예제 #1
        public static IEnumerator CreateRootFolderData(HashSet <string> assetTypes, Action <FolderData> callback)
            var hp = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);

            hp.SetSearchFilter("t:object", 0);

            var folderStack = new Stack <FolderData>();
            var folder      = new FolderData(hp.name, hp.guid.GetHashCode(), hp.depth);

            while (hp.Next(null))
                while (hp.depth <= folder.m_Depth)
                    folder = folderStack.Pop();

                if (hp.isFolder)
                    var folderList = folder.m_Children;
                    if (folderList == null)
                        folderList        = new List <FolderData>();
                        folder.m_Children = folderList;

                    folder = new FolderData(hp.name, hp.guid.GetHashCode(), hp.depth);
                else if (hp.isMainRepresentation) // Ignore sub-assets (mixer children, terrain splats, etc.)
                    var assetList = folder.m_Assets;
                    if (assetList == null)
                        assetList       = new List <AssetData>();
                        folder.m_Assets = assetList;

                    assetList.Add(CreateAssetData(hp, assetTypes));

                // Spend a minimum amount of time in this function, and if we have extra time in the frame, use it
                var time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                if (time - s_ProjectFolderLoadYieldTime > k_MaxFrameTime &&
                    time - s_ProjectFolderLoadStartTime > k_MinFrameTime)
                    s_ProjectFolderLoadYieldTime = time;
                    yield return(null);

                    s_ProjectFolderLoadStartTime = time;

            while (folderStack.Count > 0)
                folder = folderStack.Pop();

예제 #2
    private FolderData CreateFolderData(HashSet <string> assetTypes, HierarchyProperty hp = null)
        if (hp == null)
            hp = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);
            hp.SetSearchFilter("t:object", 0);
        var name       = hp.name;
        var depth      = hp.depth;
        var folderList = new List <FolderData>();
        var assetList  = new List <AssetData>();

        while (hp.Next(null) && hp.depth > depth)
            if (hp.isFolder)
                folderList.Add(CreateFolderData(assetTypes, hp));
            else if (hp.isMainRepresentation)            // Ignore sub-assets (mixer children, terrain splats, etc.)
                assetList.Add(CreateAssetData(assetTypes, hp));
        return(new FolderData(name, folderList.Count > 0 ? folderList.ToArray() : null, assetList.ToArray()));
예제 #3
        private void UpdateAssetList()
            loadedAssets = new List <HierarchyEntry>();

            hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);
            hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(GetFilter(), (int)SearchableEditorWindow.SearchMode.All);

            while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null))

            FilterAssets(ref loadedAssets);


            if (selectionCallback != null)
                SelectedAssetEntry = loadedAssetsFlat.FirstOrDefault();
예제 #4
        void DoObjectSearchInChild(Transform[] objects, string filter)
            var props = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects);

            props.SetSearchFilter(filter, 0);
            while (props.Next(null))
                if (res.Count >= kMaxLists)
                var obj = ((GameObject)EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(props.instanceID));
                if (!obj || (objects.Length > 0 && !objects.Any(x => x && obj.transform.IsChildOf(x))))
                res.Add(new ID()
                    name = props.name,
                    gui  = new GUIContent(props.name, AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(props.pptrValue)),
                    obj  = props.instanceID
예제 #5
        void DoComponentSearch(string filter)

            var types = components.Where((x) => StringContains(x.name, filter));

            var props = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects);

            foreach (var type in types)
                props.SetSearchFilter("t:" + type.name, 0);
                while (props.Next(null))
                    if (res.Count >= kMaxLists)

                    if (!res.Any((x) => props.instanceID == (int)x.obj))
                        res.Add(new ID()
                            name = props.name,
                            gui  = new GUIContent(props.name, AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(
                                                      (props.pptrValue as GameObject).GetComponent(type.type))),
                            obj = props.instanceID
예제 #6
        void DoObjectSubstractiveSearch(string filter)
            var sel = Selection.instanceIDs;

            if (sel.Length == 0)
            var props = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects);

            props.SetSearchFilter(filter, 0);
            while (props.Next(null))
                if (res.Count >= kMaxLists)

                if (sel.Contains(props.instanceID))
                    res.Add(new ID()
                        name = props.name,
                        gui  = new GUIContent(props.name, AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(props.pptrValue)),
                        obj  = props.instanceID
예제 #7
        static void SeeAssetsInPrefab(Object prefab, string asset)
            GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefab) as GameObject;

