private void hddThreadActivity()
            using (ManagementClass physicalDriveData = new ManagementClass("Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk"))
                //Using WMI to get physical disk activity per second.
                while (true)
                    //Queries WMI at each itteration and gets the new values.
                    //Gets the instances of all physical drives in the system(separately) and a Total instance (all drives on the system combined).
                    ManagementObjectCollection physicalDriveDataCollection = physicalDriveData.GetInstances();

                    //finds total instance
                    foreach (ManagementObject obj in physicalDriveDataCollection)

                        //Process only the _Total instance, and ignore all the others.
                        if (obj["Name"].ToString() == "_Total")

                            //Getting the DiskBytesPersec property
                            //unsigned 64bit intenger,return value needs to be converted.

                            if (Convert.ToUInt64(obj["DIskBytesPersec"]) > 0)
                                if (previousHddState == HddState.Idle)
                                    //Show busy icon.
                                    hddTrayIcon.Icon = busyIcon;
                                previousHddState = HddState.Busy;
                                if (previousHddState == HddState.Busy)
                                    //Show idle icon.
                                    hddTrayIcon.Icon = idleIcon;
                                previousHddState = HddState.Idle;

                    if (exitRequested)
                        //Sleep for 10th of a second
        private void setUpIcons()
            //Instantiating icon objects, and joining adequate .ico images.
            busyIcon = new Icon("images\\HDD_Busy.ico");
            idleIcon = new Icon("images\\HDD_Idle.ico");
            hddTrayIcon = new NotifyIcon();

            //Assinging default idleIcon to the tray icon and making it visible.
            hddTrayIcon.Icon = idleIcon;
            hddTrayIcon.Visible = true;
            previousHddState = HddState.Idle;