예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// FAQs constructor added 10/27/03 by Chris Farrell, [email protected]
        /// </summary>
        public FAQs()
            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(_baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);

            SupportsWorkflow = false;
예제 #2
        ///	<summary>
        ///	Public constructor.	Sets base settings for module.
        ///	</summary>
        public Events()
            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30 (added by Jakob Hansen)
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this._baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);

            //Indah	Fuldner
            SettingItem RepeatDirection = new SettingItem(new ListDataType("Vertical;Horizontal"));

            RepeatDirection.Group    = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            RepeatDirection.Required = true;
            RepeatDirection.Value    = "Vertical";
            RepeatDirection.Order    = 10;
            this._baseSettings.Add("RepeatDirectionSetting", RepeatDirection);

            SettingItem RepeatColumn = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            RepeatColumn.Group    = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            RepeatColumn.Required = true;
            RepeatColumn.Value    = "1";
            RepeatColumn.MinValue = 1;
            RepeatColumn.MaxValue = 10;
            RepeatColumn.Order    = 20;
            this._baseSettings.Add("RepeatColumns", RepeatColumn);

            SettingItem showItemBorder = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());

            showItemBorder.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            showItemBorder.Order = 30;
            showItemBorder.Value = "false";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ShowBorder", showItemBorder);
            //End Indah	Fuldner

            SettingItem DelayExpire = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            DelayExpire.Group    = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            DelayExpire.Order    = 40;
            DelayExpire.Value    = "365";            // 1	year
            DelayExpire.MinValue = 0;
            DelayExpire.MaxValue = 3650;             //10 years
            this._baseSettings.Add("DelayExpire", DelayExpire);

            // devsolution 2003/6/17: Added items for calendar control
            // Show Calendar -	Show a visual calendar with
            //					Default is false for backward compatibility
            //					Must edit collection properties and set to true
            //					to show calendar
            SettingItem ShowCalendar = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());

            ShowCalendar.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            ShowCalendar.Order = 50;
            ShowCalendar.Value = "false";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ShowCalendar", ShowCalendar);
            // devsolution 2003/6/17: Finished - Added items for calendar control

            // Change by [email protected]
            // Date: 27/2/2003
            SupportsWorkflow = true;
            // End Change [email protected]
        /// <summary>
        /// Public constructor. Sets base settings for module.
        /// </summary>
        public Tasks()
            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(_baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);

            SettingItem setSortField =
                new SettingItem(new ListDataType("Title;Status;Priority;DueDate;AssignedTo;PercentComplete"));

            setSortField.Group    = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            setSortField.Required = true;
            setSortField.Value    = "DueDate";
            _baseSettings.Add("TASKS_SORT_FIELD", setSortField);

            SettingItem defaultAssignee = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            defaultAssignee.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            defaultAssignee.Value       = "nobody";
            defaultAssignee.EnglishName = "Default Assignee";
            defaultAssignee.Description = "Is the name of the person which the task is automatically assigned.";
            _baseSettings.Add("TASKS_DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE", defaultAssignee);

            // Task modules list
            ModulesDB     m = new ModulesDB();
            ArrayList     taskModulesListOptions = new ArrayList();
            SqlDataReader r = null;

                r = m.GetModulesByName("Tasks", portalSettings.PortalID);
                while (r.Read())
                        new SettingOption(int.Parse(r["ModuleID"].ToString()), r["ModuleTitle"].ToString()));
            catch //install time
                if (r != null && r.IsClosed == false)

            SettingItem linkedModules =
                new SettingItem(new MultiSelectListDataType(taskModulesListOptions, "Name", "Val"));

            linkedModules.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            linkedModules.Value       = "0";
            linkedModules.EnglishName = "Linked Modules";
            linkedModules.Description =
                "Chose here any module that will automatically recieve a copy of all new assigned task.";
            _baseSettings.Add("TASKS_LINKED_MODULES", linkedModules);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Public constructor. Sets base settings for module.
        /// </summary>
        public Discussion()
            // Jminond - added editor support
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(_baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);

