예제 #1
        public override void Update(float deltaTime, Camera cam)
            if (GameMain.Server != null && nextServerLogWriteTime != null)
                if (Timing.TotalTime >= (float)nextServerLogWriteTime)
                    GameServer.Log(GameServer.CharacterLogName(lastUser) + " adjusted reactor settings: " +
                                   "Temperature: " + (int)(temperature * 100.0f) +
                                   ", Fission rate: " + (int)targetFissionRate +
                                   ", Turbine output: " + (int)targetTurbineOutput +
                                   (autoTemp ? ", Autotemp ON" : ", Autotemp OFF"),

                    nextServerLogWriteTime = null;
                    lastServerLogWriteTime = (float)Timing.TotalTime;

            //if an AI character was using the item on the previous frame but not anymore, turn autotemp on
            // (= bots turn autotemp back on when leaving the reactor)
            if (LastAIUser != null)
                if (LastAIUser.SelectedConstruction != item && LastAIUser.CanInteractWith(item))
                    AutoTemp = true;
                    if (GameMain.NetworkMember?.IsServer ?? false)
                        unsentChanges = true;
                    LastAIUser = null;

            if (PowerOn && AvailableFuel < 1)

            prevAvailableFuel = AvailableFuel;
            ApplyStatusEffects(ActionType.OnActive, deltaTime, null);

            //use a smoothed "correct output" instead of the actual correct output based on the load
            //so the player doesn't have to keep adjusting the rate impossibly fast when the load fluctuates heavily
            if (!MathUtils.NearlyEqual(MaxPowerOutput, 0.0f))
                correctTurbineOutput += MathHelper.Clamp((load / MaxPowerOutput * 100.0f) - correctTurbineOutput, -10.0f, 10.0f) * deltaTime;

            //calculate tolerances of the meters based on the skills of the user
            //more skilled characters have larger "sweet spots", making it easier to keep the power output at a suitable level
            float tolerance = MathHelper.Lerp(2.5f, 10.0f, degreeOfSuccess);
            optimalTurbineOutput = new Vector2(correctTurbineOutput - tolerance, correctTurbineOutput + tolerance);
            tolerance            = MathHelper.Lerp(5.0f, 20.0f, degreeOfSuccess);
            allowedTurbineOutput = new Vector2(correctTurbineOutput - tolerance, correctTurbineOutput + tolerance);

            optimalTemperature = Vector2.Lerp(new Vector2(40.0f, 60.0f), new Vector2(30.0f, 70.0f), degreeOfSuccess);
            allowedTemperature = Vector2.Lerp(new Vector2(30.0f, 70.0f), new Vector2(10.0f, 90.0f), degreeOfSuccess);

            optimalFissionRate   = Vector2.Lerp(new Vector2(30, AvailableFuel - 20), new Vector2(20, AvailableFuel - 10), degreeOfSuccess);
            optimalFissionRate.X = Math.Min(optimalFissionRate.X, optimalFissionRate.Y - 10);
            allowedFissionRate   = Vector2.Lerp(new Vector2(20, AvailableFuel), new Vector2(10, AvailableFuel), degreeOfSuccess);
            allowedFissionRate.X = Math.Min(allowedFissionRate.X, allowedFissionRate.Y - 10);

            float heatAmount = GetGeneratedHeat(fissionRate);

            float temperatureDiff = (heatAmount - turbineOutput) - Temperature;
            Temperature += MathHelper.Clamp(Math.Sign(temperatureDiff) * 10.0f * deltaTime, -Math.Abs(temperatureDiff), Math.Abs(temperatureDiff));
            //if (item.InWater && AvailableFuel < 100.0f) Temperature -= 12.0f * deltaTime;

            FissionRate = MathHelper.Lerp(fissionRate, Math.Min(targetFissionRate, AvailableFuel), deltaTime);

            TurbineOutput = MathHelper.Lerp(turbineOutput, targetTurbineOutput, deltaTime);

            float temperatureFactor = Math.Min(temperature / 50.0f, 1.0f);
            currPowerConsumption = -MaxPowerOutput *Math.Min(turbineOutput / 100.0f, temperatureFactor);

            //if the turbine output and coolant flow are the optimal range,
            //make the generated power slightly adjust according to the load
            //  (-> the reactor can automatically handle small changes in load as long as the values are roughly correct)
            if (turbineOutput > optimalTurbineOutput.X && turbineOutput < optimalTurbineOutput.Y &&
                temperature > optimalTemperature.X && temperature < optimalTemperature.Y)
                float maxAutoAdjust = maxPowerOutput * 0.1f;
                autoAdjustAmount = MathHelper.Lerp(
                    MathHelper.Clamp(-load - currPowerConsumption, -maxAutoAdjust, maxAutoAdjust),
                    deltaTime * 10.0f);
                autoAdjustAmount = MathHelper.Lerp(autoAdjustAmount, 0.0f, deltaTime * 10.0f);
            currPowerConsumption += autoAdjustAmount;

            if (!PowerOn)
                targetFissionRate   = 0.0f;
                targetTurbineOutput = 0.0f;
            else if (autoTemp)
                UpdateAutoTemp(2.0f, deltaTime);
            float             currentLoad = 0.0f;
            List <Connection> connections = item.Connections;
            if (connections != null && connections.Count > 0)
                foreach (Connection connection in connections)
                    if (!connection.IsPower)
                    foreach (Connection recipient in connection.Recipients)
                        if (!(recipient.Item is Item it))

