void OnParticleCollision(GameObject other) { if (other == null || EngineControl.dead) { return; //avatars can't shoot you, and you can't get hurt when you're dead } SendCustomNetworkEvent(VRC.Udon.Common.Interfaces.NetworkEventTarget.All, "PlaneHit"); GameObject EnemyObjs = other; HitDetector EnemyHitDetector = null; AAMController EnemyAAMController = null; while (EnemyAAMController == null && EnemyHitDetector == null && EnemyObjs.transform.parent != null) { EnemyObjs = EnemyObjs.transform.parent.gameObject; EnemyHitDetector = EnemyObjs.GetComponent <HitDetector>(); EnemyAAMController = EnemyObjs.GetComponent <AAMController>(); } if (EnemyHitDetector != null) { LastAttacker = EnemyHitDetector.EngineControl; } if (EnemyAAMController != null) { LastAttacker = EnemyAAMController.EngineControl; } LastHitTime = Time.time; }
public void createAbilityObject() { if (requireNotPartOfChain) { ChainOnHit chain = GetComponent <ChainOnHit>(); if (chain && (chain.chainsRemaining > 0 || chain.hasChained)) { return; } } HitDetector hitDetector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); if (hitDetector) { List <GameObject> enemies = new List <GameObject>(); if (hitDetector.sharedHitDetector != null) { foreach (GameObject enemy in hitDetector.sharedHitDetector.enemiesHit) { if (enemy != null && !enemies.Contains(enemy)) { enemies.Add(enemy); } } } else { foreach (GameObject enemy in hitDetector.enemiesHit) { if (enemy != null && !enemies.Contains(enemy)) { enemies.Add(enemy); } } } CreationReferences references = GetComponent <CreationReferences>(); if (references) { Vector3 startPos = references.locationCreatedFrom; // create the first ability object if (enemies.Count >= 1 && castFromCreatorToo) { GetComponent <AbilityObjectConstructor>().constructAbilityObject(abilityToInstantiate, startPos + offset, enemies[0].transform.position + offset); } for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count - 1; i++) { // create the other ability objects GetComponent <AbilityObjectConstructor>().constructAbilityObject(abilityToInstantiate, enemies[i].transform.position + offset, enemies[i + 1].transform.position + offset); } } } }
private void Awake() { source = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); detector = GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); detector.onHit += OnDetectorHit; }
private void Awake() { if (this._hitDetector == null) { this._hitDetector = base.getComponentInParent <HitDetector>(); } }
public void OnDetectorHit(HitDetector hitDetectorWhichWasHit, Player scoringPlayer) { if (hitDetectorWhichWasHit == detector) { DissolvePot(); } }
private void Start() { detector = GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); renderers = GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(); detector.onHit += OnDetectorHit; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (GameObject.Find("PlayerData").GetComponent <SelectedCharacterManager>().P1Side == "Left") { P1Prop = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>(); P2Prop = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>(); P1hit = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); P2hit = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); } else { P1Prop = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>(); P2Prop = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>(); P1hit = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); P2hit = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); } combotimer1.fillAmount = 0; combotimer2.fillAmount = 0; Player1Combo.text = ""; Player2Combo.text = ""; regen = Animator.StringToHash("Regen"); shatter = Animator.StringToHash("Shatter"); P1HitsPos = Player1Hits.rectTransform.anchoredPosition; P1ComboPos = Player1Combo.rectTransform.anchoredPosition; P2HitsPos = Player2Hits.rectTransform.anchoredPosition; P2ComboPos = Player2Combo.rectTransform.anchoredPosition; SetCharacterPortrait(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { detector = Instantiate(hitDetectorPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)).GetComponent <HitDetector>(); detector.gameObject.transform.SetParent(this.gameObject.transform, false); detector.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(attackRange, 1, attackRange); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); }
