internal static string[] InteractionList(IModule policy, HlaObjectNode hlaObjectTree) { // interactionList is a simple list of fully qualified interaction names List <string> interactionList = new List <string>(); // Logic: We need to get a list of interactions (no parameters): if (policy.GetType() == typeof(ModuleExport)) { ModuleExport exportPolicy = (ModuleExport)policy; foreach (Source source in exportPolicy.Sources) { // Find the interactons, add if not already there foreach (HlaInteraction inter in source.Interactions) { if (!interactionList.Contains(inter.InteractionClassName)) { interactionList.Add(inter.InteractionClassName); } } } } else { ModuleImport importPolicy = (ModuleImport)policy; // Find the interactons, add if not already there foreach (HlaInteraction inter in importPolicy.Interactions) { if (!interactionList.Contains(inter.InteractionClassName)) { interactionList.Add(inter.InteractionClassName); } } } // Now we can build the string[] return(interactionList.ToArray()); }
// Add object with no attribute list defined private static void addObject(Dictionary <string, List <string> > objectList, HlaObject obj, HlaObjectNode hlaObjectTree) { // If the object is not in the list, add it if (!objectList.ContainsKey(obj.ObjectClassName)) { // Get the complete attribute list objectList.Add(obj.ObjectClassName, TreeReader.FindAttributes(hlaObjectTree, obj.ObjectClassName)); } }
public static string Create(DeployObject deploy, Component component) { // Find the modules we need ModuleFederation federation = (ModuleFederation)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.federation); ModuleImport import = (ModuleImport)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.import); ModuleExport export = (ModuleExport)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.export); ModuleExtension extension = (ModuleExtension)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.extension); ModuleOsp[] osp = findModules(component.Modules); // Create an HlaObject tree to use when defining attribute lists StringReader ms = new StringReader(Properties.Resources.HLAfeatures); HlaObjectNode hlaObjectTree = TreeReader.CreateTree(ms); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Side A - always the side connected to a federation sb.AppendLine("# A side settings (Federation Side)"); sb.AppendLine("A.side_name=" + federation.FederationName); sb.AppendLine("A.description=Federate " + federation.FederateName + " on " + federation.FederationName + " federation"); switch (federation.RTI.HlaSpec) { case "Pitch pRTI 1516": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=A"); break; case "HLA Evolved": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=B"); break; case "Pitch pRTI 1.3": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=C"); break; case "RTI NG": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=D"); break; case "MAK 1.3 RTI": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=E"); break; case "MAK 1516 RTI": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=F"); break; case "RTI NG C++": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=G"); break; case "RTI DLC C++": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=H"); break; case "Evolved C++": sb.AppendLine("A.profile=I"); break; default: sb.AppendLine("A.profile=B"); break; } sb.AppendLine("A.configurationType=" + extension.Parameters["configurationType"]); sb.AppendLine("" + federation.RTI.CrcAddress); sb.AppendLine("A.port=" + federation.RTI.CrcPortNumber); sb.AppendLine("A.designator="); sb.AppendLine("A.federation=" + federation.FederationName); sb.AppendLine("A.type=" + deploy.Systems[0].SystemType.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("" + federation.FederateName); sb.AppendLine("A.create=" + extension.Parameters["create"]); sb.Append("A.evolvedFomModules="); for (int i = 0; i < federation.RTI.FomFile.Count; i++) { if (i == federation.RTI.FomFile.Count - 1) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}\n", federation.RTI.FomFile[i]); } else { sb.AppendFormat("{0};", federation.RTI.FomFile[i]); } } sb.AppendLine("A.destroy=false"); sb.AppendLine("A.disableRequest=false"); sb.AppendLine("A.logicalTimeFactoryClassName="); sb.AppendLine("A.conveyProducingFederate=true"); // If this is a High proxy then this is the Export Policy list, otherwise the Import Policy string result = (component.ComponentName.ToUpper().Contains("HIGH")) ? string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.ObjectList(export, hlaObjectTree)) : string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.ObjectList(import, hlaObjectTree)); sb.AppendLine("A.objects=" + result); // same idea for interactions result = (component.ComponentName.ToUpper().Contains("HIGH")) ? string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.InteractionList(export, hlaObjectTree)) : string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.InteractionList(import, hlaObjectTree)); sb.AppendLine("A.interactions=" + result); sb.AppendLine("A.filter=se.pitch.ral.extender.hpsd.Hpsd"); sb.AppendLine("A.filter.policy=" + component.ComponentName + ".xml"); sb.AppendLine(); // B Side -- Always connected to OSP sb.AppendLine("# B side settings (HPSD side)"); sb.AppendLine("B.side_name=" + component.ComponentName); sb.AppendLine("B.description=Federate " + federation.FederateName + " HPSD interface"); sb.AppendLine("B.profile=M"); // HPSD designator sb.AppendLine("B.configurationType=LocalSettingsDesignator"); sb.AppendLine(""); sb.AppendLine("B.port=0"); sb.AppendFormat("B.designator={0};DEBUG;CONNECT_TIMEOUT\\=10;HEARTBEAT\\=5\n", getDesignator(osp, component)); sb.AppendLine("B.federation=" + component.ComponentName); sb.AppendLine("B.type=" + deploy.Systems[0].SystemType.