private static void SolveHC() { HillClimbing hc = new HillClimbing(); Console.WriteLine("FA HC Solver Started"); Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to stop"); hc.Solve(3); Console.WriteLine("FA HC Solver Finished"); }
private void FindOptimalDecision() { double optimal = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < AmountOfTests; i++) { var temp = new HillClimbing(Elements, 5); if (temp.OptimalValue.Value < optimal) { Algorithm = temp; optimal = temp.OptimalValue.Value; } } }
private void ButtonHillStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DisableAllControls(); _infoBacklog = new List <Tuple <int, ulong, double, ulong> >(_viewModel.MaxGenerationCount); var hill = new HillClimbing(_viewModel, _geneticAlgorithmController.CityModels); hill.OnAlgorithmStateHasChangedEvent += OnAlgorithmStateHasChangedEvent; hill.OnAlgorithmFinishedEvent += OnAlgorithmFinishedEvent; hill.OnLogChangedEvent += OnLogChangedEvent; _algorithmCancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => hill.DoAlgorithm(_algorithmCancellationToken.Token), _algorithmCancellationToken.Token); }
private void SameInitValuebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double alpha = Convert.ToDouble(textBox11.Text); File.Delete(@"C:\Users\User\Downloads\ResultFAHillClimbing.txt"); var hill = new HillClimbing(knapsackModel); File.Delete(@"C:\Users\User\Downloads\ResultHillClimbing.txt"); var resultModel = hill.HillClimbingMethod(knapsackModel, alpha); textBoxResultC2.Text = Convert.ToString(resultModel.ResultC); textBoxResultW2.Text = Convert.ToString(resultModel.ResultW); listBoxSelectedItems2.Items.Clear(); if (checkBoxShowFull2.Checked) { listBoxSelectedItems2.Items.Add("cost\t\tweight"); for (int i = 0; i < resultModel.X.Length; i++) { if (resultModel.X[i] == true) { listBoxSelectedItems2.Items.Add(knapsackModel.Items[i].Item1 + "\t" + knapsackModel.Items[i].Item2); } } } resultModel = hill.NewFirstAscendHillClimbingMethod(knapsackModel, alpha); textBoxResultC.Text = Convert.ToString(resultModel.ResultC); textBoxResultW.Text = Convert.ToString(resultModel.ResultW); listBoxSelectedItems.Items.Clear(); if (checkBoxShowFull.Checked) { listBoxSelectedItems.Items.Add("cost\t\tweight"); for (int i = 0; i < resultModel.X.Length; i++) { if (resultModel.X[i] == true) { listBoxSelectedItems.Items.Add(knapsackModel.Items[i].Item1 + "\t" + knapsackModel.Items[i].Item2); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //MonteCarlo mc = new MonteCarlo(15, short.MaxValue, 100, LandscapeFilling.Random); //var result = mc.DoAlgo(); HillClimbing hc = new HillClimbing(5, 32, LandscapeFilling.ValueOfBinary, HillClimbingType.Width); hc.DoAlgo(); // var values = new List<List<double>> // { //new List<double>{0.00, 10.44, 11.18, 4.24, 13.60, 7.00, 12.21, 13.45, 13.45, 9.49, 11.05, 3.16, 1.41, 7.21, 10.20}, //new List<double>{10.44, 0.00, 2.00, 13.00, 8.25, 4.24, 4.00, 7.07, 6.00, 14.32, 13.60, 8.06, 11.18, 14.32, 13.89}, //new List<double>{11.18, 2.00, 0.00, 13.15, 6.32, 5.83, 2.00, 5.10, 4.00, 13.60, 12.53, 9.22, 11.70, 14.04, 13.00}, //new List<double>{4.24, 13.00, 13.15, 0.00, 13.60, 10.44, 13.60, 13.89, 14.32, 6.00, 8.25, 7.21, 2.83, 3.16, 7.07}, //new List<double>{13.60, 8.25, 6.32, 13.60, 0.00, 11.05, 4.47, 1.41, 2.83, 11.18, 9.00, 13.00, 13.45, 13.00, 10.05}, //new List<double>{7.00, 4.24, 5.83, 10.44, 11.05, 0.00, 7.62, 10.20, 9.49, 13.45, 13.60, 4.12, 8.06, 12.53, 13.45}, //new List<double>{12.21, 4.00, 2.00, 13.60, 4.47, 7.62, 0.00, 3.16, 2.00, 13.15, 11.70, 10.63, 12.53, 14.04, 12.37}, //new List<double>{13.45, 7.07, 5.10, 13.89, 1.41, 10.20, 3.16, 0.00, 1.41, 12.04, 10.05, 12.53, 13.45, 13.60, 11.00}, //new List<double>{13.45, 6.00, 4.00, 14.32, 2.83, 9.49, 2.00, 1.41, 0.00, 13.00, 11.18, 12.21, 13.60, 14.32, 12.04}, //new List<double>{9.49, 14.32, 13.60, 6.00, 11.18, 13.45, 13.15, 12.04, 13.00, 0.00, 2.83, 11.66, 8.25, 3.16, 1.41}, //new List<double>{11.05, 13.60, 12.53, 8.25, 9.00, 13.60, 11.70, 10.05, 11.18, 2.83, 0.00, 12.65, 10.00, 5.83, 1.41}, //new List<double>{3.16, 8.06, 9.22, 7.21, 13.00, 4.12, 10.63, 12.53, 12.21, 11.66, 12.65, 0.00, 4.47, 9.90, 12.08}, //new List<double>{1.41, 11.18, 11.70, 2.83, 13.45, 8.06, 12.53, 13.45, 13.60, 8.25, 10.00, 4.47, 0.00, 5.83, 9.06}, //new List<double>{7.21, 14.32, 14.04, 3.16, 13.00, 12.53, 14.04, 13.60, 14.32, 3.16, 5.83, 9.90, 5.83, 0.00, 4.47}, //new List<double>{10.20, 13.89, 13.00, 7.07, 10.05, 13.45, 12.37, 11.00, 12.04, 1.41, 1.41, 12.08, 9.06, 4.47, 0.00}, // }; // EGA ega = new EGA(values); // ega.SetupInitialPopulation(Encoding.ClosestTown) // .SetupParents(Pairs.Quality) // .SetupCrossover(Crossover.Order) // .SetupMutation(0.1, Mutation.Inversion) // .SetupBreeding(Breeding.Roulette, 0.15) // .EnableElitary() // .DoAlgo(10); // ega.PrintBestResult(); }
