string getAllDoctor(string ispromo) { string DoctorsData = ""; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Isactive = "Active"; obj.Sortby = "yes"; obj.Isview = "checked"; obj.ispromo = ispromo; DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { DoctorsData += @"<div class='card border-bottom-theme-color-2px maxwidth400' >" + "<a href = '/Home/TheDoctor/" + dr["ID"] + "'>" + "<img class='img-fullwidth boxImg img-fluid' alt='' src='" + dr["Photo"] + "'>" + "<div class='team-overlay'></div>" + "<div class='card-body'>" + "<h4 class='card-title'>" + dr["Name"] + "</h4>" + "<h6 class='card-text'>" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "</h6>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + dr["Specialist"] + "</h6>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + dr["education"] + "</h6>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + "Total year of experince: <span class='label label-info'>" + dr["Experience"] + " </span> Years </h6>" + "</div> </a></div>"; } return(DoctorsData); }
public object SaveHcDoctorinfoInfo(HcDoctorinfoEntity hcDoctorinfoEntity, Database db, DbTransaction transaction) { string sql = "select Isnull(MAX(SortBy),0)+1 from HC_DoctorInfo"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hcDoctorinfoEntity.Sortby)) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Sortby = db.ExecuteScalar(dbCommand, transaction).ToString(); } sql = "INSERT INTO HC_DoctorInfo ( Name, Department, Specialist, Education, Experience, About, Fees, JoinDate, Photo, Gender, IsActive, CreatedBy, CreatedTime, SortBy, IsView, ViewBy, ViewTime ) output inserted.ID VALUES ( @Name, @Department, @Specialist, @Education, @Experience, @About, @Fees, @Joindate, @Photo, @Gender, @Isactive, @Createdby, @Createdtime, @Sortby, @Isview, @Viewby, @Viewtime )"; dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Name", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Name); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Department", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Department); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Specialist", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Specialist); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Education", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Education); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Experience", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Experience); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "About", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.About); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Fees", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Fees); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Joindate", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Joindate); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Photo", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Photo); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Gender", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Gender); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Isactive", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Isactive); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Createdby", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Createdby); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Createdtime", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Createdtime); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "SortBy", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Sortby); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Isview", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Isview); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Viewby", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Viewby); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Viewtime", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Viewtime); var id = db.ExecuteScalar(dbCommand, transaction).ToString(); return(id); }
public object UpdateHcDoctorinfoInfo(object param) { Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); object retObj = null; using (DbConnection connection = db.CreateConnection()) { connection.Open(); DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); try { HcDoctorinfoEntity hcDoctorinfoEntity = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)param; HcDoctorinfoDAL hcDoctorinfoDAL = new HcDoctorinfoDAL(); retObj = (object)hcDoctorinfoDAL.UpdateHcDoctorinfoInfo(hcDoctorinfoEntity, db, transaction); transaction.Commit(); } catch { transaction.Rollback(); throw; } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(retObj); }
