예제 #1
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject)
            // get the movement script
            HeroPathfinding3D moveObject = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <HeroPathfinding3D>("HeroPathfinding3D");

            if (moveObject != null)
예제 #2
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject)
            // get the rigid body
            Rigidbody rigidbody = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <Rigidbody>("Rigidbody");

            if (rigidbody != null)
                rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
예제 #3
파일: EndIf.cs 프로젝트: antfitch/HeroKit
        // No actions for the End action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
예제 #4
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject)
            // stop the audio clip
            AudioSource audioSource = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <AudioSource>("AudioSource-BGS", false);

            if (audioSource != null)
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the ID of the event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the event.</returns>
        public static int GetEventID(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the state ID
            int eventID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[2];

예제 #6
        public GameObject ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, bool useName, string name, bool useTag, string tag, bool useLayer, int layer)
            // go through children and search for match
            GameObject targetGameObject = null;
            int        children         = targetObject.transform.childCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < children; i++)
                Transform childObject      = targetObject.transform.GetChild(i);
                bool      haveCorrectName  = false;
                bool      haveCorrectTag   = false;
                bool      haveCorrectLayer = false;
                bool      needName         = false;
                bool      needTag          = false;
                bool      needLayer        = false;

                if (useName)
                    needName = true;
                    if (childObject.name == name)
                        haveCorrectName = true;

                if (useTag)
                    needTag = true;
                    if (childObject.tag == tag)
                        haveCorrectTag = true;

                if (useLayer)
                    needLayer = true;
                    if (childObject.gameObject.layer == layer)
                        haveCorrectLayer = true;

                if (needName == haveCorrectName && needTag == haveCorrectTag && needLayer == haveCorrectLayer)
                    targetGameObject = childObject.gameObject;

            // save the game object
            GameObjectFieldValue.SetValueB(targetObject, 8, targetGameObject);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from an object field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The value from the object field.</returns>
        public static Rigidbody GetValue(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the value
            Rigidbody rigidbody = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].component as Rigidbody;

            // Return the value
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from a color field.
        /// This is for a field that contains Value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The color.</returns>
        public static Color GetValue(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the value
            Color value = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].colors[0];

            // Return the value
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a value from an object field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The value from the object field.</returns>
        public static T GetValue <T>(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID) where T : Object
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the value
            T value = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].component as T;

            // Return the value
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a hero kit property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The hero kit property.</returns>
        public static HeroKitProperty GetValue(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the value
            HeroKitProperty value = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].heroProperties[0];

            // Return the value
예제 #11
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, string animationName)
            // get the animator component
            Animator animator = targetObject.GetHeroChildComponent <Animator>("Animator", HeroKitCommonRuntime.visualsName);

            // animate the target
            if (animator != null)
                animator.SetBool(animationName, false);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a hero kit object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveData">Save state data for the hero kit object.</param>
        public static void LoadHeroKitObject(HeroSaveData saveData)
            // get the hero kit object to update
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitDatabase.GetHeroKitObject(saveData.heroGUID);

            // if the hero kit object does not exist, add it to the scene
            if (targetObject == null)
                targetObject = CreateHeroKitObject(saveData);
                targetObject.gameObject.name = saveData.gameObjectName;
                // change name of game object in scene
                targetObject.gameObject.name = saveData.gameObjectName;

            // update transform data
            AddTransform(targetObject, saveData);

            // add hero object if needed
            AddHeroObject(targetObject, saveData);

            // set the state of the hero object
            targetObject.heroStateData.state = saveData.stateID;

            // set the variables for the hero object
            AddVariables(targetObject.heroList.ints.items, saveData.variableInts);
            AddVariables(targetObject.heroList.floats.items, saveData.variableFloats);
            AddVariables(targetObject.heroList.bools.items, saveData.variableBools);
            AddVariables(targetObject.heroList.strings.items, saveData.variableStrings);

