예제 #1
        // Converts an RGB color to an HSV color.
        public static HsvColor ConvertRgbToHsv(double r, double b, double g)

            double delta, min;
            double h = 0, s, v;

            min = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b);
            v = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b);
            delta = v - min;

            if (v == 0.0)
                s = 0;

                s = delta / v;

            if (s == 0)
                h = 0.0f;

                if (r == v)
                    h = (g - b) / delta;
                else if (g == v)
                    h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
                else if (b == v)
                    h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;

                h *= 60;
                if (h < 0.0)
                    h = h + 360;


            HsvColor hsvColor = new HsvColor();
            hsvColor.H = h;
            hsvColor.S = s;
            hsvColor.V = v / 255;

            return hsvColor;

        * Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the slider's Foreground and Background brushes based on the current slider state and color.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Manually refreshes the background gradient of the slider.
        /// This is callable separately for performance reasons.
        /// </remarks>
        public void UpdateColors()
            HsvColor hsvColor = this.HsvColor;

            // Calculate and set the background

            // Calculate and set the foreground ensuring contrast with the background
            Color  rgbColor = Uwp.Helpers.ColorHelper.FromHsv(hsvColor.H, hsvColor.S, hsvColor.V, hsvColor.A);
            Color  selectedRgbColor;
            double sliderPercent = this.Value / (this.Maximum - this.Minimum);

            if (this.ColorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva)
                if (this.IsAlphaMaxForced &&
                    this.ColorChannel != ColorChannel.Alpha)
                    hsvColor = new HsvColor()
                        H = hsvColor.H,
                        S = hsvColor.S,
                        V = hsvColor.V,
                        A = 1.0

                switch (this.ColorChannel)
                case ColorChannel.Channel1:
                    var channelValue = Math.Clamp(sliderPercent * 360.0, 0.0, 360.0);

                    hsvColor = new HsvColor()
                        H = channelValue,
                        S = this.IsSaturationValueMaxForced ? 1.0 : hsvColor.S,
                        V = this.IsSaturationValueMaxForced ? 1.0 : hsvColor.V,
                        A = hsvColor.A

                case ColorChannel.Channel2:
                    var channelValue = Math.Clamp(sliderPercent * 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

                    hsvColor = new HsvColor()
                        H = hsvColor.H,
                        S = channelValue,
                        V = this.IsSaturationValueMaxForced ? 1.0 : hsvColor.V,
                        A = hsvColor.A

                case ColorChannel.Channel3:
                    var channelValue = Math.Clamp(sliderPercent * 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

                    hsvColor = new HsvColor()
                        H = hsvColor.H,
                        S = this.IsSaturationValueMaxForced ? 1.0 : hsvColor.S,
                        V = channelValue,
                        A = hsvColor.A

                selectedRgbColor = Uwp.Helpers.ColorHelper.FromHsv(
                if (this.IsAlphaMaxForced &&
                    this.ColorChannel != ColorChannel.Alpha)
                    rgbColor = new Color()
                        R = rgbColor.R,
                        G = rgbColor.G,
                        B = rgbColor.B,
                        A = 255

                byte channelValue = Convert.ToByte(Math.Clamp(sliderPercent * 255.0, 0.0, 255.0));

                switch (this.ColorChannel)
                case ColorChannel.Channel1:
                    rgbColor = new Color()
                        R = channelValue,
                        G = rgbColor.G,
                        B = rgbColor.B,
                        A = rgbColor.A

                case ColorChannel.Channel2:
                    rgbColor = new Color()
                        R = rgbColor.R,
                        G = channelValue,
                        B = rgbColor.B,
                        A = rgbColor.A

                case ColorChannel.Channel3:
                    rgbColor = new Color()
                        R = rgbColor.R,
                        G = rgbColor.G,
                        B = channelValue,
                        A = rgbColor.A

                selectedRgbColor = rgbColor;

            var converter = new ContrastBrushConverter();

            this.Foreground = converter.Convert(selectedRgbColor, typeof(Brush), this.DefaultForeground, null) as Brush;

