예제 #1
 public SceneCommand this[HeaderCommands c]
         return(cmds.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == (int)c));
예제 #2
            public Scene_MQJson(BinaryReader br, int id, int start, int end)
                File = new File_MQJson()
                    Name  = $"Scene {id}",
                    Start = start.ToString("X8"),
                    End   = end.ToString("X8"),

                Id = id;

                SceneWord cmd = new SceneWord();

                    br.Read(cmd, 0, 8);

                    var            seekback = br.BaseStream.Position;
                    HeaderCommands code     = (HeaderCommands)cmd.Code;

                    if (code == HeaderCommands.PathList)
                        SegmentAddress offset = cmd.Data2;
                        br.BaseStream.Position = offset.Offset;

                    else if (code == HeaderCommands.TransitionActorList)
                        SegmentAddress actorOff = cmd.Data2;
                        br.BaseStream.Position = actorOff.Offset;

                        for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Data1; i++)
                    if (code == HeaderCommands.RoomList)
                        RoomsCount   = (int)cmd.Data1;
                        RoomsAddress = cmd.Data2;

                    br.BaseStream.Position = seekback;
                }while ((HeaderCommands)cmd.Code != HeaderCommands.End);
예제 #3
        public void ReadScene(HeaderCommands.Rooms forcerooms = null)
            Program.Status.Message = string.Format("Reading scene '{0}'...", this.Name);

            ROM.SegmentMapping.Add((byte)0x02, data);

            sceneHeaders = new List<HeaderLoader>();

            HeaderLoader newheader = null;
            HeaderCommands.Rooms rooms = null;
            HeaderCommands.Collision coll = null;

            if (data[0] == (byte)HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.SettingsSoundScene || data[0] == (byte)HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.Rooms ||
                BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0) == (byte)HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.SubHeaders)
                /* Get rooms & collision command from first header */
                newheader = new HeaderLoader(ROM, this, (byte)0x02, 0, 0);

                /* If external rooms should be forced, overwrite command in header */
                if (forcerooms != null)
                    int roomidx = newheader.Commands.FindIndex(x => x.Command == HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.Rooms);
                    if (roomidx != -1) newheader.Commands[roomidx] = forcerooms;

                rooms = newheader.Commands.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Command == HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.Rooms) as HeaderCommands.Rooms;
                coll = newheader.Commands.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Command == HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.Collision) as HeaderCommands.Collision;

                if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(((byte[])ROM.SegmentMapping[(byte)0x02]), 0) == 0x18)
                    int hnum = 1;
                    uint aofs = Endian.SwapUInt32(BitConverter.ToUInt32(((byte[])ROM.SegmentMapping[(byte)0x02]), 4));
                    while (true)
                        uint rofs = Endian.SwapUInt32(BitConverter.ToUInt32(((byte[])ROM.SegmentMapping[(byte)0x02]), (int)(aofs & 0x00FFFFFF)));
                        if (rofs != 0)
                            if ((rofs & 0x00FFFFFF) > ((byte[])ROM.SegmentMapping[(byte)0x02]).Length || (rofs >> 24) != 0x02) break;
                            newheader = new HeaderLoader(ROM, this, (byte)0x02, (int)(rofs & 0x00FFFFFF), hnum++);

                            /* Get room command index... */
                            int roomidx = newheader.Commands.FindIndex(x => x.Command == HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.Rooms);

                            /* If external rooms should be forced, overwrite command in header */
                            if (roomidx != -1 && forcerooms != null) newheader.Commands[roomidx] = forcerooms;

                            /* If rooms were found in first header, force using these! */
                            if (roomidx != -1 && rooms != null) newheader.Commands[roomidx] = rooms;

                            /* If collision was found in header, force */
                            int collidx = newheader.Commands.FindIndex(x => x.Command == HeaderLoader.CommandTypeIDs.Collision);
                            if (collidx != -1 && coll != null) newheader.Commands[collidx] = coll;

                        aofs += 4;

                currentSceneHeader = sceneHeaders[0];
예제 #4
        private void RenderMeshHeader(HeaderCommands.MeshHeader mh)
            if (mh.DLs == null || displayListsDirty || mh.CachedWithTextures != Configuration.RenderTextures || mh.CachedWithCombinerType != Configuration.CombinerType)
                /* Display lists aren't yet cached OR cached DLs are wrong */
                if (mh.DLs != null)
                    foreach (DisplayList gldl in mh.DLs) gldl.Dispose();

                mh.CreateDisplayLists(Configuration.RenderTextures, Configuration.CombinerType);

            /* Render DLs */
            foreach (DisplayList gldl in mh.DLs) gldl.Render();

            /* Bounds test */
            if (supportsGenProgramsARB) GL.Disable((EnableCap)All.FragmentProgram);
            if (supportsCreateShader) GL.UseProgram(0);
            for (int i = 0; i < mh.MinClipBounds.Count; i++)
                GL.Color4(Color.FromArgb((mh.GetHashCode() & 0xFFFFFF) | (0xFF << 24)));
                //OpenGLHelpers.MiscDrawingHelpers.DrawBox(mh.MinClipBounds[i], mh.MaxClipBounds[i]);
예제 #5
        private void RefreshWaypointPathList(HeaderCommands.Waypoints wp)
            if (wp == null) return;

