Replace("rgb(", "").Replace(")", "")); } } if (style.Trim().StartsWith("border-right: 1px dashed black")) { bRightBorder = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (BackRgb[i] == 0) { BackRgb[i] = 255; } } cstl = (XSSFCellStyle)xwb.CreateCellStyle(); cfnt = (XSSFFont)xwb.CreateFont(); ccol = new XSSFColor(Color.FromArgb(BackRgb[0], BackRgb[1], BackRgb[2])); cstl.SetFillForegroundColor(ccol); cstl.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground; if (bRightBorder) { cstl.BorderRight = BorderStyle.DashDot; } ccol = new XSSFColor(Color.FromArgb(FrontRgb[0], FrontRgb[1], FrontRgb[2])); cfnt.SetColor(ccol); cfnt.FontHeightInPoints = (short)(!Soar ? 12 : 11); cstl.SetFont(cfnt); if (!Soar) { cstl.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; } xcc.CellStyle = cstl; xs.AutoSizeColumn(xcc.ColumnIndex); } int val = int.MinValue; bool bVal = int.TryParse(RowData.InnerHtml, out val); if (bVal) { xcc.SetCellType(CellType.Numeric); xcc.SetCellValue(Convert.ToInt32(RowData.InnerHtml)); } else { xcc.SetCellValue(RowData.InnerHtml.ToUpper()); } } } } FileStream File = new FileStream(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Temp", token + ".xlsx"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); xwb.Write(File); File.Close(); return(token); }
public bool Contains(HtmlNode item) { HtmlNode[] items = this._items; return(items != null && HtmlNodeCollection.IndexOf(items, item, this._parentnode._childNodesCount) != -1); }
/// <summary> /// 从Web抓取天气数据,并存储在SQLite中 /// </summary> public static async Task <bool> GetDataFormHtmlAndSaveToDB(string url, int cityID) { try { using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { HttpResponseMessage resp = await client.GetAsync(url); if (resp.IsSuccessStatusCode) { byte[] bytes = await resp.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); //注册RegisterProvider Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); //声明GB2312 var GbEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"); //byte[]转html字符串 var htmlStr = GbEncoding.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //从字符串解析html文档 HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(htmlStr); HtmlNode content = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body//div//div[@id='bd']//div[@class='hd']//div[@id='content']"); string title = content.SelectSingleNode("h1").InnerHtml.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace(" ", "").Trim(); Tool.WriteLog("消息", title); HtmlNodeCollection trs = content.SelectSingleNode("table").SelectNodes("tr"); if (trs != null && trs.Count > 0) { foreach (var tr in trs) { HtmlNodeCollection tds = tr.SelectNodes("td"); //跳过标题 if (trs.IndexOf(tr) == 0) { continue; } Weather weather = new Weather() { ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower(), CityID = cityID }; foreach (var td in tds) { HtmlNode a = td.SelectSingleNode("a"); string value = string.Empty; value = a != null ? a.InnerHtml : td.InnerHtml; value = value.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace(" ", "").Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { continue; } // 日期 天气状况 气温 风力风向 switch (tds.IndexOf(td)) { case 0: value = value.Replace("年", "/").Replace("月", "/").Replace("日", ""); if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out DateTime date)) { weather.Date = date; } break; case 1: weather.WeatherDetail = value; break; case 2: weather.Temperature = value; break; case 3: weather.Wind = value; break; } } if (db == null) { db = new SQLiteDB(); } db.Weathers.Add(weather); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } } } } Tool.WriteLog("消息", "本次数据抓取成功"); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Tool.WriteLog("错误", e.Message); return(false); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=test;Trusted_Connection=SSPI"); //try //{ // conn.Open(); //} //catch //{ // Console.WriteLine("数据库链接失败"); //} int n = 0; string url = ""; WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url); Stream stream = WebRequest.Create(url).GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8); //获取到源码 string str = reader.ReadToEnd(); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); //声明HtmlDocument对象 HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); HtmlDocument doc1 = new HtmlDocument(); //加载html文档 doc.LoadHtml(str); //通过xPath获取到html中指定元素 HtmlNodeCollection collection = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@"/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/dl"); string b = string.Empty; string a = string.Empty; //接受地址 string fileName = string.Empty; string c = string.Empty; //图片种类 SqlCommand cmd; int k; int m; foreach (var item in collection) { k = collection.IndexOf(item); b = item.SelectNodes(@"//span[@class='joke-title']/a")[k].InnerText; // title //图片地址//*[@id="\"joke_1641076\""]/dd[1]/img; a = item.SelectNodes(@"./dd[1]/img")[0].GetAttributeValue("src", ""); //foreach (var item1 in hn) //{ // string q = item1.GetAttributeValue("mahuaimg", ""); // HtmlAttributeCollection hac; // hac = item1.Attributes; // IEnumerable<HtmlAttribute> ha = hac.AttributesWithName("src"); // Console.WriteLine("标题{0}---网址{1}", b, q); //} //a = item.SelectNodes(@"//dd[1]/img")[0].Attributes["mahuaImg"].Value; //图片地址mahuaImg mahuaimg mahuaImg Console.WriteLine("标题{0}---网址{1}", b, a); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(a)) //{// [^\/]*$ // Regex reg = new Regex(@"[^\/]*$"); // fileName = reg.Match(a).ToString(); //获取URL 尾部设置为文件名 // WebClient mywebclient = new WebClient(); // string filepath = @"D:\img\" + fileName; // try // { // mywebclient.DownloadFile(a, filepath); // cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into article values("+c+",1,'" + b + "','" + fileName + "',0,0,getdate(),1)", conn); // //执行SQL语句 // if (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) // { // n++; // } // Console.WriteLine("抓取了" + n + "条消息"); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); // Console.ReadKey(); // } //} } Console.WriteLine("完成"); Console.ReadKey(); }