void Start() { ballRigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); ballRigidBody.useGravity = false; initialPosition = transform.position; misses = FindObjectOfType <AttemptsRemaining> (); hitDetector = FindObjectOfType <HitDetector> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mutatorManager = GetComponent <AbilityMutatorManager>(); myAlignmentManager = GetComponent <AlignmentManager>(); myTaggedStatsHolder = GetComponent <TaggedStatsHolder>(); myCreationReferences = GetComponent <CreationReferences>(); myHitDetector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { returner = GetComponent <ReturnToCasterAfterDuration>(); // subscribe to the inanimate hit event detector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); if (detector) { detector.inanimateHitEvent += startReturn; } }
void Start() { hitDetector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); myReferences = GetComponent <CreationReferences>(); if (hitDetector) { // subscribe to the new ally hit event hitDetector.newAllyHitEvent += createAbilityObjectIfNeeded; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { noColor = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0); if (transform.parent.gameObject.name == "Sprite") { colorNum = transform.parent.GetComponent <ColorSwapDHA>().colorNum; HitDetect = transform.parent.GetComponent <ColorSwapDHA>().HitDetect; } sprite = transform.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); InitColorSwapTex(); ApplyPalette(); }
void OnDetectedHit(HitDetector detector, Collider2D other) { if ("Ground".Equals(LayerMask.LayerToName(other.gameObject.layer))) { _anim.SetBool("isOnGround", true); // Shake the screen when character kicks on ground. StartCoroutine(Utility.Shaking2D(_shakingDuration, _shakingAmount, _theCamera.transform , () => ControlLock.Lock("Camera1") , () => ControlLock.ReleaseLock("Camera1"))); } HandleState("KickDown", "Off"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { detector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); if (hitsAllies) { detector.newAllyHitEvent += chain; } else { detector.newEnemyHitEvent += chain; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { HitDetector hitDetector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); if (triggerType == ActorType.Enemy || triggerType == ActorType.Any) { hitDetector.newEnemyHitEvent += Trigger; } if (triggerType == ActorType.Ally || triggerType == ActorType.Any) { hitDetector.newAllyHitEvent += Trigger; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hitDetector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); if (hitDetector) { // subscribe to the new enemy hit event hitDetector.newEnemyHitEvent += applyDamage; // if it can damage the same enemy again also subscribe to the enemy hit again event if (canDamageSameEnemyAgain) { hitDetector.enemyHitAgainEvent += applyDamage; } } }
private void Start() { InputHandler.OnTapEvent += OnTap; InputHandler.OnSwipeUpEvent += OnSwipeUp; InputHandler.OnSwipeDownEvent += OnSwipeDown; InputHandler.OnSwipeLeftEvent += OnSwipeLeft; InputHandler.OnSwipeRightEvent += OnSwipeRight; InputHandler.OnHoldEvent += OnHold; mHipTransform = transform.GetChild(0); mAnimator = GetComponent <Animator>(); mInitPlayerPosition = transform.position; TargetDetector = GetComponentInChildren <TargetDetector>(); HitDetector = GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { hitDetector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); myReferences = GetComponent <CreationReferences>(); if (hitDetector) { // subscribe to the new ally hit event hitDetector.newAllyHitEvent += preApplyDamage; // if it can damage the same ally again also subscribe to the ally hit again event if (canDamageSameAllyAgain) { hitDetector.allyHitAgainEvent += preApplyDamage; } } }
IEnumerator StartKickDown() { _isInCooldown = true; ControlLock.Lock("Move"); _anim.SetBool("isKickDown", true); var length = Utility.GetAnimationLength(_anim, "Kick Down"); _rb.velocity = Vector2.up * -2.5f; // Create the shadow sample var shadowSample = Utility.CreateSpriteRendererBySample(_sprite.sprite, transform.position, transform.localScale, .25f); Destroy(shadowSample.gameObject, .075f); // Create the effect _curFx = InstantiateEffect(); yield break; }
