예제 #1
        public IQueryable GetTree(int?id, string culture, int companyId)
            var menus = (from m in context.Menus
                         where m.ParentId == id && m.CompanyId == companyId
                         join m2 in context.Menus on m.Id equals m2.ParentId into g2
                         from m2 in g2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join t in context.NamesTbl on m.Name equals t.Name into g
                         from t in g.Where(a => a.Culture == culture).DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new
                Id = m.Id,
                CompanyId = m.CompanyId,
                Name = HrContext.TrlsName(m.Name, culture),
                MenuLevel = m.NodeType,
                Order = m.Order,
                Title = (t.Title == null ? m.Name : t.Title),
                ParentId = m.ParentId,
                Sort = m.Sort,
                Url = m.Url,
                Icon = m.Icon,
                hasChildren = m2 != null
                        .OrderBy(r => r.Sort);

예제 #2
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> ReadConsumeCustody(byte Range, DateTime?Start, DateTime?End, string culture, int CompanyId)
            //10- All, 0-Custom
            if (Range != 10 && Range != 0)
                RequestRangeFilter(Range, CompanyId, out Start, out End);
            var query = from c in context.Custody
                        where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId && c.CustodyCat.Disposal)
                        join ec in context.EmpCustodies on c.Id equals ec.CustodyId into g
                        from ec in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        group ec by new { Id = c.Id, Name = c.Name, PurchaseDate = c.PurchaseDate, PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount, Qty = c.Qty, Description = c.Description, CustodyCat = c.CustodyCat.Name, CurrRate = c.CurrencyRate }  into g
                select new CustodyViewModel
                Id             = g.Key.Id,
                Name           = g.Key.Name,
                PurchaseDate   = g.Key.PurchaseDate,
                PurchaseAmount = g.Key.PurchaseAmount,
                Qty            = g.Key.Qty,
                CurrencyRate   = g.Key.CurrRate,
                CustodyCatId   = HrContext.TrlsName(g.Key.CustodyCat, culture),
                RestQty        = g.Key.Qty - (g.Sum(x => x.Qty) == null ? 0 : g.Sum(x => x.Qty)),
                Description    = g.Key.Description

            if (Range != 10)
                query = query.Where(c => Start <= c.PurchaseDate && End >= c.PurchaseDate);
            return(query.Where(a => a.RestQty > 0));
예제 #3
        //read Borrow Document with Employee
        public IEnumerable <EmpDocBorrowViewModel> ReadDocBorrow(byte Range, DateTime?Start, DateTime?End, int CompanyId, string culture)
            //10- All, 0-Custom
            if (Range != 10 && Range != 0)
                RequestRangeFilter(Range, CompanyId, out Start, out End);
            var query = (from d in context.EmpDocBorrow
                         where (d.CompanyId == CompanyId && d.delvryDate == null)
                         join p in context.People on d.EmpId equals p.Id
                         select new EmpDocBorrowViewModel
                Id = d.Id,
                CompanyId = d.CompanyId,
                Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                EmpId = d.EmpId,
                Purpose = d.Purpose,
                Notes = d.Notes,
                RecvDate = d.RecvDate,
                Site = d.Site,
                ExpdelvryDate = d.ExpdelvryDate,
                AttUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("BorrowPapers", d.Id),
                Document = context.DocBorrowList.Where(a => a.DocBorrowId == d.Id).Select(s => s.Doc.Name).ToList()

            if (Range != 10)
                query = query.Where(c => Start <= c.RecvDate && End >= c.RecvDate).ToList();
예제 #4
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> ReadCustody(byte Range, DateTime?Start, DateTime?End, string culture, int CompanyId)
            //10- All, 0-Custom
            if (Range != 10 && Range != 0)
                RequestRangeFilter(Range, CompanyId, out Start, out End);

            var custody = from c in context.Custody
                          where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId && !c.CustodyCat.Disposal && !c.InUse)
                          select new CustodyViewModel
                Id             = c.Id,
                Code           = c.Code,
                Name           = c.Name,
                SerialNo       = c.SerialNo,
                CompanyId      = c.CompanyId,
                CustodyCatId   = HrContext.TrlsName(c.CustodyCat.Name, culture),
                PurchaseDate   = c.PurchaseDate,
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                Status         = c.Status,
                InUse          = c.InUse,
                Freeze         = c.Freeze,
                Description    = c.Description,
                Qty            = c.Qty

            if (Range != 10)
                custody = custody.Where(c => Start <= c.PurchaseDate && End >= c.PurchaseDate);

