static void Main(string[] args) { CommandLine.DisplayGoogleSampleHeader("Update Wiki"); CommandLine.EnableExceptionHandling(); using (Hg wiki = Hg.Clone("")) using (Hg samples = Hg.Clone("")) { // Make all the changes. UpdateWiki(wiki, samples, null, null); // Show them to the user. CommandLine.WriteAction("Opening modified working directory ..."); if (!wiki.HasUncommitedChanges) { CommandLine.WriteAction("No changes detected."); CommandLine.PressAnyKeyToExit(); } else { CommandLine.WriteAction("Showing diff ..."); wiki.ShowDiff(); Process.Start(wiki.WorkingDirectory); if (CommandLine.RequestUserChoice("Do you want to push these changes to the server?")) { wiki.Commit("Updated the generated section of the"); wiki.Push(); } } } }
/// <summary> Checks out all repositories. </summary> private static void CheckoutRepositories() { CommandLine.WriteLine("{{white}} ======================================="); CommandLine.WriteLine("{{white}} Checking out repositories"); CommandLine.WriteLine("{{white}} ======================================="); const string URL = "{0}/"; if (Arguments.UseLocalRepository) { CommandLine.WriteAction("Using local Default repository. This won't release!"); Default = Hg.Get("../../../../../", string.Format(URL, "")); } else { Default = Hg.Get("default", string.Format(URL, "")); if (BuildVersion != 0) { Default.Update(string.Format("{0}.{1}", MajorVersion, MinorVersion)); } } Samples = Hg.Get("samples", string.Format(URL, ".samples")); Wiki = Hg.Get("wiki", string.Format(URL, ".wiki")); Contrib = Hg.Get("contrib", string.Format(URL, ".contrib")); AllRepositories = new[] { Default, Wiki, Contrib, Samples }; CommandLine.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> Set the default Mercurial installation. Must be called for all other methods to work. </summary> public void SetDefault(Hg hgDefault) { Hg.Default = hgDefault; // This allows SF to intercept some Hg commands involving registration codes Hg.DefaultRunnerCreationFunc = (installPathArg, repositoryArg, mergePathArg) => new SFHgRunner(installPathArg, repositoryArg, mergePathArg); }
private static string GetOriginalFileName(string fileName) { if (VisualHgFileStatus.Matches(fileName, HgFileStatus.Renamed | HgFileStatus.Copied)) { return(Hg.GetRenamedFileOriginalName(fileName)); } return(fileName); }
public void DetectsRepositoryTheCheapWay() { using (var repoDirectory = new SelfCleaningDirectory()) { var hg = new Hg(new HgProcess(), new HgXmlLogParser(), repoDirectory.Path); Assert.That(hg.IsRepository, Is.False); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(repoDirectory.Path, ".hg")); Assert.That(hg.IsRepository); } }
static void GUITest_BadCommand() { if (VersionControl.versionControlType == VersionControlType.Git) { UVCProcessPopup.Init(Git.RunGit("notarealcommand", CommandLine.EmptyHandler), false, true, null, false); } else { UVCProcessPopup.Init(Hg.RunHg("notarealcommand", CommandLine.EmptyHandler), false, true, null, false); } }
static void CoreTest_BadCommand() { if (VersionControl.versionControlType == VersionControlType.Git) { Git.RunGit("notarealcommand", OnProcessExit); } else { Hg.RunHg("notarealcommand", OnProcessExit); } }
public void Update(string root) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(root)) { return; } lock (SyncRoot) { items[root] = Hg.GetCurrentBranchName(root); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the Wiki /// </summary> public static void UpdateWiki(Hg wiki, Hg samples, string releaseNotes, string zipDir) { // Make the changes. CommandLine.WriteAction("Updating '' ..."); new APILibrariesPage(samples).InsertIntoFile(Path.Combine(wiki.WorkingDirectory, "")); if (releaseNotes != null) { CommandLine.WriteAction("Updating '' ..."); new DownloadsPage(releaseNotes, zipDir).InsertIntoFile( Path.Combine(wiki.WorkingDirectory, "")); } }
public void VersionNaughtDotNaughtReturnedWhenVersionTextNotFound() { var processMock = new Mock<IHgProcess>(); processMock .Setup(p => p.Execute(It.IsAny<HgArguments>())) .Returns(new HgResult(false, "I have no idea what you're talking about.", "")) .AtMostOnce() .Verifiable(); using (var repoDirectory = new SelfCleaningDirectory()) { var hg = new Hg(processMock.Object, new HgXmlLogParser(), repoDirectory.Path); var actual = hg.Version; Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(new Version(0, 0))); } }