public Sword sword; // Reference to Sword script #endregion // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { // Initialize Rigidbody reference rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); // Initialize sprite animator GameObject sprite = transform.Find("sprite").gameObject; animator = sprite.GetComponent <Animator>(); // Initialize radius of player Vector3 spriteBounds = sprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size; radius = spriteBounds.x / 2; // Initialize magic equippedMagic = gameObject.AddComponent <Fire>(); // Point player sprite in same direction as camera transform.forward = -Camera.main.transform.forward; transform.up = Camera.main.transform.up; // Initialize sword and place it in hand hand = transform.Find("Hand"); sword.transform.parent = hand; sword.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; sword.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; // Initialize attack animation AttackAnim = sword.GetComponent <Animator>(); // Initialize resurrection circle reference ressurector = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Resurrector>(); // Initiaize hit detector reference hitbox = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); // Initialize hit detector range hitbox.transform.localScale = new Vector3(HITBOX_SIZE, HITBOX_HEIGHT, HITBOX_SIZE); // Set initial attack state to true canAttack = true; }
protected void chainTo(GameObject target, GameObject from) { AbilityObjectConstructor aoc = GetComponent <AbilityObjectConstructor>(); GameObject newAbilityObject = aoc.constructAbilityObject(abilityToChain, transform.position, target.transform.position + offset); // reduce the chains remaining if (limitNumberOfChains) { ChainOnHit newChain = newAbilityObject.GetComponent <ChainOnHit>(); if (!newChain) { newChain = newAbilityObject.AddComponent <ChainOnHit>(); } newChain.chainsRemaining = chainsRemaining - 1; newChain.abilityToChain = abilityToChain; newChain.range = range; newChain.destroyAfterChainAttempt = destroyAfterChainAttempt; newChain.cannotHitSame = cannotHitSame; newChain.offset = offset; } if (cannotHitSame) { HitDetector detector = newAbilityObject.GetComponent <HitDetector>(); if (hitsAllies) { detector.alliesHit.Add(from); if (detector.sharedHitDetector) { detector.sharedHitDetector.alliesHit.Add(from); } } else { detector.enemiesHit.Add(from); if (detector.sharedHitDetector) { detector.sharedHitDetector.enemiesHit.Add(from); } } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Application.targetFrameRate = 60; LoGuard = Animator.StringToHash("LowGuard"); HiGuard = Animator.StringToHash("HighGuard"); AirGuard = Animator.StringToHash("AirGuard"); crouchID = Animator.StringToHash("Crouch"); runID = Animator.StringToHash("Run"); animSpeedID = Animator.StringToHash("AnimSpeed"); hitStunID = Animator.StringToHash("HitStun"); blockStunID = Animator.StringToHash("BlockStun"); clashID = Animator.StringToHash("Clash"); deflectID = Animator.StringToHash("Deflected"); parryID = Animator.StringToHash("Parry"); successID = Animator.StringToHash("HitSuccess"); hitID = Animator.StringToHash("Hit"); hitAirID = Animator.StringToHash("HitAir"); hitBodyID = Animator.StringToHash("HitBody"); hitLegsID = Animator.StringToHash("HitLegs"); launchID = Animator.StringToHash("Launch"); crumpleID = Animator.StringToHash("Crumple"); sweepID = Animator.StringToHash("Sweep"); shatterID = Animator.StringToHash("Shatter"); armorHitID = Animator.StringToHash("ArmorHit"); throwRejectID = Animator.StringToHash("ThrowReject"); dizzyID = Animator.StringToHash("Dizzy"); KOID = Animator.StringToHash("KOed"); guardID = Animator.StringToHash("Guard"); pauseScreen = GameObject.Find("PauseManager").GetComponentInChildren <PauseMenu>(); Actions = transform.root.GetChild(0).transform.GetComponentInChildren <AcceptInputs>(); HitDetect = Actions.Move.HitDetect; OpponentDetector = HitDetect.OpponentDetector; }
private void Awake() { _hitDetector = GetComponent <HitDetector>(); RestoreHealth(); }
void OnDetectedHit(HitDetector detector, Collider2D other) { // StartCoroutine(DoReflectiveForce()); ControlLock.Lock("Move"); _player.extraForceX -= .5f * _faceX; }