예제 #5
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> ReadEmpCustody(int CompanyId, string culture)
            var result = (from c in context.Custody
                          where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId && c.InUse == true)
                          join Emp in context.EmpCustodies on c.Id equals Emp.CustodyId
                          where Emp.delvryDate == null
                          join p in context.People on Emp.EmpId equals p.Id
                          join l in context.Sites on Emp.BranchId equals l.Id into j
                          from l in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new CustodyViewModel
                Id = c.Id,
                EmpCustodyId = Emp.Id,
                Code = c.Code,
                Name = c.Name,
                SerialNo = c.SerialNo,
                CompanyId = c.CompanyId,
                CustodyCatId = HrContext.TrlsName(c.CustodyCat.Name, culture),
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                Status = c.Status,
                InUse = c.InUse,
                Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                Branch = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                EmpId = Emp.EmpId,
                Description = c.Description,
                Qty = Emp.Qty,
                RecvDate = Emp.RecvDate,
                PurchaseDate = c.PurchaseDate,
                AttUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("RecieveCustody", Emp.Id),
                Filename = context.CompanyDocsView.Where(a => a.Source == "RecieveCustody" && a.SourceId == Emp.Id).Select(c => c.name).FirstOrDefault()

        public DocTypeFormViewModel ReadDocType(int Id, string culture)
            var query = (from d in context.DocTypes
                         where d.Id == Id
                         select new DocTypeFormViewModel
                Id = d.Id,
                EndDate = d.EndDate,
                IsLocal = d.IsLocal,
                Name = d.Name,
                RequiredOpt = d.RequiredOpt,
                StartDate = d.StartDate,
                DocumenType = d.DocumenType,
                HasExpiryDate = d.HasExpiryDate,
                AccessLevel = d.AccessLevel,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(d.Name, culture),
                IJobs = d.Jobs.Select(a => a.Id),
                INationalities = d.Nationalities.Select(a => a.Id),
                ModifiedTime = d.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = d.ModifiedUser,
                CreatedUser = d.CreatedUser,
                CreatedTime = d.CreatedTime,
                Gender = d.Gender,
                NotifyDays = d.NotifyDays

예제 #7
        public ComplaintRequestViewModel GetRequest(int requestId, string culture)
            ComplaintRequestViewModel Request = (from req in context.ComplainRequests
                                                 where req.Id == requestId
                                                 join p in context.People on req.EmpId equals p.Id
                                                 select new ComplaintRequestViewModel()
                Id = req.Id,
                RequestDate = req.RequestDate,
                EmpId = req.EmpId,
                Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                ApprovalStatus = req.ApprovalStatus,
                RejectReason = req.RejectReason,
                RejectDesc = req.RejectDesc,
                CancelReason = req.CancelReason,
                CancelDesc = req.CancelDesc,
                Attachments = HrContext.GetAttachments("ComplaintRequest", req.Id),
                CreatedTime = req.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = req.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedTime = req.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = req.ModifiedUser,
                ComplainType = req.ComplainType,
                Description = req.Description,
                Against = req.Against