            obj.transform.parent = Parent;
            HierarchyProperty h = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);

            h.SetSearchFilter("x", 0);
예제 #8
        public static void LoadAllAssetsOfType(string type)
            HierarchyProperty hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(1);

            hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter(type, 2);
            while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null))
예제 #9
        IEnumerator CreateFolderData(Action <FolderData, bool> callback, HashSet <string> assetTypes, bool hasNext = true, HierarchyProperty hp = null)
            if (hp == null)
                hp = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);
                hp.SetSearchFilter("t:object", 0);
            var name       = hp.name;
            var guid       = hp.guid;
            var depth      = hp.depth;
            var folderList = new List <FolderData>();
            var assetList  = new List <AssetData>();

            if (hasNext)
                hasNext = hp.Next(null);
                while (hasNext && hp.depth > depth)
                    if (hp.isFolder)
                        yield return(StartCoroutine(CreateFolderData((data, next) =>
                            hasNext = next;
                        }, assetTypes, hasNext, hp)));
                    else if (hp.isMainRepresentation)                     // Ignore sub-assets (mixer children, terrain splats, etc.)
                        assetList.Add(CreateAssetData(hp, assetTypes));

                    if (hasNext)
                        hasNext = hp.Next(null);

                    // Spend a minimum amount of time in this function, and if we have extra time in the frame, use it
                    if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_ProjectFolderLoadYieldTime > k_MaxFrameTime &&
                        Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_ProjectFolderLoadStartTime > k_MinProjectFolderLoadTime)
                        m_ProjectFolderLoadYieldTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                        yield return(null);

                        m_ProjectFolderLoadStartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                if (hasNext)

            callback(new FolderData(name, folderList.Count > 0 ? folderList : null, assetList, guid), hasNext);
예제 #10
        public static List <string> FindAllTextAssets()
            var hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);

            hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter("t:TextAsset", 0);
            List <string> list = new List <string>();

            while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null))
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the scene blackboard's instance ids.
        /// </summary>
        static void UpdateSceneInstanceIDs()
            // The HierarchyProperty is an undocumented class very uesfull to get all GameObjects in the scene or assets in the project
            var hierarchyProperty = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects);

            // Search for Blackboards
            hierarchyProperty.SetSearchFilter("internalblackboard", (int)SearchableEditorWindow.SearchModeHierarchyWindow.Type);
            // Reset the list of game Object instance ids

            // Go through all objects
            while (hierarchyProperty.Next(null))
                // Populate the GameObject instanceID list
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds Font Awesome on disk and loads it.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadFont(string search, ref Font result)
            // Look in assets folder
            HierarchyProperty fontSearch = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);

            // Set our filter
            fontSearch.SetSearchFilter(search, 0);

            // Loop over all results
            while (fontSearch.Next(null))
                if (fontSearch.pptrValue != null && fontSearch.pptrValue is Font)
                    // Cast our font and load it.
                    result = (Font)fontSearch.pptrValue;
예제 #13
        void DoSceneSearch(string filter)
            var props = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);

            props.SetSearchFilter(filter + " t:Scene", 0);
            while (props.Next(null))
                if (res.Count >= kMaxLists)
                res.Add(new ID()
                    name = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(props.guid),
                    gui  = new GUIContent(props.name, AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(props.pptrValue)),
                    obj  = props.instanceID
        public ScriptForgeStyles()
            LoadFont(FONT_AWESOME_SEARCH_FILTER, ref m_FontAwesomeFont);
            LoadFont(TITLE_FONT_NAME, ref m_TitleFont);
            LoadFont(NORMAL_FONT_NAME, ref m_NormalFont);

            // Spacer
            spacer              = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.box);
            spacer.fixedHeight  = 5f;
            spacer.fixedWidth   = 0f;
            spacer.stretchWidth = true;