예제 #3
 public static Color ToArgbColor(this HsvColor hsvColor)
     return(FromHsvEx(hsvColor.H, hsvColor.S, hsvColor.V, hsvColor.A));
예제 #4
        public static Color Lighter(Color c)
            var hsv = RgbToHsv(c);

            return(HsvToRgb(HsvColor.FromHsv(hsv.H, hsv.S, Math.Min(1.0, hsv.V * 1.2))));
예제 #5
        public static ColorBgra ToColorBgra(this HsvColor color)
            // HsvColor contains values scaled as in the color wheel:

            double h;
            double s;
            double v;

            double r = 0;
            double g = 0;
            double b = 0;

            // Scale Hue to be between 0 and 360. Saturation
            // and value scale to be between 0 and 1.
            h = (double)color.Hue % 360;
            s = (double)color.Saturation / 100;
            v = (double)color.Value / 100;

            if (s == 0)
                // If s is 0, all colors are the same.
                // This is some flavor of gray.
                r = v;
                g = v;
                b = v;
                double p;
                double q;
                double t;

                double fractionalSector;
                int    sectorNumber;
                double sectorPos;

                // The color wheel consists of 6 sectors.
                // Figure out which sector you're in.
                sectorPos    = h / 60;
                sectorNumber = (int)(Math.Floor(sectorPos));

                // get the fractional part of the sector.
                // That is, how many degrees into the sector
                // are you?
                fractionalSector = sectorPos - sectorNumber;

                // Calculate values for the three axes
                // of the color.
                p = v * (1 - s);
                q = v * (1 - (s * fractionalSector));
                t = v * (1 - (s * (1 - fractionalSector)));

                // Assign the fractional colors to r, g, and b
                // based on the sector the angle is in.
                switch (sectorNumber)
                case 0:
                    r = v;
                    g = t;
                    b = p;

                case 1:
                    r = q;
                    g = v;
                    b = p;

                case 2:
                    r = p;
                    g = v;
                    b = t;

                case 3:
                    r = p;
                    g = q;
                    b = v;

                case 4:
                    r = t;
                    g = p;
                    b = v;

                case 5:
                    r = v;
                    g = p;
                    b = q;

            // return an RgbColor structure, with values scaled
            // to be between 0 and 255.
            return(ColorBgra.FromBgr((byte)(b * 255), (byte)(g * 255), (byte)(r * 255)));
예제 #6
 public int Compare(Color x, Color y)
 => HsvColor.FromColor(x).CompareTo(HsvColor.FromColor(y));
예제 #7
 protected virtual void OnColorChanged(ColorPoint colorPoint, HsvColor oldValue, HsvColor newValue)
            public override HsvColor GetColorByChannelLevelValue(HsvColor c, double value)
                Color rgbColor = c.ToRgb();

                return(HsvColor.FromRgb(Color.FromScRgb(rgbColor.ScA, rgbColor.ScR, rgbColor.ScG, ColorUtilities.sRgbToScRgb((float)value))));
 public override Point GetColorDetailsMarkerCoord(HsvColor hsvColor)
     return(new Point(hsvColor.S, hsvColor.V));
 public override double GetChanellLevelValue(HsvColor c)
            public override HsvColor GetColorByColorDetailsMarkerCoord(HsvColor c, Point coord)
                Color rgbColor = c.ToRgb();

                return(HsvColor.FromRgb(Color.FromScRgb(rgbColor.ScA, ColorUtilities.sRgbToScRgb((float)coord.X), ColorUtilities.sRgbToScRgb((float)coord.Y), rgbColor.ScB)));
            public override Point GetColorDetailsMarkerCoord(HsvColor c)
                Color rgbColor = c.ToRgb();

                return(new Point(ColorUtilities.ScRgbTosRgb(rgbColor.ScR), ColorUtilities.ScRgbTosRgb(rgbColor.ScG)));
 public abstract HsvColor GetColorByChannelLevelValue(HsvColor selectedColor, double value);
 public abstract HsvColor GetColorByColorDetailsMarkerCoord(HsvColor selectedColor, Point coord);
		private ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IColor GetCombinedColor(IColor pColor1, IColor pColor2, EColorCombinationType eCombinationMethod, IColor pOriginColor)
			// combines the input colors based on m_eColorCombinationMethod

			// (11/08/04) -- RGB and enuLabLChColorRamp aren't used by GUI

			IColor pOutColor = null;

			long MyOLE_COLOR = 0; // As OLE_COLOR in VB6
			IRgbColor pMainRGBColor = null;
			IRgbColor pVariationRGBColor = null;
			IRgbColor pMergedRGBColor = null;
			bool bOK = false;
			IAlgorithmicColorRamp pAlgorithmicCR = null;