예제 #8
        public IQueryable <EmpChkListViewModel> GetEmpCheckLists(string culture, int companyId)
            var EmpList = from el in context.EmpChkLists
                          where el.CompanyId == companyId
                          join p in context.People on el.EmpId equals p.Id into g
                          from p in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
                          select new EmpChkListViewModel
                Id                                           = el.Id,
                EmpId                                        = el.EmpId,
                ListEndDate                                  = el.ListEndDate,
                ListStartDate                                = el.ListStartDate,
                PicUrl                                       = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                Gender                                       = p.Gender,
                ListType                                     = el.ListType,
                Name                                         = el.Name,
                Employee                                     = p != null?HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture) : "",
                                                 Status      = el.Status,
                                                 CreatedUser = el.CreatedUser,
                                                 ManagerId   = el.ManagerId,
                                                 Count       = context.EmpTasks.Where(a => a.EmpListId == el.Id).Count(),
                                                 PrograssBar = context.EmpTasks.Where(a => a.EmpListId == el.Id && a.Status == 2).Count()

예제 #9
        public CheckListFormViewModel ReadCheckList(int id, string culture)
            var Job = (from J in context.CheckLists
                       where J.Id == id
                       select new CheckListFormViewModel
                Id = J.Id,
                Name = J.Name,
                IsLocal = J.IsLocal,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(J.Name, culture),
                StartDate = J.StartDate,
                EndDate = J.EndDate,
                Duration = J.Duration,
                CompanyId = J.CompanyId,
                Default = J.Default,
                Description = J.Description,
                ListType = J.ListType,
                ModifiedTime = J.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = J.ModifiedUser,
                CreatedTime = J.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = J.CreatedUser,

예제 #10
        public IQueryable <EmpTasksViewModel> ReadEmployeeTasksGrid(int empId, string culture)
            var tasks = context.EmpTasks.Where(t => t.EmpId == empId && t.Status != 0).OrderBy(t => new { t.Status, t.Priority }).Select(t => new EmpTasksViewModel
                Id           = t.Id,
                EmpList      = HrContext.TrlsName(t.EmpChklist.Name, culture),
                EmpListId    = t.EmpListId,
                Manager      = HrContext.TrlsName(t.Manager.Title + " " + t.Manager.FirstName + " " + t.Manager.Familyname, culture),
                Description  = t.Description,
                Priority     = t.Priority,
                Status       = t.Status,
                TaskCategory = HrContext.GetLookUpCode("EmpTaskCat", t.TaskCat.Value, culture),
                TaskNo       = t.TaskNo,
                AssignedTime = t.AssignedTime,
                StartTime    = t.StartTime,
                EndTime      = t.EndTime,
                Duration     = t.Duration,
                ExpectDur    = t.ExpectDur,
                Unit         = t.Unit,
                Required     = t.Required,
                SubPeriodId  = t.SubPeriodId,
                SubPeriod    = t.SubPeriod.Name

예제 #11
        public EmpTasksViewModel GetEmployeeTask(int Id, string culture)
            EmpTasksViewModel task = context.EmpTasks.Where(t => t.Id == Id)
                                     .Select(t => new EmpTasksViewModel
                Id           = t.Id,
                EmpList      = t.EmpChklist.Name,
                Manager      = HrContext.TrlsName(t.Manager.Title + " " + t.Manager.FirstName + " " + t.Manager.Familyname, culture),
                Description  = t.Description,
                Priority     = t.Priority,
                Status       = t.Status,
                TaskCategory = HrContext.GetLookUpCode("EmpTaskCat", t.TaskCat.Value, culture),
                TaskNo       = t.TaskNo,
                AssignedTime = t.AssignedTime,
                Attachments  = HrContext.GetAttachments("EmpTasksForm", t.Id),
                StartTime    = t.StartTime,
                EndTime      = t.EndTime,
                Duration     = t.Duration,
                EmpListId    = t.EmpListId,
                ExpectDur    = t.ExpectDur,
                Unit         = t.Unit,
                Required     = t.Required,
                Employee     = HrContext.TrlsName(t.EmpChklist.Employee.Title + " " + t.EmpChklist.Employee.FirstName + " " + t.EmpChklist.Employee.Familyname, culture),