void OnDetectedHit(HitDetector detector, Collider2D other) { }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Actions == null || HitDetect == null || OpponentDetector == null) { Actions = transform.root.GetChild(0).transform.GetComponentInChildren <AcceptInputs>(); HitDetect = Actions.Move.HitDetect; OpponentDetector = HitDetect.OpponentDetector; } opponentValor = Actions.Move.OpponentProperties.currentValor; if ((Input.GetButtonDown("Start_P1") || Input.GetButtonDown("Start_P2")) && pauseScreen.isPaused) { currentVelocity = rb.velocity; currentAngularVelocity = rb.angularVelocity; } if ((pauseScreen.isPaused && hitStop <= 0) || OpponentDetector.Actions.superFlash > 0) { hitStop = (float)1 / 60; } if (hitStop > 0) { //hitStop to give hits more impact and allow time to input next move anim.SetFloat(animSpeedID, 0f); rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezeAll; if (!pauseScreen.isPaused) { hitStop -= Time.deltaTime; } } else { hitStop = 0; anim.SetFloat(animSpeedID, 1.0f); if (rb.constraints == RigidbodyConstraints2D.FreezeAll) { rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints2D.None; } if (OpponentDetector.Actions.blitzed > 0) { //simulate slow motion on projectile if within range of a blitz cancel or blitz attack if (OpponentDetector.Actions.blitzed <= (float)59 / 60 && OpponentDetector.Actions.blitzed >= (float)58 / 60) { rb.velocity *= .5f; rb.angularVelocity *= .75f; rb.mass *= .5f; rb.gravityScale *= .5f; } anim.SetFloat(animSpeedID, .5f); } else if (OpponentDetector.Actions.blitzed >= (float)1 / 60 && OpponentDetector.Actions.blitzed <= (float)2 / 60) { rb.velocity /= .5f; rb.angularVelocity /= .5f; rb.mass /= .5f; rb.gravityScale /= .5f; anim.SetFloat(animSpeedID, 1f); } if (currentVelocity != Vector2.zero) { //retain velocity after hitStop occurs rb.velocity = currentVelocity; rb.angularVelocity = currentAngularVelocity; currentVelocity = Vector2.zero; currentAngularVelocity = 0; } } if (hitStop == 0) { anim.ResetTrigger(successID); } }
public GameObject constructAbilityObject(Ability ability, Vector3 location, Vector3 targetLocation, GameObject overridePrefab = null, bool InheritSharedHitDetector = true) { // create the ability object GameObject abilityObject = null; if (overridePrefab == null) { // if there is no override prefab instantiate the ability's ability prefab abilityObject = Instantiate(ability.abilityPrefab, location, Quaternion.Euler(targetLocation - location)); } else // othewise instrantiate the override prefab { abilityObject = Instantiate(overridePrefab, location, Quaternion.Euler(targetLocation - location)); } // apply the relevant mutator if this entity has one if (mutatorManager) { mutators = mutatorManager.getMutators(ability); if (mutators != null) { foreach (AbilityMutator mutator in mutators) { abilityObject = mutator.Mutate(abilityObject, location, targetLocation); if (mutator.changeLocation) { targetLocation = mutator.newLocation; } if (mutator.changeTargetLocation) { targetLocation = mutator.newTargetLocation; } } } } // move the ability object if necessary foreach (DefineStartLocation defineStartLocation in abilityObject.GetComponents <DefineStartLocation>()) { if (defineStartLocation.active) { defineStartLocation.setLocation(location, targetLocation); // the direction from the cast point needs to be maintained if (defineStartLocation.maintainDirectionFromCastPoint()) { targetLocation = abilityObject.transform.position + targetLocation - location; } } } // initialise a location detector if necessary LocationDetector locationDetector = abilityObject.GetComponent <LocationDetector>(); if (locationDetector) { locationDetector.startLocation = abilityObject.transform.position; locationDetector.targetLocation = targetLocation; } // rotate the ability object abilityObject.transform.LookAt(targetLocation); // give the ability object its alignment AlignmentManager abilityAlignmentManager = abilityObject.GetComponent <AlignmentManager>(); if (!abilityAlignmentManager) { abilityAlignmentManager = abilityObject.AddComponent <AlignmentManager>(); } abilityAlignmentManager.alignment = myAlignmentManager.alignment; // give the ability object its creation references CreationReferences abilityCreationReferences = abilityObject.GetComponent <CreationReferences>(); if (!abilityCreationReferences) { abilityCreationReferences = abilityObject.AddComponent <CreationReferences>(); } abilityCreationReferences.thisAbility = ability; abilityCreationReferences.locationCreatedFrom = location; // if this an ability object then the creator is this objects creator, otherwise the creator is this object if (myCreationReferences && GetComponent <AbilityObjectIndicator>()) { abilityCreationReferences.creator = myCreationReferences.creator; } else { abilityCreationReferences.creator = gameObject; } // check whether there should be a shared hit detector HitDetector abilityHitDetector = abilityObject.GetComponent <HitDetector>(); if (abilityHitDetector) { SharedHitDetector sharedHitDetector = null; if (myHitDetector && myHitDetector.sharedHitDetector && InheritSharedHitDetector) { sharedHitDetector = myHitDetector.sharedHitDetector; } // create a shared hit detector else if (ability.sharedHitDetector) { GameObject newGameObject = new GameObject(); sharedHitDetector = newGameObject.AddComponent <SharedHitDetector>(); sharedHitDetector.gameObject.AddComponent <SelfDestroyer>(); sharedHitDetector.name = abilityObject.name + "'s shared hit detector"; } if (sharedHitDetector != null && !abilityHitDetector.cannotHaveSharedhitDetector) { abilityHitDetector.sharedHitDetector = sharedHitDetector; } } // build the damage stats for each damage stats holder foreach (DamageStatsHolder damageStatsHolder in abilityObject.GetComponents <DamageStatsHolder>()) { damageStatsHolder.damageStats = DamageStats.buildDamageStats(damageStatsHolder, GetComponent <TaggedStatsHolder>()); } // attach any on hit status appliers if this ability deals damage on hit if (myTaggedStatsHolder && abilityObject.GetComponent <DamageEnemyOnHit>() && !abilityObject.GetComponent <CannotApplyAdditionalStatuses>()) { ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit applier; float poisonChance = myTaggedStatsHolder.GetStatValue(Tags.Properties.PoisonChance, ability.useTags); if (poisonChance > 0) { applier = abilityObject.AddComponent <ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit>(); applier.statusEffect = StatusEffectList.getEffect(StatusEffectID.Poison); applier.chance = poisonChance; applier.canApplyToSameEnemyAgain = false; } float igniteChance = myTaggedStatsHolder.GetStatValue(Tags.Properties.IgniteChance, ability.useTags); if (igniteChance > 0) { applier = abilityObject.AddComponent <ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit>(); applier.statusEffect = StatusEffectList.getEffect(StatusEffectID.Ignite); applier.chance = igniteChance; applier.canApplyToSameEnemyAgain = false; } float chillChance = myTaggedStatsHolder.GetStatValue(Tags.Properties.ChillChance, ability.useTags); if (chillChance > 0) { applier = abilityObject.AddComponent <ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit>(); applier.statusEffect = StatusEffectList.getEffect(StatusEffectID.Chill); applier.chance = chillChance; applier.canApplyToSameEnemyAgain = false; } float slowChance = myTaggedStatsHolder.GetStatValue(Tags.Properties.SlowChance, ability.useTags); if (slowChance > 0) { applier = abilityObject.AddComponent <ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit>(); applier.statusEffect = StatusEffectList.getEffect(StatusEffectID.Slow); applier.chance = slowChance; applier.canApplyToSameEnemyAgain = false; } float blindChance = myTaggedStatsHolder.GetStatValue(Tags.Properties.BlindChance, ability.useTags); if (blindChance > 0) { applier = abilityObject.AddComponent <ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit>(); applier.statusEffect = StatusEffectList.getEffect(StatusEffectID.Blind); applier.chance = blindChance; applier.canApplyToSameEnemyAgain = false; } float bleedChance = myTaggedStatsHolder.GetStatValue(Tags.Properties.BleedChance, ability.useTags); if (bleedChance > 0) { applier = abilityObject.AddComponent <ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit>(); applier.statusEffect = StatusEffectList.getEffect(StatusEffectID.Bleed); applier.chance = bleedChance; applier.canApplyToSameEnemyAgain = false; } float shockChance = myTaggedStatsHolder.GetStatValue(Tags.Properties.ShockChance, ability.useTags); if (shockChance > 0) { applier = abilityObject.AddComponent <ChanceToApplyStatusOnEnemyHit>(); applier.statusEffect = StatusEffectList.getEffect(StatusEffectID.Shock); applier.chance = shockChance; applier.canApplyToSameEnemyAgain = false; } } // if the ability has an ability object constructor give it a tagged stats holder with your tagged stats if (myTaggedStatsHolder && abilityObject.GetComponent <RequiresTaggedStats>()) { TaggedStatsHolder holder = abilityObject.GetComponent <TaggedStatsHolder>(); if (holder == null) { holder = abilityObject.AddComponent <TaggedStatsHolder>(); } holder.simpleStats.AddRange(myTaggedStatsHolder.simpleStats); holder.taggedStats.AddRange(myTaggedStatsHolder.taggedStats); } // set the direction if there is an ability mover if (abilityObject.GetComponent <AbilityMover>()) { abilityObject.GetComponent <AbilityMover>().positionDelta = Vector3.Normalize(targetLocation - location); // if the ability object defines its own start direction then let it if (abilityObject.GetComponent <DefineStartDirection>()) { abilityObject.GetComponent <DefineStartDirection>().setDirection(); } } // run any on creation methods foreach (OnCreation component in abilityObject.GetComponents <OnCreation>()) { if (component.runOnCreation) { component.onCreation(); } } // invoke the event if (abilityObjectCreatedEvent != null) { abilityObjectCreatedEvent.Invoke(ability, abilityObject); } return(abilityObject); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Player1 = GameObject.Find("Player1"); Player2 = GameObject.Find("Player2"); characterManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerData").GetComponent <SelectedCharacterManager>(); P1Prop = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>(); P2Prop = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <CharacterProperties>(); P1hit = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); P2hit = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <HitDetector>(); P1Input = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetComponentInChildren <AcceptInputs>(); P2Input = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetChild(0).transform.GetComponentInChildren <AcceptInputs>(); P1Move = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <MovementHandler>(); P2Move = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <MovementHandler>(); HUD = GameObject.Find("HUD").GetComponent <HUD>(); if (characterManager.P1Character == "Dhalia") { P1AttackDHA = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <AttackHandlerDHA>(); } if (characterManager.P2Character == "Dhalia") { P2AttackDHA = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <AttackHandlerDHA>(); } if (characterManager.P1Character == "Achealis") { P1AttackACH = GameObject.Find("Player1").transform.GetComponentInChildren <AttackHandlerACH>(); } if (characterManager.P2Character == "Achealis") { P2AttackACH = GameObject.Find("Player2").transform.GetComponentInChildren <AttackHandlerACH>(); } path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/inputs.txt"; P1PrevHealth = P1Prop.maxHealth; P2PrevHealth = P2Prop.maxHealth; P1HitDamage.text = ""; P2HitDamage.text = ""; P1ComboDamage.text = "Total Damage: 0"; P2ComboDamage.text = "Total Damage: 0"; P1HighComboDamage.text = "Highest Combo Damage: 0"; P2HighComboDamage.text = "Highest Combo Damage: 0"; inputSelect += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputR3 += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputL2 += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputL3 += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputCross += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputCircle += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputTriangle += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputSquare += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputHorizontal += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); inputVertical += UpdateControls(CheckXbox(0)); if (GameObject.Find("PlayerData").GetComponent <SelectedCharacterManager>().P1Side == "Left") { P2Displays.SetActive(false); } else { P1Displays.SetActive(false); } if (GameObject.Find("PlayerData").GetComponent <SelectedCharacterManager>().gameMode == "Practice") { DamageDisplays.SetActive(true); RecordingDisplay.SetActive(true); } }
private void Start() { HitDetect = transform.root.GetChild(0).GetComponent <MovementHandler>().HitDetect; }