             * SettingItem setSortField = new SettingItem(new ListDataType("CreatedDate;Title"));
             *          setSortField.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
             *          setSortField.Required = true;
             *          setSortField.Value = "DueDate";
             *          this._baseSettings.Add("DISCUSSION_SORT_FIELD", setSortField);
        /// <summary>
        /// HtmlModule Constructor
        /// Set the Module Settings
        /// <list type="">
        ///         <item>ShowMobile</item>
        ///     </list>
        /// </summary>
        public HtmlModule()
            int _groupOrderBase;
            SettingItemGroup _Group;

            #region Module Special Settings

            _Group          = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            _groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;

            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(_baseSettings, _Group);

            //If false the input box for mobile content will be hidden
            SettingItem ShowMobileText = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            ShowMobileText.Value = "true";
            ShowMobileText.Order = _groupOrderBase + 10;
            ShowMobileText.Group = _Group;
            _baseSettings.Add("ShowMobile", ShowMobileText);


            #region Button Display Settings for this module

            // added by Hongwei Shen([email protected]) 10/9/2005

            _Group          = SettingItemGroup.BUTTON_DISPLAY_SETTINGS;
            _groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.BUTTON_DISPLAY_SETTINGS;

            //If false the compare button will be hidden
            SettingItem ShowCompareButton = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            ShowCompareButton.Value       = "true";
            ShowCompareButton.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 60;
            ShowCompareButton.Group       = _Group;
            ShowCompareButton.EnglishName = "Show Compare Button?";
            ShowCompareButton.Description = "Compare the working version with the live one";
            _baseSettings.Add(COMPARE_BUTTON, ShowCompareButton);

            // end of addition


            SupportsWorkflow = true;

            // No need for view state on view. - jminond
            // Need viewstate to toggle the compare button Hongwei Shen 10/9/2005
            EnableViewState = true; // false;
예제 #6
        // end of addition
        // /// <summary>
        // /// PlaceHolder for the HTML
        // /// </summary>
        // protected PlaceHolder HtmlHolder;
        #region Constructors and Destructors

        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "HtmlModule" /> class.
        ///   Set the Module Settings
        ///   <list type = "">
        ///     <item>
        ///       ShowMobile
        ///     </item>
        ///   </list>
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        public HtmlModule()
            var group          = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            var groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;

            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this.BaseSettings, group);

            // If false the input box for mobile content will be hidden
            var showMobileText = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value = true,
                Order = groupOrderBase + 10,
                Group = group

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ShowMobile", showMobileText);

            #region Button Display Settings for this module

            // added by Hongwei Shen([email protected]) 10/9/2005
            group          = SettingItemGroup.BUTTON_DISPLAY_SETTINGS;
            groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.BUTTON_DISPLAY_SETTINGS;

            // If false the compare button will be hidden
            var showCompareButton = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = true,
                Order       = groupOrderBase + 60,
                Group       = group,
                EnglishName = "Show Compare Button?",
                Description = "Compare the working version with the live one"
            this.BaseSettings.Add(StringsCompareButton, showCompareButton);

            // end of addition

            this.SupportsWorkflow = true;

            // No need for view state on view. - jminond
            // Need view state to toggle the compare button Hongwei Shen 10/9/2005
            this.EnableViewState = true; // false;
예제 #7
        public HtmlModule()
            int _groupOrderBase;
            SettingItemGroup _Group;

            #region Module Special Settings
            _Group          = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            _groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;

            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this._baseSettings, _Group);

            //If false the input box for mobile content will be hidden
            SettingItem ShowMobileText = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            ShowMobileText.Value = "true";
            ShowMobileText.Order = _groupOrderBase + 10;
            ShowMobileText.Group = _Group;
            this._baseSettings.Add("ShowMobile", ShowMobileText);

            this.SupportsWorkflow = true;

            // No need for view state on view. - jminond
            this.EnableViewState = false;
예제 #8
        public Articles()
            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this._baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);

            //Switches date display on/off
            SettingItem ShowDate = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());

            ShowDate.Value       = "True";
            ShowDate.EnglishName = "Show Date";
            ShowDate.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            ShowDate.Order       = 10;
            this._baseSettings.Add("ShowDate", ShowDate);

            //Added by Rob Siera
            SettingItem DefaultVisibleDays = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            DefaultVisibleDays.Value       = "90";
            DefaultVisibleDays.EnglishName = "Default Days Visible";
            DefaultVisibleDays.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            DefaultVisibleDays.Order       = 20;
            this._baseSettings.Add("DefaultVisibleDays", DefaultVisibleDays);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Articles"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Articles()
            SupportsWorkflow = true;

            if (portalSettings != null) //check for avoid design time errors
                // modified by Hongwei Shen([email protected]) 12/9/2005
                SettingItemGroup group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
                int groupBase          = (int)group;
                // end of modification

                // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
                // modified by Hongwei Shen
                //HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings (this._baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);
                HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(_baseSettings, group);
                // end of modification

                //Switches date display on/off
                SettingItem ShowDate = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
                ShowDate.Value       = "True";
                ShowDate.EnglishName = "Show Date";
                // modified by Hongwei Shen
                // ShowDate.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
                // ShowDate.Order = 10;
                ShowDate.Group = group;
                ShowDate.Order = groupBase + 20;
                // end of midification
                _baseSettings.Add("ShowDate", ShowDate);

                //Added by Rob Siera
                SettingItem DefaultVisibleDays = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());
                DefaultVisibleDays.Value       = "90";
                DefaultVisibleDays.EnglishName = "Default Days Visible";
                // modified by Hongwei Shen
                // DefaultVisibleDays.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
                // DefaultVisibleDays.Order = 20;
                DefaultVisibleDays.Group = group;
                DefaultVisibleDays.Order = groupBase + 25;
                // end of midification
                _baseSettings.Add("DefaultVisibleDays", DefaultVisibleDays);

                SettingItem RichAbstract = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
                RichAbstract.Value       = "True";
                RichAbstract.EnglishName = "Rich Abstract";
                RichAbstract.Description = "User rich editor for abstract";
                // modified by Hongwei Shen
                // RichAbstract.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
                // RichAbstract.Order = 30;
                RichAbstract.Group = group;
                RichAbstract.Order = groupBase + 30;
                // end of midification
                _baseSettings.Add("ARTICLES_RICHABSTRACT", RichAbstract);

                UsersDB     users = new UsersDB();
                SettingItem RolesViewExpiredItems =
                    new SettingItem(
                        new CheckBoxListDataType(users.GetPortalRoles(portalSettings.PortalAlias), "RoleName", "RoleName"));
                RolesViewExpiredItems.Value       = "Admins";
                RolesViewExpiredItems.EnglishName = "Expired items visible to";
                RolesViewExpiredItems.Description = "Role that can see expire items";
                // modified by Hongwei Shen
                // RolesViewExpiredItems.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
                // RolesViewExpiredItems.Order = 40;
                RolesViewExpiredItems.Group = group;
                RolesViewExpiredItems.Order = groupBase + 40;
                // end of midification
                _baseSettings.Add("EXPIRED_PERMISSION_ROLE", RolesViewExpiredItems);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EnhancedHtml"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// </remarks>
        public EnhancedHtml()
            const SettingItemGroup Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;

            // modified by Hongwei Shen([email protected]) 12/9/2005
            // _groupOrderBase = 0;
            const int GroupOrderBase = (int)Group;

            // end of modification
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this.BaseSettings, Group);

            var showTitlePage = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = false,
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 20,
                Group       = Group,
                EnglishName = "Show Title Page?",
                Description = "Mark this if you like see the Title Page"

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWTITLEPAGE", showTitlePage);

            var showUpMenu = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = false,
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 25,
                Group       = Group,
                EnglishName = "Show Index Menu?",
                Description = "Mark this if you would like to see an index menu with the titles of all pages"

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWUPMENU", showUpMenu);

            var alignUpMenu = new List <SettingOption>
                new SettingOption(1, General.GetString("LEFT", "Left")),
                new SettingOption(2, General.GetString("CENTER", "Center")),
                new SettingOption(3, General.GetString("RIGHT", "Right"))

            var labelAlignUpMenu =
                new SettingItem <string, ListControl>(new CustomListDataType(alignUpMenu, "Name", "Val"))
                Description = "Select here the align for index menu",
                EnglishName = "Align Index Menu",
                Value       = "1",
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 30

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_ALIGNUPMENU", labelAlignUpMenu);

            var showDownMenu = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = true,
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 40,
                Group       = Group,
                EnglishName = "Show Navigation Menu?",
                Description = "Mark this if you like see a navigation menu with previous and next page"