private void MultiStartHillClimbingButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var maxAttemt = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxMaxAttemps.Text); var objDetails = checkBoxObjDetails.Checked; double alpha = Convert.ToDouble(textBox11.Text); var resultModel = new HillClimbing().MultiStartHillClimbingMethod(knapsackModel, maxAttemt, objDetails, alpha); Series ser1 = new Series("Attempts statistics"); chart1.Series.Clear(); foreach (var pair in resultModel.AttemptStatistics) { ser1.Points.AddXY(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.ToString()); } chart1.Series.Add(ser1); chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; textBoxDelta.Text = Convert.ToString(resultModel.Delta); if (objDetails) { chart2.Series.Clear(); Series ser2 = new Series("Objective"); ser2.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; chart2.ChartAreas["Area1"].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoom(0, 50); chart2.ChartAreas["Area1"].AxisX.Interval = 1; for (int i = 0; i < resultModel.ObjectivesDetails.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < resultModel.ObjectivesDetails[i].Count; j++) { ser2.Points.AddXY(j.ToString(), resultModel.ObjectivesDetails[i][j]); } } chart2.Series.Add(ser2); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(ICollection <IFormFile> files, UserInput u) { /* Uploader File */ user_input = u; var uploads = Path.Combine(_environment.WebRootPath, "uploads"); foreach (var file in files) { if (file.Length > 0) { uploads = Path.Combine(uploads, file.FileName); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(uploads, FileMode.Create)) { await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream); } } } var openFile = new FileStream(uploads, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (var readStream = new StreamReader(openFile)) { int conflict = 0; string line; Boolean isRuangan = false; Boolean isKelas = false; string temp = ""; char b; RuanganManagement listOfRuangan = new RuanganManagement(); KelasManagement listOfKelas = new KelasManagement(); /* ADT RUANGAN */ string nama = ""; // Contoh: "7602" int jam_buka = 0; // Contoh: 7 (buka mulai jam 7) int jam_tutup = 0; // Contoh: 14 (tutup jam 14) List <int> hari_buka = new List <int>(); /* ADT KELAS */ // Domain value yang dimiliki 'Kelas' string ruangan = ""; List <string> domainRuangan = new List <string>(); List <int> domainMulai = new List <int>(); // Contoh: [7, 8, 9] (Kelas hanya bisa mulai jam 7, 8, atau 9) List <int> domainHari = new List <int>(); // Contoh: [1, 3, 5] (Kelas hanya bisa dilakukan hari Senin, Rabu, atau Jumat) int durasi = 0; // Contoh: 4 (4 jam) while ((line = readStream.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Equals("")) { // Do nothing } else if (line.Equals("Ruangan")) { isRuangan = true; isKelas = false; } else if (line.Equals("Jadwal")) { isRuangan = false; isKelas = true; } /* Membaca data ruangan */ else if (isRuangan) { var sr = new StringReader(line); int point = 0; temp = ""; hari_buka = new List <int>(); domainMulai = new List <int>(); for (int k = 0; k < line.Length; k++) { b = (char)sr.Read(); if (b == ';') { if (point == 0) { nama = temp; } else if (point == 1) { jam_buka = timeToInt(temp); } else if (point == 2) { jam_tutup = timeToInt(temp); } point++; temp = ""; } else { if (b != ',') { temp += b; } } } var parse = new StringReader(temp); for (int j = 0; j < temp.Length; j++) { char val = (char)parse.Read(); hari_buka.Add(Int32.Parse(val.ToString())); } listOfRuangan.addRuangan(new Ruangan(nama, jam_buka, jam_tutup, hari_buka)); } /* Menambah info kelas */ else if (isKelas) { var sr = new StringReader(line); int point = 0; temp = ""; hari_buka = new List <int>(); domainRuangan = new List <string>(); for (int k = 0; k < line.Length; k++) { b = (char)sr.Read(); if ((point == 1) && (b != ';')) { if (b == ',') { domainRuangan.Add(temp); temp = ""; } else { temp += b; } } else if (b == ';') { if (point == 0) { nama = temp; } else if (point == 1) { domainRuangan.Add(temp); } else if (point == 2) { jam_buka = timeToInt(temp); } else if (point == 3) { jam_tutup = timeToInt(temp); } else if (point == 4) { durasi = Int32.Parse(temp); } point++; temp = ""; } else { if (b != ',') { temp += b; } } } var parse = new StringReader(temp); for (int j = 0; j < temp.Length; j++) { char val = (char)parse.Read(); hari_buka.Add(Int32.Parse(val.ToString())); } Kelas c = new Kelas(nama, domainRuangan, jam_buka, jam_tutup, durasi, hari_buka, listOfRuangan); listOfKelas.addKelas(c); } } KelasManagement ans = new KelasManagement(); if (user_input.choice == 0) { HillClimbing hc = new HillClimbing(listOfKelas, listOfRuangan); ans = hc.getSol(); ViewData["Choice"] = "Hill Climbing"; } else if (user_input.choice == 1) { SimulatedAnnealing sa = new SimulatedAnnealing(listOfKelas, listOfRuangan); sa.execute(1000, 0.9f); ans = sa.getSol(); ViewData["Choice"] = "Simulated Annealing"; } else if (user_input.choice == 2) { Population p = new Population(); p.generatePopulation(200, listOfKelas); GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(p); for (int ax = 0; ax < 100000; ax++) { if (ga.getSolution().getConflict() == 0) { break; } else { ga.crossover(); ga.mutation(); } } ans = ga.getSolution(); ViewData["Choice"] = "Genetic Algorithm"; } ViewData["tes"] = ans.getConflict(); int i = 0; // Inisialisasi for (int j = 7; j < 18; j++) { for (int k = 1; k < 6; k++) { ViewData["marker" + j.ToString() + k.ToString()] = 5; ViewData["nama" + j.ToString() + k.ToString()] = ""; ViewData["ruangan" + j.ToString() + k.ToString()] = ""; } } // Pengisian kelas di tabel foreach (Kelas k in ans.getArrayKelas()) { ViewData["nama" + i.ToString()] = k.getNama(); ViewData["ruangan" + i.ToString()] = k.getNamaRuangan(); ViewData["durasi" + i.ToString()] = k.getDurasi(); ViewData["hari" + i.ToString()] = k.getHari(); ViewData["jam" + i.ToString()] = k.getMulai(); for (int z = k.getMulai(); z < (k.getMulai() + k.getDurasi()); z++) { if (ViewData["ruangan" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()].Equals("")) { ViewData["kelas" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] = i.ToString(); ViewData["marker" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] = 0; ViewData["nama" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] = k.getNama(); ViewData["ruangan" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] = k.getNamaRuangan(); //Kurangi waktu available dan tambahkan waktu terpakai; listOfRuangan.getRuangan(k.getNamaRuangan()).decrement_waktu_available(); } else if (cekRuanganSama(k.getNamaRuangan(), ViewData["ruangan" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()].ToString())) { conflict++; ViewData["kelas" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] = i.ToString(); ViewData["marker" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] = 1; ViewData["nama" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] += " " + k.getNama(); ViewData["ruangan" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] += " " + k.getNamaRuangan(); } else { ViewData["kelas" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] += " " + i.ToString(); ViewData["marker" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] = 2; ViewData["nama" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] += " " + k.getNama(); ViewData["ruangan" + z.ToString() + k.getHari().ToString()] += " " + k.getNamaRuangan(); /* Kurangi waktu available dan tambahkan waktu terpakai*/ listOfRuangan.getRuangan(k.getNamaRuangan()).decrement_waktu_available(); } } i++; } ViewData["tes"] = conflict; ViewData["Length"] = i; /* Memasukkan data keefektifan untuk ditampilkan di web */ int nRuangan = 0; foreach (Ruangan ruang_ruang in listOfRuangan.getAllRuangan()) { ViewData["namaruangan" + nRuangan.ToString()] = ruang_ruang.getName(); ViewData["efektifitas" + nRuangan.ToString()] = ruang_ruang.getEfektifitasRuangan(); nRuangan++; } ViewData["banyakruangan"] = nRuangan; } ViewData["color0"] = "green"; ViewData["color1"] = "yellow"; ViewData["color2"] = "brown"; ViewData["color3"] = "blue"; ViewData["color4"] = "black"; ViewData["color5"] = "aqua"; ViewData["color6"] = "purple"; ViewData["color7"] = "wood"; ViewData["color8"] = "pink"; ViewData["color9"] = "orange"; ViewData["Start"] = 1; return(View()); }