예제 #12
        public IQueryable <NotifiyLetterViewModel> GetMyLetters(int CompanyId, string Language, int EmpId)
            DateTime Today = DateTime.Today.Date;
            var      query = (from n in context.NotifyLetters
                              where n.EmpId == EmpId
                              join a in context.Assignments on n.EmpId equals a.EmpId into g1
                              from a in g1.Where(x => x.CompanyId == n.CompanyId && x.AssignDate <= Today && x.EndDate >= Today).DefaultIfEmpty()
                              select new NotifiyLetterViewModel
                CompanyId = n.CompanyId,
                Department = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Department.Name, Language),
                Description = n.Description,
                Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(n.Emp.Title + " " + n.Emp.FirstName + " " + n.Emp.Familyname, Language),
                EventDate = n.EventDate,
                Id = n.Id,
                Job = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Job.Name, Language),
                NotifyDate = n.NotifyDate,
                NotifySource = n.NotifySource,
                Readdatetime = n.ReadTime,
                read = n.read,
                Sent = n.Sent,
                EmpId = n.EmpId
            }).OrderByDescending(s => s.NotifyDate);             //.ThenByDescending(ss => ss.NotifyDate);

예제 #13
        public JobViewModel ReadJob(int id, string culture)
            var Job = (from J in context.Jobs
                       where J.Id == id
                       select new JobViewModel
                Id = J.Id,
                Code = J.Code,
                Name = J.Name,
                IsLocal = J.IsLocal,
                LName = HrContext.TrlsName(J.Name, culture),
                DefaultGradeId = J.DefaultGradeId,
                IJobClasses = J.JobClasses.Select(a => a.Id),
                StartDate = J.StartDate,
                EndDate = J.EndDate,
                NameInInsurance = J.NameInInsurance,
                PlanCount = J.PlanCount,
                PlanTurnOverRate = J.PlanTurnOverRate,
                ProbationPeriod = J.ProbationPeriod,
                PrimaryRole = J.PrimaryRole,
                StartTime = J.StartTime,
                EndTime = J.EndTime,
                Frequency = J.Frequency,
                WorkHours = J.WorkHours,
                ModifiedTime = J.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = J.ModifiedUser,
                CreatedTime = J.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = J.CreatedUser,
                ContractTempl = J.ContractTempl,
                CompanyId = J.CompanyId

예제 #14
        public MenuViewModel GetMenu(int Id, string culture)
            var menu = (from m in context.Menus
                        where m.Id == Id
                        select new MenuViewModel
                Id = m.Id,
                ColumnList = m.ColumnList,
                CompanyId = m.CompanyId,
                Icon = m.Icon,
                NodeType = m.NodeType,
                MenuName = m.Name,
                Order = m.Order,
                ParentId = m.ParentId,
                ParentName = HrContext.TrlsName(m.Parent.Name, culture),
                Sort = m.Sort,
                Url = m.Url,
                WhereClause = m.WhereClause,
                Title = HrContext.TrlsName(m.Name + m.Version, culture),
                IsVisible = m.IsVisible,
                SSMenu = m.SSMenu,
                Version = m.Version,
                Sequence = m.Sequence,
                CreatedTime = m.CreatedTime,
                ModifiedTime = m.ModifiedTime,
                CreatedUser = m.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedUser = m.ModifiedUser,
                IFunctions = context.MenuFunctions.Where(a => a.MenuId == m.Id).Select(c => c.FunctionId).ToList()