public JsonResult AppointDoctorInfo(string Doc) { string Result = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Doc)) { string Img = "/Docx/NoImage.jpg", Days = "none", Fees = "0", Rating = "0"; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleHcDoctorinfoRecordById, Doc); if (obj != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Photo)) { Img = obj.Photo; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Fees)) { Fees = obj.Fees; } Days = DoctorDaysOfWeek(Doc); Rating = DoctorRating(Doc); } Result = "<label class='text-info'>Doctor Information</label>" + "<img alt='' src='" + Img + "' style='margin-top:7px;overflow:hidden;width:150px; height:auto;' onclick = '' />" + "<label class='text-info mt-20'>Days In Week</label><p>" + Days + "</p>" + "<label class='text-info'>Fees</label><p>Tk. " + Fees + "</p>" + "<label class='text-info'>Rating</label><p>" + Rating + " Star</p>" + "<p><a class='btn btn-block btn-warning pt-0 pb-0' href='/WebAccount/DoctorProfile/" + Doc + "' target='_blank'>Details...</a></p>"; } return(Json(Result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult DoctorCreate(string Id) { string eMsg = SiteMainMenuList("Doctor Details", "Settings", "DoctorList"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eMsg)) { return(RedirectToOut(eMsg)); } //else if (!SiteUserAccess("", "V")) return RedirectToOut(); ViewBag.DepartmentList = List_Department(); ViewBag.GenderList = List_Gender(); ViewBag.FilePath = "/Docx/NoImage.jpg"; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Gender = "Male"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id)) { obj = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleHcDoctorinfoRecordById, Id); if (obj == null) { obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Photo)) { ViewBag.FilePath = obj.Photo; } } return(View(obj)); }
public ActionResult Consultants(HcDoctorinfoEntity obj) { obj.Name = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["searchtrm"]); obj.Department = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Specialist"]); obj.countryid = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["Countryname"]); obj.Gender = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["genderM"]);// ? String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["genderF"]) :""; if (obj.Gender != "Male") { obj.Gender = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["genderF"]);// } else { obj.Gender = ""; } obj.Experience = String.Format("{0}", Request.Form["expfeild"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Name)) { obj.Searchflag = "Yes"; } ViewBag.getCountryData = List_Country(); ViewBag.getSpecialistData = List_Specialist(); ViewBag.getLocation = List_Location(); ViewBag.DoctorData = DoctorsData(obj); return(View()); }
string DoctorsData(HcDoctorinfoEntity mobj) { string TableData = ""; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Isactive = "Active"; obj.Sortby = "yes"; obj.Isview = "checked"; //new params if (mobj.Searchflag != "Yes") { obj.Department = mobj.Department; obj.countryid = mobj.countryid; obj.Location = mobj.locationid; obj.Experience = mobj.Experience; obj.Gender = mobj.Gender; } else { obj.Name = mobj.Name; obj.Searchflag = mobj.Searchflag; } DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { TableData += @"<div class=' col-md-3 col-lg-3 col-xl-4 doctor-card'>" + "<a class='' href = '/Home/TheDoctor/" + dr["ID"] + "' >" + "<div class='team-thumb'>" + "<img class='img-fullwidth boxImg img-fluid' alt='' src='" + dr["Photo"] + "'>" + "<div class='team-overlay'></div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='card-body'>" + "<h4 class='text-uppercase font-weight-600 m-5'>" + dr["Name"] + "</h4>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "</h6> </hr>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + dr["Specialist"] + "</h6>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + dr["education"] + "</h6>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + "Total year of experince: <span class='label label-info'> " + dr["Experience"] + " </span> Years </h6>" + "</div>" + "</a>" + "</div>"; } } else { TableData += @"<div class='col-md-12 col-lg-12>" + "<div class='alert alert-warning' role='alert'>" + "No match found, Please search again." + "</div>" + "</div>"; } return(TableData); }
public ActionResult Consultants() { // ViewBag.getCountryData = getCountry(); HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); ViewBag.getCountryData = List_Country(); ViewBag.getSpecialistData = List_Specialist(); ViewBag.getLocation = List_Location(); ViewBag.DoctorData = DoctorsData(obj); return(View()); }
string getDoctors(string id) { string singleDoctorData = ""; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Isactive = "Active"; obj.Department = id; DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); singleDoctorData += @"<div class='card flex-row flex-wrap'>" + "<h5>" + dt.Rows.Count + "<small> Counsultant found near you. </small>" + "</h5>" + "</div>"; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { singleDoctorData += @"<div class='card custome-card '>" + "<a href='/Home/TheDoctor/" + dr["ID"] + "' >" + "<div class='card-header border-0'>" + "<div class='row'>" + " <div class ='col-md-6 col-lg-6'><img class='img img-fluid card-img pull-left' src='" + dr["Photo"] + "' alt=''> </div>" + "<div class ='col-md-6 col-lg-6'><a class='btn btn-success btn-block pull-right' href = '/WebAccount/NewAppointment/" + dr["ID"] + "'>" + "Consult Now" + "</a> " + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='card-body'> <div class='row'>" + "<div class='col-md-8 col-lg-8 pull-left'>" + "<h4 class='card-title text-colored'>" + dr["Name"] + "</h4>" + "<p class='card-text'>" + dr["Specialist"] + "</p>" + "<p class='card-text'>" + dr["education"] + "</p>" + "<p class='font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + "Total year of experince: <span class='badge badge-pill badge-primary'>" + dr["Experience"] + " Years </span></p> " + "</div>" + "<div class='col-md-4 col-lg-4 pull-right'>" + "<img src='" + dr["CFlag"] + "' class='img img-fluid' alt='country flag'>" + "<p class='card-text'> <small>" + dr["Countryname"] + "</small></p>" + "<p class='card-text'> Fees: <strong> " + dr["fees"] + "</strong></p>" + "<p class='card-text'> Rating: <strong>" + dr["DoctroRating"] + "/5</strong></p>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "<div class='card-footer w-100 text-muted'>" + "<p class='card-text'> <strong> Speak: " + dr["language"] + "</strong></p>" + "</div> " + "</a>" + "</div>"; } } else { singleDoctorData += @"<div class='card flex-row flex-wrap'>" + "<h4> No consultant found! </h4>" + "</div>"; } return(singleDoctorData); }
