예제 #1
 public UHFChanDisplay()
     : base("UHFChanDisplay", new Size(173d, 100d))
     AddTextDisplay("Channel Display", 74, 18, new Size(70, 69), 36d,
                    "23", _interfaceDeviceName, "Channel Display");
     _bezel = AddPanel("UHF Radio Channel Bezel", new Point(0, 0), new Size(173d, 100d), _imageLocation + RADIO_CHANNEL_BEZEL_PNG, "bezel");
예제 #2
 public UHFFreqDisplay()
     : base("UHFFreqDisplay", new Size(289d, 98d))
     AddTextDisplay("Frequency Display", 72, 16, new Size(200, 68), 36d,
                    "A76.543", _interfaceDeviceName, "Frequency Display");
     _bezel = AddPanel("UHF Radio Frequency Bezel", new Point(0, 0), new Size(289d, 98d), _imageLocation + RADIO_FREQUENCY_BEZEL_PNG, "bezel");
예제 #3
 public UHFFreqRepeater()
     : base("UHFFreqRepeater", new Size(387d, 374d))
     AddTextDisplay("UHF Repeater Display", 88, 142, new Size(224, 62), 52d,
                    "888.888", _interfaceDeviceName, "Repeater Display");
     _glass         = AddPanel("UHF Reflection", new Point(0, 0), new Size(387d, 374d), _imageLocation + "Pilot_Reflection_25.png", "reflection");
     _bezel         = AddPanel("UHF Repeater Bezel", new Point(0, 0), new Size(387d, 374d), _imageLocation + PANEL_IMAGE, "bezel");
예제 #4
        protected HeliosPanel AddPanel(string name, Point posn, Size size, string background, string interfaceElement)
            HeliosPanel panel = AddPanel(
                name: name,
                posn: posn,
                size: size,
                background: background

            panel.FillBackground = false;
            panel.DrawBorder     = false;
예제 #5
        private void AddPanel(string name, Point posn, Size size, string background, string interfaceDevice, string interfaceElement)
            HeliosPanel _panel = AddPanel(
                name: name,
                posn: posn,
                size: size,
                background: background

            _panel.FillBackground = false;
            _panel.DrawBorder     = false;
            //_panel.BackgroundAlignment = ImageAlignment.Centered;
예제 #6
        protected HeliosPanel AddPanel(string name, Point posn, Size size, string background)
            HeliosPanel _panel = new HeliosPanel();

            _panel.Left            = posn.X;
            _panel.Top             = posn.Y;
            _panel.Width           = size.Width;
            _panel.Height          = size.Height;
            _panel.BackgroundImage = background;
            _panel.Name            = GetComponentName(name);
예제 #7
        protected HeliosPanel AddPanel(string name, Point posn, Size size, string background)
            HeliosPanel panel = new HeliosPanel
                Left            = posn.X,
                Top             = posn.Y,
                Width           = size.Width,
                Height          = size.Height,
                BackgroundImage = background,
                Name            = GetComponentName(name)

예제 #8
        public DigitalClock()
            : base("DigitalClock", new Size(414d, 405d))
            AddClock("DigitalClockGauge", 0, 0, new Size(414, 405), _interfaceDeviceName, "Time Seconds");

            AddTextDisplay("HHMM", 100, 159, new Size(180, 80), 54d,
                           "00:00", _interfaceDeviceName, "Time Hours:Mins");
            AddTextDisplay("SS", 160, 210, new Size(77, 80), 54d,
                           "88", _interfaceDeviceName, "Time Seconds");
            AddTextDisplay("Clock Function", 180, 258, new Size(53, 60), 36d,
                           "CET", _interfaceDeviceName, "Clock Function Type");
            _glass         = AddPanel("Digital Clock Reflection", new Point(0, 0), new Size(414d, 405d), _imageLocation + REFLECTION_IMAGE, "relection");
            _glass.Opacity = GLASS_REFLECTION_OPACITY_DEFAULT;
            _bezel         = AddPanel("Digital Clock Bezel", new Point(0, 0), new Size(414d, 405d), _imageLocation + PANEL_IMAGE, "bezel");
            AddButton("Select", 65, 340, new Size(60, 60), "Toggle Clock and Elapsed Time Modes");
            AddButton("Control", 291, 340, new Size(60, 60), "Start, Stop and Reset Elapsed Timer");
예제 #9
        public CMSC()
            : base("CMSC", new Size(1476, 520))
            _filters = AddPanel("Filters", new Point(0, 0), new Size(1476, 520), _imageLocation + PANEL_IMAGE, _interfaceDeviceName, "Display Filters");
            AddRWRButton("Pri Button", 860, 321, new Size(96, 96), "Priority Button");
            AddRWRButton("Sep Button", 1046, 321, new Size(96, 96), "Separate Button");
            AddRWRButton("Unk Button", 1235, 321, new Size(96, 96), "Unknown Button");
            AddOSBButton("JMR Option Button", 135, 86, new Size(96, 96), "Cycle JMR Program Button");
            AddOSBButton("MWS Option Button", 135, 245, new Size(96, 96), "Cycle MWS Program Button");