static void TestRun(bool randomWorkloadJumps, string fileName) { // Ported from Console.WriteLine("Running Hill Climbing algorithm ({0})", fileName); var options = new HillClimbingOptions(); options.MinThreads = () => 2; options.MaxThreads = () => 1000; var hc = new HillClimbing(options); int newMax = 0, threadAdjustmentInterval = 0; long totalCompletions = 0, priorCompletionCount = 0; int timer = 0, lastSampleTimer = 0; int currentThreadCount = options.MinThreads(); hc.ForceChange(currentThreadCount, HillClimbingStateTransition.Initializing); var randomGenerator = new Random(); using (var fp = new StreamWriter(fileName)) { fp.WriteLine("Time,Throughput,Threads"); for (int mode = 1; mode <= 5; mode++) { int currentWorkLoad = 0; switch (mode) { case 1: case 5: currentWorkLoad = 3; break; case 2: case 4: currentWorkLoad = 7; break; case 3: currentWorkLoad = 10; break; default: currentWorkLoad = 1; break; } bool reportedMsgInWorkload = false; int workLoadForSection = currentWorkLoad * 500; while (workLoadForSection > 0) { if (randomWorkloadJumps) { int randomValue = randomGenerator.Next(21); // 0 to 20 if (randomValue >= 19) { int randomChange = randomGenerator.Next(-2, 3); // i.e. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 (not 3) if (randomChange != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Changing workload from {0} -> {1}\n", currentWorkLoad, currentWorkLoad + randomChange); currentWorkLoad += randomChange; } } } timer += 1; //tick-tock, each iteration of the loop is 1 second totalCompletions += currentThreadCount; workLoadForSection -= currentThreadCount; //fprintf(fp, "%d,%d\n", min(currentWorkLoad, currentThreadCount), currentThreadCount); double randomNoise = randomGenerator.NextDouble() / 100.0 * 5; // [0..1) -> [0..0.01) -> [0..0.05) fp.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2}", timer, (Math.Min(currentWorkLoad, currentThreadCount) * (0.95 + randomNoise)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), currentThreadCount); // Calling HillClimbingInstance.Update(..) should ONLY happen when we need more threads, not all the time!! if (currentThreadCount != currentWorkLoad) { // We naively assume that each work items takes 1 second (which is also our loop/timer length) // So in every loop we complete 'currentThreadCount' pieces of work int numCompletions = currentThreadCount; // In win32threadpool.cpp it does the following check before calling Update(..) // if (elapsed*1000.0 >= (ThreadAdjustmentInterval/2)) // // Also 'ThreadAdjustmentInterval' is initially set like so ('INTERNAL_HillClimbing_SampleIntervalLow' = 10): // ThreadAdjustmentInterval = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_HillClimbing_SampleIntervalLow); double sampleDuration = (double)(timer - lastSampleTimer); if (sampleDuration * 1000.0 >= (threadAdjustmentInterval / 2)) { newMax = hc.Update(currentThreadCount, sampleDuration, numCompletions, out threadAdjustmentInterval); Console.WriteLine("Mode = {0}, Num Completions = {1} ({2}), New Max = {3} (Old = {4}), threadAdjustmentInterval = {5}", mode, numCompletions, totalCompletions, newMax, currentThreadCount, threadAdjustmentInterval); if (newMax > currentThreadCount) { // Never go beyound what we actually need (plus 1) int newThreadCount = Math.Min(newMax, currentWorkLoad + 1); // + 1 if (newThreadCount != 0 && newThreadCount > currentThreadCount) { // We only ever increase by 1 at a time! Console.WriteLine("*** INCREASING thread count, from {0} -> {1} (CurrentWorkLoad = {2}, Hill-Climbing New Max = {3})***", currentThreadCount, currentThreadCount + 1, currentWorkLoad, newMax); currentThreadCount += 1; } else { Console.WriteLine("*** SHOULD HAVE INCREASED thread count, but didn't, newMax = {0}, currentThreadCount = {1}, currentWorkLoad = {2}", newMax, currentThreadCount, currentWorkLoad); } } else if (newMax < (currentThreadCount - 1) && newMax != 0) { Console.WriteLine("*** DECREASING thread count, from {0} -> {1} (CurrentWorkLoad = {2}, Hill-Climbing New Max = {3})***", currentThreadCount, currentThreadCount - 1, currentWorkLoad, newMax); currentThreadCount -= 1; } priorCompletionCount = totalCompletions; lastSampleTimer = timer; } else { Console.WriteLine("Sample Duration is too small, current = {0}, needed = {1} (threadAdjustmentInterval = {2})", sampleDuration, (threadAdjustmentInterval / 2) / 1000.0, threadAdjustmentInterval); } } else { if (reportedMsgInWorkload == false) { Console.WriteLine("Enough threads to carry out current workload, currentThreadCount = {0}, currentWorkLoad= {1}\n", currentThreadCount, currentWorkLoad); } reportedMsgInWorkload = true; } } fp.Flush(); } } }