			// if either of the colors are null, then don't run the color through any algorithm,
			//   instead, just return the other color.  if both are null, then return a null color
			if (pColor1.NullColor)
				pOutColor = pColor2;

			else if (pColor2.NullColor)
				pOutColor = pColor1;

			else if (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuComponents)
				// HSV components
				// create a new HSV color
				IHsvColor pHSVDrawColor = null;
				pHSVDrawColor = new HsvColor();
				// get HSV values from Color1 and Color2 and assign to pHSVDrawColor
				IHsvColor pHSVColor1 = null;
				IHsvColor pHSVColor2 = null;

				// (new 4/27/04) didn't think I had to do this...
				//pHSVColor1 = pColor1
				//pHSVColor2 = pColor2
				pHSVColor1 = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor1.RGB = pColor1.RGB;
				pHSVColor2 = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor2.RGB = pColor2.RGB;

				pHSVDrawColor.Hue = pHSVColor1.Hue;
				pHSVDrawColor.Saturation = pHSVColor2.Saturation;
				pHSVDrawColor.Value = pHSVColor2.Value;

				pOutColor = pHSVDrawColor;

			else if (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuRGBAverage)
				// use additive color model to merge the two colors
				MyOLE_COLOR = pColor1.RGB;
				pMainRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pMainRGBColor.RGB = (int)MyOLE_COLOR;
				MyOLE_COLOR = pColor2.RGB;
				pVariationRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pVariationRGBColor.RGB = (int)MyOLE_COLOR;
				// merged color = RGB average of the two colors
				pMergedRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pMergedRGBColor.Red = (pMainRGBColor.Red + pVariationRGBColor.Red) / 2;
				pMergedRGBColor.Green = (pMainRGBColor.Green + pVariationRGBColor.Green) / 2;
				pMergedRGBColor.Blue = (pMainRGBColor.Blue + pVariationRGBColor.Blue) / 2;

				pOutColor = pMergedRGBColor;
			else if ((eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabColorRamp) | (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuLabLChColorRamp))
				// use color ramp and take central color between the two colors
				pAlgorithmicCR = new AlgorithmicColorRamp();
				if (m_eColorCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabColorRamp)
					pAlgorithmicCR.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm;
					pAlgorithmicCR.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriLabLChAlgorithm;
				pAlgorithmicCR.Size = 3;
				pAlgorithmicCR.FromColor = pColor1;
				pAlgorithmicCR.ToColor = pColor2;
				pAlgorithmicCR.CreateRamp(out bOK);

				pOutColor = pAlgorithmicCR.get_Color(1); // middle color in ramp
			else // EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabMatrix

				double[] iLab1 = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for Color1
				double[] iLab2 = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for Color2
				double[] iLabOrig = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for pOriginColor
				pColor1.GetCIELAB(out iLab1[0], out iLab1[1], out iLab1[2]);
				pColor2.GetCIELAB(out iLab2[0], out iLab2[1], out iLab2[2]);
				pOriginColor.GetCIELAB(out iLabOrig[0], out iLabOrig[1], out iLabOrig[2]);

				double[] iLabOut = new double[4];
				// add color1 vector and color2 vector, then subtract the origin color vector
				iLabOut[0] = iLab1[0] + iLab2[0] - iLabOrig[0];
				iLabOut[1] = iLab1[1] + iLab2[1] - iLabOrig[1];
				iLabOut[2] = iLab1[2] + iLab2[2] - iLabOrig[2];

				CorrectLabOutofRange(ref iLabOut[0], ref iLabOut[1], ref iLabOut[2]);

				IHsvColor pHSVColor = null;
				pHSVColor = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor.SetCIELAB(iLabOut[0], iLabOut[1], iLabOut[2]);
				pOutColor = pHSVColor;

			return pOutColor;

 public override double GetChanellLevelValue(HsvColor hsvColor)
     return(hsvColor.H / HsvColor.MaxHueValue);
 public abstract Brush GetChanellLevelBrush(HsvColor selectedColor);
 public override Brush GetChanellLevelBrush(HsvColor hsvColor)
예제 #19
        private unsafe void DrawWheel(Surface sfc)
            huerad = hsvcolor.Hue / radtodeg;