            AddPot("Brightness Control", new Point(261, 375), new Size(110, 110), "Brightness");
            AddPot("RWR Volume Control", new Point(503, 375), new Size(110, 110), "RWR Volume");

            AddTextDisplay("MWS Text", 279, 258, new Size(471, 113), "MWS Display", "amsxIJKL", _cmscConversion);
            AddTextDisplay("JMR Text", 279, 100, new Size(471, 113), "JMR Display", "ABCDEFGH", _cmscConversion);
            AddTextDisplay("Chaff Text", 844, 100, new Size(471, 113), "Chaff Flare Display", "12345678", _cmscConversion);

            AddIndicator("Indicator: Missile Launch", "Red", 761, 408, new Size(48, 48), "Missle Launch Indicator");
            AddIndicator("Indicator: Priority", "Green", 869, 222, new Size(48, 48), "Priority Status Indicator");
            AddIndicator("Indicator: Unknown", "Green", 1250, 222, new Size(48, 48), "Unknown Status Indicator");
예제 #10
파일: CMSP.cs 프로젝트: appsou/Helios
        public CMSP()
            : base("CMSP", new Size(666, 404))
            //AddPanel("Filters", new Point(0, 0), new Size(666, 404), _imageLocation + "A-10C_CMSP_Filter_Panel.png", _interfaceDeviceName, "Display Filters");
            AddTextDisplay("Display Line 1 Text", 73, 35, new Size(430, 50), "Line 1 Display", "a1B2C3D4m5s6x7O8", "    =[]]]];   =[]]];  =[]]; =][;");  // These substitutions are for blanks of different widths
            _bezel = AddPanel("Bezel", new Point(0, 0), new Size(666, 404), _imageLocation + PANEL_IMAGE, _interfaceDeviceName, "CMSP Bezel");
            AddOSBButton("OSB 1", 86, 168, new Size(64, 64), "OSB 1");
            AddOSBButton("OSB 2", 175, 168, new Size(64, 64), "OSB 2");
            AddOSBButton("OSB 3", 275, 168, new Size(64, 64), "OSB 3");
            AddOSBButton("OSB 4", 367, 168, new Size(64, 64), "OSB 4");
            AddRTNButton("RTN", 546, 50, new Size(68, 67), "Return to Previous Rotary Menu");

            AddRocker("Page Cycle", new Point(492, 38), new Size(51, 97),
                      ThreeWayToggleSwitchPosition.Two, ThreeWayToggleSwitchType.MomOnMom,
                      _interfaceDeviceName, "Page Cycle", false,
                      _imageLocation + "A-10C_CMSP_NXT_Rocker_Up.png",
                      _imageLocation + "A-10C_CMSP_NXT_Rocker_Middle.png",
                      _imageLocation + "A-10C_CMSP_NXT_Rocker_Down.png",
                      LinearClickType.Touch, false);

            AddThreeWayToggle("MWS Switch", new Point(93, 262), new Size(41, 139), "MWS");
            AddThreeWayToggle("JMR Switch", new Point(186, 262), new Size(41, 139), "JMR");
            AddThreeWayToggle("RWR Switch", new Point(278, 262), new Size(41, 139), "RWR");
            AddThreeWayToggle("Disp Switch", new Point(374, 262), new Size(41, 139), "DISP");
            AddTwoWayToggle("ECM Pod Jettison", 471, 139, new Size(53, 128), "ECM Pod Jettison");
            AddPot("Brightness", new Point(550, 176), new Size(60, 60), "Brightness");
            AddTextDisplay("Display MWS Text", 73, 87, new Size(101, 50), "Line 2 MWS Display", "amsx", _CMSPConversion);
            AddTextDisplay("Display JMR Text", 174, 87, new Size(101, 50), "Line 2 JMR Display", "amsx", _CMSPConversion);
            AddTextDisplay("Display RWR Text", 275, 87, new Size(101, 50), "Line 2 RWR Display", "amsx", _CMSPConversion);
            AddTextDisplay("Display Disp Text", 376, 87, new Size(101, 50), "Line 2 DISP Display", "amsx", _CMSPConversion);
            _positions.Add(new RotarySwitchPosition(this, 1, "OFF", 225d));
            _positions.Add(new RotarySwitchPosition(this, 2, "STBY", 270d));
            _positions.Add(new RotarySwitchPosition(this, 3, "MAN", 315d));
            _positions.Add(new RotarySwitchPosition(this, 4, "SEMI", 0d));
            _positions.Add(new RotarySwitchPosition(this, 5, "AUTO", 45d));
            RotarySwitch knob = AddRotarySwitch("Mode Dial", new Point(478, 269), new Size(125, 125), _imageLocation + "A-10C_CMSP_Knob.png", 1, _positions, _interfaceDeviceName, "Mode Select Dial", false);