/// <summary>The main release logic for creating a new release of Google.Apis.</summary> private void Run() { DefaultRepository = new Hg(new Uri(string.Format(CloneUrlFormat, "")), options.IsLocal ? null : "default"); // Step 1 is only for creating the core Google.Apis packages. if (options.Step == 1) { DoStep1(); } // Step 2 should be done after the NuGet publisher generated all the APIs and the samples repository was // updated with the new packages else if (options.Step == 2) { DoStep2(); } }
public void CurrentBranchFunctionsAsDesigned() { var expected = new Branch("differenty"); using (var repoDirectory = new SelfCleaningDirectory()) { InitializeRepository(repoDirectory); Enumerable.Range(1, 5).ToList().ForEach(i => AddRandomCommit(repoDirectory)); ChangeToBranch(repoDirectory, expected); Enumerable.Range(1, 5).ToList().ForEach(i => AddRandomCommit(repoDirectory)); var provider = new Hg(DefaultProcessExecutor, _defaultXmlLogParser, repoDirectory.Path); provider.Update(Branch.Default.AsTag().AsRevision()); Assert.That(provider.CurrentBranch, Is.EqualTo(Branch.Default)); provider.Update(expected.AsTag().AsRevision()); Assert.That(provider.CurrentBranch, Is.EqualTo(expected)); } }
public void VersionFindsAnyVersionyLookingThingInFirstLine() { var processMock = new Mock<IHgProcess>(); processMock .Setup(p => p.Execute(It.IsAny<HgArguments>())) .Returns(new HgResult(false, "I have no idea what you're talking about, but version 51.50.\r\nMaybe you mean version 19.84?", "")) .AtMostOnce() .Verifiable(); using (var repoDirectory = new SelfCleaningDirectory()) { var hg = new Hg(processMock.Object, new HgXmlLogParser(), repoDirectory.Path); var actual = hg.Version; Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(new Version(51, 50))); } }
public static void ShowDiffWindow(string fileName) { var root = HgPath.FindRepositoryRoot(fileName); var parent = GetOriginalFileName(fileName); var temp = Hg.CreateParentRevisionTempFile(parent, root); var revision = Hg.GetParentRevision(root) ?? "(parent revision)"; var tempName = GetDisplayName(parent, revision, root); var name = GetDisplayName(fileName, root); var diffTool = GetDiffTool(); diffTool.Exited += (s, e) => DeleteFile(temp); try { diffTool.Start(temp, fileName, tempName, name, root); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { MessageBox.Show(Resources.DiffToolNotFound + "\n\n" + diffTool.FileName, Resources.MessageBoxCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// Doing Step 2 of the release process which includes the following: /// <list type="number"> /// <item><description>Builds samples</description></item> /// <item><description>Creates a release notes</description></item> /// <item><description>Update wiki download page</description></item> /// <item><description>Create a new release in the contrib repository</description></item> /// <item><description>Commits, Tags and Pushes</description></item> /// </list> /// </summary> private void DoStep2() { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("========================="); Console.WriteLine("Prerequisites for Step 2:"); Console.WriteLine("You ran Step 1."); Console.WriteLine("You upgraded the Google.Apis NuGet packages for each sample in the samples " + "repository and pushed that change."); Console.WriteLine("========================="); if (!CanContinue()) { return; } SamplesRepository = new Hg(new Uri(string.Format(CloneUrlFormat, ".samples")), "samples"); WikiRepository = new Hg(new Uri(string.Format(CloneUrlFormat, ".wiki")), "wiki"); ContribRepository = new Hg(new Uri(string.Format(CloneUrlFormat, ".contrib")), "contrib"); // if there are incoming changes those changes will be printed, otherwise we can continue in the // process if (!HasIncomingChanges(AllRepositories)) { BuildSamples(); var notes = CreateContribNewRelease(); UpdateWiki(notes); foreach (var repository in AllRepositories) { repository.AddRemoveFiles(); } Console.WriteLine("========================="); Console.WriteLine("Commit, Tag and Push"); Console.WriteLine("========================="); if (!CanContinue()) { return; } // commit CommitAndTag(); // push foreach (Hg repository in AllRepositories) { repository.Push(); } // create branch PrintCreateBranch(); // publish core components to NuGet if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.NuGetApiKey)) { PublishPackagesToNuGet(); Console.WriteLine("Now... you should run the NuGet publisher to publish a new PCL " + "for each generated Google API. Run: " + "Google.Apis.NuGet.Publisher --all_apis true -m publisher -k [NUGET_KEY]"); } else { TraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, "NuGet API key is empty!"); } } }
public APILibrariesPage(Hg samples) { Samples = samples; }