string getSingleDoctorsData(string id) { string TableData = ""; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Isactive = "Active"; obj.Sortby = "yes"; obj.Isview = "checked"; obj.Id = id; DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { TableData += @"<div class='row'>" + "<div class='col-md-3 col-lg-3'>" + "<img class='img boxImg img-fluid' alt='' src='" + dr["Photo"] + "'>" + "</div>" + "<div class='col-md-3 col-lg-6'>" + "<h3 class='card-title'>" + dr["Name"] + " <Span>" + "<img class='img img-fluid' src='" + dr["CFlag"] + "' alt='" + dr["Countryname"] + "'/>" + "</Span></h3>" + "<h5 class='card-text'>" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "</h5>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + dr["Specialist"] + "</h6>" + "<h6 class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + dr["education"] + "</h6>" + "<p class='text-theme-colored font-weight-400 mt-0'>" + "Total year of experince: <span class='label label-info'> " + dr["Experience"] + " </span> Years </h6> <hr/>" + "<h5 class='font-weight-400 mt-0'> Can speak: " + dr["language"] + "</h5>" + "</div>" + /* "<div class='col-md-3 col-lg-3 d-flex'>" + * "<a href = '#' class='btn btn-lg btn-danger btn-block'>Get appoinment</a>" + * "<div class='btn-group'>" + * "<a class='btn btn-secondary' href='callto:+8801713060063' >"+" <i class='fa fa-phone'> Phone call </i>"+"</a>"+ * "<a class='btn btn-secondary' href='mailto:[email protected]' >" + " <i class='fa fa-envelope-o'> Send email </i>" + "</a>" + * "</div>" + * * "</div>" +*/ "</div> <br/>"; TableData = TableData + @"<div class='row'>" + "<h4> About " + dr["Name"] + "</h4>" + "<p>" + dr["About"] + "</p>" + "</div>"; TableData = TableData + @"<div class='row'>" + "<h4> Hospitals Associated with </h4>" + "<p>" + dr["Organizationname"] + "</p>" + "</div>"; } return(TableData); }
public JsonResult DoctorDeleteById(string Id) { bool Success = false; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleHcDoctorinfoRecordById, Id); if (obj != null) { obj.Updatedby = Session["UserId"].ToString(); obj.Updatedtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); obj.Isactive = "Inactive"; Success = (bool)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_UpdateHcDoctorinfoInfo, obj); } string Message = Success ? "Delete Success" : "Sorry something went wrong!"; return(Json(new { Success = Success, Message = Message })); }
public JsonResult SelectedUserInfo(string ut = "", string uid = "") { string Img = "/Docx/NoImage.jpg", Name = "", Gender = ""; if (ut == "Doctor" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleHcDoctorinfoRecordById, uid); if (obj != null) { Img = obj.Photo; Name = obj.Name; Gender = obj.Gender; } } return(Json(new { Img = Img, Name = Name, Gender = Gender })); }
public string SelectTypeUser(string ut = "", string sel = "") { string TableData = "<option>Select...</option>"; if (ut == "Doctor") { HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string selcted = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sel) && sel.ToLower() == dr["ID"].ToString().ToLower() ? "selcted" : ""; string aClass = dr["IsActive"].ToString() == "Active" ? "text-success" : "text-danger"; TableData += "<option class='" + aClass + "' value='" + dr["ID"] + "' " + selcted + ">" + dr["Name"] + " (" + dr["DepartmentName"] + ")</option>"; } } return(TableData); }
string DoctorListTableData() { string TableData = ""; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Sortby = "yes"; DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); int Count = 1; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string Action = "<i class='mdi mdi-table-edit iAction' title='Edit This' onclick=\"EditDetails('" + dr["ID"].ToString() + "')\" style='color:orange'></i>"; Action += "<i class='mdi mdi-close-box iAction' title='Inactive This' onclick=\"DeleteDetails('" + dr["ID"].ToString() + "', this)\" style='color:red'></i>"; TableData += "<tr>" + "<td><i class='mdi mdi-format-float-left iAction' title='Schedules' onclick=\"ScheduleDetails('" + dr["Id"].ToString() + "')\" style='color:green'></i></td>" + "<td>" + dr["SortBy"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Name"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["DepartmentName"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Specialist"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Gender"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Fees"] + "</td>" + "<td class='IsActive'>" + dr["IsActive"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + Action + "</td>" + "</tr>"; Count += 1; } string CreateBtn = "<button class='btn btn-primary' type='button' onclick='CreateDetails()' style='margin-bottom:10px;'> New</button>"; string tHead = "<tr>" + "<th>SortBy</th>" + "<th>Name</th>" + "<th>Department</th>" + "<th width='20%'>Specialist</th>" + "<th>Gender</th>" + "<th>Fees</th>" + "<th>IsActive</th>" + "<th>Action</th>" + "</tr>"; TableData = CreateBtn + "<div class='table-responsive'><table id='zero_config' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>" + "<thead>" + tHead + "</thead><tbody>" + TableData + "</tbody></table></div>"; return(TableData); }