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWDOWNMENU", showDownMenu);

            var alignDownMenu = new List <SettingOption>
                new SettingOption(1, General.GetString("LEFT", "Left")),
                new SettingOption(2, General.GetString("CENTER", "Center")),
                new SettingOption(3, General.GetString("RIGHT", "Right"))

            var labelAlignDownMenu =
                new SettingItem <string, ListControl>(new CustomListDataType(alignDownMenu, "Name", "Val"))
                Description = "Select here the align for index menu",
                EnglishName = "Align Navigation Menu",
                Value       = "3",
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 50

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_ALIGNDOWNMENU", labelAlignDownMenu);

            var addInvariant = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = true,
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 60,
                Group       = Group,
                EnglishName = "Add Invariant Culture?",
                Description =
                    "Mark this if you like see pages with invariant culture after pages with actual culture code"

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_ADDINVARIANTCULTURE", addInvariant);

            var showMultiMode = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = true,
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 70,
                Group       = Group,
                EnglishName = "Show Multi-Mode icon?",
                Description = "Mark this if you like see icon multimode page"

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWMULTIMODE", showMultiMode);

            var getContentsFromPortals = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = false,
                Order       = GroupOrderBase + 80,
                Group       = Group,
                EnglishName = "Get contents from others Portals?",
                Description = "Mark this if you like get contents from modules in others portals in the same database"

            this.BaseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_GET_CONTENTS_FROM_PORTALS", getContentsFromPortals);

            this.SupportsWorkflow = true;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Public constructor. Sets base settings for module.
        /// </summary>
        public Announcements()
            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(_baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);

            //Custom settings
            SettingItem DelayExpire = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            DelayExpire.Value       = "60";
            DelayExpire.MinValue    = 0;
            DelayExpire.MaxValue    = 3650; //10 years
            DelayExpire.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            DelayExpire.Description = string.Empty;
            _baseSettings.Add("DelayExpire", DelayExpire);

            //Indah Fuldner
            SettingItem RepeatDirection = new SettingItem(new ListDataType("Vertical;Horizontal"));

            RepeatDirection.Required    = true;
            RepeatDirection.Value       = "Vertical";
            RepeatDirection.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            RepeatDirection.Description = string.Empty;
            _baseSettings.Add("RepeatDirectionSetting", RepeatDirection);

            SettingItem RepeatColumn = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            RepeatColumn.Required    = true;
            RepeatColumn.Value       = "1";
            RepeatColumn.MinValue    = 1;
            RepeatColumn.MaxValue    = 10;
            RepeatColumn.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            RepeatColumn.Description = string.Empty;
            _baseSettings.Add("RepeatColumns", RepeatColumn);

            SettingItem showItemBorder = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());

            showItemBorder.Value       = "false";
            showItemBorder.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            showItemBorder.Description = string.Empty;
            _baseSettings.Add("ShowBorder", showItemBorder);
            //End Indah Fuldner

            //begin Chris Farrell, 09/05/2005, [email protected]
            //Setting item to control page size for paging
            SettingItem PageSize = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            PageSize.Required    = true;
            PageSize.Value       = "15";
            PageSize.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            PageSize.Description = "Default page size for paging";
            _baseSettings.Add("PageSize", PageSize);
            //end chris farrell

            SettingItem setSortField = new SettingItem(new ListDataType("Title;CreatedDate;ExpireDate"));

            setSortField.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            setSortField.Required    = true;
            setSortField.EnglishName = "Sort Field";
            setSortField.Value       = "ExpireDate";
            _baseSettings.Add("SortField", setSortField);

            SettingItem setSortDirection = new SettingItem(new ListDataType("ASC;DESC"));

            setSortDirection.Group       = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            setSortDirection.Required    = true;
            setSortDirection.EnglishName = "Sort Direction";
            setSortDirection.Value       = "DESC";
            _baseSettings.Add("SortDirection", setSortDirection);

            // Change by [email protected]
            // Date: 27/2/2003
            SupportsWorkflow = true;
            // End Change [email protected]
        public Blog()
            // by Hongwei Shen([email protected]) 9/12/2005
            SettingItemGroup group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            int groupBase          = (int)group;

            // end of modification

            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings (this._baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(_baseSettings, group);