예제 #15
        public IEnumerable <EmployeeTrainPathViewModel> TrainPathProgress(int id, string culture)
            var q = context.TrainPath.Where(a => a.Id == id).Select(a => new { c = a.Courses.Select(b => b.Id), id = a.Id }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (q != null)
                var Emp = context.PeopleTraining.
                          Where(a => q.c.Contains(a.CourseId) && a.Status == 2).GroupBy(a => new { person = a.EmpId, Emp = a.Person }).
                          Select(a => new EmployeeTrainPathViewModel
                    EmpId      = a.Key.person,
                    Id         = q.id,
                    Percent    = a.Count() * 100 / q.c.Count(),
                    Employee   = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Key.Emp.Title + " " + a.Key.Emp.FirstName + " " + a.Key.Emp.Familyname, culture),
                    CourseName = a.Select(j => j.Course.Name).ToList(),
                    CourseIds  = a.Select(j => j.Course.Id).ToList(),
예제 #16
        public IQueryable <CustodyViewModel> GetEmpCustody(int EmpId, int CompanyId, string culture)
            var result = from c in context.Custody
                         where (c.CompanyId == CompanyId)
                         join Emp in context.EmpCustodies on c.Id equals Emp.CustodyId
                         where Emp.delvryDate == null && Emp.EmpId == EmpId
                         join p in context.People on Emp.EmpId equals p.Id
                         join l in context.Sites on Emp.BranchId equals l.Id into j
                         from l in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new CustodyViewModel
                Id             = c.Id,
                Code           = c.Code,
                Name           = c.Name,
                SerialNo       = c.SerialNo,
                CustodyCatId   = HrContext.TrlsName(c.CustodyCat.Name, culture),
                Disposal       = c.CustodyCat.Disposal,
                Status         = c.Status,
                InUse          = c.InUse,
                Description    = c.Description,
                PurchaseDate   = c.PurchaseDate,
                PurchaseAmount = c.PurchaseAmount,
                Employee       = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                Branch         = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                EmpId          = Emp.EmpId,
                Qty            = Emp.Qty

        public Dictionary <string, string> ReadMailEmpTerm(string Language, int Id)
            DateTime Today = DateTime.Today.Date;

            var query = (from r in context.Terminations
                         where r.Id == Id
                         join a in context.Assignments on r.EmpId equals a.EmpId into g
                         from a in g.Where(x => x.CompanyId == r.CompanyId && x.AssignDate <= Today && x.EndDate >= Today).DefaultIfEmpty()
                         join m in context.People on a.ManagerId equals m.Id into g1
                         from m in g1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new
                EmployeeName = HrContext.TrlsName(r.Employee.Title + " " + r.Employee.FirstName + " " + r.Employee.Familyname, Language),
                Job = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Job.Name, Language),
                PlannedEndDate = r.PlanedDate.Value.ToString(),
                RequestDate = r.RequestDate.ToString(),
                Department = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Department.Name, Language),
                DirectManager = HrContext.TrlsName(m.Title + " " + m.FirstName + " " + m.Familyname, Language),

            Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (query != null)
                var ObjProps = query.GetType().GetProperties();
                for (int i = 0; i < ObjProps.Length; i++)
                    var p = ObjProps[i].GetValue(query);
                    dic.Add(ObjProps[i].Name, p != null ? p.ToString() : " ");
 public IQueryable <MedicalIndexViewModel> GetApprovedMedicalReq(int companyId, string culture)
     return(from l in context.BenefitRequests
            where l.CompanyId == companyId && l.ApprovalStatus == 6
            join n in context.BenefitServs on l.ServiceId equals n.Id
            join prov in context.Providers on l.ProviderId equals prov.Id
            join p in context.People on l.EmpId equals p.Id
            join wft in context.WF_TRANS on new { p1 = "Medical", p2 = l.CompanyId, p3 = l.Id } equals new { p1 = wft.Source, p2 = wft.SourceId, p3 = wft.DocumentId } into g
            from wft in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new MedicalIndexViewModel
         Id = l.Id,
         RequestDate = l.RequestDate,
         Employee = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
         ApprovalStatus = l.ApprovalStatus,
         CompanyId = l.CompanyId,
         EmpId = l.EmpId,
         RoleId = wft.RoleId.ToString(),
         DeptId = wft.DeptId,
         PositionId = wft.PositionId,
         AuthBranch = wft.AuthBranch,
         AuthDept = wft.AuthDept,
         AuthEmp = wft.AuthEmp,
         AuthPosition = wft.AuthPosition,
         BranchId = wft.BranchId,
         Attachment = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
         Gender = p.Gender,
         Service = n.Name,
         Provider = prov.Name
예제 #19
        public IQueryable <MenuViewModel> ReadMenu(int companyId, string culture)
            var menus = from m1 in context.Menus
                        where m1.CompanyId == companyId
                        join m2 in context.Menus on m1.ParentId equals m2.Id into g1
                        join t in context.NamesTbl on m1.Name equals t.Name into g2
                        from t in g2.Where(gg => gg.Culture == culture).DefaultIfEmpty()
                        from m2 in g1.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        join t2 in context.NamesTbl on m2.Name equals t2.Name into g3
                        from t2 in g3.Where(ggg => ggg.Culture == culture).DefaultIfEmpty()
                        orderby m1.Sort
                        select new MenuViewModel
                Id          = m1.Id,
                CompanyId   = m1.CompanyId,
                MenuName    = m1.Name,
                Version     = m1.Version,
                Title       = HrContext.TrlsName(m1.Name + m1.Version, culture),
                NodeType    = m1.NodeType,
                Order       = m1.Order,
                ParentId    = m1.ParentId,
                ParentName  = (t2.Title == null ? (m2.Name == null ? "" : m2.Name) : t2.Title),
                Sort        = m1.Sort,
                Url         = m1.Url,
                Icon        = m1.Icon,
                ColumnList  = m1.ColumnList,
                WhereClause = m1.WhereClause

