public static object HestonOneOptionPriceMC(double underlying, double riskFreeRate, double kappa, double theta, double sigma, double rho, double v0, double maturity, double strike, string type, int numSamplePaths, int numSteps, [ExcelArgument(Description = "Timeout set to 5 mins if not specified")] int timeOutInMinutes) { try { if (ExcelDnaUtil.IsInFunctionWizard()) { return(null); } if (timeOutInMinutes.Equals(0)) { timeOutInMinutes = 5; } var task = Task.Run(() => Heston.HestonEuropeanOptionPriceMC( new HestonParametersGrading(underlying, riskFreeRate, kappa, theta, sigma, rho, v0), new EuropeanOptionGrading(maturity, strike, GetTypeOfVanillaEuropean(type)), new MonteCarloSettingsGrading(numSamplePaths, numSteps))); if (task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeOutInMinutes))) { return(task.Result); } else { throw new Exception($"Timed out ({timeOutInMinutes} mins)"); } } catch (Exception e) { return("HestonOneOptionPriceMC: unknown error: " + e.Message); } }
public static void Task4() { // Variance Process Values Console.WriteLine("Task 4"); // Variance Process Values double Kappa = 2.0; double Theta = 0.06; double Sigma = 0.4; double V0 = 0.04; double Rho = 0.5; // Heston Model Params double InitialStockPrice = 100; double RiskFreeRate = 0.1; // Option Params double StrikePrice = 100; PayoffType Type = PayoffType.Call; double Maturity = 1; VarianceProcessParameters varParams = new VarianceProcessParameters(Kappa, Theta, Sigma, V0, Rho); HestonModelParameters hestonModel = new HestonModelParameters(InitialStockPrice, RiskFreeRate, varParams); // ************Task 4 Print**************** System.Console.WriteLine("*********************"); HestonModelParamPrint(varParams, hestonModel); EuropeanOption euOption = new EuropeanOption(StrikePrice, Type, Maturity); double priceForm = Heston.HestonEuropeanOptionPrice(hestonModel, euOption); System.Console.WriteLine("K={0}, T={1}, refPrice={2}", StrikePrice, Maturity, priceForm); //Prepare csv var csv = new StringBuilder(); String newLine = string.Format("Trials, Time Steps, relError"); csv.AppendLine(newLine); for (int i = 3; i < 5; i++) { // MC Simulation Params int NumberOfTrials = (int)Math.Pow(10, i); double[] factor = new double[3] { 0.5, 1, 2 }; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int NumberOfTimeSteps = (int)Math.Ceiling(factor[j] * 365 * Maturity); MonteCarloSettings monteCarloSettings = new MonteCarloSettings(NumberOfTrials, NumberOfTimeSteps); double price = Heston.HestonEuropeanOptionPriceMC(hestonModel, euOption, monteCarloSettings); System.Console.WriteLine("K={0}, T={1}, #Trials={2}, #TimeSteps={3}, rel_error={4}", StrikePrice, Maturity, NumberOfTrials, NumberOfTimeSteps, Math.Abs(priceForm - price) / priceForm); newLine = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", NumberOfTrials, NumberOfTimeSteps, Math.Abs(priceForm - price) / priceForm); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } } //Write to csv File.WriteAllText(@"./task4.csv", csv.ToString()); System.Console.WriteLine("*********************"); System.Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); }
public static void Task3() { // Variance Process Values Console.WriteLine("Task 3"); // Variance Process Values double Kappa = 2.0; double Theta = 0.06; double Sigma = 0.4; double V0 = 0.04; double Rho = 0.5; // Heston Model Params double InitialStockPrice = 100; double RiskFreeRate = 0.1; // Option Params double StrikePrice = 100; PayoffType Type = PayoffType.Call; double[] Maturity = new double[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 }; VarianceProcessParameters varParams = new VarianceProcessParameters(Kappa, Theta, Sigma, V0, Rho); HestonModelParameters hestonModel = new HestonModelParameters(InitialStockPrice, RiskFreeRate, varParams); // ************Task 3 Print**************** System.Console.WriteLine("*********************"); HestonModelParamPrint(varParams, hestonModel); //Prepare csv var csv = new StringBuilder(); String newLine = string.Format("K, T, Price, refPrice"); csv.AppendLine(newLine); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // MC Simulation Params int NumberOfTrials = (int)1e5; int NumberOfTimeSteps = (int)Math.Ceiling(365 * Maturity[i]); EuropeanOption euOption = new EuropeanOption(StrikePrice, Type, Maturity[i]); MonteCarloSettings monteCarloSettings = new MonteCarloSettings(NumberOfTrials, NumberOfTimeSteps); double priceForm = Heston.HestonEuropeanOptionPrice(hestonModel, euOption); double price = Heston.HestonEuropeanOptionPriceMC(hestonModel, euOption, monteCarloSettings); System.Console.WriteLine("K={0}, T={1}, C_MC={2}, C_form={3}", StrikePrice, Maturity[i], price, priceForm); newLine = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", StrikePrice, Maturity[i], price, priceForm); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } //Write to csv File.WriteAllText(@"./task3.csv", csv.ToString()); System.Console.WriteLine("*********************"); System.Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); }