예제 #1
 public override int GetHashCode()
         return((Hit.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ Distance.GetHashCode());
예제 #2
        public SearchResult getResults(GetResultsRequest req, bool isLocalReq)
            int    startIndex  = req.startIndex;
            string searchToken = req.searchToken;

            SearchResult sr = new SearchResult();

            sr.numResults = 0;

            if (!sessionTable.ContainsKey(searchToken))
                sr.statusCode = SC_INVALID_SEARCH_TOKEN;
                sr.statusMsg  = "Error: Invalid Search Token";
                Logger.Log.Warn("GetResults: Invalid Search Token received ");

            ArrayList results = ((SessionData)sessionTable[searchToken]).results;

            if (results == null)
                sr.statusCode = SC_INVALID_SEARCH_TOKEN;
                sr.statusMsg  = "Error: Invalid Search Token";
                Logger.Log.Warn("GetResults: Invalid Search Token received ");

            lock (results.SyncRoot) {             //Lock results ArrayList to prevent more Hits getting added till we've processed doQuery
                int i = 0;

                if (startIndex < results.Count)
                    sr.numResults = (results.Count < startIndex + MAX_RESULTS_PER_CALL) ? (results.Count - startIndex): MAX_RESULTS_PER_CALL;

                sr.hitResults = new HitResult[sr.numResults];

                string hitUri;
                for (int k = startIndex; (i < sr.numResults) && (k < results.Count); k++)
                    Hit h = (Hit)results[k];

                    sr.hitResults[i] = new HitResult();

// GetResults will NOT return Snippets by default. Client must make explicit GetSnippets request to get snippets for these hits.
// Not initializing sr.hitResults[i].snippet implies there is no <snippets> element in HitResult XML response.

                    hitUri = h.UriAsString;
                    if (isLocalReq || hitUri.StartsWith(NetworkedBeagle.BeagleNetPrefix))
                        sr.hitResults[i].uri = hitUri;
                        sr.hitResults[i].uri = AccessFilter.TranslateHit(h);

                    sr.hitResults[i].resourceType = h.Type;
                    sr.hitResults[i].mimeType     = h.MimeType;
                    sr.hitResults[i].source       = h.Source;
                    sr.hitResults[i].score        = h.Score;

                    int plen = h.Properties.Count;
                    sr.hitResults[i].properties = new HitProperty[plen];
                    for (int j = 0; j < plen; j++)
                        Property p = (Property)h.Properties[j];
                        sr.hitResults[i].properties[j]            = new HitProperty();
                        sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].PKey       = p.Key;
                        sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].PVal       = p.Value;
                        sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].IsMutable  = p.IsMutable;
                        sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].IsSearched = p.IsSearched;

                    sr.hitResults[i].hashCode = h.GetHashCode();

            }             //end lock

            sr.totalResults = results.Count;

            sr.firstResultIndex = startIndex;
            sr.searchToken      = "";

            if (sr.totalResults > 0)
                sr.searchToken = searchToken;

            sr.statusCode = SC_QUERY_SUCCESS;
            sr.statusMsg  = "Success";
            //Console.WriteLine("WebServiceQuery: Total Results = "  + sr.totalResults);
예제 #3
        //Full beagledQuery
        public SearchResult doQuery(SearchRequest sreq, bool isLocalReq)
            SearchResult sr = null;

            if (sreq.text == null || sreq.text.Length == 0 ||
                (sreq.text.Length == 1 && sreq.text[0].Trim() == ""))
                sr            = new SearchResult();
                sr.statusCode = SC_INVALID_QUERY;
                sr.statusMsg  = "Error: No search terms specified";

            Query query = new Query();

            string searchString = "";

            foreach (string text in sreq.text)
                searchString += (searchString.Length == 0) ? text:" " + text;

            Logger.Log.Info("WebServiceBackEnd: Received {0} WebService Query with search term: {1}", isLocalReq ? "Local":"External", searchString.Trim());

            if (sreq.mimeType != null && sreq.mimeType[0] != null)
                foreach (string mtype in sreq.mimeType)

            if (sreq.searchSources != null && sreq.searchSources[0] != null)
                foreach (string src in sreq.searchSources)