예제 #20
        public IQueryable <SiteViewModel> ReadSites(string culture, int CompanyId)
            var Sites = from l in context.Sites
                        join code in context.LookUpCodes on new { p1 = "SiteType", p2 = l.SiteType } equals new { p1 = code.CodeName, p2 = code.CodeId }
            join t in context.LookUpTitles on new { code.CodeName, code.CodeId } equals new { t.CodeName, t.CodeId } into g1
            from t in g1.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join d in context.Districts on l.DistrictId equals d.Id into g2
            from d in g2.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join city in context.Cities on l.CityId equals city.Id into g3
            from city in g3.DefaultIfEmpty()
            join co in context.Countries on l.CountryId equals co.Id into g4
            from co in g4.DefaultIfEmpty()
            select new SiteViewModel
                Id              = l.Id,
                Code            = l.Code,
                Name            = l.Name,
                LocalName       = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                TimeZone        = l.TimeZone,
                Latitude        = l.Latitude,
                Longitude       = l.Longitude,
                Address         = l.Address1,
                City            = culture.Substring(0, 2) == "ar" ? city.NameAr : code.Name,
                District        = culture.Substring(0, 2) == "ar" ? d.NameAr : d.Name,
                Country         = culture.Substring(0, 2) == "ar" ? co.NameAr : d.Name,
                SiteType        = (t == null ? code.Name : t.Title),
                SiteToEmployees = context.SiteToEmployees.Where(a => a.SiteId == l.Id).Select(s => HrContext.TrlsName(s.Employee.Title + " " + s.Employee.FirstName + " " + s.Employee.Familyname, culture)).ToList(),
                ContactPerson   = l.ContactPerson,
                Email           = l.Email,
                Mobile          = l.Telephone

예제 #21
        public AddSiteViewModel ReadSite(int Id, int read, string culture)
            var site = (from l in context.Sites
                        where l.Id == Id
                        select new AddSiteViewModel
                Id = l.Id,
                Code = l.Code,
                Name = l.Name,
                TimeZone = l.TimeZone,
                Description = l.Description,
                EndDate = l.EndDate,
                StartDate = l.StartDate,
                LName = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                Longitude = l.Longitude,
                Latitude = l.Latitude,
                CityId = l.CityId,
                Address1 = l.Address1,
                DistrictId = l.DistrictId,
                CountryId = l.CountryId,
                PostalCode = l.PostalCode,
                ContactPerson = l.ContactPerson,
                Telephone = l.Telephone,
                Email = l.Email,
                SiteToEmployees = context.SiteToEmployees.Where(a => a.SiteId == Id).Select(s => s.EmpId).ToList(),
                SiteToEmployeesNames = context.SiteToEmployees.Where(a => a.SiteId == l.Id).Select(s => HrContext.TrlsName(s.Employee.Title + " " + s.Employee.FirstName + " " + s.Employee.Familyname, culture)).ToList(),
                CreatedTime = l.CreatedTime,
                ModifiedTime = l.ModifiedTime,
                CreatedUser = l.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedUser = l.ModifiedUser,
                SiteType = l.SiteType

