public void Insert(string HouseBLNumber,int? MasterBLID,int? ConsigneeID,DateTime? HBLDate,int? AgentAtDestinationID,int? OriginPort,int? DestinationPort,int? VoyageID,DateTime? Ets,DateTime? Eta,bool Added,byte[] Ts)
		    HouseBLTable item = new HouseBLTable();
            item.HouseBLNumber = HouseBLNumber;
            item.MasterBLID = MasterBLID;
            item.ConsigneeID = ConsigneeID;
            item.HBLDate = HBLDate;
            item.AgentAtDestinationID = AgentAtDestinationID;
            item.OriginPort = OriginPort;
            item.DestinationPort = DestinationPort;
            item.VoyageID = VoyageID;
            item.Ets = Ets;
            item.Eta = Eta;
            item.Added = Added;
            item.Ts = Ts;
예제 #2
    protected void bind_formview(string mode)
        //have to use a collection as formview needs to bind to enumerable
        HouseBLTableCollection _hbl = new HouseBLTableCollection();

        if (mode != "Insert")
            //get key id
            int _hblid = wwi_func.vint(wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pid").ToString(), "publiship"));

            HouseBLTable _tbl = new HouseBLTable(_hblid);
            HouseBLTable _tbl = new HouseBLTable();
        this.fmvBol.DataSource = _hbl;
        //catch (Exception ex)
        //    this.dxlblErr.Text = ex.Message.ToString();
        //    this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
예제 #3
    protected void remove_selected_orders(int hblid)
        if (this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count > 0 && hblid > 0)
                //get  house bl details
                HouseBLTable _hbl = new HouseBLTable(hblid);
                //DateTime? _nulldt = null; //use for clearing ets, eta if we need to

                //IList<string> _ordernos = new List<string>();
                OrderTableCollection _col = new OrderTableCollection();
                //step through selected list items and get order numbers
                for (int _ix = 0; _ix < this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count; _ix++)
                    if (this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Selected == true)
                        string _no = this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Text.ToString();
                        OrderTable _tbl = new OrderTable("OrderNumber", _no);

                        _tbl.HouseBLNUmber = null; //_h.HouseBLNumber;
                        _tbl.HouseBLAdded  = false;
                        //_tbl.Ets = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.Eta = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.VesselLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother

                    } //end if
                }     //end loop


                //clear selected list and rebind other lists
                //saved orders list binding using hblnumber
                //available orders list binding
                bind_housebl_orders(wwi_func.vint(_hbl.ConsigneeID.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.OriginPort.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.DestinationPort.ToString()));
                //clear selected list
            catch (Exception ex)
                string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
                this.dxlblErr.Text          = _ex;
                this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
예제 #4
    //end update

    /// <summary>
    /// new record
    /// </summary>
    protected int insert_housebl()
        int _newid = 0;

            //new instance of record
            HouseBLTable _hbl = new HouseBLTable();
            //for nullable dates
            DateTime?_dtnull = null;
            //for nullable ints
            int?_intnull = null;

            //get values off editform
            //hbl number
            ASPxTextBox _txt = (ASPxTextBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxtxtHouseBLNumber");
            if (_txt != null)
                _hbl.HouseBLNumber = _txt.Text.ToString();
            //hbl date
            ASPxDateEdit _dte = (ASPxDateEdit)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxdtHBLdate");
            //if (_dte != null) { _hbl.HBLDate = _dte.Date != null ? _dte.Date : _dtnull; }
            if (_dte != null && _dte.Value != null)
                _hbl.HBLDate = _dte.Date;
            //agent at destination
            ASPxComboBox _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboAgentAtDestinationID");
            if (_cbo != null)
                _hbl.AgentAtDestinationID = _cbo.Value != null?wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull;
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboConsigneeID");
            if (_cbo != null)
                _hbl.ConsigneeID = _cbo.Value != null?wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull;
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboVesselID");
            if (_cbo != null)
                _hbl.VoyageID = _cbo.Value != null?wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull;
            //origin port
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboOriginPort");
            if (_cbo != null)
                _hbl.OriginPort = _cbo.Value != null?wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull;