            for (int y = 0; y < sfc.Height; y++)
                ColorBgra *ptr = sfc.GetRowAddress(y);
                float      cy  = radius - y;
                float      cy2 = cy * cy;
                for (int x = 0; x < sfc.Width; x++)
                    float cx = x - radius;

                    double r     = Math.Sqrt(cy2 + cx * cx);
                    double theta = Math.Atan2(cy, cx);
                    double tx    = r * Math.Cos(theta - huerad) + innerradius / 2;
                    double tu    = r * Math.Sin(theta - thirtydeg - huerad) + innerradius / 2;
                    double tv    = r * Math.Sin(theta + thirtydeg - huerad) + innerradius;

                    if (theta < 0)
                        theta += 2 * Math.PI;

                    if (r <= radius &&
                        r >= innerradius)
                        //draw the hue ring
                        *ptr = new HsvColor((int)(theta * radtodeg), 100, 100).ToColorBgra();

                        if (radius - r <= 1 && radius - r >= 0)
                            ptr->A = (byte)(255 * (radius - r));
                        else if (r - innerradius <= 1 && r - innerradius >= 0)
                            ptr->A = (byte)(255 * (r - innerradius));
                    else if (hasmouse && (mouser <= radius || trackingSV || trackingH))
                        if (tu >= 0 &&
                            tv <= theight &&
                            tx >= 0)
                            //draw the triangle
                            float s, v;
                            GetSatVal(cx, cy, out s, out v);

                            int sat = (int)(100 * s);
                            int val = (int)(100 * v);
                            *   ptr = new HsvColor(hsvcolor.Hue, sat, val).ToColorBgra();

                            if (tx <= 1 && tx >= 0)
                                ptr->A = (byte)(255 * tx);
                            else if (tu <= 1 && tu >= 0)
                                ptr->A = (byte)(255 * tu);
                            else if (theight - tv <= 1 && theight - tv >= 0)
                                ptr->A = (byte)(255 * (theight - tv));
                        else if (r <= innerradius - padding &&
                                 (tu <= -padding || tx <= -padding || tv >= theight + padding))
                            //fills the free space between the ring and triangle with the selected color
                            byte v = (byte)((((x ^ y) & 8) * 8) + 191);
                            ptr->Bgra = (uint)v | (uint)(v << 8) | (uint)(v << 16) | 0xff000000;
                            *ptr = UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp.ApplyStatic(*ptr, color);

                            if (padding + tu >= -1 && padding + tu <= 0)
                                ptr->A = (byte)(255 * (-padding - tu));
                            else if (padding + tx >= -1 && padding + tx <= 0)
                                ptr->A = (byte)(255 * (-padding - tx));
                            else if (tv - theight - padding <= 1 && tv - theight - padding >= 0)
                                ptr->A = (byte)(255 * (tv - theight - padding));

                            if (innerradius - padding - r <= 1 && innerradius - padding - r >= 0)
                                ptr->A = Math.Min(ptr->A, (byte)(255 * (innerradius - padding - r)));
                            *ptr = ColorBgra.Transparent;
                    else if (r <= innerradius - padding)
                        //fills the free space inside the ring with the selected color
                        byte v = (byte)((((x ^ y) & 8) * 8) + 191);
                        ptr->Bgra = (uint)v | (uint)(v << 8) | (uint)(v << 16) | 0xff000000;
                        *ptr = UserBlendOps.NormalBlendOp.ApplyStatic(*ptr, color);

                        if (innerradius - padding - r <= 1 && innerradius - padding - r >= 0)
                            ptr->A = (byte)(255 * (innerradius - padding - r));
                        *ptr = ColorBgra.Transparent;

 public override HsvColor GetColorByColorDetailsMarkerCoord(HsvColor hsvColor, Point coord)
     return(new HsvColor(hsvColor.A, hsvColor.H, coord.X, coord.Y));
예제 #21
        public static Color Darker(Color c)
            var hsv = RgbToHsv(c);