            //Number of entries to display
            SettingItem EntriesToShow = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            EntriesToShow.Value = "10";
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // EntriesToShow.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // EntriesToShow.Order = 10;
            EntriesToShow.Group = group;
            EntriesToShow.Order = groupBase + 20;
            // end of modification
            _baseSettings.Add("Entries To Show", EntriesToShow);

            //Channel Description
            SettingItem Description = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Description.Value = "Description";
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // Description.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // Description.Order = 20;
            Description.Group = group;
            Description.Order = groupBase + 25;
            // end of modification
            _baseSettings.Add("Description", Description);

            //Channel Copyright
            SettingItem Copyright = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Copyright.Value = "Copyright";
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // Copyright.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // Copyright.Order = 30;
            Copyright.Group = group;
            Copyright.Order = groupBase + 30;
            // end of modification
            _baseSettings.Add("Copyright", Copyright);

            //Channel Language
            SettingItem Language = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Language.Value = "en-us";
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // Language.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // Language.Order = 40;
            Language.Group = group;
            Language.Order = groupBase + 40;
            // end of modification
            _baseSettings.Add("Language", Language);

            SettingItem Author = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Author.Value = "Author";
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // Author.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // Author.Order = 50;
            Author.Group = group;
            Author.Order = groupBase + 50;
            // end of modification
            _baseSettings.Add("Author", Author);

            //Author Email
            SettingItem AuthorEmail = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            AuthorEmail.Value = "*****@*****.**";
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // AuthorEmail.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // AuthorEmail.Order = 60;
            AuthorEmail.Group = group;
            AuthorEmail.Order = groupBase + 60;
            // end of modification
            _baseSettings.Add("Author Email", AuthorEmail);

            //Time to live in minutes for RSS
            //how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source
            SettingItem TimeToLive = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            TimeToLive.Value = "120";
            // by Hongwei Shen
            // TimeToLive.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // TimeToLive.Order = 70;
            TimeToLive.Group = group;
            TimeToLive.Order = groupBase + 70;
            // end of modification
            _baseSettings.Add("RSS Cache Time In Minutes", TimeToLive);
예제 #13
        public EnhancedHtml()
            int _groupOrderBase;
            SettingItemGroup _Group;

            #region Module Settings
            _Group          = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            _groupOrderBase = 0;

            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this._baseSettings, _Group);

            SettingItem ShowTitlePage = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            ShowTitlePage.Value       = "false";
            ShowTitlePage.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 10;
            ShowTitlePage.Group       = _Group;
            ShowTitlePage.EnglishName = "Show Title Page?";
            ShowTitlePage.Description = "Mark this if you like see the Title Page";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWTITLEPAGE", ShowTitlePage);

            SettingItem ShowUpMenu = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            ShowUpMenu.Value       = "false";
            ShowUpMenu.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 20;
            ShowUpMenu.Group       = _Group;
            ShowUpMenu.EnglishName = "Show Index Menu?";
            ShowUpMenu.Description = "Mark this if you like see a index menu whith the titles of all pages";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWUPMENU", ShowUpMenu);

            ArrayList alignUpMenu = new ArrayList();
            alignUpMenu.Add(new SettingOption(1, Esperantus.Localize.GetString("LEFT", "Left")));
            alignUpMenu.Add(new SettingOption(2, Esperantus.Localize.GetString("CENTER", "Center")));
            alignUpMenu.Add(new SettingOption(3, Esperantus.Localize.GetString("RIGHT", "Right")));

            SettingItem labelAlignUpMenu = new SettingItem(new CustomListDataType(alignUpMenu, "Name", "Val"));
            labelAlignUpMenu.Description = "Select here the align for index menu";
            labelAlignUpMenu.EnglishName = "Align Index Menu";
            labelAlignUpMenu.Value       = "1";
            labelAlignUpMenu.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 30;
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_ALIGNUPMENU", labelAlignUpMenu);

            SettingItem ShowDownMenu = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            ShowDownMenu.Value       = "true";
            ShowDownMenu.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 40;
            ShowDownMenu.Group       = _Group;
            ShowDownMenu.EnglishName = "Show Navigation Menu?";
            ShowDownMenu.Description = "Mark this if you like see a navigation menu with previous and next page";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWDOWNMENU", ShowDownMenu);