public List <SelectListItem> List_Doctor(string IsActive = "Active", string DepId = "") { List <SelectListItem> Items = new List <SelectListItem>(); HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Isactive = IsActive; obj.Department = DepId; DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Items.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = dr["Name"] + " (" + dr["DepartmentName"] + ")", Value = dr["ID"].ToString() }); } return(Items); }
public List <SelectListItem> List_Location() { List <SelectListItem> Items = new List <SelectListItem>(); HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); // HcCountryEntity obj = new HcCountryEntity(); obj.Isactive = "Active"; DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Items.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = dr["Location"].ToString(), Value = dr["Location"].ToString() }); } return(Items); }
string DoctorsTableData() { string TableData = ""; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.Isactive = "Active"; obj.Sortby = "yes"; DataTable dt = (DataTable)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord, obj); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { TableData += "<tr>" + "<th><label class='customcheckbox'><input type='checkbox' class='listCheckbox' value='" + dr["ID"] + "' " + dr["Isview"] + " /><span class='checkmark'></span></label></th>" + "<td>" + dr["SortBy"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Name"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Department"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Specialist"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Gender"] + "</td>" + "<td>" + dr["Fees"] + "</td>" + "</tr>"; } return(TableData); }
public bool UpdateHcDoctorinfoInfo(HcDoctorinfoEntity hcDoctorinfoEntity, Database db, DbTransaction transaction) { string sql = "UPDATE HC_DoctorInfo SET Name= @Name, Department= @Department, Specialist= @Specialist, Education= @Education, Experience= @Experience, About= @About, Fees= @Fees, JoinDate= @Joindate, Photo= @Photo, Gender= @Gender, IsActive= @Isactive, UpdatedBy= @Updatedby, UpdatedTime= @Updatedtime, SortBy= @Sortby, IsView= @Isview, ViewBy= @Viewby, ViewTime= @Viewtime WHERE Id=@Id"; if (hcDoctorinfoEntity.QueryFlag == "EmptyView") { sql = "UPDATE HC_DoctorInfo SET IsView= @Isview, ViewBy= @Viewby, ViewTime= @Viewtime"; } if (hcDoctorinfoEntity.QueryFlag == "SetView") { sql = "UPDATE HC_DoctorInfo SET IsView= 'checked', ViewBy= @Viewby, ViewTime= @Viewtime WHERE Id=@Id"; } DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Id", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Id); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Name", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Name); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Department", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Department); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Specialist", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Specialist); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Education", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Education); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Experience", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Experience); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "About", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.About); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Fees", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Fees); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Joindate", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Joindate); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Photo", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Photo); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Gender", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Gender); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Isactive", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Isactive); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Updatedby", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Updatedby); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Updatedtime", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Updatedtime); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "SortBy", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Sortby); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Isview", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Isview); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Viewby", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Viewby); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Viewtime", DbType.String, hcDoctorinfoEntity.Viewtime); db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand, transaction); return(true); }