            return(HsvToRgb(HsvColor.FromHsv(hsv.H, hsv.S, hsv.V * 0.8)));
 public override HsvColor GetColorByChannelLevelValue(HsvColor hsvColor, double value)
     return(new HsvColor(hsvColor.A, value * HsvColor.MaxHueValue, hsvColor.S, hsvColor.V));
예제 #23
 internal static Color ToXamlColor(this HsvColor hsvColor)
 public override Point GetColorDetailsMarkerCoord(HsvColor hsvColor)
     return(new Point(hsvColor.H / HsvColor.MaxHueValue, hsvColor.S));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new background image for the color channel slider and applies it.
        /// </summary>
        private async void UpdateBackground(HsvColor color)
            /* Updates may be requested when sliders are not in the visual tree.
             * For first-time load this is handled by the Loaded event.
             * However, after that problems may arise, consider the following case:
             *   (1) Backgrounds are drawn normally the first time on Loaded.
             *       Actual height/width are available.
             *   (2) The palette tab is selected which has no sliders
             *   (3) The picker flyout is closed
             *   (4) Externally the color is changed
             *       The color change will trigger slider background updates but
             *       with the flyout closed, actual height/width are zero.
             *       No zero size bitmap can be generated.
             *   (5) The picker flyout is re-opened by the user and the default
             *       last-opened tab will be viewed: palette.
             *       No loaded events will be fired for sliders. The color change
             *       event was already handled in (4). The sliders will never
             *       be updated.
             * In this case the sliders become out of sync with the Color because there is no way
             * to tell when they actually come into view. To work around this, force a re-render of
             * the background with the last size of the slider. This last size will be when it was
             * last loaded or updated.
             * In the future additional consideration may be required for SizeChanged of the control.
             * This work-around will also cause issues if display scaling changes in the special
             * case where cached sizes are required.
            var width  = Convert.ToInt32(this.ActualWidth);
            var height = Convert.ToInt32(this.ActualHeight);

            if (width == 0 || height == 0)
                // Attempt to use the last size if it was available
                if (this.cachedSize.IsEmpty == false)
                    width  = Convert.ToInt32(this.cachedSize.Width);
                    height = Convert.ToInt32(this.cachedSize.Height);
                this.cachedSize = new Size(width, height);

            var bitmap = await ColorPickerRenderingHelpers.CreateChannelBitmapAsync(

            if (bitmap != null)
                this.Background = await ColorPickerRenderingHelpers.BitmapToBrushAsync(bitmap, width, height);

 public override double GetChanellLevelValue(HsvColor hsvColor)
예제 #27
		private ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IColor GetCombinedColor(IColor pColor1, IColor pColor2, EColorCombinationType eCombinationMethod, IColor pOriginColor)
			// combines the input colors based on m_eColorCombinationMethod

			// (11/08/04) -- RGB and enuLabLChColorRamp aren't used by GUI

			IColor pOutColor = null;

			long MyOLE_COLOR = 0; // As OLE_COLOR in VB6
			IRgbColor pMainRGBColor = null;
			IRgbColor pVariationRGBColor = null;
			IRgbColor pMergedRGBColor = null;
			bool bOK = false;
			IAlgorithmicColorRamp pAlgorithmicCR = null;

			// if either of the colors are null, then don't run the color through any algorithm,
			//   instead, just return the other color.  if both are null, then return a null color
			if (pColor1.NullColor)
				pOutColor = pColor2;

			else if (pColor2.NullColor)
				pOutColor = pColor1;

			else if (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuComponents)
				// HSV components
				// create a new HSV color
				IHsvColor pHSVDrawColor = null;
				pHSVDrawColor = new HsvColor();
				// get HSV values from Color1 and Color2 and assign to pHSVDrawColor
				IHsvColor pHSVColor1 = null;
				IHsvColor pHSVColor2 = null;

				// (new 4/27/04) didn't think I had to do this...
				//pHSVColor1 = pColor1
				//pHSVColor2 = pColor2
				pHSVColor1 = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor1.RGB = pColor1.RGB;
				pHSVColor2 = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor2.RGB = pColor2.RGB;

				pHSVDrawColor.Hue = pHSVColor1.Hue;
				pHSVDrawColor.Saturation = pHSVColor2.Saturation;
				pHSVDrawColor.Value = pHSVColor2.Value;

				pOutColor = pHSVDrawColor;

			else if (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuRGBAverage)
				// use additive color model to merge the two colors
				MyOLE_COLOR = pColor1.RGB;
				pMainRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pMainRGBColor.RGB = (int)MyOLE_COLOR;
				MyOLE_COLOR = pColor2.RGB;
				pVariationRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pVariationRGBColor.RGB = (int)MyOLE_COLOR;
				// merged color = RGB average of the two colors
				pMergedRGBColor = new RgbColor();
				pMergedRGBColor.Red = (pMainRGBColor.Red + pVariationRGBColor.Red) / 2;
				pMergedRGBColor.Green = (pMainRGBColor.Green + pVariationRGBColor.Green) / 2;
				pMergedRGBColor.Blue = (pMainRGBColor.Blue + pVariationRGBColor.Blue) / 2;