private static void Main() { Parameters.Verbosity = VerbosityLevels.Normal; // this next line is to set the Debug statements from OOOT to the Console. Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out)); /* In this example, we first present how the details of an optimzation * problem can be saved to an XML-file so that it can be read in * and solved as opposed to defining all the details in an imperative * (code line by code line) way. In the first function, the xml file * name "test1.xml" is created. */ makeAndSaveProblemDefinition(); /* now we create a series of different optimization methods and test * them on the problem. The problem is now opened from the file and * the details are stored in an object of class "Problem Definition".*/ var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open); double[] xStar; ProblemDefinition probTest1 = ProblemDefinition.OpenprobFromXml(stream); abstractOptMethod opty; /******************Exhaustive Search ***********************/ //SearchIO.output("******************Exhaustive Search ***********************"); //Console.ReadKey(); //opty = new ExhaustiveSearch(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor, optimize.minimize); //opty.Add(probTest1); ///* No convergence criteria is needed as the process concludes when all // * states have been visited but for this problem that is 4 trillion states.*/ //opty.ConvergenceMethods.Clear(); ///* if you DID KNOW the best, you can include a criteria like...*/ //opty.ConvergenceMethods.Add(new ToKnownBestXConvergence(new[] { 3.0, 3.0 }, 0.0000001)); //var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //var fStar = opty.Run(out xStar); ///* you probably will never see this process complete. Even with the added // * convergence criteria (which is not factored into the estimated time of // * completion), you are probably looking at 1 to 2 years. */ //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); /***********Gradient Based Optimization with Steepest Descent****************/ //SearchIO.output("***********Gradient Based Optimization with Steepest Descent****************"); //Console.ReadKey(); //opty = new GradientBasedOptimization(); //opty.Add(probTest1); //abstractSearchDirection searchDirMethod = new SteepestDescent(); //opty.Add(searchDirMethod); ////abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new ArithmeticMean(0.0001, 1, 100); ////abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new DSCPowell(0.0001, 1, 100); //abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new GoldenSection(0.0001, 1); //opty.Add(lineSearchMethod); //opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10)); ///* since this is not a population-based optimization method, we need to remove the MaxSpan criteria. */ //opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence); //timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //fStar = opty.Run(out xStar); //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); ///***********Gradient Based Optimization with Fletcher-Reeves****************/ //SearchIO.output("***********Gradient Based Optimization with Fletcher-Reeves****************"); //Console.ReadKey(); ///* we don't need to reset (invoke the constructor) for GradientBasedOptimization since we are only // * change the seaach direction method. */ //searchDirMethod = new FletcherReevesDirection(); ///* you could also try the remaining 3 search direction methods. */ ////searchDirMethod = new CyclicCoordinates(); ////searchDirMethod = new BFGSDirection(); ////searchDirMethod = new PowellMethod(0.001, 6); //opty.Add(searchDirMethod); //timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //opty.ResetFunctionEvaluationDatabase(); //fStar = opty.Run(out xStar); //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); ///******************Generalized Reduced Gradient***********************/ //SearchIO.output("******************Generalized Reduced Gradient***********************"); //Console.ReadKey(); //opty = new GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet(); //opty.Add(probTest1); //opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10)); //opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence); //timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //fStar = opty.Run(out xStar); //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); /* GRG is the ONLY one here that handles constraints explicity. It find the * optimal very quickly and accurately. However, many of the other show a * better value of f*, this is because they are using an imperfect penalty * function (new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10)). While it seems that GRG * includes it as well, it is only used in the the line search method. */ /******************Random Hill Climbing ***********************/ probTest1.SpaceDescriptor = new DesignSpaceDescription(new[] { new VariableDescriptor(-5000, 5000, 0.1), new VariableDescriptor(-5000, 5000, 0.1) }); SearchIO.output("******************Random Hill Climbing ***********************"); Console.ReadKey(); opty = new HillClimbing(); opty.Add(probTest1); opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 8)); opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor)); opty.Add(new KeepSingleBest(optimize.minimize)); opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence); /* the deltaX convergence needs to be removed as well, since RHC will end many iterations * at the same point it started. */ opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is DeltaXConvergence); var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var fStar = opty.Run(out xStar); printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); /******************Exhaustive Hill Climbing ***********************/ SearchIO.output("******************Exhaustive Hill Climbing ***********************"); Console.ReadKey(); /* Everything else about the Random Hill Climbing stays the same. */ opty.Add(new ExhaustiveNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor)); timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); fStar = opty.Run(out xStar); printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); /******************Simulated Annealing***********************/ SearchIO.output("******************Simulated Annealing***********************"); Console.ReadKey(); opty = new SimulatedAnnealing(optimize.minimize); opty.Add(probTest1); opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10)); opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor, 100)); opty.Add(new SACoolingSangiovanniVincentelli(100)); opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence); /* the deltaX convergence needs to be removed as well, since RHC will end many iterations * at the same point it started. */ opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is DeltaXConvergence); timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); fStar = opty.Run(out xStar); printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer); }
/// <summary> /// This constructor creates a default network to work with. /// </summary> /// <param name="aoe2Directory">Directory of your age of empires game.</param> /// <param name="aiScript">Name of your ai script that you want to generate.</param> public AITrainingModule(string aoe2Directory, string aiScript) { _logger = Program.Logger; _logger.Info("Initializing Training module."); _aoe2Directory = aoe2Directory; _aiScript = aiScript; _numberOfInitialCycles = 100000; _numberOfContinuousCycles = 10000; _numberOfNeuronRefreshes = 0; // Keep track of random number of neurons here. int numberOfInputNeurons = 10; int numberOfHiddenNeurons = 10; int numberOfOutputNeurons = 8; double learningRate = 0.25; _errorList = new LinkedList <double>(); LinearLayer inputLayer = new LinearLayer(numberOfInputNeurons); SigmoidLayer hiddenLayer = new SigmoidLayer(numberOfHiddenNeurons); SigmoidLayer outputLayer = new SigmoidLayer(numberOfOutputNeurons); // Wow, how hidden is really hidden. So that I think these connectors do is // insert themselves as part of the various layers. This really hides the hidden // layer from the network, as only the connectors then modify the hidden layer. // In other words "trained". var conn1 = new BackpropagationConnector(inputLayer, hiddenLayer); var conn2 = new BackpropagationConnector(hiddenLayer, outputLayer); _nueralNetwork = new BackpropagationNetwork(inputLayer, outputLayer); _nueralNetwork.SetLearningRate(learningRate); _nueralNetwork.EndEpochEvent += BackgroundTasks; // hehe call back methods. // Needs to make initial configuration of AI. _logger.Warn("Begining initial training cycle..."); // If this module is being instantiated for the first time, create a comprehensive // knowledge base/ network so it can continue where it last left off. Tweak the // query to filter outliers. _rawMgxStats = StreamUtilities.GetAiDataSet(); _nueralNetwork.EndEpochEvent += (object networkInput, TrainingEpochEventArgs args) => { if (_percent % (_numberOfInitialCycles / 100) == 0 && _percent > 0) { _logger.Info(string.Format("Precent completed {0}%", _percent / (_numberOfInitialCycles / 100))); } _percent++; }; _nueralNetwork.Learn(CompileTrainingSet(_rawMgxStats), _numberOfInitialCycles); _logger.Warn("Finished initial training cycle."); // Get the latest dataset so we can generate some kind of graph and push the data set to database. var knowledgeBase = StreamUtilities.GetLatestAiEntry().ToList(); var aiTrainingSet = CompileTrainingSet(knowledgeBase); _currentStats = knowledgeBase[knowledgeBase.Count - 1]; // push data, hacked to show simple output //double[] veryFirstInput // = //{ // 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2, // 0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2 //}; _climber = new HillClimbing(aiTrainingSet[0].InputVector, _nueralNetwork); // _climber = new HillClimbing(veryFirstInput, _nueralNetwork); // Hardcoding these dimensions int ordinalTracker = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 5; j++) { //write normalized data StreamUtilities.SubmitPlotableData(_climber.GenerateTopologyData(i, j), ordinalTracker); //write unnormalized data. StreamUtilities.SubmitPlotableUnnormailizedData(_climber.GenerateUnormalizedTopologyData(i, j), ordinalTracker); _logger.Debug(string.Format("Writing Axis{0} and Axis{1} with ordinal {2}.", i, j, ordinalTracker)); ordinalTracker++; } } // If input table == output, then a new game is needed if (StreamUtilities.CheckIfNewGameIsNeeded()) { TriggerNewGame(); } }
private void ManipulatorProperties(Manipulator manipulator) { ImGui.Checkbox($"Show collider", ref manipulator.ShowCollider); ImGui.InputFloat3("Goal", ref manipulator.Goal); ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.BeginTabBar("ManipulatorTabs")) { if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Solver")) { int currType = (int)manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver.Type; // TODO: refactor? int newType = currType; ImGui.Combo("Type", ref newType, InverseKinematicsSolver.Types, InverseKinematicsSolver.Types.Length); // change inverse kinematics solver if queried if (newType != currType) { switch ((InverseKinematicsSolverType)newType) { case InverseKinematicsSolverType.JacobianTranspose: manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver = JacobianTranspose.Default(); break; case InverseKinematicsSolverType.JacobianPseudoinverse: manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver = JacobianPseudoinverse.Default(); break; case InverseKinematicsSolverType.DampedLeastSquares: manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver = DampedLeastSquares.Default(); break; case InverseKinematicsSolverType.HillClimbing: manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver = HillClimbing.Default(); break; } } ImGui.Separator(); // inverse kinematics solver properties ImGui.InputFloat("Threshold", ref manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver.Threshold); ImGui.InputInt("Max iterations", ref manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver.MaxIterations); if (manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver is JacobianTranspose jacobianTranspose) { ImGui.InputFloat("Base damping coefficient", ref jacobianTranspose.Damping); } else if (manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver is JacobianPseudoinverse jacobianInverse) { // TODO: input something here? } else if (manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver is DampedLeastSquares dampedLeastSquares) { ImGui.InputFloat("Damping coefficient", ref dampedLeastSquares.Damping); } else if (manipulator.Controller.InverseKinematicsSolver is HillClimbing