            ArrayList alignDownMenu = new ArrayList();
            alignDownMenu.Add(new SettingOption(1, Esperantus.Localize.GetString("LEFT", "Left")));
            alignDownMenu.Add(new SettingOption(2, Esperantus.Localize.GetString("CENTER", "Center")));
            alignDownMenu.Add(new SettingOption(3, Esperantus.Localize.GetString("RIGHT", "Right")));

            SettingItem labelAlignDownMenu = new SettingItem(new CustomListDataType(alignDownMenu, "Name", "Val"));
            labelAlignDownMenu.Description = "Select here the align for index menu";
            labelAlignDownMenu.EnglishName = "Align Navigation Menu";
            labelAlignDownMenu.Value       = "3";
            labelAlignDownMenu.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 50;
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_ALIGNDOWNMENU", labelAlignDownMenu);

            SettingItem AddInvariant = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            AddInvariant.Value       = "true";
            AddInvariant.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 60;
            AddInvariant.Group       = _Group;
            AddInvariant.EnglishName = "Add Invariant Culture?";
            AddInvariant.Description = "Mark this if you like see pages with invariant culture after pages with actual culture code";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_ADDINVARIANTCULTURE", AddInvariant);

            SettingItem ShowMultiMode = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            ShowMultiMode.Value       = "true";
            ShowMultiMode.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 70;
            ShowMultiMode.Group       = _Group;
            ShowMultiMode.EnglishName = "Show Multi-Mode icon?";
            ShowMultiMode.Description = "Mark this if you like see icon multimode page";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_SHOWMULTIMODE", ShowMultiMode);

            SettingItem GetContentsFromPortals = new SettingItem(new BooleanDataType());
            GetContentsFromPortals.Value       = "false";
            GetContentsFromPortals.Order       = _groupOrderBase + 80;
            GetContentsFromPortals.Group       = _Group;
            GetContentsFromPortals.EnglishName = "Get contents from others Portals?";
            GetContentsFromPortals.Description = "Mark this if you like get contents from modules in others portals in the same database";
            this._baseSettings.Add("ENHANCEDHTML_GET_CONTENTS_FROM_PORTALS", GetContentsFromPortals);


            this.SupportsWorkflow = true;
예제 #14
        public Blog()
            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this._baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);

            //Number of entries to display
            SettingItem EntriesToShow = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            EntriesToShow.Value = "10";
            EntriesToShow.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            EntriesToShow.Order = 10;
            this._baseSettings.Add("Entries To Show", EntriesToShow);

            //Channel Description
            SettingItem Description = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Description.Value = "Description";
            Description.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            Description.Order = 20;
            this._baseSettings.Add("Description", Description);

            //Channel Copyright
            SettingItem Copyright = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Copyright.Value = "Copyright";
            Copyright.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            Copyright.Order = 30;
            this._baseSettings.Add("Copyright", Copyright);

            //Channel Language
            SettingItem Language = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Language.Value = "en-us";
            Language.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            Language.Order = 40;
            this._baseSettings.Add("Language", Language);

            SettingItem Author = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            Author.Value = "Author";
            Author.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            Author.Order = 50;
            this._baseSettings.Add("Author", Author);

            //Author Email
            SettingItem AuthorEmail = new SettingItem(new StringDataType());

            AuthorEmail.Value = "*****@*****.**";
            AuthorEmail.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            AuthorEmail.Order = 60;
            this._baseSettings.Add("Author Email", AuthorEmail);

            //Time to live in minutes for RSS
            //how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source
            SettingItem TimeToLive = new SettingItem(new IntegerDataType());

            TimeToLive.Value = "120";
            TimeToLive.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            TimeToLive.Order = 70;
            this._baseSettings.Add("RSS Cache Time In Minutes", TimeToLive);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Public constructor.	Sets base settings for module.
        /// </summary>
        public Events()
            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30 (added by Jakob Hansen)
            // Modified by Hongwei Shen 2005/09/24
            SettingItemGroup group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            int groupBase          = (int)group;

            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this.BaseSettings, group);

            //Indah	Fuldner
            var RepeatDirection = new SettingItem <string, ListControl>(new ListDataType <string, ListControl>("Vertical;Horizontal"));

            RepeatDirection.Group    = group; //SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            RepeatDirection.Required = true;
            RepeatDirection.Value    = "Vertical";
            RepeatDirection.Order    = groupBase + 20; //10;
            this.BaseSettings.Add("RepeatDirectionSetting", RepeatDirection);

            var RepeatColumn = new SettingItem <int, TextBox>();