				pOutColor = pMergedRGBColor;
			else if ((eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabColorRamp) | (eCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuLabLChColorRamp))
				// use color ramp and take central color between the two colors
				pAlgorithmicCR = new AlgorithmicColorRamp();
				if (m_eColorCombinationMethod == EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabColorRamp)
					pAlgorithmicCR.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm;
					pAlgorithmicCR.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriLabLChAlgorithm;
				pAlgorithmicCR.Size = 3;
				pAlgorithmicCR.FromColor = pColor1;
				pAlgorithmicCR.ToColor = pColor2;
				pAlgorithmicCR.CreateRamp(out bOK);

				pOutColor = pAlgorithmicCR.get_Color(1); // middle color in ramp
			else // EColorCombinationType.enuCIELabMatrix

				double[] iLab1 = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for Color1
				double[] iLab2 = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for Color2
				double[] iLabOrig = new double[4]; // L, a, b values for pOriginColor
				pColor1.GetCIELAB(out iLab1[0], out iLab1[1], out iLab1[2]);
				pColor2.GetCIELAB(out iLab2[0], out iLab2[1], out iLab2[2]);
				pOriginColor.GetCIELAB(out iLabOrig[0], out iLabOrig[1], out iLabOrig[2]);

				double[] iLabOut = new double[4];
				// add color1 vector and color2 vector, then subtract the origin color vector
				iLabOut[0] = iLab1[0] + iLab2[0] - iLabOrig[0];
				iLabOut[1] = iLab1[1] + iLab2[1] - iLabOrig[1];
				iLabOut[2] = iLab1[2] + iLab2[2] - iLabOrig[2];

				CorrectLabOutofRange(ref iLabOut[0], ref iLabOut[1], ref iLabOut[2]);

				IHsvColor pHSVColor = null;
				pHSVColor = new HsvColor();
				pHSVColor.SetCIELAB(iLabOut[0], iLabOut[1], iLabOut[2]);
				pOutColor = pHSVColor;

			return pOutColor;

 public override HsvColor GetColorByColorDetailsMarkerCoord(HsvColor hsvColor, Point coord)
     return(new HsvColor(hsvColor.A, coord.X * HsvColor.MaxHueValue, coord.Y, hsvColor.V));
예제 #29
 public static Color ToRgba(HsvColor c)
     return(ToRgba(c.h, c.s, c.v, c.a));
 public override HsvColor GetColorByChannelLevelValue(HsvColor hsvColor, double value)
     return(new HsvColor(hsvColor.A, hsvColor.H, hsvColor.S, value));
예제 #31
 public static Color ConvertHsvToRgb(HsvColor color)
     return ConvertHsvToRgb(color.H, color.S, color.V);
예제 #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new bitmap of the specified size by changing a specific color channel.
        /// This will produce a gradient representing all possible differences of that color channel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">The pixel width (X, horizontal) of the resulting bitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The pixel height (Y, vertical) of the resulting bitmap.</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">The orientation of the resulting bitmap (gradient direction).</param>
        /// <param name="colorRepresentation">The color representation being used: RGBA or HSVA.</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The specific color channel to vary.</param>
        /// <param name="baseHsvColor">The base HSV color used for channels not being changed.</param>
        /// <param name="checkerColor">The color of the checker background square.</param>
        /// <param name="isAlphaMaxForced">Fix the alpha channel value to maximum during calculation.
        /// This will remove any alpha/transparency from the other channel backgrounds.</param>
        /// <param name="isSaturationValueMaxForced">Fix the saturation and value channels to maximum
        /// during calculation in HSVA color representation.
        /// This will ensure colors are always discernible regardless of saturation/value.</param>
        /// <returns>A new bitmap representing a gradient of color channel values.</returns>
        public static async Task <byte[]> CreateChannelBitmapAsync(
            int width,
            int height,
            Orientation orientation,
            ColorRepresentation colorRepresentation,
            ColorChannel channel,
            HsvColor baseHsvColor,
            bool isAlphaMaxForced,
            bool isSaturationValueMaxForced)
            if (width == 0 || height == 0)

            var bitmap = await Task.Run <byte[]>(async() =>
                int pixelDataIndex = 0;
                double channelStep;
                byte[] bgraPixelData;
                byte[] bgraCheckeredPixelData = null;
                Color baseRgbColor            = Colors.White;
                Color rgbColor;
                int bgraPixelDataHeight;
                int bgraPixelDataWidth;

