internal static HostIdResult GetDefaultHostId(IEnvironment environment, ScriptApplicationHostOptions scriptOptions)
            HostIdResult result = new HostIdResult();

            // We're setting the default here on the newly created configuration
            // If the user has explicitly set the HostID via host.json, it will overwrite
            // what we set here
            string hostId = null;

            if (environment.IsAppService() || environment.IsKubernetesManagedHosting())
                string uniqueSlotName = environment?.GetAzureWebsiteUniqueSlotName();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueSlotName))
                    // If running on Azure Web App, derive the host ID from unique site slot name
                    hostId = uniqueSlotName;
            else if (environment.IsLinuxConsumption())
                // The hostid is derived from the hostname for Linux consumption.
                string hostName = environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvironmentSettingNames.AzureWebsiteHostName);
                hostId = hostName?.Replace("", string.Empty);
                // When running locally, derive a stable host ID from machine name
                // and root path. We use a hash rather than the path itself to ensure
                // IDs differ (due to truncation) between folders that may share the same
                // root path prefix.
                // Note that such an ID won't work in distributed scenarios, so should
                // only be used for local/CLI scenarios.
                string sanitizedMachineName = Environment.MachineName
                                              .Aggregate(new StringBuilder(), (b, c) => b.Append(c)).ToString();
                hostId         = $"{sanitizedMachineName}-{Math.Abs(Utility.GetStableHash(scriptOptions.ScriptPath))}";
                result.IsLocal = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostId))
                if (hostId.Length > ScriptConstants.MaximumHostIdLength)
                    // Truncate to the max host name length
                    hostId             = hostId.Substring(0, ScriptConstants.MaximumHostIdLength);
                    result.IsTruncated = true;

            // Lowercase and trim any trailing '-' as they can cause problems with queue names
            result.HostId = hostId?.ToLowerInvariant().TrimEnd('-');

        public Task <string> GetHostIdAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string hostId = _config[ConfigurationSectionNames.HostIdPath];

            if (hostId == null)
                HostIdResult result = GetDefaultHostId(_environment, _options.CurrentValue);
                hostId = result.HostId;
                if (result.IsTruncated && !result.IsLocal)