                //ets we can't get it off label or use selecteditem.getvalue because label is updated client side
                _hbl.Ets = this.dxhfOrder.Contains("ets") ? wwi_func.vdatetime(this.dxhfOrder.Get("ets").ToString()) : _dtnull;
                //_hbl.Ets = _cbo.Value != null && _cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETS") != null ? wwi_func.vdatetime(_cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETS").ToString()) : _dtnull;
            //ASPxLabel _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtsSub");
            //if (_lbl != null) { _hbl.Ets = wwi_func.vdatetime(_lbl.Text.ToString()); }

            //destination port
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboDestinationPort");
            if (_cbo != null)
                _hbl.DestinationPort = _cbo.Value != null?wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull;

                //ets we can't get it off label because they are updated client side
                _hbl.Eta = this.dxhfOrder.Contains("eta") ? wwi_func.vdatetime(this.dxhfOrder.Get("eta").ToString()) : _dtnull;
                //_hbl.Eta = _cbo.Value != null && _cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETA") != null ? wwi_func.vdatetime(_cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETA").ToString()) : _dtnull;

            //_lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtaSub");
            //if (_lbl != null) { _hbl.Eta = wwi_func.vdatetime(_lbl.Text.ToString()); }

            //get new id
            _newid = (int)_hbl.GetPrimaryKeyValue();
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.dxlblErr.Text          = _ex;
            this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;

예제 #5
    //end form binding

    /// <summary>
    /// on databound get data for dlls, etc
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void fmvBOL_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string       _test = "";
        HouseBLTable _t    = (HouseBLTable)this.fmvBol.DataItem;

        //lookup values for readonly mode
        if (this.fmvBol.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.ReadOnly && _t != null)
            this.dxlblStatus.Text = _t.HouseBLNumber.ToString();
            //agent at destination
            _test = wwi_func.lookup_multi_values("CompanyName,Address1,Address2,Address3,CountryName,TelNo", "view_delivery_address", "CompanyID", _t.AgentAtDestinationID);
            string[]  _lines = _test.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); //split returned string
            ASPxLabel _lbl   = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblAgentAtDestinationIDView");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _lines[0].Trim();
            }                                                                          //company name

            _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblAgentAtDestinationIDSub"); //address
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _test.Replace(_lines[0], "").Trim();

            _test  = wwi_func.lookup_multi_values("CompanyName,Address1,Address2,Address3,CountryName,TelNo", "view_delivery_address", "CompanyID", _t.ConsigneeID);
            _lines = _test.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray());
            _lbl   = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblConsigneeIDView");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _lines[0].Trim();
            }                                                   //name

            _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblConsigneeIDSub");
            if (_lbl != null && _test != "")
                _lbl.Text = _test.Replace(_lines[0], "").Trim();
            }                                                                                     //address

            _test = wwi_func.lookup_multi_values("Joined", "VoyageTable", "VoyageID", _t.VoyageID);
            _lbl  = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblVoyageIDView");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _test;

            //housebldate is databound just format it
            _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblHouseBLDateView");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = wwi_func.vdatetime(_lbl.Text.ToString()).ToShortDateString();
            //ets is bound in bol table as well as voyage sub table
            //_test = wwi_func.lookup_value("ETS", "VoyageETSSubTable", "VoyageID", _t.VoyageID, true);
            _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtsSub");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _lbl.Text != ""? wwi_func.vdatetime(_lbl.Text).ToShortDateString(): "";
                //add to hidden field
                this.dxhfOrder.Set("ets", _lbl.Text);

            //eta is bound in bol table as well as voyage sub table
            //_test = wwi_func.lookup_value("ETA", "VoyageETASubTable", "VoyageID", _t.VoyageID, true);
            _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtaSub");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _lbl.Text != ""? wwi_func.vdatetime(_lbl.Text).ToShortDateString(): "";
                //add to hidden field
                this.dxhfOrder.Set("eta", _lbl.Text);

            //origin port and ets
            _test = wwi_func.lookup_value("PortName", "PortTable", "PortID", _t.OriginPort);
            _lbl  = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblOriginPortView");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _test;

            //destination port and eta
            _test = wwi_func.lookup_value("PortName", "PortTable", "PortID", _t.DestinationPort);
            _lbl  = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblDestinationPortView");
            if (_lbl != null)
                _lbl.Text = _test;