        public AddBranchViewModel ReadBranch(int id, string culture)
            var branch = (from l in context.Branches
                          where l.Id == id
                          select new AddBranchViewModel
                Id = l.Id,
                Code = l.Code,
                Name = l.Name,
                TimeZone = l.TimeZone,
                LName = HrContext.TrlsName(l.Name, culture),
                Longitude = l.Longitude,
                Latitude = l.Latitude,
                Address1 = l.Address1,
                CityId = l.CityId,
                CountryId = l.CountryId,
                DistrictId = l.DistrictId,
                Telephone = l.Telephone,
                CreatedTime = l.CreatedTime,
                ModifiedTime = l.ModifiedTime,
                CreatedUser = l.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedUser = l.ModifiedUser

        // Get the employee with Dept manger role only  // Done By fatma
        public IQueryable <FormList> GetActiveMangers(int companyId, string culture)
            var today = DateTime.Today.Date;
            //Get Departments managers
            var query1 = (from a in context.Assignments
                          where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today && a.IsDepManager == true
                          select new FormList
                id = a.EmpId,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(a.Employee.Title + " " + a.Employee.FirstName + " " + a.Employee.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", a.EmpId),
                Gender = a.Employee.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(a.Employee.Id)

            var query2 = (from a in context.Assignments
                          where a.CompanyId == companyId && a.AssignDate <= today && a.EndDate >= today
                          join p in context.People on a.ManagerId equals p.Id
                          select new FormList
                id = p.Id,
                name = HrContext.TrlsName(p.Title + " " + p.FirstName + " " + p.Familyname, culture),
                PicUrl = HrContext.GetDoc("EmployeePic", p.Id),
                Gender = p.Gender,
                Icon = HrContext.GetEmpStatus(p.Id)

            var query3 = query1.Union(query2);

        public CompanyStructureViewModel GetStructure(int?Id, string culture)
            var Compastruc = (from c in context.CompanyStructures
                              where c.Id == Id
                              select new CompanyStructureViewModel
                Id = c.Id,
                Code = c.Code,
                ModifiedTime = c.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = c.ModifiedUser,
                Name = c.Name,
                ParentId = c.ParentId,
                PlannedCount = c.PlannedCount,
                ParentName = c.Parent.Name,
                NodeType = c.NodeType,
                StartDate = c.StartDate,
                EndDate = c.EndDate,
                Icon = c.Icon,
                IsVisible = c.IsVisible,
                ColorName = c.ColorName != null? c.ColorName:"",
                CreatedTime = c.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = c.CreatedUser,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(c.Name, culture),

        public IQueryable <MeetingAgendaViewModel> GetAgenda(int Id, string culture)
            var query = (from m in context.MeetScheduals
                         where m.MeetingId == Id
                         join p in context.People on m.EmpId equals p.Id into j
                         from x in j.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new MeetingAgendaViewModel
                Id = m.Id,
                StartTime = m.StartTime.ToString(),
                EndTime = m.EndTime.ToString(),
                Description = m.Description,
                EmpId = m.EmpId,
                EmpName = HrContext.TrlsName(x.Title + " " + x.FirstName + " " + x.Familyname, culture),
            }).ToList().Select(l => new MeetingAgendaViewModel
                Id          = l.Id,
                EmpId       = l.EmpId,
                StartTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(l.StartTime).ToString("hh:mm tt"),
                EndTime     = Convert.ToDateTime(l.EndTime).ToString("hh:mm tt"),
                Description = l.Description,
                Time        = (Convert.ToDateTime(l.EndTime) - Convert.ToDateTime(l.StartTime)).ToString(@"hh\:mm")