                        PowerTransfer pt = it.GetComponent <PowerTransfer>();
                        if (pt == null)

                        //calculate how much external power there is in the grid
                        //(power coming from somewhere else than this reactor, e.g. batteries)
                        float externalPower = Math.Max(CurrPowerConsumption - pt.CurrPowerConsumption, 0) * 0.95f;
                        //reduce the external power from the load to prevent overloading the grid
                        currentLoad = Math.Max(currentLoad, pt.PowerLoad - externalPower);

            if (!loadQueue.Any() && PowerOn)
                //loadQueue is empty, round must've just started
                //reset the fission rate, turbine output and
                //temperature to optimal levels to prevent fires
                //at the start of the round
                correctTurbineOutput = MathUtils.NearlyEqual(MaxPowerOutput, 0.0f) ? 0.0f : currentLoad / MaxPowerOutput * 100.0f;
                tolerance            = MathHelper.Lerp(2.5f, 10.0f, degreeOfSuccess);
                optimalTurbineOutput = new Vector2(correctTurbineOutput - tolerance, correctTurbineOutput + tolerance);
                tolerance            = MathHelper.Lerp(5.0f, 20.0f, degreeOfSuccess);
                allowedTurbineOutput = new Vector2(correctTurbineOutput - tolerance, correctTurbineOutput + tolerance);

                DebugConsole.Log($"Degree of success: {degreeOfSuccess}");
                DebugConsole.Log($"Current load: {currentLoad}");
                DebugConsole.Log($"Max power output: {MaxPowerOutput}");
                DebugConsole.Log($"Available fuel: {AvailableFuel}");

                float desiredTurbineOutput = MathHelper.Clamp(correctTurbineOutput, 0.0f, 100.0f);
                DebugConsole.Log($"Turbine output reset: {targetTurbineOutput}, {turbineOutput} -> {desiredTurbineOutput}");
                targetTurbineOutput = desiredTurbineOutput;
                turbineOutput       = desiredTurbineOutput;

                float desiredTemperature = (optimalTemperature.X + optimalTemperature.Y) / 2.0f;
                DebugConsole.Log($"Temperature reset: {temperature} -> {desiredTemperature}");
                temperature = desiredTemperature;

                float desiredFissionRate = GetFissionRateForTargetTemperatureAndTurbineOutput(desiredTemperature, desiredTurbineOutput);
                DebugConsole.Log($"Fission rate reset: {targetFissionRate}, {fissionRate} -> {desiredFissionRate}");
                targetFissionRate = desiredFissionRate;
                fissionRate       = desiredFissionRate;

            while (loadQueue.Count() > 60.0f)
                load = loadQueue.Average();

            if (fissionRate > 0.0f)
                var containedItems = item.OwnInventory?.AllItems;
                if (containedItems != null)
                    foreach (Item item in containedItems)
                        if (!item.HasTag("reactorfuel"))
                        item.Condition -= fissionRate / 100.0f * fuelConsumptionRate * deltaTime;
                if (item.AiTarget != null && MaxPowerOutput > 0)
                    var   aiTarget = item.AiTarget;
                    float range    = Math.Abs(currPowerConsumption) / MaxPowerOutput;
                    aiTarget.SoundRange = MathHelper.Lerp(aiTarget.MinSoundRange, aiTarget.MaxSoundRange, range);
                    if (item.CurrentHull != null)
                        var hullAITarget = item.CurrentHull.AiTarget;
                        if (hullAITarget != null)
                            hullAITarget.SoundRange = Math.Max(hullAITarget.SoundRange, aiTarget.SoundRange);

            item.SendSignal(((int)(temperature * 100.0f)).ToString(), "temperature_out");
            item.SendSignal(((int)-CurrPowerConsumption).ToString(), "power_value_out");
            item.SendSignal(((int)load).ToString(), "load_value_out");
            item.SendSignal(((int)AvailableFuel).ToString(), "fuel_out");

            AvailableFuel = 0.0f;

            sendUpdateTimer -= deltaTime;
            if (unsentChanges && sendUpdateTimer <= 0.0f)
            if (sendUpdateTimer < -NetworkUpdateIntervalLow || (unsentChanges && sendUpdateTimer <= 0.0f))
                if (GameMain.Server != null)
                if (GameMain.Client != null)
                sendUpdateTimer = NetworkUpdateIntervalHigh;
                unsentChanges   = false;