            knob.IsContinuous = false;
예제 #11
 public PanelDocument(HeliosPanel panel)
     : this()
     Panel = panel;
예제 #12
        public HARS_Panel()
            : base("HARS", new Size(798, 306))
            AddGauge("HARS_Sync Offset", new A10C.HARS.HARSSync(), new Point(230, 24), new Size(137, 79), _interfaceDeviceName, "SYN-IND Sync Needle");
            AddPanel("Scale Reflection", new Point(230, 24), new Size(137, 91), _imageLocation + "crystal_small.png", _interfaceDeviceName, "HARS Scale Reflection");
            _bezel = AddPanel("HARS Bezel", new Point(0, 0), new Size(798, 306), _imageLocation + HARS_PANEL_PNG, _interfaceDeviceName, "HARS Bezel");
                name: "Hemisphere Selector",
                posn: new Point(500, 213),
                size: new Size(32, 66),
                defaultPosition: ToggleSwitchPosition.One,
                defaultType: ToggleSwitchType.OnOn,
                positionOneImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Small_Toggle_Up.png",
                positionTwoImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Small_Toggle_Down.png",
                interfaceDeviceName: _interfaceDeviceName,
                interfaceElementName: "Hemisphere Selector",
                clickType: LinearClickType.Swipe,
                fromCenter: false

                name: "Mode Switch",
                posn: new Point(487, 37),
                size: new Size(66, 122),
                defaultPosition: ToggleSwitchPosition.One,
                defaultType: ToggleSwitchType.OnOn,
                positionOneImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Slave_Toggle_Up.png",
                positionTwoImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Slave_Toggle_Down.png",
                interfaceDeviceName: _interfaceDeviceName,
                interfaceElementName: "Mode",
                clickType: LinearClickType.Swipe,
                fromCenter: false

                name: "MagVar Switch",
                posn: new Point(353, 213),
                size: new Size(32, 66),
                defaultPosition: ThreeWayToggleSwitchPosition.Two,
                defaultType: ThreeWayToggleSwitchType.OnOnOn,
                positionOneImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Small_Toggle_Up.png",
                positionTwoImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Small_Toggle_Middle.png",
                positionThreeImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Small_Toggle_Down.png",
                interfaceDeviceName: _interfaceDeviceName,
                interfaceElementName: "Magnetic Variation",
                clickType: LinearClickType.Swipe,
                fromCenter: false

            AddPot(name: "Latitude Correction Dial",
                   posn: new Point(562, 63),
                   size: new Size(178, 178),
                   knobImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Knob.png",
                   initialRotation: 225,
                   rotationTravel: 270,
                   minValue: 0,
                   maxValue: 1,
                   initialValue: 0,
                   stepValue: 0.1,
                   interfaceDeviceName: _interfaceDeviceName,
                   interfaceElementName: "Latitude Correction",
                   isContinuous: true,
                   fromCenter: false);

            AddPot(name: "Sync Knob",
                   posn: new Point(121, 171),
                   size: new Size(100, 100),
                   knobImage: _imageLocation + "A-10C_HARS_Heading_Knob.png",
                   initialRotation: 225,
                   rotationTravel: 270,
                   minValue: 0,
                   maxValue: 1,
                   initialValue: 0,
                   stepValue: 0.1,
                   interfaceDeviceName: _interfaceDeviceName,
                   interfaceElementName: "Sync Button Rotate",
                   isContinuous: false,
                   fromCenter: false);

                name: "Sync Button",
                posn: new Point(142, 191),
                size: new Size(48, 48),
                image: _imageLocation + "_Transparent.png",
                pushedImage: _imageLocation + "_Transparent.png",
                buttonText: "",
                interfaceDeviceName: _interfaceDeviceName,
                interfaceElementName: "Sync Button Push",
                fromCenter: false