예제 #1
        public void ConnectWithRoadNetwork()
            /* Set this to true if you want to use real waypoints instead of intermediate ptstops, remember to also change the use_waypoints value in the HTTPRequests.cs file */
            bool use_waypoints = false;

            int   i     = 1;
            float delta = 0.1f;

            foreach (Carpooler P in CarPoolers)
                log.Info(i + "/" + CarPoolers.Count + " Adding carpooling ride id:" + P.Id + " Name:\"" + P.Name + "\" Provider:" + P.Provider +
                         " Departure:" + P.WayPointsOrig.First().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsOrig.First().Longitude +
                         " Destination:" + P.WayPointsOrig.Last().Latitude + "," + P.WayPointsOrig.Last().Longitude +
                         " TripDate:" + P.TripDate + " TripStartTime:" + P.TripStartTime + " to the RoadNetwork");

                /* Find the closest PTstop inside the map along the carpooling ride (but only if the Carpooling ride starting point is outside the map) */
                //Commented because actually we are ONLY considering carpooling rides included into the map
                //setNewDeparturePoint(P, delta, i);

                /* Set the closest PT stops to the departure and to the destination points */
                /* Route planner does not use waypoints, it uses the PT stops */
                if (use_waypoints == false)
                    setTheClosestPTstops(P, i);

                HiddenMarkovModelMapMatcher MapMatcher = new HiddenMarkovModelMapMatcher(ref RoadNetwork, P.WayPointsUsed);

                if (use_waypoints == true)
                    /* Route planner uses waypoints */
                    List <RNode> Nodes = MapMatcher.Match();
                    for (int j = 0; j < Nodes.Count; j++)
                        log.Info("Stops: " + (j + 1) + "/" + Nodes.Count + " - " + Nodes[j].Point.Latitude + "," + Nodes[j].Point.Longitude);
                    ConnectNodesWithRoadNetwork(P, Nodes);
                    /* Route planner does not use waypoints, it uses the PT stops */
                    List <TNodeCarpooling> Nodes = MapMatcher.MatchTNodeCarpooling();
                    for (int j = 0; j < Nodes.Count; j++)
                        log.Info("Stops: " + (j + 1) + "/" + Nodes.Count + " \"" + Nodes[j].StopName + "\" - " + Nodes[j].Point.Latitude + "," + Nodes[j].Point.Longitude);
                    ConnectNodesWithRoadNetworkTNode(P, Nodes);


            if (use_waypoints == true)
예제 #2
        public List <RNode> BuildCarpoolRoutesFromPoints(List <Point> Points)
            HiddenMarkovModelMapMatcher MapMatcher = new HiddenMarkovModelMapMatcher(ref RoadNetwork, Points);