                // Allocate the buffer
                // BGRA formatted color channels 1 byte each (4 bytes in a pixel)
                bgraPixelData       = new byte[width * height * 4];
                bgraPixelDataHeight = height * 4;
                bgraPixelDataWidth  = width * 4;

                // Maximize alpha channel value
                if (isAlphaMaxForced &&
                    channel != ColorChannel.Alpha)
                    baseHsvColor = new HsvColor()
                        H = baseHsvColor.H,
                        S = baseHsvColor.S,
                        V = baseHsvColor.V,
                        A = 1.0

                // Convert HSV to RGB once
                if (colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Rgba)
                    baseRgbColor = Uwp.Helpers.ColorHelper.FromHsv(

                // Maximize Saturation and Value channels when in HSVA mode
                if (isSaturationValueMaxForced &&
                    colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva &&
                    channel != ColorChannel.Alpha)
                    switch (channel)
                    case ColorChannel.Channel1:
                        baseHsvColor = new HsvColor()
                            H = baseHsvColor.H,
                            S = 1.0,
                            V = 1.0,
                            A = baseHsvColor.A

                    case ColorChannel.Channel2:
                        baseHsvColor = new HsvColor()
                            H = baseHsvColor.H,
                            S = baseHsvColor.S,
                            V = 1.0,
                            A = baseHsvColor.A

                    case ColorChannel.Channel3:
                        baseHsvColor = new HsvColor()
                            H = baseHsvColor.H,
                            S = 1.0,
                            V = baseHsvColor.V,
                            A = baseHsvColor.A

                // Create a checkered background
                if (checkerColor != null)
                    bgraCheckeredPixelData = await CreateCheckeredBitmapAsync(

                // Create the color channel gradient
                if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                    // Determine the numerical increment of the color steps within the channel
                    if (colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva)
                        if (channel == ColorChannel.Channel1)
                            channelStep = 360.0 / width;
                            channelStep = 1.0 / width;
                        channelStep = 255.0 / width;

                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            if (y == 0)
                                rgbColor = GetColor(x *channelStep);

                                // Get a new color
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0] = Convert.ToByte(rgbColor.B *rgbColor.A / 255);
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1] = Convert.ToByte(rgbColor.G *rgbColor.A / 255);
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2] = Convert.ToByte(rgbColor.R *rgbColor.A / 255);
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3] = rgbColor.A;
                                // Use the color in the row above
                                // Remember the pixel data is 1 dimensional instead of 2
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0 - bgraPixelDataWidth];
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1 - bgraPixelDataWidth];
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2 - bgraPixelDataWidth];
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3 - bgraPixelDataWidth];

                            pixelDataIndex += 4;
                    // Determine the numerical increment of the color steps within the channel
                    if (colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva)
                        if (channel == ColorChannel.Channel1)
                            channelStep = 360.0 / height;
                            channelStep = 1.0 / height;
                        channelStep = 255.0 / height;

                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            if (x == 0)
                                // The lowest channel value should be at the 'bottom' of the bitmap
                                rgbColor = GetColor((height - 1 - y) * channelStep);

                                // Get a new color
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0] = Convert.ToByte(rgbColor.B *rgbColor.A / 255);
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1] = Convert.ToByte(rgbColor.G *rgbColor.A / 255);
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2] = Convert.ToByte(rgbColor.R *rgbColor.A / 255);
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3] = rgbColor.A;
                                // Use the color in the column to the left
                                // Remember the pixel data is 1 dimensional instead of 2
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex - 4];
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex - 3];
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex - 2];
                                bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3] = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex - 1];

                            pixelDataIndex += 4;

