static Job _HaulBeforeSupply(Pawn pawn, Thing constructible, Thing th) { if (!haulBeforeSupply.Value || !enabled.Value) { return(null); } return(Hauling.HaulBeforeCarry(pawn, constructible.Position, th)); }
static Job HaulBeforeSupply(Pawn pawn, Thing constructible, Thing th) { if (!haulBeforeSupply.Value || !enabled.Value) { return(null); } if (JooStoreUtility.PuahHasThingsHauled(pawn)) { Debug.WriteLine($"{RealTime.frameCount} {pawn} Aborting {MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}() already holding items."); return(null); } return(Helper.CatchStanding(pawn, Hauling.HaulBeforeCarry(pawn, constructible.Position, th))); }
static Job TryOpportunisticJob(Pawn_JobTracker jobTracker, Job job) { // Debug.WriteLine($"Opportunity checking {job}"); var pawn = Traverse.Create(jobTracker).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if (JooStoreUtility.PuahHasThingsHauled(pawn)) { Debug.WriteLine($"{RealTime.frameCount} {pawn} Aborting {MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}() during {job}; already holding items."); return(null); } var jobCell = job.targetA.Cell; if (job.def == JobDefOf.DoBill && haulBeforeBill.Value && enabled.Value) { // Debug.WriteLine($"Bill: '{job.bill}' label: '{job.bill.Label}'"); // Debug.WriteLine($"Recipe: '{job.bill.recipe}' workerClass: '{job.bill.recipe.workerClass}'"); foreach (var localTargetInfo in job.targetQueueB) { if (localTargetInfo.Thing == null) { continue; } if (HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, localTargetInfo.Thing, false)) { // permitted when bleeding because facilitates whatever bill is important enough to do while bleeding // may save precious time going back for ingredients... unless we want only 1 medicine ASAP; it's a trade-off var storeJob = Hauling.HaulBeforeCarry(pawn, jobCell, localTargetInfo.Thing); if (storeJob != null) { return(Helper.CatchStanding(pawn, storeJob)); } } } } if (skipIfBleeding.Value && > 0.001f) { return(null); } // return Helper.CatchStanding(pawn, Hauling.TryHaul(pawn, jobCell) ?? Cleaning.TryClean(pawn, jobCell)); return(Helper.CatchStanding(pawn, Hauling.TryHaul(pawn, jobCell))); }
static Job TryOpportunisticJob(Pawn_JobTracker __instance, Job job) { Debug.WriteLine($"Opportunity checking {job}"); var pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); var jobCell = job.targetA.Cell; if (haulBeforeBill.Value && haveCommonSense && (bool)CsHaulingOverBillsSetting.GetValue(csSettings)) { haulBeforeBill.Value = false; haulBeforeBill.ForceSaveChanges(); } if (job.def == JobDefOf.DoBill && haulBeforeBill.Value && enabled.Value) { foreach (var localTargetInfo in job.targetQueueB) { if (localTargetInfo.Thing == null) { continue; } if (HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaulFast(pawn, localTargetInfo.Thing, false)) { // permitted when bleeding because facilitates whatever bill is important enough to do while bleeding // may save precious time going back for ingredients... unless we only want 1 medicine ASAP; it's a trade-off var storeJob = Hauling.HaulBeforeCarry(pawn, jobCell, localTargetInfo.Thing); if (storeJob != null) { return(storeJob); } } } } if (skipIfBleeding.Value && > 0.001f) { return(null); } return(Hauling.TryHaul(pawn, jobCell)); // ?? Cleaning.TryClean(pawn, jobCell); }