            // set the properties for the hero object
            int pIntCount    = 0;
            int pFloatCount  = 0;
            int pBoolCount   = 0;
            int pStringCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < saveData.propertyCount; i++)
                AddProperties <IntField, int>(targetObject.heroProperties[i].itemProperties.ints.items, saveData.propertyInts, pIntCount, saveData.pIntCount[i]);
                AddProperties <FloatField, float>(targetObject.heroProperties[i].itemProperties.floats.items, saveData.propertyFloats, pFloatCount, saveData.pFloatCount[i]);
                AddProperties <BoolField, bool>(targetObject.heroProperties[i].itemProperties.bools.items, saveData.propertyBools, pBoolCount, saveData.pBoolCount[i]);
                AddProperties <StringField, string>(targetObject.heroProperties[i].itemProperties.strings.items, saveData.propertyStrings, pStringCount, saveData.pStringCount[i]);

                pIntCount    += saveData.pIntCount[i];
                pFloatCount  += saveData.pFloatCount[i];
                pBoolCount   += saveData.pBoolCount[i];
                pStringCount += saveData.pStringCount[i];

            // set state of hero kit object
예제 #13
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, int speed, int animationType, string walkAnimation, string idleAnimation)
            // get the movement script
            SpaceShooterController3D moveObject = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <SpaceShooterController3D>("SpaceShooterController3D", true);

            moveObject.settings.animationType = animationType;
            moveObject.settings.speed         = speed;
            moveObject.settings.moveDefault   = walkAnimation;
            moveObject.settings.lookDefault   = idleAnimation;
            moveObject.enabled = true;
예제 #14
        public string ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, string scriptName, MethodInfo method)
            // get the component that contains the script

            MonoBehaviour component = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetComponentFromScript(heroKitObject, targetObject, scriptName);

            // get the parameters for the script
            System.Object[] parameters = new System.Object[0];
            if (component != null)
                parameters = ParameterValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 4, method);
                Debug.LogError(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, "Component does not exist on the game object."));

            // invoke the method in the script
            System.Object returnValue = method.Invoke(component, parameters);

            // save the return value in the hero object
            ParameterValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 20, 21, returnValue);

            // debug string
            string debugInfo = "";

            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string argumentNames = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                    if (parameters[i] != null)
                        argumentNames += ", arg[" + i + "]=" + parameters[i].ToString();
                string returnName = "";
                if (returnValue != null)
                    returnName += ", return=" + returnValue.ToString();

                debugInfo = argumentNames + returnName;
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a method from a method field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The method.</returns>
        public static MethodInfo GetValue(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the value
            MethodInfo value = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].method.methodInfo;

            // Return the value
예제 #16
        public void CloseSaveMenu()
            // get the menu
            HeroKitObject targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetPrefabFromAssets(HeroKitCommonRuntime.settingsInfo.saveMenu, true);

            if (targetObject != null)
                // disable the canvas
                Canvas canvas = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <Canvas>("Canvas");
                canvas.enabled = false;
예제 #17
        // Gets objects in a scene that match a certerin criteria
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            // Get variables
            heroKitObject = hko;
            SceneObjectValueData objectData = SceneObjectValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 0, 1, false);
            HeroKitListenerUI    listener   = null;

            if (objectData.heroKitObject != null)
                listener = objectData.heroKitObject[0].GetHeroComponent <HeroKitListenerUI>("HeroKitListenerUI");
            else if (objectData.gameObject != null)
                listener = heroKitObject.GetGameObjectComponent <HeroKitListenerUI>("HeroKitListenerUI", false, objectData.gameObject[0]);

            if (listener != null)
                // get item id
                bool getItemID = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 2);
                if (getItemID)
                    listener.itemID = IntegerFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 3);

                // get item
                bool getItem = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 9);
                if (getItem)
                    listener.item = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueC(heroKitObject, 10);

                // get hero kit object, state, and event to play
                bool getEvent = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 6);
                if (getEvent)
                    listener.sendNotificationsHere = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 7)[0];
                    listener.stateID = EventValue.GetStateID(heroKitObject, 8);
                    listener.eventID = EventValue.GetEventID(heroKitObject, 8);

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Listener: " + listener;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

