예제 #1
            public static async Task API(History_API api)
                    if (api.api_datetime == null)
                        api.api_datetime = DateTime.Now;
                    //create a text log of api history
                    Debug.WriteLine("Api -> | Action - " + api.api_action + " | Type - " + api.api_type);

                    await db.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Problem occured when inserting history_api to database : " + ex.Message);
예제 #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Insert new movies to database
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public static async Task MoviesToDatabase()
                await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                    api_action   = "Starting task -> Add movies to local Database",
                    api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                    api_type     = "Task -> add movies to Db",

                var list = new List <int>();

                //item1 = MovieData, item2 = Match
                foreach (var item in NewMovieEntry)
                        //check if movie is already in database with this title and update values only for data not info!!
                        var Db_Movie = await Db.Movie_Data.Where(x => x.name == item.Item1.name).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                        if (Db_Movie == null)
                            //get movieinfo from api
                            if (MoviesAPI.countAPICalls > 30)
                                await Task.Delay(5000); MoviesAPI.countAPICalls = 0;
                            //editMovieInfo, movie[0] is array from method GetMovieName
                            Movie_Info mInfo = await MoviesAPI.Get.Info(item.Item2, DatabaseMovieCount);

                            if (mInfo.id != null)
                                //tagline error in database has max length of 128 char in SQL
                                if (mInfo.tagline.Length > 128)
                                    mInfo.tagline = mInfo.tagline.Substring(0, 127);
                                item.Item1.Movie_Info = mInfo;

                                //set tick for movie length
                                item.Item1.Movie_Info.length = Media.Length(item.Item1);

                                    await Db.SaveChangesAsync();

                                    Movie_Data movie = Db.Movie_Data.Where(x => x.name == item.Item1.name).First();
                                    await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                                        api_action   = "Movie " + movie.Movie_Info.title + " was added to the database as id " + movie.Id + "!",
                                        api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                                        api_type     = "Movie added to database",

                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                                        api_action   = "Exception : Inserting movie to Database --> " + ex.Message,
                                        api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                                        api_type     = "Exception thrown InsertMoviesToDb",
                                await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                                    api_action   = "Movie " + item.Item2.Groups["title"].ToString() + " was not added as there was a problem!",
                                    api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                                    api_type     = "Error on movie addition",
                            //update movie info but only directory at which the movie is located
                            await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                                api_action   = "Movie update -> Updating movie: " + Db_Movie.name + " directory!",
                                api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                                api_type     = "Task -> update movie data / info in SQL...",

                            if (await Database.Movie.Update.Directory(Db_Movie, item.Item1))
                                await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                                    api_action   = "Movie update -> Succesfully updated movie: " + Db_Movie.name + " directory!",
                                    api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                                    api_type     = "Task -> Success",
                                await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                                    api_action   = "Movie update -> Failed to update movie: " + Db_Movie.name + " directory!",
                                    api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                                    api_type     = "Task -> Failed",
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                            api_action   = "Error -> An error occured : " + ex.Message,
                            api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                            api_type     = "Error occured on InsertMoviesToDb",
                await History.Create(History.Type.API, new History_API()
                    api_action   = "End of import of movies.",
                    api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                    api_type     = "Status -> InsertMoviesToDb",

                History_API hapi;

                if (list.Count == NewMovieEntry.Count)
                    hapi = new History_API()
                        api_type     = "Movie to Db status",
                        api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                        api_action   = "Info -> All movies added (" + list.Count + " - ADDED)",
                else if (list.Count < NewMovieEntry.Count)
                    hapi = new History_API()
                        api_type     = "Movie to Db status",
                        api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                        api_action   = "Error -> Less movies added than found on local storage! Movies added " + list.Count,
                    hapi = new History_API()
                        api_type     = "Movie to Db status",
                        api_datetime = DateTime.Now,
                        api_action   = "Error -> Something went wrong with importing data to Db! Movies added " + list.Count,
                if (hapi != null)
                    await History.Create(History.Type.API, hapi);