public Text AddToHeader(Guid headerId, Text text) { if (HeaderRepository.Exists(headerId)) { Header header = HeaderRepository.GetById(headerId); header.StyleClass = null; Header headerForText = header; Content contentOfHeader = headerForText.Content; IEnumerable <Text> headerTexts = TextRepository.GetByContent(contentOfHeader); if (headerTexts.Count() == 0) { text.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); text.Position = 0; text.ContentThatBelongs = contentOfHeader; TextRepository.Add(text); return(text); } else { throw new ExistingTextException("There is an existing text in the selected header."); } } else { throw new MissingHeaderException("This header does not exist in the database"); } }
public void Delete(Guid headerId) { if (HeaderRepository.Exists(headerId)) { HeaderRepository.Delete(headerId); } else { throw new MissingHeaderException("This header is not in the database."); } }
public void LogModificationToHeader(Guid headerId) { if (HeaderRepository.Exists(headerId)) { Header headerOfModdedDocument = HeaderRepository.GetById(headerId); LogModificationToDocument(headerOfModdedDocument.DocumentThatBelongs.Id); } else { throw new MissingHeaderException("This header is not in the database."); } }
public void Update(Guid headerId, Header newHeaderData) { if (HeaderRepository.Exists(headerId)) { Header headerToUpdate = HeaderRepository.GetById(headerId); if (newHeaderData.StyleClass != null && !StyleClassRepository.Exists(newHeaderData.StyleClass.Name)) { newHeaderData.StyleClass = null; } headerToUpdate.StyleClass = newHeaderData.StyleClass; HeaderRepository.Update(headerToUpdate); } else { throw new MissingHeaderException("The header is not in the database."); } }
public Text GetByHeader(Guid headerId) { if (HeaderRepository.Exists(headerId)) { Header headerForText = HeaderRepository.GetById(headerId); Content contentOfHeader = headerForText.Content; IEnumerable <Text> headerTexts = TextRepository.GetByContent(contentOfHeader); if (headerTexts.Count() != 0) { return(headerTexts.First()); } else { throw new MissingTextException("This text is not in the database"); } } else { throw new MissingHeaderException("This header does not exist in the database"); } }