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("" + federation.FederateName); sb.AppendLine("B.create=" + extension.Parameters["create"]); sb.Append("B.evolvedFomModules="); for (int i = 0; i < federation.RTI.FomFile.Count; i++) { if (i == federation.RTI.FomFile.Count - 1) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}\n", federation.RTI.FomFile[i]); } else { sb.AppendFormat("{0};", federation.RTI.FomFile[i]); } } sb.AppendLine("B.destroy=false"); sb.AppendLine("B.disableRequest=false"); sb.AppendLine("B.logicalTimeFactoryClassName="); sb.AppendLine("B.conveyProducingFederate=true"); // If this is a High proxy then this is the Import Policy list, otherwise the Export Policy result = (component.ComponentName.ToUpper().Contains("HIGH")) ? string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.ObjectList(import, hlaObjectTree)) : string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.ObjectList(export, hlaObjectTree)); sb.AppendLine("B.objects=" + result); // same idea for interactions result = (component.ComponentName.ToUpper().Contains("HIGH")) ? string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.InteractionList(import, hlaObjectTree)) : string.Join("; ", ListBuilder.InteractionList(export, hlaObjectTree)); sb.AppendLine("B.interactions=" + result); return(sb.ToString()); }
internal static string[] ObjectList(IModule policy, HlaObjectNode hlaObjectTree) { // objectListPartial has key=objectClassName, value=comma separated list of attributes Dictionary <string, List <string> > objectList = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); // Logic: We need to get the maximum list of attributes associated with each object: // 1. Find all objects in the policy with no attributes defined // 2. Add these objects and the full lst of attributes for the object // 3. Find the objects in the policy with some attributes defined // 4. Add these objects (and their attributes) if they are not there already if (policy.GetType() == typeof(ModuleExport)) { ModuleExport exportPolicy = (ModuleExport)policy; foreach (Source source in exportPolicy.Sources) { // Find the objects with no attributes defined and add the object and all attributes foreach (HlaObject obj in source.Objects) { if (obj.Attributes.Count == 0) { addObject(objectList, obj, hlaObjectTree); } } // Find the objects with attributes defined and add the object and attributes if needed foreach (HlaObject obj in source.Objects) { if (obj.Attributes.Count > 0) { addObjectWithAttributes(objectList, obj); } } } } else { ModuleImport importPolicy = (ModuleImport)policy; // Find the objects with no attributes defined and add the object and all attributes foreach (HlaObject obj in importPolicy.Objects) { if (obj.Attributes.Count == 0) { addObject(objectList, obj, hlaObjectTree); } } // Find the objects with attributes defined and add the object and attributes if needed foreach (HlaObject obj in importPolicy.Objects) { if (obj.Attributes.Count > 0) { addObjectWithAttributes(objectList, obj); } } } // Now we can build the string[] List <string> result = new List <string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <string> > obj in objectList) { // General format is <fully qualified object class name>\: <attribute1>, <attribute2> StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("{0}\\: ", obj.Key); for (int i = 0; i < obj.Value.Count; i++) { if (i < obj.Value.Count - 1) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}, ", obj.Value[i]); } else { sb.AppendFormat("{0}", obj.Value[i]); } } result.Add(sb.ToString()); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public static XElement Create(DeployObject deploy, Component component) { HpsdPolicy hpsdPolicy = new HpsdPolicy(); // We can assume that there is only one System in the deploy doc DeploySystem system = deploy.Systems[0]; // PolicyIdentification <--> ConfigMgmt PolicyIdentification polID = new PolicyIdentification { PolicyName = system.FederateName, PolicyVersion = ConfigMgmt.VersionToString(deploy.ConfigMgmt.CurrentVersion), CreatedDate =, ModifiedDate = deploy.ConfigMgmt.Changed[deploy.ConfigMgmt.Changed.Count - 1].date, Status = deploy.ConfigMgmt.DocReference.ToString(), Description = deploy.ConfigMgmt.Description }; // No POC information hpsdPolicy.PolicyIdentification = polID; // ======================================= // FomInformation <--> Federation, Extensions