            RepeatColumn.Group    = group; // SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            RepeatColumn.Required = true;
            RepeatColumn.Value    = 1;
            RepeatColumn.MinValue = 1;
            RepeatColumn.MaxValue = 10;
            RepeatColumn.Order    = groupBase + 25; // 20;
            this.BaseSettings.Add("RepeatColumns", RepeatColumn);

            var showItemBorder = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>();

            showItemBorder.Group = group; //SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            showItemBorder.Order = groupBase + 30;
            showItemBorder.Value = false;
            this.BaseSettings.Add("ShowBorder", showItemBorder);
            //End Indah	Fuldner

            var DelayExpire = new SettingItem <int, TextBox>();

            DelayExpire.Group    = group;          //SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            DelayExpire.Order    = groupBase + 35; // 40;
            DelayExpire.Value    = 365;            // 1	year
            DelayExpire.MinValue = 0;
            DelayExpire.MaxValue = 3650;           //10 years
            this.BaseSettings.Add("DelayExpire", DelayExpire);

            // devsolution 2003/6/17: Added items for calendar control
            // Show Calendar -	Show a visual calendar with
            //					Default is false for backward compatibility
            //					Must edit collection properties and set to true
            //					to show calendar
            var ShowCalendar = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>();

            ShowCalendar.Group = group;          //SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            ShowCalendar.Order = groupBase + 40; // 50;
            ShowCalendar.Value = false;
            this.BaseSettings.Add("ShowCalendar", ShowCalendar);
            // devsolution 2003/6/17: Finished - Added items for calendar control

            // Change by [email protected]
            // Date: 27/2/2003
            SupportsWorkflow = true;
            // End Change [email protected]
예제 #16
        /// <summary>
        ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "Articles" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Articles()
            this.SupportsWorkflow = true;

            if (this.PortalSettings == null)

            // check for avoid design time errors

            // modified by Hongwei Shen([email protected]) 12/9/2005
            const SettingItemGroup Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            const int GroupBase          = (int)Group;

            // end of modification

            // Set Editor Settings [email protected] 2004/07/30
            // modified by Hongwei Shen
            // HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings (this._baseSettings, SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS);
            HtmlEditorDataType.HtmlEditorSettings(this.BaseSettings, Group);

            // end of modification

            // Switches date display on/off
            var showDate = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value = true, EnglishName = "Show Date", Group = Group, Order = GroupBase + 20

            // modified by Hongwei Shen
            // ShowDate.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // ShowDate.Order = 10;

            // end of modification
            this.BaseSettings.Add("ShowDate", showDate);

            // Added by Rob Siera
            var defaultVisibleDays = new SettingItem <int, TextBox>
                Value = 90, EnglishName = "Default Days Visible", Group = Group, Order = GroupBase + 25

            // modified by Hongwei Shen
            // DefaultVisibleDays.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // DefaultVisibleDays.Order = 20;

            // end of modification
            this.BaseSettings.Add("DefaultVisibleDays", defaultVisibleDays);

            var richAbstract = new SettingItem <bool, CheckBox>
                Value       = true,
                EnglishName = "Rich Abstract",
                Description = "User rich editor for abstract",
                Group       = Group,
                Order       = GroupBase + 30

            // modified by Hongwei Shen
            // RichAbstract.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // RichAbstract.Order = 30;

            // end of modification
            this.BaseSettings.Add("ARTICLES_RICHABSTRACT", richAbstract);

            var users = new UsersDB();
            var rolesViewExpiredItems =
                new SettingItem <string, CheckBoxList>(
                    new CheckBoxListDataType(
                        users.GetPortalRoles(this.PortalSettings.PortalAlias), "RoleName", "RoleName"))
                Value       = "Admins",
                EnglishName = "Expired items visible to",
                Description = "Role that can see expire items",
                Group       = Group,
                Order       = GroupBase + 40

            // modified by Hongwei Shen
            // RolesViewExpiredItems.Group = SettingItemGroup.MODULE_SPECIAL_SETTINGS;
            // RolesViewExpiredItems.Order = 40;

            // end of modification
            this.BaseSettings.Add("EXPIRED_PERMISSION_ROLE", rolesViewExpiredItems);