            //If needed, check to restrict queries to System or Neighborhood domain, can be added here
            if (sreq.qdomain > 0)

            if (!isLocalReq)                    //External Request, check if this Node is already processing it

                lock (this) {
                    if ((sreq.searchId != 0) && NetworkedBeagle.IsCachedRequest(sreq.searchId))
                        sr             = new SearchResult();
                        sr.numResults  = sr.totalResults = sr.firstResultIndex = 0;
                        sr.hitResults  = new HitResult[sr.numResults];
                        sr.searchToken = "";

                        sr.statusCode = SC_DUPLICATE_QUERY;
                        sr.statusMsg  = "Error: Duplicate Query loopback";
                        Logger.Log.Warn("WebServiceBackEnd: Received duplicate Query for a query already in process!");
                        Logger.Log.Warn("WebServiceBackEnd: Check NetBeagle configuration on all nodes to remove possible loops");

                    if (sreq.hopCount >= 5)
                        //If request has traversed 5 nodes in reaching here, stop cascading.
                        //Make it a Local Query.

                    if ((sr == null) && (sreq.searchId != 0))
                        NetworkedBeagle.CacheRequest(query, sreq.searchId, sreq.hopCount + 1);

                if (sr != null)

                //Logger.Log.Info("New external Query: searchId = {0}", sreq.searchId);

            ArrayList results = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());

            QueryResult qres = new QueryResult();

            string searchToken = TokenGenerator();

            SessionData sdata = new SessionData(query, results, isLocalReq);

            AttachQueryResult(qres, sdata);

/* Include this code, if sessionID passed from front-end:
 *                      if (sessionTable.Contains(searchToken))
 *                              sessionTable[searchToken] = sdata;
 *                      else
            sessionTable.Add(searchToken, sdata);

            QueryDriver.DoQueryLocal(query, qres);

            while (resultTable.Contains(qres) && (results.Count < MAX_RESULTS_PER_CALL))

            //Console.WriteLine("WebServiceBackEnd: Got {0} results from beagled", results.Count);
            sr = new SearchResult();

            if (results.Count > 0)
                lock (results.SyncRoot) {           //Lock results ArrayList to prevent more Hits added till we've processed doQuery
                    sr.numResults = results.Count < MAX_RESULTS_PER_CALL ? results.Count: MAX_RESULTS_PER_CALL;
                    sr.hitResults = new HitResult[sr.numResults];

                    string hitUri;
                    for (int i = 0; i < sr.numResults; i++)
                        Hit h = (Hit)results[i];

                        string snippet;

                        //Queryable queryable = h.SourceObject as Queryable;
                        Queryable queryable = QueryDriver.GetQueryable(h.SourceObjectName);

                        if (queryable == null)
                            snippet = "ERROR: hit.SourceObject is null, uri=" + h.Uri;
                            snippet = queryable.GetSnippet(ICollection2StringList(query.StemmedText), h);

                        sr.hitResults[i] = new HitResult();

                        hitUri = h.UriAsString;
                        if (isLocalReq || hitUri.StartsWith(NetworkedBeagle.BeagleNetPrefix))
                            sr.hitResults[i].uri = hitUri;
                            sr.hitResults[i].uri = AccessFilter.TranslateHit(h);

                        sr.hitResults[i].resourceType = h.Type;
                        sr.hitResults[i].mimeType     = h.MimeType;
                        sr.hitResults[i].source       = h.Source;
                        sr.hitResults[i].score        = h.Score;

                        int plen = h.Properties.Count;
                        sr.hitResults[i].properties = new HitProperty[plen];
                        for (int j = 0; j < plen; j++)
                            Property p = (Property)h.Properties[j];
                            sr.hitResults[i].properties[j]            = new HitProperty();
                            sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].PKey       = p.Key;
                            sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].PVal       = p.Value;
                            sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].IsMutable  = p.IsMutable;
                            sr.hitResults[i].properties[j].IsSearched = p.IsSearched;

                        sr.hitResults[i].hashCode = h.GetHashCode();

                        if (snippet != null)
                            sr.hitResults[i].snippet = snippet.Trim();
                }         //end lock
            }             // end if
                sr.numResults = 0;
                sr.hitResults = new HitResult[sr.numResults];

            sr.totalResults = results.Count;

            sr.firstResultIndex = 0;
            sr.searchToken      = "";

            if (sr.totalResults > 0)
                sr.searchToken = searchToken;

            sr.statusCode = SC_QUERY_SUCCESS;
            sr.statusMsg  = "Success";
            Logger.Log.Info("WebServiceBackEnd: Total Results = " + sr.totalResults);