public JsonResult DoctorSaveUpdate(HcDoctorinfoEntity obj) { bool Success = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Isactive)) { obj.Isactive = "Active"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Experience)) { obj.Experience = "0"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Fees)) { obj.Fees = "0"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Id)) { obj.Createdby = Session["UserId"].ToString(); obj.Createdtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); obj.Id = (string)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_SaveHcDoctorinfoInfo, obj); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Id)) { Success = true; } } else { obj.Updatedby = Session["UserId"].ToString(); obj.Updatedtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); Success = (bool)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_UpdateHcDoctorinfoInfo, obj); } string Message = Success ? "Process has been done successfully" : "Sorry something went wrong!"; return(Json(new { Success = Success, Message = Message, Id = obj.Id })); }
public JsonResult DoctorsUpdate(HcDoctorinfoEntity iGet) { bool Success = false; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); obj.QueryFlag = "EmptyView"; obj.Viewby = Session["UserId"].ToString(); obj.Viewtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); Success = (bool)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_UpdateHcDoctorinfoInfo, obj); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); List <HcDoctorinfoEntity> dGetObj = serializer.Deserialize <List <HcDoctorinfoEntity> >(iGet.JsonDetails); obj.QueryFlag = "SetView"; foreach (HcDoctorinfoEntity dr in dGetObj) { obj.Id = dr.Id; Success = (bool)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_UpdateHcDoctorinfoInfo, obj); } string Message = Success ? "Process has been done successfully" : "Sorry something went wrong!"; return(Json(new { Success = Success, Message = Message })); }
public HcDoctorinfoEntity GetSingleHcDoctorinfoRecordById(object param) { Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); string sql = "SELECT ID, Name, Department, Specialist, Education, Experience, About, Fees, JoinDate, Photo, Gender, IsActive, CreatedBy, CreatedTime, UpdatedBy, UpdatedTime, SortBy, IsView, ViewBy, ViewTime FROM HC_DoctorInfo WHERE Id=@Id"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "Id", DbType.String, param); HcDoctorinfoEntity hcDoctorinfoEntity = null; using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { if (dataReader.Read()) { hcDoctorinfoEntity = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); if (dataReader["ID"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Id = dataReader["ID"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Name"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Name = dataReader["Name"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Department"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Department = dataReader["Department"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Specialist"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Specialist = dataReader["Specialist"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Education"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Education = dataReader["Education"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Experience"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Experience = dataReader["Experience"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["About"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.About = dataReader["About"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Fees"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Fees = dataReader["Fees"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["JoinDate"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Joindate = dataReader["JoinDate"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Photo"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Photo = dataReader["Photo"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["Gender"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Gender = dataReader["Gender"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["IsActive"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Isactive = dataReader["IsActive"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["CreatedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Createdby = dataReader["CreatedBy"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["CreatedTime"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Createdtime = dataReader["CreatedTime"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["UpdatedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Updatedby = dataReader["UpdatedBy"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["UpdatedTime"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Updatedtime = dataReader["UpdatedTime"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["SortBy"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Sortby = dataReader["SortBy"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["IsView"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Isview = dataReader["IsView"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["ViewBy"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Viewby = dataReader["ViewBy"].ToString(); } if (dataReader["ViewTime"] != DBNull.Value) { hcDoctorinfoEntity.Viewtime = dataReader["ViewTime"].ToString(); } } } return(hcDoctorinfoEntity); }
