public void OnFileRequested(HttpRequest request, IDirectory directory) { request.Response.ResponseContent = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.Response.ResponseContent); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request.PostData); string post = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Dispose(); Dictionary <string, string> POST = AjaxLife.PostDecode(post); Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash.Add("SESSION_ID", POST["sid"]); hash.Add("STATIC_ROOT", AjaxLife.STATIC_ROOT); Html.Template.Parser parser = new Html.Template.Parser(hash); writer.Write(parser.Parse(File.ReadAllText("client/Templates/iPhone.html")));; writer.Flush(); }
public void OnFileRequested(HttpRequest request, IDirectory directory) { request.Response.ResponseContent = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.Response.ResponseContent); try{ Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); // Set up the template with useful details and the challenge and public key. hash.Add("STATIC_ROOT", AjaxLife.STATIC_ROOT); hash.Add("API_ROOT", AjaxLife.API_ROOT); if (AjaxLife.HANDLE_CONTENT_ENCODING) { hash.Add("ENCODING", "identity"); // S3 doesn't support Accept-Encoding, so we do it ourselves. if (request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"] != null) { string[] accept = request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"].Split(','); foreach (string encoding in accept) { string parsedencoding = encoding.Split(';')[0].Trim(); if (parsedencoding == "gzip" || parsedencoding == "*") // Should we really honour "*"? Specs aside, it's never going to be true. { hash["ENCODING"] = "gzip"; break; } } } } Html.Template.Parser parser = new Html.Template.Parser(hash); writer.Write(parser.Parse(File.ReadAllText("client/Templates/index.html"))); }catch (Exception exception) { this.contenttype = "text/plain"; writer.WriteLine("Error: " + exception.Message); } writer.Flush(); }
public void OnFileRequested(HttpRequest request, IDirectory directory) { request.Response.ResponseContent = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.Response.ResponseContent); try{ Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); // Set up the template with useful details and the challenge and public key. hash.Add("STATIC_ROOT", AjaxLife.STATIC_ROOT); if (AjaxLife.HANDLE_CONTENT_ENCODING) { hash.Add("ENCODING", "identity"); // S3 doesn't support Accept-Encoding, so we do it ourselves. if (request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"] != null) { string[] accept = request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"].Split(','); foreach (string encoding in accept) { string parsedencoding = encoding.Split(';')[0].Trim(); if (parsedencoding == "gzip" || parsedencoding == "*") // Should we really honour "*"? Specs aside, it's never going to be true. { hash["ENCODING"] = "gzip"; break; } } } } Html.Template.Parser parser = new Html.Template.Parser(hash); writer.Write(parser.Parse(File.ReadAllText("Html/Templates/index.html"))); }catch(Exception exception){ this.contenttype = "text/plain"; writer.WriteLine("Error: " + exception.Message); } writer.Flush(); }
public void OnFileRequested(HttpRequest request, IDirectory directory) { request.Response.ResponseContent = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.Response.ResponseContent); try { // Generate a new session ID. Guid key = Guid.NewGuid(); // Create a new User. User user = new User(); // Set the user session properties. user.LastRequest = DateTime.Now; user.Rotation = -Math.PI; // Generate a single-use challenge key. user.Challenge = "123"; // Add the session to the users. lock (users) users.Add(key, user); Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); // Set up the template with useful details and the challenge and public key. hash.Add("STATIC_ROOT", deviMobile.STATIC_ROOT); hash.Add("SESSION_ID", key.ToString("D")); hash.Add("CHALLENGE", user.Challenge); // Make the grid list, ensuring the default one is selected. string grids = ""; foreach (string server in deviMobile.LOGIN_SERVERS.Keys) { grids += "<option value=\"" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(server) + "\"" + (server == deviMobile.DEFAULT_LOGIN_SERVER ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(server) + "</option>\n"; } hash.Add("GRID_OPTIONS", grids); if (deviMobile.HANDLE_CONTENT_ENCODING) { hash.Add("ENCODING", "identity"); // S3 doesn't support Accept-Encoding, so we do it ourselves. if (request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"] != null) { string[] accept = request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"].Split(','); foreach (string encoding in accept) { string parsedencoding = encoding.Split(';')[0].Trim(); if (parsedencoding == "gzip" || parsedencoding == "*") // Should we really honour "*"? Specs aside, it's never going to be true. { hash["ENCODING"] = "gzip"; break; } } } } // Parse the template. Html.Template.Parser parser = new Html.Template.Parser(hash); writer.Write(parser.Parse(File.ReadAllText("Html/Templates/index.html"))); } catch (Exception exception) { this.contenttype = "text/plain"; writer.WriteLine("Error: " + exception.Message); } writer.Flush(); }
public void OnFileRequested(HttpRequest request, IDirectory directory) { request.Response.ResponseContent = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.Response.ResponseContent); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(request.PostData); string post = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Dispose(); Dictionary<string, string> POST = AjaxLife.PostDecode(post); Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash.Add("SESSION_ID", POST["sid"]); hash.Add("STATIC_ROOT", AjaxLife.STATIC_ROOT); Html.Template.Parser parser = new Html.Template.Parser(hash); writer.Write(parser.Parse(File.ReadAllText("Html/Templates/iPhone.html")));; writer.Flush(); }
public void OnFileRequested(HttpRequest request, IDirectory directory) { request.Response.ResponseContent = new MemoryStream(); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(request.Response.ResponseContent); try { // Generate a new session ID. Guid key = Guid.NewGuid(); // Create a new User. User user = new User(); // Set the user session properties. user.LastRequest = DateTime.Now; user.Rotation = -Math.PI; // Generate a single-use challenge key. user.Challenge = RSACrypto.CreateChallengeString(AjaxLife.RSAp); // Add the session to the users. lock (users) users.Add(key, user); Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); // Set up the template with useful details and the challenge and public key. hash.Add("STATIC_ROOT", AjaxLife.STATIC_ROOT); hash.Add("SESSION_ID", key.ToString("D")); hash.Add("CHALLENGE", user.Challenge); hash.Add("RSA_EXPONENT", StringHelper.BytesToHexString(AjaxLife.RSAp.Exponent)); hash.Add("RSA_MODULUS", StringHelper.BytesToHexString(AjaxLife.RSAp.Modulus)); // Make the grid list, ensuring the default one is selected. string grids = ""; foreach (string server in AjaxLife.LOGIN_SERVERS.Keys) { grids += "<option value=\"" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(server) + "\"" + (server == AjaxLife.DEFAULT_LOGIN_SERVER ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(server) + "</option>\n"; } hash.Add("GRID_OPTIONS", grids); if (AjaxLife.HANDLE_CONTENT_ENCODING) { hash.Add("ENCODING", "identity"); // S3 doesn't support Accept-Encoding, so we do it ourselves. if (request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"] != null) { string[] accept = request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"].Split(','); foreach (string encoding in accept) { string parsedencoding = encoding.Split(';')[0].Trim(); if (parsedencoding == "gzip" || parsedencoding == "*") // Should we really honour "*"? Specs aside, it's never going to be true. { hash["ENCODING"] = "gzip"; break; } } } } // Parse the template. Html.Template.Parser parser = new Html.Template.Parser(hash); writer.Write(parser.Parse(File.ReadAllText("Html/Templates/AjaxLife.html"))); } catch (Exception exception) { this.contenttype = "text/plain"; writer.WriteLine("Error: " + exception.Message); } writer.Flush(); }