            //saved orders list binding using hblnumber
            //available orders list binding
            bind_housebl_orders(wwi_func.vint(_t.ConsigneeID.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_t.OriginPort.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_t.DestinationPort.ToString()));
        else if (this.fmvBol.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit && _t != null)
            this.dxlblStatus.Text = _t.HouseBLNumber.ToString();

            string[] _fields = { "AgentAtDestinationID", "ConsigneeID" };
            string   _s      = "";
            //step through field names
            //get combobox value from dxcbo<fieldname>Edit
            //set address text on dxlbl<fieldname>Edit label
            for (int _ix = 0; _ix < _fields.Length; _ix++)
                _s = "";
                ASPxComboBox _cboCompany = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcbo" + _fields[_ix]);
                if (_cboCompany != null && _cboCompany.SelectedItem != null && _cboCompany.Value != null)
                    if (_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("Address1") != null)
                        _s = _s + (string)_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("Address1").ToString();
                    }                                                                                                                                          //(string)_cboCompany.SelectedItem.Value.ToString();
                    _s += Environment.NewLine;
                    if (_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("Address2") != null)
                        _s = _s + (string)_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("Address2").ToString();
                    _s += Environment.NewLine;
                    if (_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("Address3") != null)
                        _s = _s + (string)_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("Address3").ToString();
                    _s += Environment.NewLine;
                    if (_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("CountryName") != null)
                        _s = _s + (string)_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("CountryName").ToString();
                    _s += Environment.NewLine;
                    if (_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("TelNo") != null)
                        _s = _s + (string)_cboCompany.SelectedItem.GetValue("TelNo").ToString();
                    _s += Environment.NewLine;
                ASPxLabel _lblCompany = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlbl" + _fields[_ix] + "Sub");
                if (_lblCompany != null)
                    _lblCompany.Text = _s;
            }//end loop

            ASPxComboBox _cbVoyage = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboVoyageID");
            if (_cbVoyage != null && _cbVoyage.SelectedItem != null && _cbVoyage.Value != null)
                ASPxLabel _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtsSub");
                if (_lbl != null)
                    _lbl.Text = _t.Ets != null?wwi_func.vdatetime(_t.Ets.ToString()).ToShortDateString() : "";

                    //add to hidden field
                    this.dxhfOrder.Set("ets", _t.Ets);
                //if (_lbl != null) { _lbl.Text = _cbVoyage.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETS") != null ? _cbVoyage.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETS").ToString() : ""; }

                _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtaSub");
                if (_lbl != null)
                    _lbl.Text = _t.Eta != null?wwi_func.vdatetime(_t.Eta.ToString()).ToShortDateString() : "";

                    //add to hidden field
                    this.dxhfOrder.Set("eta", _t.Eta);
                //if (_lbl != null) { _lbl.Text = _cbVoyage.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETA") != null ? _cbVoyage.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETA").ToString() : ""; }

            //dll binding
            //get voyageid
            //int _id = 0;
            //ASPxComboBox _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboVoyageID");
            //if (_cbo != null) { _id = wwi_func.vint(_cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("VoyageID").ToString()); }
            int _voyageid = wwi_func.vint(_t.VoyageID.ToString());

            //saved orders list binding using hblnumber
            //available orders list binding
            bind_housebl_orders(wwi_func.vint(_t.ConsigneeID.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_t.OriginPort.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_t.DestinationPort.ToString()));
        else if (this.fmvBol.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Insert)
            this.dxlblStatus.Text          = "New record";
            this.dxcbpOrderNumbers.Enabled = false;
        //end formview mode
예제 #6
    protected void remove_selected_orders(int hblid)
        if (this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count > 0 && hblid > 0)
                //get  house bl details
                HouseBLTable _hbl = new HouseBLTable(hblid);  
                //DateTime? _nulldt = null; //use for clearing ets, eta if we need to
                //IList<string> _ordernos = new List<string>(); 
                OrderTableCollection _col = new OrderTableCollection();
                //step through selected list items and get order numbers
                for (int _ix = 0; _ix < this.dxlstSaved.Items.Count; _ix++)
                    if (this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Selected == true)
                        string _no = this.dxlstSaved.Items[_ix].Text.ToString();
                        OrderTable _tbl = new OrderTable("OrderNumber", _no);

                        _tbl.HouseBLNUmber = null; //_h.HouseBLNumber;
                        _tbl.HouseBLAdded = false;
                        //_tbl.Ets = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.Eta = _nulldt;  //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother
                        //_tbl.VesselLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; //should we clear this? ms access db doesn't bother

