예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the Level to Scale Up to
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level">The New Level</param>
        /// <returns>True if New Level Occurs</returns>
        public bool ScaleLevel(int level)
            // Level of < 1 does not need changing
            if (level < 1)

            // Same level does not need changing
            if (level == this.Level)

            // Don't go down in level...
            if (level < this.Level)

            // Level > Max Level
            if (level > LevelTable.MaxLevel)

            // Calculate Experience Remaining based on Lookup...
            Level = level;

            Attribute.MaxHealth = HelperEngine.RollDice(Level, HealthDice);

예제 #2
        // Upgrades to a set level
        public bool ScaleLevel(int newLevel)
            LevelTable lt = new LevelTable();

            // Return false if the requested level is too high
            if (newLevel > LevelTable.MaxLevel)

            // Return false if the requested level is too low
            if (newLevel < this.Level)

            Attribute.Attack  = baseAttack() + AttackBuff + lt.LevelDetailsList[newLevel].Attack;
            Attribute.Defense = baseDefense() + DefenseBuff + lt.LevelDetailsList[newLevel].Defense;
            Attribute.Speed   = baseSpeed() + SpeedBuff + lt.LevelDetailsList[newLevel].Speed;

            Attribute.MaxHealth  = baseHealth() + HealthBuff;
            Attribute.MaxHealth += HelperEngine.RollDice(newLevel - Level, 10);

예제 #3
 //Picks new and randomized stats for the monster
 public void RollStats()
     Attribute.MaxHealth     = 1000 + HelperEngine.RollDice(3, 10);
     Attribute.Attack        = 1000 + HelperEngine.RollDice(3, 10);
     Attribute.Defense       = 1000 + HelperEngine.RollDice(3, 10);
     Attribute.Speed         = 1000 + HelperEngine.RollDice(3, 10);
     Attribute.CurrentHealth = Attribute.MaxHealth;
예제 #4
        public void GameEngine_Helper_Random_For_UnitTests_Roll1_DiceNeg_Should_Have_Known_Values()
            // Turn off random numbers
            GameGlobals.SetForcedRandomNumbers(1, 20);

            var Expected = 0;
            var Actual   = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, -1);

            // Reset

            Assert.AreEqual(Expected, Actual, TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name);
예제 #5
        // Get the Level based damage
        // Then add the damage for the primary hand item as a Dice Roll
        public int GetDamageRollValue()
            var myReturn = GetLevelBasedDamage();

            var myItem = ItemsViewModel.Instance.GetItem(PrimaryHand);

            if (myItem != null)
                // Damage is base damage plus dice of the weapon.  So sword of Damage 10 is d10
                myReturn += HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myItem.Damage);

예제 #6
        // Upgrades to a set level
        public void ScaleLevel(int level)
            // Calculate Experience Remaining based on Lookup...
            Level           = level;
            ExperienceTotal = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Experience;

            Attribute.Attack        = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Attack;
            Attribute.Defense       = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Defense;
            Attribute.Speed         = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Speed;
            Attribute.MaxHealth     = HelperEngine.RollDice(Level, 10);
            Attribute.CurrentHealth = Attribute.MaxHealth;

            AttributeString = AttributeBase.GetAttributeString(Attribute);
예제 #7
        // Will update the Item to be stronger...
        public void ScaleLevel(int level)
            var newValue = 1;

            if (GameGlobals.ForceRollsToNotRandom)
                newValue = level;
                // Add value 1 to level passed in...
                newValue = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, level);

            Value = newValue;
예제 #8
        public void GameEngine_Helper_Random_For_Dice_Should_Have_Known_Range()
            // Turn off random numbers
            GameGlobals.SetForcedRandomNumbers(1, 20);

            var ExpectedMin = 6;
            var ExpectedMax = 6 * 18;

            var Actual = HelperEngine.RollDice(6, 6);

            // Reset

            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(Actual, ExpectedMin, "Min " + TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(Actual, ExpectedMax, "Max " + TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name);
예제 #9
        // Upgrades a monster to a set level
        public bool ScaleLevel(int level)
            // Level of < 1 does not need changing
            if (level < 1)

            // Don't exit on same level, because the settings below need to be calculated
            //// Same level does not need changing
            //if (level == this.Level)
            //    return false;

            // Don't go down in level...
            if (level < this.Level)

            // Level > Max Level
            if (level > LevelTable.MaxLevel)

            // Calculate Experience Remaining based on Lookup...
            Level = level;

            // Get the number of points at the next level, and set it for Experience Total...
            ExperienceTotal     = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level + 1].Experience;
            ExperienceRemaining = ExperienceTotal;

            Damage            = GetLevelBasedDamage() + LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Attack;
            Attribute.Attack  = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Attack;
            Attribute.Defense = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Defense;
            Attribute.Speed   = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Speed;

            Attribute.MaxHealth     = HelperEngine.RollDice(Level, HealthDice, true);
            Attribute.CurrentHealth = Attribute.MaxHealth;

            AttributeString = AttributeBase.GetAttributeString(Attribute);