예제 #18
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, string animationName)
            // get the animator component
            Animator animator = targetObject.GetHeroChildComponent <Animator>("Animator", HeroKitCommonRuntime.visualsName);

            if (animator != null)
                // get the movement script
                moveObject = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <HeroMove3D>("HeroMove3D", true);
                moveObject.settings.moveDefault = animationName;
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the GUID of the first hero kit object in a hero object field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject">The hero kit object that contains the data for this action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionFieldID">ID assigned to action field A.</param>
        /// <returns>The GUID of the first hero kit object in a hero object field.</returns>
        public static int GetValueD(HeroKitObject heroKitObject, int actionFieldID)
            // Get the action
            HeroAction action = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock].actions[heroKitObject.heroStateData.action];

            // Get the game object
            HeroObjectFieldData goData = new HeroObjectFieldData();

            goData.heroGUID = action.actionFields[actionFieldID].ints[4];

예제 #20
        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            // get field values
            SceneObjectValueData data = SceneObjectValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 0, 1, false);

            GameObject[] targetObject = HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetGameObjectsFromSceneObjects(data);
            Vector3      position     = new Vector3();
            bool         changeX      = false;
            bool         changeY      = false;
            bool         changeZ      = false;
            bool         runThis      = (targetObject != null && targetObject.Length > 0);

            // get value from first game object in list
            if (runThis)
                position = targetObject[0].transform.localEulerAngles;

                changeX = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 2);
                if (changeX)
                    FloatFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 3, position.x);

                changeY = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 4);
                if (changeY)
                    FloatFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 5, position.y);

                changeZ = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 6);
                if (changeZ)
                    FloatFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 7, position.z);

            // debugging stuff
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string xStr         = (changeX) ? "X: " + position.x + " " : "";
                string yStr         = (changeY) ? "Y: " + position.y + " " : "";
                string zStr         = (changeZ) ? "Z: " + position.z + " " : "";
                string debugMessage = "Rotation coordinates: " + xStr + yStr + zStr;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

예제 #21
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, bool useLayers)
            // get the jump script & set values
            HeroSettings2D moveObject = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <HeroSettings2D>("HeroSettings2D", true);

            moveObject.useJumpLayermask = useLayers;
            moveObject.jumpLayermask    = LayerMaskValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 3);

            //if (!moveObject.haveJumped)
            //    moveObject.enabled = false;
예제 #22
        public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, int speed, int moveType, int animationType)
            // get the movement script
            HeroSettings2D moveSettings = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <HeroSettings2D>("HeroSettings2D", true);

            moveSettings.animType  = (HeroSettings2D.AnimType)(animationType - 1);
            moveSettings.moveType  = (HeroSettings2D.MoveType)(moveType - 1);
            moveSettings.animator  = targetObject.GetHeroChildComponent <Animator>("Animator", HeroKitCommonRuntime.visualsName);
            moveSettings.moveSpeed = speed;
            moveSettings.faceDir   = HeroSettings2D.FaceDir.down;

            RpgController2D moveObject = targetObject.GetHeroComponent <RpgController2D>("RpgController2D", true);
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the target game object for the camera to follow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="heroKitObject"></param>
        private void GetTarget(HeroKitObject heroKitObject)
            // exit early if there is no target object for this camera controller
            if (targetObject == null)
                enabled = false;

            // set up target info
            target     = heroKitObject.transform;
            targetGUID = heroKitObject.heroGUID;
예제 #24
        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;
            eventID       = heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock;
            int actionCount = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[eventID].actions.Count;

            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)

예제 #25
        public static GameObject Create()
            GameObject    go            = new GameObject("Hero Block");
            HeroKitObject heroKitObject = go.AddComponent <HeroKitObject>();

            heroKitObject.heroObject = HeroKitCommon.AddHeroObjectToFolder(false);

            Camera  sceneCam = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera;
            Vector3 spawnPos = sceneCam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.1f, 2.5f));

            go.transform.position = spawnPos;
예제 #26
 public void ExecuteOnTarget(HeroKitObject targetObject, bool includeChildren, int newLayer)
     // set layer
     targetObject.gameObject.layer = newLayer;
     if (includeChildren)
         Transform[] children = targetObject.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(true);
         for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++)
             children[i].gameObject.layer = newLayer;
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Add transform data from save file to hero object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetObject">The hero kit object.</param>
        /// <param name="saveData">The save data for the hero kit object.</param>
        private static void AddTransform(HeroKitObject targetObject, HeroSaveData saveData)
            Vector3 heroPosition = new Vector3(saveData.heroPosition[0], saveData.heroPosition[1], saveData.heroPosition[2]);

            targetObject.transform.localPosition = heroPosition;