            List<HeaderCommands.Waypoints.PathHeader> pathlist = new List<HeaderCommands.Waypoints.PathHeader>();
            pathlist.Add(new HeaderCommands.Waypoints.PathHeader());

            waypointPathComboDataBinding = new BindingSource();
            waypointPathComboDataBinding.DataSource = pathlist;
            cbPathHeaders.DataSource = waypointPathComboDataBinding;
            cbPathHeaders.DisplayMember = "Description";
            cbPathHeaders.Enabled = true;
예제 #6
        public static void SetValueInActor(Definition.Item item, HeaderCommands.Actors.Entry ac, object value)
            if (item == null || ac == null || value == null) return;

            object oldval = null;

            if (item.ValueType == typeof(Byte))
                ac.RawData[item.Index] = (byte)((ac.RawData[item.Index] & ~(Byte)item.Mask) | Convert.ToByte(value));
            else if (item.ValueType == typeof(UInt16))
                oldval = (UInt16)(Endian.SwapUInt16(BitConverter.ToUInt16(ac.RawData, item.Index)) & ~(UInt16)item.Mask);
                UInt16 newval = Endian.SwapUInt16((UInt16)(Convert.ToUInt16(oldval) | Convert.ToUInt16(value)));
                BitConverter.GetBytes(newval).CopyTo(ac.RawData, item.Index);
            else if (item.ValueType == typeof(Int16))
                oldval = (Int16)(Endian.SwapInt16(BitConverter.ToInt16(ac.RawData, item.Index)) & ~(Int16)item.Mask);
                Int16 newval = Endian.SwapInt16((Int16)(Convert.ToInt16(oldval) | Convert.ToInt16(value)));
                BitConverter.GetBytes(newval).CopyTo(ac.RawData, item.Index);

            if (item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.ActorNumber) ac.RefreshVariables();
예제 #7
 public static void RefreshActorPositionRotation(HeaderCommands.Actors.Entry ac, Controls.TableLayoutPanelEx tlpex)
     foreach (Control ctrl in tlpex.Controls)
         if (ctrl is TextBox && ctrl.Tag is Definition.Item)
             Definition.Item item = (ctrl.Tag as Definition.Item);
             if (item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.PositionX || item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.PositionY || item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.PositionZ ||
                 item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.RotationX || item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.RotationY || item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.RotationZ)
                 string fstr = "{0}";
                 switch (item.DisplayStyle)
                     case Definition.Item.DisplayStyles.Hexadecimal: fstr = "0x{0:X}"; break;
                     case Definition.Item.DisplayStyles.Decimal: fstr = "{0:D}"; break;
                 object val = GetValueFromActor(item, ac);
                 item.ControlType.GetProperty("Text").SetValue(ctrl, string.Format(fstr, val), null);
예제 #8
        public static object GetValueFromActor(Definition.Item item, HeaderCommands.Actors.Entry ac)
            if (item == null || ac == null) return null;

            object val = null;
            if (item.ValueType == typeof(Byte))
                val = (ac.RawData[item.Index] & (Byte)item.Mask);
            if (item.ValueType == typeof(UInt16))
                val = (Endian.SwapUInt16(BitConverter.ToUInt16(ac.RawData, item.Index)) & (UInt16)item.Mask);
            else if (item.ValueType == typeof(Int16))
                val = (Endian.SwapInt16(BitConverter.ToInt16(ac.RawData, item.Index)) & (Int16)item.Mask);

            return Convert.ChangeType(val, item.ValueType);
예제 #9
        public static void CreateActorEditingControls(HeaderCommands.Actors.Entry ac, Controls.TableLayoutPanelEx tlpex, Action numberchanged, object tag = null, bool individual = false)
            //TODO TODO TODO: more value types, more control types, etc, etc!!!

            /* No proper actor entry given? */
            if (ac == null || ac.Definition == null)

            /* Get current definition */
            Definition def = ac.Definition;

            /* No definition given? */
            if (def == null) return;

            /* Begin layout creation */

            /* Create description label */
            Label desc = new Label()
                Text = (ac.InternalName == string.Empty ? ac.Name : string.Format("{0} ({1})", ac.Name, ac.InternalName)),
                TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft,
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill
            tlpex.Controls.Add(desc, 0, 0);
            tlpex.SetColumnSpan(desc, 2);

            /* Parse items */
            for (int i = 0; i < def.Items.Count; i++)
                /* Get current item */
                Definition.Item item = def.Items[i];

                /* UGLY HACK -> for room number in transition actor with individual file mode... */
                if (item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.NextRoomBack || item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.NextRoomFront)
                    item.ControlType = (individual ? typeof(TextBox) : typeof(ComboBox));

                /* Get value, create control */
                object val = GetValueFromActor(item, ac);
                object ctrl = Activator.CreateInstance(item.ControlType);

