public void TestHotelInsert()
            HotelDBImpl hotelDBImpl = new HotelDBImpl();
            bool        result      = hotelDBImpl.InsertHotel("Hyatt", "", "0123456789", "Pune", "100");

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result);
예제 #2
        public void insert()
            HotelDBImpl hoteldbImple = new HotelDBImpl();

            hoteldbImple.InsertHotel(100, "Novotal", "*****@*****.**", "1234567890", "Pune", 100, 50);
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int            choice;
            CustomerDBImpl customerDBImpl = new CustomerDBImpl();
            HotelDBImpl    hotelDBImpl    = new HotelDBImpl();

                bool result = false;
                Console.Write("\n\n----Menu----\n1.Customer\n2.Agent\n3.Exit\nEnter choice: ");
                choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                switch (choice)
                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("\n1.Book room\n2.Check out from room\n3.Exit\n");
                    int choiceOfUser = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    /* book room customer */
                    if (choiceOfUser == 1)
                        /* search hotel by city name */
                        ArrayList arrOfHotels = null;
                        Console.Write("Enter city to search hotel: ");
                        string cityName = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

                        arrOfHotels = HotelDBImpl.SearchHotelByCityName(cityName);

                        if (arrOfHotels.Count == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("No rooms in this city.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\nHotel ID " + " Hotel Name");
                        foreach (Hotel hotel in arrOfHotels)
                            Console.WriteLine(hotel.hotelId + "\t   " + hotel.hotelName);

                        /*  search rooms in particular hotel */
                        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter hotel ID to book\n");
                        int hotelId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        /* check if hotel Id given is in correct city */
                        int flagForHotelCheck = 0;
                        foreach (Hotel hotel in arrOfHotels)
                            if ( == 0)
                                if (hotel.hotelId == hotelId)
                                    flagForHotelCheck = 1;
                        if (flagForHotelCheck == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid hotel Id !!");
                        ArrayList arrOfRooms = null;

                        arrOfRooms = RoomsDbImpl.SelectRoomData(hotelId);

                        if (arrOfRooms.Count == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice or No rooms available in this hotel");
                        Console.WriteLine("Room Id :" + " Room Type " + " Available Rooms " + "  Price ");
                        foreach (RoomsData roomdata in arrOfRooms)
                            Console.WriteLine( + "\t " + roomdata.roomType + "\t " + roomdata.availableRooms + "\t\t " + roomdata.rentOfRoom);

                        /* book room */
                        Console.Write("\n\nEnter room Id to book room : ");
                        int roomId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        Console.Write("\nAlready have customer ID:(y/n) : ");
                        string choiceForAddCustomer = Console.ReadLine();

                        /* if customer have customer id --> book room */
                        if (choiceForAddCustomer.ToLower() == "y")
                            Console.Write("Enter customer ID : ");
                            int customerId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                            result = RoomsDbImpl.BookRoom(roomId, customerId);
                            if (result)
                                Console.WriteLine("\nRoom booked\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("\nRoom not available\n");
                        else if (choiceForAddCustomer.ToLower() == "n")     /* create new customer if not present */
                            Console.Write("Enter customers's first name: ");
                            string customerFirstName = Console.ReadLine();

                            Console.Write("Enter customers's last name: ");
                            string customerLastName = Console.ReadLine();

                            Console.Write("Enter customers's email id: ");
                            string customerEmailId = Console.ReadLine();

                            Console.Write("Enter customers's phone number: ");
                            string customerPhoneNumber = Console.ReadLine();

                            int custID = customerDBImpl.InsertCustomer(customerFirstName, customerLastName, customerEmailId, customerPhoneNumber);

                            result = RoomsDbImpl.BookRoom(roomId, custID);
                            if (result)
                                Console.WriteLine("\nRoom booked\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("\nRoom not available\n");
                    else if (choiceOfUser == 2)     // check out room form customer
                        /* check out room */
                        Console.WriteLine("\nEnter booking ID");
                        int bookingId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        result = RoomsDbImpl.CheckOutRoom(bookingId);
                        if (result)
                            Console.WriteLine("\nSuccessful checked out\n");
                            Console.WriteLine("\nSOme problem\n");
                    else if (choiceOfUser == 3)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice !\n");

                case 2:
                    /* agent menu starts */
                    Console.WriteLine("\n1.Create new hotel\n2.Create new room\n");
                    int choiceOfAgent = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    /* create new hotel entey */
                    if (choiceOfAgent == 1)
                        /* Enter Hotel data */
                        Console.Write("Enter hotel's name: ");
                        string hotelName = Console.ReadLine();

                        Console.Write("Enter hotel's email ID: ");
                        string hotelEmailId = Console.ReadLine();

                        Console.Write("Enter hotel's phone number: ");
                        string hotelPhoneNumber = Console.ReadLine();

                        Console.Write("Enter hotel's city: ");
                        string city = Console.ReadLine();

                        Console.Write("Enter hotel's total number of rooms in hotel: ");
                        string hotelTotalrooms = Console.ReadLine();

                        int hotelId = -1;
                        hotelId = hotelDBImpl.InsertHotel(hotelName, hotelEmailId, hotelPhoneNumber, city, hotelTotalrooms);
                        if (hotelId > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Hotel created with Id : " + hotelId);
                            Console.WriteLine("Error !!");
                    else if (choiceOfAgent == 2)    /* create new room entey */
                        /* add rooms data */

                        Console.Write("Enter room details in hotel\n\nEnter hotel's ID: ");
                        int hotelId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        Console.Write("Enter room type: ");
                        string roomType = Console.ReadLine();

                        Console.Write("Enter total rooms: ");
                        int totalRooms = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        Console.Write("Enter available rooms: ");
                        int availableRooms = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        Console.Write("Enter rent for room: ");
                        int rentForRoom = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        int roomId = RoomsDbImpl.InsertRoomData(hotelId, roomType, totalRooms, availableRooms, rentForRoom);
                        if (roomId > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Room created with ID: " + roomId);
                            Console.WriteLine("Error !!");
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice !\n");

                case 3:
                    Console.WriteLine("Thank you !!");

                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid choice!!");
            }while (choice != 3);