                // Composite the checkered background with color channel gradient for final result
                // The height/width are not checked as both bitmaps were built with the same values
                if ((checkerColor != null) &&
                    (bgraCheckeredPixelData != null))
                    pixelDataIndex = 0;
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            /* The following algorithm is used to blend the two bitmaps creating the final composite.
                             * In this formula, pixel data is normalized 0..1, actual pixel data is in the range 0..255.
                             * The color channel gradient should apply OVER the checkered background.
                             * R =  R0 * A0 * (1 - A1) + R1 * A1  =  RA0 * (1 - A1) + RA1
                             * G =  G0 * A0 * (1 - A1) + G1 * A1  =  GA0 * (1 - A1) + GA1
                             * B =  B0 * A0 * (1 - A1) + B1 * A1  =  BA0 * (1 - A1) + BA1
                             * A =  A0 * (1 - A1) + A1            =  A0 * (1 - A1) + A1
                             * Considering only the red channel, some algebraic transformation is applied to
                             * make the math quicker to solve.
                             * => ((RA0 / 255.0) * (1.0 - A1 / 255.0) + (RA1 / 255.0)) * 255.0
                             * => ((RA0 * 255) - (RA0 * A1) + (RA1 * 255)) / 255

                            // Bottom layer
                            byte rXa0 = bgraCheckeredPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2];
                            byte gXa0 = bgraCheckeredPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1];
                            byte bXa0 = bgraCheckeredPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0];
                            byte a0   = bgraCheckeredPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3];

                            // Top layer
                            byte rXa1 = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2];
                            byte gXa1 = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1];
                            byte bXa1 = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0];
                            byte a1   = bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3];

                            bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 0] = Convert.ToByte(((bXa0 * 255) - (bXa0 * a1) + (bXa1 * 255)) / 255);
                            bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 1] = Convert.ToByte(((gXa0 * 255) - (gXa0 * a1) + (gXa1 * 255)) / 255);
                            bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 2] = Convert.ToByte(((rXa0 * 255) - (rXa0 * a1) + (rXa1 * 255)) / 255);
                            bgraPixelData[pixelDataIndex + 3] = Convert.ToByte(((a0 * 255) - (a0 * a1) + (a1 * 255)) / 255);

                            pixelDataIndex += 4;

                Color GetColor(double channelValue)
                    Color newRgbColor = Colors.White;

                    switch (channel)
                    case ColorChannel.Channel1:
                            if (colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva)
                                // Sweep hue
                                newRgbColor = Uwp.Helpers.ColorHelper.FromHsv(
                                    Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 360.0),
                                // Sweep red
                                newRgbColor = new Color
                                    R = Convert.ToByte(Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 255.0)),
                                    G = baseRgbColor.G,
                                    B = baseRgbColor.B,
                                    A = baseRgbColor.A


                    case ColorChannel.Channel2:
                            if (colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva)
                                // Sweep saturation
                                newRgbColor = Uwp.Helpers.ColorHelper.FromHsv(
                                    Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 1.0),
                                // Sweep green
                                newRgbColor = new Color
                                    R = baseRgbColor.R,
                                    G = Convert.ToByte(Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 255.0)),
                                    B = baseRgbColor.B,
                                    A = baseRgbColor.A


                    case ColorChannel.Channel3:
                            if (colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva)
                                // Sweep value
                                newRgbColor = Uwp.Helpers.ColorHelper.FromHsv(
                                    Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 1.0),
                                // Sweep blue
                                newRgbColor = new Color
                                    R = baseRgbColor.R,
                                    G = baseRgbColor.G,
                                    B = Convert.ToByte(Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 255.0)),
                                    A = baseRgbColor.A


                    case ColorChannel.Alpha:
                            if (colorRepresentation == ColorRepresentation.Hsva)
                                // Sweep alpha
                                newRgbColor = Uwp.Helpers.ColorHelper.FromHsv(
                                    Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 1.0));
                                // Sweep alpha
                                newRgbColor = new Color
                                    R = baseRgbColor.R,
                                    G = baseRgbColor.G,
                                    B = baseRgbColor.B,
                                    A = Convert.ToByte(Math.Clamp(channelValue, 0.0, 255.0))




예제 #33
 private void CalculateColor( Point p )
     HsvColor hsv = new HsvColor( 360 - _spectrumSlider.Value, 1, 1 )
     S = p.X,
     V = 1 - p.Y
       var currentColor = ColorUtilities.ConvertHsvToRgb( hsv.H, hsv.S, hsv.V );
       currentColor.A = A;
       SelectedColor = currentColor;
       SetHexadecimalStringProperty( GetFormatedColorString( SelectedColor ), false );
 public abstract double GetChanellLevelValue(HsvColor selectedColor);