                /* First ControlType check; ex. is label needed? */
                if (item.ControlType == typeof(CheckBox))
                    /* Add control alone */
                    tlpex.Controls.Add(ctrl as Control, 0, (i + 1));
                    /* Add label and control */
                    Label lbl = new Label() { Text = string.Format("{0}:", item.Description), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft, Dock = DockStyle.Fill };
                    tlpex.Controls.Add(lbl, 0, (i + 1));
                    tlpex.Controls.Add(ctrl as Control, 1, (i + 1));

                /* Set control properties */
                item.ControlType.GetProperty("Dock").SetValue(ctrl, DockStyle.Fill, null);
                item.ControlType.GetProperty("Tag").SetValue(ctrl, item, null);
                item.ControlType.GetProperty("Name").SetValue(ctrl, item.Usage.ToString(), null);

                /* ControlType-specific settings */
                if (item.ControlType == typeof(ComboBox))
                    /* Set ComboBox */
                    item.ControlType.GetProperty("DropDownStyle").SetValue(ctrl, ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList, null);
                    item.ControlType.GetProperty("DisplayMember").SetValue(ctrl, "Description", null);

                    if (!individual && (item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.NextRoomBack || item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.NextRoomFront) && (tag is List<HeaderCommands.Rooms.RoomInfoClass>))
                        /* Item usage is room number in transition actor; get room listing from function tag */
                        item.Options = new List<Definition.Item.Option>();
                        foreach (HeaderCommands.Rooms.RoomInfoClass ric in (tag as List<HeaderCommands.Rooms.RoomInfoClass>))
                            item.Options.Add(new Definition.Item.Option() { Description = ric.Description, Value = ric.Number });

                    if (item.Options.Count > 0)
                        item.ControlType.GetProperty("DataSource").SetValue(ctrl, item.Options, null);
                        item.ControlType.GetProperty("SelectedItem").SetValue(ctrl, item.Options.Find(x => x.Value == (Convert.ToUInt64(val) & item.Mask)), null);
                        (ctrl as ComboBox).SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler((s, ex) =>
                            SetValueInActor(item, ac, ((Definition.Item.Option)((ComboBox)s).SelectedItem).Value);
                else if (item.ControlType == typeof(CheckBox))
                    /* Set CheckBox */
                    item.ControlType.GetProperty("Checked").SetValue(ctrl, Convert.ToBoolean(val), null);
                    item.ControlType.GetProperty("Text").SetValue(ctrl, item.Description, null);
                    tlpex.SetColumnSpan(ctrl as Control, 2);
                    (ctrl as CheckBox).CheckedChanged += new EventHandler((s, ex) =>
                        ChangeBitInActor(item, ac, item.Mask, ((CheckBox)s).Checked);
                    /* Fallback */
                    if (item.ControlType.GetProperty("Text") != null)
                        string fstr = "{0}";
                        switch (item.DisplayStyle)
                            case Definition.Item.DisplayStyles.Hexadecimal: fstr = "0x{0:X}"; break;
                            case Definition.Item.DisplayStyles.Decimal: fstr = "{0:D}"; break;
                        item.ControlType.GetProperty("Text").SetValue(ctrl, string.Format(fstr, val), null);
                        (ctrl as Control).TextChanged += new EventHandler((s, ex) =>
                            object newval = Activator.CreateInstance(item.ValueType);
                            System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = item.ValueType.GetMethod("Parse", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(System.Globalization.NumberStyles) });
                            if (mi != null)
                                /* Determine NumberStyle to use */
                                System.Globalization.NumberStyles ns =
                                    (item.DisplayStyle == Definition.Item.DisplayStyles.Hexadecimal ? System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber : System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer);

                                /* Hex number; is text long enough? */
                                if (ns == System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber && ((Control)s).Text.Length < 2) return;

                                /* Get value string, depending on NumberStyle */
                                string valstr = (ns == System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ? ((Control)s).Text.Substring(2) : ((Control)s).Text);

                                /* Proper value string found? */
                                if (valstr != null && valstr != "")
                                        /* Invoke Parse function and get parsed value */
                                        newval = mi.Invoke(newval, new object[] { valstr, ns });

                                        /* Set new value in actor; if usage is ActorNumber, also do callback */
                                        SetValueInActor(item, ac, newval);
                                        if (item.Usage == Definition.Item.Usages.ActorNumber && numberchanged != null) numberchanged();
                                    catch (TargetInvocationException tiex)
                                        if (tiex.InnerException is FormatException)
                                            /* Ignore; happens with ex. malformed hex numbers (i.e. "0xx0") */

            /* Done */
예제 #10
        public static void ChangeBitInActor(Definition.Item item, HeaderCommands.Actors.Entry ac, object value, bool set)
            if (item == null || ac == null || value == null) return;

            //TODO TODO TODO allow bit toggle in non-byte types??
            if (set == true)
                if (item.ValueType == typeof(Byte))
                    ac.RawData[item.Index] |= (byte)(Convert.ToByte(value) & (Byte)item.Mask);
                    throw new Exception("Cannot toggle bits in non-byte value");
                if (item.ValueType == typeof(Byte))
                    ac.RawData[item.Index] &= (byte)~(Convert.ToByte(value) & (Byte)item.Mask);
                    throw new Exception("Cannot toggle bits in non-byte value");