FomInformation fominfo = new FomInformation(); // List of fomModule in Federation module ModuleFederation fedModule = (ModuleFederation)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.federation); foreach (string file in fedModule.RTI.FomFile) { fominfo.FomModule.Add(file); } // InstanceIdAttributes are a Vendor extension ModuleExtension extModule = (ModuleExtension)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.extension); if (extModule.VendorName != "Pitch Technologies") { throw new ApplicationException("Pitch Technologies vendor extensions not found"); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> p in extModule.Parameters) { // General format key = <identifier>:<parameterName> // we expect: key = instanceIdAttribute:<fully qualified attribute> string[] sa1 = p.Key.Split(':'); if (sa1[0] == "instanceIdAttribute") { string attribName = sa1[1].Split('.').Last(); string objclass = sa1[1].Substring(0, sa1[1].Length - (attribName.Length + 1)); // trailing '.' string encoding = p.Value; InstanceId instId = new InstanceId { ObjectClass = objclass, Attribute_Name = attribName, Attribute_Encoding = encoding }; fominfo.InstanceID.Add(instId); } } hpsdPolicy.FomInformation = fominfo; // ===================================================================================== // Federates <---> Export module Federates feds = new Federates(); // List of federates in Export module ModuleExport expModule = (ModuleExport)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.export); foreach (Source source in expModule.Sources) { feds.Federate.Add(source.FederateName); } hpsdPolicy.Federates = feds; // ===================================================================================== // PolicyRules <----> Export/Import module // Hack // Create an HlaObject tree to use when defining attribute lists StringReader ms = new StringReader(Properties.Resources.HLAfeatures); HlaObjectNode hlaObjectTree = TreeReader.CreateTree(ms); PolicyRules rules = new PolicyRules(); int ruleNumber = 0; if (component.ComponentName.ToUpper().Contains("HIGH")) { // Status message - session name = federateName SessionStatusReleaseRule sess = new SessionStatusReleaseRule { Condition_SessionName = system.FederateName, RuleName = ruleNumber++.ToString() }; rules.SessionStatus.Add(sess); // Object update/create foreach (Source source in expModule.Sources) { string federateName = source.FederateName; string entityID = ""; if (source.SourceType == Source.Type.Federate) { entityID = "*"; } else { entityID = source.EntityId; } foreach (HlaObject hlaObj in source.Objects) { ObjectReleaseReplaceRule obj = new ObjectReleaseReplaceRule() { Condition_ProducingFederate = federateName, Condition_InstanceID = entityID, RuleName = ruleNumber++.ToString(), Condition_ObjectClass = hlaObj.ObjectClassName.NoHlaRoot() }; // Hack if no attribs listed add all attribs from the TreeReader if (hlaObj.Attributes.Count == 0) { List <string> theworks = TreeReader.FindAttributes(hlaObjectTree, hlaObj.ObjectClassName); foreach (string attrib in theworks) { obj.Release_Attribute.Add(attrib); } rules.ObjectRelease.Add(obj); } else // Hack - read attributes from the object and add them; de-duplicate { List <string> temp = new List <string>(); foreach (HlaAttribute attrib in hlaObj.Attributes) { temp.Add(attrib.AttributeName); } obj.Release_Attribute = temp.Distinct().ToList(); rules.ObjectRelease.Add(obj); } } foreach (HlaInteraction hlaInt in source.Interactions) { InteractionReleaseReplaceRule intr = new InteractionReleaseReplaceRule() { Condition_ProducingFederate = federateName, RuleName = ruleNumber++.ToString(), Condition_InteractionClass = hlaInt.InteractionClassName.NoHlaRoot() }; List <string> temp = new List <string>(); foreach (HlaParameter para in hlaInt.Parameters) { temp.Add(para.ParameterName); } intr.Release_Parameter = temp.Distinct().ToList(); rules.InteractionRelease.Add(intr); } } } else { ModuleImport impModule = (ModuleImport)findModule(component.Modules, Enums.ModuleType.import); foreach (HlaObject hlaObj in impModule.Objects) { ObjectReleaseReplaceRule obj = new ObjectReleaseReplaceRule() { Condition_ProducingFederate = "*", Condition_InstanceID = "*", RuleName = ruleNumber++.ToString(), Condition_ObjectClass = hlaObj.ObjectClassName.NoHlaRoot() }; List <string> temp = new List <string>(); foreach (HlaAttribute attrib in hlaObj.Attributes) { temp.Add(attrib.AttributeName); } obj.Release_Attribute = temp.Distinct().ToList(); rules.ObjectRelease.Add(obj); } foreach (HlaInteraction hlaInt in impModule.Interactions) { InteractionReleaseReplaceRule intr = new InteractionReleaseReplaceRule() { Condition_ProducingFederate = "*", RuleName = ruleNumber++.ToString(), Condition_InteractionClass = hlaInt.InteractionClassName.NoHlaRoot() }; List <string> temp = new List <string>(); foreach (HlaParameter para in hlaInt.Parameters) { temp.Add(para.ParameterName); } intr.Release_Parameter = temp.Distinct().ToList(); rules.InteractionRelease.Add(intr); } } hpsdPolicy.PolicyRules = rules; return(hpsdPolicy.ToHPSD()); }