public bool CompatibleWithPart(BodyPartRecord part, HediffSet hediffSet)
     return((this.whitelist == null || (from h in hediffSet.hediffs // no white list or there is a whitelisted hediff
                                        where h.Part == part
                                        where this.whitelist.Contains(h.def)
                                        select h).Any()) &&
            !(this.whitelist == null && onlyOnNatural && hediffSet.HasDirectlyAddedPartFor(part)));
예제 #2
        public static bool AddDirect(HediffSet __instance, Hediff hediff, DamageInfo?dinfo = null, DamageWorker.DamageResult damageResult = null)
            if (hediff.def == null)
                Log.Error("Tried to add health diff with null def. Canceling.");

            if (hediff.Part != null && !__instance.GetNotMissingParts().Contains(hediff.Part))
                Log.Error("Tried to add health diff to missing part " + hediff.Part);

            hediff.ageTicks = 0;
            hediff.pawn     = __instance.pawn;
            bool flag = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < __instance.hediffs.Count; i++)
                if (__instance.hediffs[i].TryMergeWith(hediff))
                    flag = true;

            if (!flag)
                lock (__instance)
                    //List<Hediff> newHediffs = new List<Hediff>(__instance.hediffs) { hediff };
                    //__instance.hediffs = newHediffs;
                if (__instance.pawn.needs != null && __instance.pawn.needs.mood != null)

            bool flag2 = hediff is Hediff_MissingPart;

            if (!(hediff is Hediff_MissingPart) && hediff.Part != null && hediff.Part != __instance.pawn.RaceProps.body.corePart && __instance.GetPartHealth(hediff.Part) == 0f && hediff.Part != __instance.pawn.RaceProps.body.corePart)
                bool flag3 = __instance.HasDirectlyAddedPartFor(hediff.Part);
                Hediff_MissingPart hediff_MissingPart = (Hediff_MissingPart)HediffMaker.MakeHediff(HediffDefOf.MissingBodyPart, __instance.pawn);
                hediff_MissingPart.IsFresh    = !flag3;
                hediff_MissingPart.lastInjury = hediff.def;
      , hediff.Part, dinfo);
                if (flag3)
                    if (dinfo.HasValue)
                        hediff_MissingPart.lastInjury = HealthUtility.GetHediffDefFromDamage(dinfo.Value.Def, __instance.pawn, hediff.Part);
                        hediff_MissingPart.lastInjury = null;

                flag2 = true;

            if (flag2 && __instance.pawn.apparel != null)

            if (hediff.def.causesNeed != null && !__instance.pawn.Dead)
예제 #3
        public static bool CalculatePartEfficiency(ref float __result, HediffSet diffSet, BodyPartRecord part, bool ignoreAddedParts = false, List <CapacityImpactor> impactors = null)
            BodyPartRecord rec;

            for (rec = part.parent; rec != null; rec = rec.parent)
                if (diffSet.HasDirectlyAddedPartFor(rec))
                    Hediff_AddedPart hediff_AddedPart = (from x in diffSet.GetHediffs <Hediff_AddedPart>()
                                                         where x.Part == rec
                                                         select x).First();
                    impactors?.Add(new CapacityImpactorHediff
                        hediff = hediff_AddedPart
                    __result = hediff_AddedPart.def.addedPartProps.partEfficiency;

            if (part.parent != null && diffSet.PartIsMissing(part.parent))
                __result = 0f;

            float num = 1f;

            if (!ignoreAddedParts)
                for (int i = 0; i < diffSet.hediffs.Count; i++)
                    Hediff_AddedPart hediff_AddedPart2 = diffSet.hediffs[i] as Hediff_AddedPart;
                    if (hediff_AddedPart2 != null && hediff_AddedPart2.Part == part)
                        num *= hediff_AddedPart2.def.addedPartProps.partEfficiency;
                        if (hediff_AddedPart2.def.addedPartProps.partEfficiency != 1f)
                            impactors?.Add(new CapacityImpactorHediff
                                hediff = hediff_AddedPart2

            float b    = -1f;
            float num2 = 0f;
            bool  flag = false;

            for (int j = 0; j < diffSet.hediffs.Count; j++)
                Hediff hediff1 = diffSet.hediffs[j];
                if (hediff1 != null && hediff1.Part == part && hediff1.CurStage != null)
                    HediffStage curStage = hediff1.CurStage;
                    num2 += curStage.partEfficiencyOffset;
                    flag |= curStage.partIgnoreMissingHP;
                    if (curStage.partEfficiencyOffset != 0f && curStage.becomeVisible)
                        impactors?.Add(new CapacityImpactorHediff
                            hediff = hediff1

            if (!flag)
                float num3 = diffSet.GetPartHealth(part) / part.def.GetMaxHealth(diffSet.pawn);
                if (num3 != 1f)
                    if (DamageWorker_AddInjury.ShouldReduceDamageToPreservePart(part))
                        num3 = Mathf.InverseLerp(0.1f, 1f, num3);

                    impactors?.Add(new CapacityImpactorBodyPartHealth
                        bodyPart = part
                    num *= num3;

            num += num2;
            if (num > 0.0001f)
                num = Mathf.Max(num, b);

            __result = Mathf.Max(num, 0f);