public DataTable GetAllHcDoctorinfoRecord(object param) { Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); string sql = @"SELECT distinct D.ID, D.Name, D.Department, D.Specialist, D.Education, D.Experience, D.About, D.Fees, D.JoinDate, D.Photo, D.Gender, D.IsActive, D.CreatedBy, D.CreatedTime, D.UpdatedBy, D.UpdatedTime, D.SortBy, D.IsView, D.ViewBy, D.ViewTime , D.Phone, D.Location,D.Latitude,D.Longitude,D.DoctroRating,E.Countryname, D.Country as countryid, F.Organizationname, (Select Name From HC_Doctor_Departments z Where z.ID = D.Department) DepartmentName, E.flag as CFlag , F.logo , D.language FROM HC_DoctorInfo D , HC_Country E, HC_Organization F Where D.Country = E.ID and D.organization = F.ID and 1=1"; HcDoctorinfoEntity obj = new HcDoctorinfoEntity(); if (param != null) { obj = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)param; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Searchflag)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Department)) { sql += " And D.Department = '" + obj.Department + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Isactive)) { sql += " And D.IsActive = '" + obj.Isactive + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Isview)) { sql += " And D.IsView = '" + obj.Isview + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Id)) { sql += " And D.ID = '" + obj.Id + "'"; } // New filter params string latitude, string longitude, string Gender, string exp, string rating if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Latitude)) { sql += " And D.Latitude = '" + obj.Latitude + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Longitude)) { sql += " And D.Longitude = '" + obj.Longitude + "'"; } //New params-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Experience)) { sql += " And D.Experience = '" + obj.Experience + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.DoctroRating)) { sql += " And CAST(D.DoctroRating as DECIMAL(9,2)) = '" + obj.DoctroRating + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Gender)) { sql += " And D.Gender = '" + obj.Gender + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Name)) { sql += " And D.Name like '%" + obj.Name + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.countryid)) { sql += " And D.Country ='" + obj.countryid + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ispromo)) { sql += " And D.ispromo ='" + obj.ispromo + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Department)) { sql += " And D.Department ='" + obj.Department + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Location)) { sql += " And D.Location like '%" + obj.Location + "%'"; } } else { sql += " And UPPER(D.Name) like Upper('%" + obj.Name + "%')"; sql += " OR UPPER(D.Department) like Upper('%" + obj.Name + "%')"; } // sql += string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Sortby) ? " Order By D.Name Asc" : " Order By D.SortBy Asc"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql); DataSet ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand); return(ds.Tables[0]); }
bool fnUserInfoSession(string Id) { bool Success = false; HcUsersEntity uInfo = (HcUsersEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleHcUsersRecordById, Id); if (uInfo != null) { Success = true; string uId = uInfo.Id, uName = uInfo.FirstName + " " + uInfo.LastName, uType = uInfo.Usertype, uDetlId = uInfo.Userid, uRoleId = uInfo.Roleid, UserDefaultBoard = "", UserAllDashboard = "", UserImage = "/Content/rkscript/docx/UserImage/NoImage.jpg"; //................................................. Role Info if (uType == "Admin") { UserDefaultBoard = "Admin"; List <SiteInfo> Items = SiteDashboardList(); foreach (SiteInfo dr in Items) { UserAllDashboard += dr.MenuId + ","; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uRoleId)) { AdmRolemasterEntity sObj = (AdmRolemasterEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleAdmRolemasterRecordById, uRoleId); if (sObj != null) { UserDefaultBoard = sObj.DefaultBoard; UserAllDashboard = sObj.AllDashboard; } } //................................................. User Details Info if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uDetlId)) { if (uType == "Doctor") { HcDoctorinfoEntity sObj = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleHcDoctorinfoRecordById, uDetlId); if (sObj != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sObj.Photo)) { uName = sObj.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sObj.Photo)) { UserImage = sObj.Photo; } } } else if (uType == "Patient") { //HcDoctorinfoEntity sObj = (HcDoctorinfoEntity)ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_GetSingleHcDoctorinfoRecordById, uDetlId); //if (sObj != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sObj.Photo)) //{ // uName = sObj.Name; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sObj.Photo)) UserImage = sObj.Photo; //} } } if (Success) { //................................................. Set Sessions Session["UserId"] = uId; Session["UserName"] = uName; Session["UserType"] = uType; // Admin, Doctor, Patient, Staff Session["UserRoleId"] = uRoleId; Session["UserImage"] = UserImage; Session["UserDefaultBoard"] = UserDefaultBoard; Session["UserAllDashboard"] = UserDefaultBoard + "," + UserAllDashboard; //................................................. Set LastLogIn Time HcUsersEntity log = new HcUsersEntity(); log.Id = Id; log.Lastlogin = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); log.QueryFlag = "LastLogIn"; ExecuteDB(HCareTaks.AG_UpdateHcUsersInfo, log); } } return(Success); }