            //Vector3 heroRotation = new Vector3(saveData.heroRotation[0], saveData.heroRotation[1], saveData.heroRotation[2]);
            //targetObject.transform.localEulerAngles = heroRotation;

            Vector3 heroScale = new Vector3(saveData.heroScale[0], saveData.heroScale[1], saveData.heroScale[2]);

            targetObject.transform.localScale = heroScale;
예제 #28
        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            string valueName = StringFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            int    valueType = DropDownListValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 0);
            bool   runThis   = (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(valueName));

            if (runThis)
                // integer
                if (valueType == 1)
                    int value = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(valueName);
                    IntegerFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 1, value);
                // float
                else if (valueType == 2)
                    float value = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(valueName);
                    FloatFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 1, value);
                // bool
                else if (valueType == 3)
                    int  value    = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(valueName);
                    bool newValue = (value == 0) ? true : false;
                    BoolFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 1, newValue);
                // string
                else if (valueType == 4)
                    string value = PlayerPrefs.GetString(valueName);
                    StringFieldValue.SetValueB(heroKitObject, 1, value);
                Debug.LogWarning(valueName + " was not found in player preferences.");

            // debug message
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string debugMessage = "Value Type (1=int, 2=float, 3=bool, 4=string): " + valueType + "\n" +
                                      "Value Name: " + valueName;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

        // Gets objects in a scene that match a certerin criteria
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            // Get variables
            heroKitObject = hko;
            eventID       = heroKitObject.heroStateData.eventBlock;
            int actionCount = heroKitObject.heroState.heroEvent[eventID].actions.Count;

            // Get the game objects in the scene that match specific parameters
            int                  actionType     = DropDownListValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 0);
            int                  getHeroFieldID = 1;
            int                  objectCount    = IntegerFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 2);
            GameObject           targetObject   = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 3)[0].gameObject;
            List <HeroKitObject> listObjects    = HeroObjectFieldValue.GetValueB(heroKitObject, 10);

            // convert list objects to array
            HeroKitObject[] arrayObjects = (listObjects != null) ? listObjects.ToArray() : null;

            bool getX = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 4);
            bool getY = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 5);
            bool getZ = BoolValue.GetValue(heroKitObject, 6);

            float x = (getX) ? FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 7) : 0;
            float y = (getY) ? FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 8) : 0;
            float z = (getZ) ? FloatFieldValue.GetValueA(heroKitObject, 9) : 0;

            Vector3 radius = new Vector3(x, y, z);

            // filter the hero kit objects in the scene
            List <HeroKitObject> filteredObjects = HeroActionCommonRuntime.GetHeroObjectsDistance(heroKitObject, arrayObjects, objectCount, radius, getX, getY, getZ, targetObject);

            // assign the hero kit objects to the list
            HeroActionCommonRuntime.AssignObjectsToList(heroKitObject, getHeroFieldID, filteredObjects, actionType);

            // debugging stuff
            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
                string xStr         = (getX) ? "X: " + x + " " : "";
                string yStr         = (getY) ? "Y: " + y + " " : "";
                string zStr         = (getZ) ? "Z: " + z + " " : "";
                string countStr     = (filteredObjects != null) ? filteredObjects.Count.ToString() : 0.ToString();
                string debugMessage = "Get objects in this radius: " + xStr + yStr + zStr + "\n" +
                                      "Objects found: " + countStr;
                Debug.Log(HeroKitCommonRuntime.GetActionDebugInfo(heroKitObject, debugMessage));

예제 #30
        // Execute the action
        public int Execute(HeroKitObject hko)
            heroKitObject = hko;

            HeroKitCommonRuntime.gameIsPaused = true;
            Time.timeScale = 0;

            if (heroKitObject.debugHeroObject)