예제 #10
        // Level Up
        public bool LevelUp()
            // Walk the Level Table descending order
            // Stop when experience is >= experience in the table
            for (var i = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                // Check the Level
                // If the Level is > Experience for the Index, increment the Level.
                if (LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[i].Experience <= ExperienceTotal)
                    var NewLevel = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[i].Level;

                    // When leveling up, the current health is adjusted up by an offset of the MaxHealth, rather than full restore
                    var OldCurrentHealth = Attribute.CurrentHealth;
                    var OldMaxHealth     = Attribute.MaxHealth;

                    // Set new Health
                    // New health, is d10 of the new level.  So leveling up 1 level is 1 d10, leveling up 2 levels is 2 d10.
                    var NewHealthAddition = HelperEngine.RollDice(NewLevel - Level, 10);

                    // Increment the Max health
                    Attribute.MaxHealth += NewHealthAddition;

                    // Calculate new current health
                    // old max was 10, current health 8, new max is 15 so (15-(10-8)) = current health
                    Attribute.CurrentHealth = (Attribute.MaxHealth - (OldMaxHealth - OldCurrentHealth));

                    // Refresh the Attriburte String
                    AttributeString = AttributeBase.GetAttributeString(this.Attribute);

                    // Set the new level
                    Level = NewLevel;

                    // Done, exit

예제 #11
        //Levels up chracter based on level table
        private void LevelUp()
            // Walk the Level Table descending order
            // Stop when experience is >= experience in the table
            for (var i = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                // Check the Level
                // If the Level is > Experience for the Index, increment the Level.
                if (LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[i].Experience <= CurrentExp)
                    var NewLvl = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[i].Level;

                    // When leveling up, the current health is adjusted up by an offset of the MaxHealth, rather than full restore
                    var OldCurrentHealth = CurrentHP;
                    var OldMaxHealth     = MaxHP;

                    // Set new Health
                    // New health, is d10 of the new level.  So leveling up 1 level is 1 d10, leveling up 2 levels is 2 d10.
                    var NewHealthAddition = HelperEngine.RollDice(NewLvl - Lvl, 10);

                    // Increment the Max health
                    MaxHP += NewHealthAddition;

                    // Calculate new current health
                    // old max was 10, current health 8, new max is 15 so (15-(10-8)) = current health
                    CurrentHP = (MaxHP - (OldMaxHealth - OldCurrentHealth));

                    // Refresh the Attriburte String
                    // I WILL DEAL WITH THIS LATER. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    //AttributeString = AttributeBase.GetAttributeString(this.Attribute);

                    // Set the new level
                    Lvl = NewLvl;

                    // Done, exit
예제 #12
파일: Character.cs 프로젝트: loleeta/TRP
        // Upgrades to a set level
        public bool ScaleLevel(int level)
            // Check to see if level is greater than max level
            if (level > LevelTable.MaxLevel)

            // Check to see if level is less than or equal to lowest level
            if (level <= 1)

            // Check to see if scale level is less than current level
            if (level < Level)

            // Set level of character to new level
            Level = level;

            // Get the number of points at the next level, and set it for Experience Total...
            ExperienceTotal = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level + 1].Experience;

            // Update the attributes based on the level
            Attribute.Attack        = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Attack;
            Attribute.Defense       = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Defense;
            Attribute.Speed         = LevelTable.Instance.LevelDetailsList[Level].Speed;
            Attribute.MaxHealth     = HelperEngine.RollDice(Level, HealthDice);
            Attribute.CurrentHealth = Attribute.MaxHealth;

            // Update the attribute string
            AttributeString = AttributeBase.GetAttributeString(Attribute);

예제 #13
        // Return a random item from the list of items...
        public string ChooseRandomItemString(ItemLocationEnum location, AttributeEnum attribute)
            if (location == ItemLocationEnum.Unknown)

            if (Dataset.Count < 1)

            // Get all the items for that location
            var myList = Dataset.Where(a => a.Location == location).ToList();

            // If an attribute is selected...
            if (attribute != AttributeEnum.Unknown)
                // Filter down to the items that fit the attribute
                myList = myList.Where(a => a.Attribute == attribute).ToList();

            if (myList.Count < 1)

            // Pick a random item from the list
            var myRnd = HelperEngine.RollDice(1, myList.Count);

            // Return that item...
            // -1 because of 0 index list...
            var myReturn = myList[myRnd - 1];

예제 #14
파일: Character.cs 프로젝트: loleeta/TRP
        // Get the Level based damage
        // Then add the damage for the primary hand item as a Dice Roll
        public int GetDamageRollValue()
            var myReturn = GetLevelBasedDamage();

            // Get primary hand weapon and determine damage
            var primary = ItemsViewModel.Instance.GetItem(PrimaryHand);

            if (primary != null)
                // Damage is base damage plus dice of the weapon.  So sword of Damage 10 is d10
                myReturn += HelperEngine.RollDice(1, primary.Damage);

            // Get off hand weapon and determine damage
            var offhand = ItemsViewModel.Instance.GetItem(OffHand);

            if (offhand != null)
                // Damage is base damage plus dice of the weapon.  So sword of Damage 10 is d10
                myReturn += HelperEngine.RollDice(1, offhand.Damage);