            // Title Bar Icon
            titleBarIcon                  = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
            titleBarIcon.fontSize         = 35;
            titleBarIcon.fixedWidth       = 50f;
            titleBarIcon.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Normal;
            titleBarIcon.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            titleBarIcon.wordWrap         = false;
            titleBarIcon.clipping         = TextClipping.Overflow;
            titleBarIcon.imagePosition    = ImagePosition.TextOnly;
            titleBarIcon.font             = fontAwesomeFont;
            titleBarIcon.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            // Title
            title                  = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
            title.fontSize         = 30;
            title.fixedWidth       = 50f;
            title.fixedHeight      = 50f;
            title.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Normal;
            title.alignment        = TextAnchor.LowerLeft;
            title.wordWrap         = false;
            title.contentOffset    = new Vector2(-10f, 10f);
            title.clipping         = TextClipping.Overflow;
            title.imagePosition    = ImagePosition.TextOnly;
            title.font             = rustFont;
            title.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            // Sub Title
            subTitle                  = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
            subTitle.fontSize         = 15;
            subTitle.fixedWidth       = 50f;
            subTitle.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Normal;
            subTitle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            subTitle.wordWrap         = false;
            subTitle.contentOffset    = new Vector2(80, 40f);
            subTitle.clipping         = TextClipping.Overflow;
            subTitle.imagePosition    = ImagePosition.TextOnly;
            subTitle.font             = rustFont;
            subTitle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            // Button
            button             = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button);
            button.fontSize    = 20;
            button.fontStyle   = FontStyle.Normal;
            button.alignment   = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            button.font        = thapkieMGFont;
            button.fixedHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2f;

            // Mini Button Left
            miniButtonLeft           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft);
            miniButtonLeft.fontSize  = 12;
            miniButtonLeft.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
            miniButtonLeft.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            miniButtonLeft.font      = thapkieMGFont;
            buttonLeft             = new GUIStyle(miniButtonLeft);
            buttonLeft.fontSize    = 15;
            buttonLeft.fixedHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2f;

            // Mini Button Middle
            miniButtonMiddle           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButtonMid);
            miniButtonMiddle.fontSize  = 12;
            miniButtonMiddle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
            miniButtonMiddle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            miniButtonMiddle.font      = thapkieMGFont;
            buttonMiddle             = new GUIStyle(miniButtonMiddle);
            buttonMiddle.fontSize    = 15;
            buttonMiddle.fixedHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2f;

            // Mini Button Middle icon
            miniButtonLeftIcon               = new GUIStyle(miniButtonLeft);
            miniButtonLeftIcon.fontSize      = 13;
            miniButtonLeftIcon.stretchWidth  = false;
            miniButtonLeftIcon.stretchHeight = true;
            miniButtonLeftIcon.font          = m_FontAwesomeFont;

            // Mini Button Right
            miniButtonRight           = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButtonRight);
            miniButtonRight.fontSize  = 12;
            miniButtonRight.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
            miniButtonRight.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            miniButtonRight.font      = thapkieMGFont;
            buttonRight             = new GUIStyle(miniButtonRight);
            buttonRight.fontSize    = 15;
            buttonRight.fixedHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * 2f;

            // Widget Header Text
            widgetHeaderText               = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
            widgetHeaderText.fontSize      = 22;
            widgetHeaderText.alignment     = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            widgetHeaderText.wordWrap      = true;
            widgetHeaderText.richText      = true;
            widgetHeaderText.contentOffset = new Vector2(8f, 1f);
            widgetHeaderText.font          = rustFont;
            widgetHeaderIcon               = new GUIStyle(widgetHeaderText);
            widgetHeaderIcon.fixedHeight   = 28f;
            widgetHeaderIcon.fixedWidth    = 28f;
            widgetHeaderIcon.font          = fontAwesomeFont;
            widgetHeaderIcon.contentOffset = new Vector2(5, 2);

            scriptForgeIconSmall = new GUIStyle();
            scriptForgeIconSmall.stretchWidth  = true;
            scriptForgeIconSmall.stretchHeight = true;
            scriptForgeIconSmall.fixedHeight   = 50;
            scriptForgeIconSmall.fixedWidth    = 50;
            scriptForgeIconSmall.margin        = new RectOffset(0, 0, 5, 5);

            // Icon Button
            fontAwesomeButton           = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button);
            fontAwesomeButton.fontSize  = 30;
            fontAwesomeButton.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
            fontAwesomeButton.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            fontAwesomeButton.wordWrap  = false;
            fontAwesomeButton.clipping  = TextClipping.Overflow;
            fontAwesomeButton.font      = fontAwesomeFont;

            HierarchyProperty serach = new HierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.Assets);

            serach.SetSearchFilter("t:Texture ScriptForgeIcon", 0);

            if (serach.pptrValue != null)
                scriptForgeIconSmall.normal.background = (Texture2D)serach.pptrValue;