                    }//end if
                }//end loop


                //clear selected list and rebind other lists
                //saved orders list binding using hblnumber
                //available orders list binding
                bind_housebl_orders(wwi_func.vint(_hbl.ConsigneeID.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.OriginPort.ToString()), wwi_func.vint(_hbl.DestinationPort.ToString()));
                //clear selected list
            catch (Exception ex)
                string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
                this.dxlblErr.Text = _ex;
                this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
예제 #7
    //end update

    /// <summary>
    /// new record
    /// </summary>
    protected int insert_housebl()
        int _newid = 0;

            //new instance of record
            HouseBLTable _hbl = new HouseBLTable();
            //for nullable dates
            DateTime? _dtnull = null;
            //for nullable ints
            int? _intnull = null;

            //get values off editform
            //hbl number
            ASPxTextBox _txt = (ASPxTextBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxtxtHouseBLNumber");
            if (_txt != null) { _hbl.HouseBLNumber = _txt.Text.ToString(); }
            //hbl date
            ASPxDateEdit _dte = (ASPxDateEdit)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxdtHBLdate");
            //if (_dte != null) { _hbl.HBLDate = _dte.Date != null ? _dte.Date : _dtnull; }
            if (_dte != null && _dte.Value != null) { _hbl.HBLDate = _dte.Date; }
            //agent at destination
            ASPxComboBox _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboAgentAtDestinationID");
            if (_cbo != null) { _hbl.AgentAtDestinationID = _cbo.Value != null ? wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull; }
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboConsigneeID");
            if (_cbo != null) { _hbl.ConsigneeID = _cbo.Value != null ? wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull; }
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboVesselID");
            if (_cbo != null) { _hbl.VoyageID = _cbo.Value != null ? wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull; }
            //origin port
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboOriginPort");
            if (_cbo != null)
                _hbl.OriginPort = _cbo.Value != null ? wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull;
                //ets we can't get it off label or use selecteditem.getvalue because label is updated client side
                _hbl.Ets = this.dxhfOrder.Contains("ets") ? wwi_func.vdatetime(this.dxhfOrder.Get("ets").ToString()) : _dtnull;     
                //_hbl.Ets = _cbo.Value != null && _cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETS") != null ? wwi_func.vdatetime(_cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETS").ToString()) : _dtnull;
            //ASPxLabel _lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtsSub");
            //if (_lbl != null) { _hbl.Ets = wwi_func.vdatetime(_lbl.Text.ToString()); }
            //destination port
            _cbo = (ASPxComboBox)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxcboDestinationPort");
            if (_cbo != null)
                _hbl.DestinationPort = _cbo.Value != null ? wwi_func.vint(_cbo.Value.ToString()) : _intnull;
                //ets we can't get it off label because they are updated client side
                _hbl.Eta = this.dxhfOrder.Contains("eta") ? wwi_func.vdatetime(this.dxhfOrder.Get("eta").ToString()) : _dtnull;     
                //_hbl.Eta = _cbo.Value != null && _cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETA") != null ? wwi_func.vdatetime(_cbo.SelectedItem.GetValue("ETA").ToString()) : _dtnull;
            //_lbl = (ASPxLabel)this.fmvBol.FindControl("dxlblEtaSub");
            //if (_lbl != null) { _hbl.Eta = wwi_func.vdatetime(_lbl.Text.ToString()); }

            //get new id
            _newid = (int)_hbl.GetPrimaryKeyValue(); 
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _ex = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.dxlblErr.Text = _ex;
            this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;
        return _newid;
예제 #8
    protected void bind_formview(string mode)
            //have to use a collection as formview needs to bind to enumerable
            HouseBLTableCollection _hbl = new HouseBLTableCollection();
            if (mode != "Insert")
                //get key id
                int _hblid = wwi_func.vint(wwi_security.DecryptString(get_token("pid").ToString(), "publiship"));

                HouseBLTable _tbl = new HouseBLTable(_hblid);
                HouseBLTable _tbl = new HouseBLTable();
            this.fmvBol.DataSource = _hbl;
        //catch (Exception ex)
        //    this.dxlblErr.Text = ex.Message.ToString();
        //    this.dxpnlErr.ClientVisible = true;