예제 #26
        public string DeleteFlexColumns(FlexColumn model, string culture)
            string msg = "OK";

            if (model == null)
            // Check before delete
            var columnNames = model.ColumnName;
            var page        = model.PageId;
            var related     = (from fc in context.FlexColumns
                               where fc.PageId == page && columnNames.Contains(fc.ColumnName)
                               join fd in context.FlexData on new { fc.PageId, fc.ColumnName } equals new { fd.PageId, fd.ColumnName }
                               join pd in context.PageDiv on fc.PageId equals pd.Id
                               join m in context.Menus on pd.MenuId equals m.Id
                               select new { name = fc.ColumnName, page = HrContext.TrlsName(m.Name + m.Sequence, culture) }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (related != null)
                msg = MsgUtils.Instance.Trls(culture, "DeleteRelatedRecord").Replace("{0}", related.page) + ": " + related.name;

            var Id        = model.Id;
            var titles    = context.ColumnTitles.ToList();
            var DeleteObj = model;

            context.Entry(DeleteObj).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            var DeleteTitles = titles.Where(a => a.ColumnName == model.ColumnName).ToList();

        public CompanyFormViewModel ReadCompany(int id, string culture)
            var query = (from c in context.Companies
                         where c.Id == id
                         select new CompanyFormViewModel
                Id = c.Id,
                CommFileNo = c.CommFileNo,
                Consolidation = c.Consolidation,
                CountryId = c.CountryId,
                Email = c.Email,
                InsuranceNo = c.InsuranceNo,
                Language = c.Language,
                Name = c.Name,
                LocalName = HrContext.TrlsName(c.Name, culture),
                Memo = c.Memo,
                Purpose = c.Purpose,
                TaxCardNo = c.TaxCardNo,
                WebSite = c.WebSite,
                TaxAuthority = c.TaxAuthority,
                SearchName = c.SearchName,
                CreatedTime = c.CreatedTime,
                CreatedUser = c.CreatedUser,
                ModifiedTime = c.ModifiedTime,
                ModifiedUser = c.ModifiedUser,
                Attachments = HrContext.GetAttachments("Company", c.Id),
                LegalForm = c.LegalForm,
                Office = c.Office,
                Region = c.Region,
                Responsible = c.Responsible

        public List <StreamID_DocTypeFormViewModel> GetDocsViews_Uploaded(string Source, int SourceId, string CodeName /*,int SysCodeId*/, string Lang)
                var BasicQuery = GetDocsViews_Queryable(Source, SourceId);

                var DocsViews = (from c in BasicQuery
                                 join d in context.DocTypes on c.TypeId equals d.Id
                                 //join l in context.LookUpUserCodes on d.DocumenType equals l.SysCodeId//new { p1 = d.Name, p2 = d.DocumenType } equals new { p1 = l.CodeName, p2 = l.CodeId }
                                 // where c.Source == Source /*&& l.CodeName == CodeName *///&& l.SysCodeId == SysCodeId
                                 select new StreamID_DocTypeFormViewModel
                    Stream_Id = c.stream_id,
                    DocTypeFormViewModel = new DocTypeFormViewModel
                        Id = d.Id,
                        Name = HrContext.TrlsName(d.Name, Lang),
                        RequiredOpt = d.RequiredOpt,
                        HasExpiryDate = d.HasExpiryDate
                return(new List <StreamID_DocTypeFormViewModel>());
예제 #29
        public IEnumerable GetobjectName(int companyId, string culture)
            var query = context.PageDiv.Where(w => w.CompanyId == companyId && w.HasCustCols == true).Select(s => new LabelDDListViewModel {
                value = s.Id, title = s.ObjectName, text = HrContext.TrlsName(s.Menu.Name + s.Version, culture)

예제 #30
        public IEnumerable <TrainCourseViewModel> GetMissCourses(int id, int [] courses, string Culture)
            var q     = context.TrainPath.Where(a => a.Id == id).Select(a => a.Courses.Where(b => !courses.Contains(b.Id)).Select(b => b.Id)).FirstOrDefault();
            var query = context.TrainCourses.Where(c => q.Contains(c.Id)).Select(c => new TrainCourseViewModel {
                Name = HrContext.TrlsName(c.Name, Culture)