hillClimbing) { ImGui.InputFloat("Max step size", ref hillClimbing.MaxStepSize); } ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Planner")) { int currType = (int)manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner.Type; int newType = currType; ImGui.Combo("Type", ref newType, PathPlanner.Types, PathPlanner.Types.Length); // change path planner if queried if (newType != currType) { switch ((PathPlannerType)newType) { case PathPlannerType.RRT: manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner = RRT.Default(); break; case PathPlannerType.ARRT: manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner = ARRT.Default(manipulator); break; case PathPlannerType.GeneticAlgorithm: manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner = GeneticAlgorithm.Default(); break; } } ImGui.Separator(); // path planner properties ImGui.Checkbox("Collision check", ref manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner.CollisionCheck); ImGui.InputInt("Max iterations", ref manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner.MaxIterations); ImGui.InputFloat("Threshold", ref manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner.Threshold); if (manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner is RRT rrt) { ImGui.Checkbox($"Show tree", ref rrt.ShowTree); ImGui.InputFloat("Step", ref rrt.Step); ImGui.Checkbox("Enable trimming", ref rrt.EnableTrimming); ImGui.InputInt("Trim period", ref rrt.TrimPeriod); if (rrt is ARRT arrt) { ImGui.InputInt("Attractors count", ref arrt.AttractorsCount); } else { ImGui.InputInt("Goal bias period", ref rrt.GoalBiasPeriod); } } else if (manipulator.Controller.PathPlanner is GeneticAlgorithm geneticAlgorithm) { // TODO: add genetic algorithm related properties ImGui.InputInt("Offspring size", ref geneticAlgorithm.OffspringSize); ImGui.InputInt("Survival size", ref geneticAlgorithm.SurvivalSize); ImGui.InputInt("Bezier control points", ref geneticAlgorithm.BezierControlPointsCount); ImGui.InputFloat("Bezier step", ref geneticAlgorithm.BezierStep); } ImGui.EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui.BeginTabItem("Controller")) { // TODO: add motion control related properties ImGui.EndTabItem(); } ImGui.EndTabBar(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //State state = new State(); //Stack<string> inp = new Stack<string>(); //inp.Push("C"); //inp.Push("B"); //inp.Push("D"); //inp.Push("A"); //inp.Push("E"); //Stack<string> goal = new Stack<string>(); //goal.Push("E"); //goal.Push("D"); //goal.Push("C"); //goal.Push("B"); //goal.Push("A"); //var result = state.GetRouteWithHillClimbng(inp, goal); List <WorkToDo> workToDos = new List <WorkToDo>() { new WorkToDo() { Name = "A", Complexity = 9 }, new WorkToDo() { Name = "B", Complexity = 7 }, new WorkToDo() { Name = "C", Complexity = 16 }, new WorkToDo() { Name = "D", Complexity = 21 }, new WorkToDo() { Name = "E", Complexity = 15 } }; List <WorkerMan> workerMens = new List <WorkerMan>() { new WorkerMan() { Name = "1", Quality = 2, WorkingMinutes = 50 }, new WorkerMan() { Name = "2", Quality = 1, WorkingMinutes = 30 }, new WorkerMan() { Name = "3", Quality = 2, WorkingMinutes = 70 }, new WorkerMan() { Name = "4", Quality = 2, WorkingMinutes = 50 }, new WorkerMan() { Name = "5", Quality = 3, WorkingMinutes = 70 }, new WorkerMan() { Name = "6", Quality = 2, WorkingMinutes = 32 }, new WorkerMan() { Name = "7", Quality = 1, WorkingMinutes = 44 }, new WorkerMan() { Name = "8", Quality = 1, WorkingMinutes = 90 } }; // OptimalizationTransform optimalizationTransform = new OptimalizationTransform(workToDos, workerMens, 1000000, 155); // var solution = optimalizationTransform.HillClimbing(); IHillClimbProblem problem = new HillClimbingProblem(workToDos, workerMens, 100); ISolver solver = new HillClimbing(problem, 155); ISolution solution = solver.Start(); IGeneticAlgorithmProblem geneticAlgorithmProblem = new GeneticAlgorithmProblem(workToDos, workerMens, 100); ISolver genSolver = new GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithm(geneticAlgorithmProblem); ISolution genSolution = genSolver.Start(); IParticleSwarmProblem particleSwarmProblem = new ParticleSwarmProblem(workToDos, workerMens, 100, 150); ISolver psSolver = new ParticleSwarmOptimaziation(particleSwarmProblem); ISolution psSol = psSolver.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); }