public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { Commander com = Controller.Instance.commanders[CommanderID.Player]; if (com.building != Building.None) { com.TryBuild(Builder.BuildingToEntity(com.building), pos.x, pos.y); com.building = Building.None; Controller.Instance.UI.Buttons.EnableAll(); } else if (entity != null && entity.comID == CommanderID.Player) { int price = entity.GetPrice() * entity.level; if (price <= com.lumber) { Hatchery.SpawnEffect(pos.x, pos.y, Config.colors.purple); entity.level++; Level = entity.level; Task.Run().Time(0.03f).Random(0.015f).Loop(price).OnRepeat(_ => { Controller.Instance.UI.AddResourceBit( Resource.Lumber, Controller.Instance.UI.Lumber.position, this.transform.position, () => Controller.Instance.commanders[CommanderID.Player].RemoveLumber() ); }); } } }
void Awake() { hirePeasant.onClick.AddListener(() => { Commander com = Controller.Instance.commanders[CommanderID.Player]; if (Config.prices.peasant <= com.wheat) { Tile t = Controller.Instance.grid.FindClosestTileWithEntity <Townhall>(new Pos(), CommanderID.Player); Hatchery.SpawnPeasant(t.pos.x, t.pos.y, CommanderID.Player); Task.Run().Time(0.03f).Random(0.015f).Loop(Config.prices.peasant).OnRepeat(_ => { Controller.Instance.commanders[CommanderID.Player].RemoveWheat(); Controller.Instance.UI.AddResourceBit( Resource.Wheat, Controller.Instance.UI.Wheat.position, t.transform.position, () => { } ); }); } }); constructHouse.onClick.AddListener(() => StartBuilding(Building.House)); constructLumberyard.onClick.AddListener(() => StartBuilding(Building.Lumberyard)); constructWindmill.onClick.AddListener(() => StartBuilding(Building.Windmill)); constructTower.onClick.AddListener(() => StartBuilding(Building.Tower)); constructCastle.onClick.AddListener(() => StartBuilding(Building.Castle)); }
public override void Init() { updateTask = Task.Run().Time(15).Random(15).Loop(-1).OnRepeat(_ => { if (peasant == null) { peasant = Hatchery.SpawnPeasant(tile.pos.x, tile.pos.y, comID); } }); }
public void Init(int x, int y, CommanderID comID) { pos.x = x; pos.y = y; this.comID = comID; body.color = Controller.Instance.commanders[comID].color; resourceImage.enabled = false; List <Pos> path = new List <Pos>(); updateTask = Task.Run().Name("Peasant(tick)").Loop(-1).OnRepeat(t => { if (movementTask != null) { return; } if (path.Count > 0) { MoveTo(path[0]); path.RemoveAt(0); return; } path = PickNextPath(); if (path.Count > 0) { MoveTo(path[0]); path.RemoveAt(0); return; } MoveToRandomNeighbour(); if (!isActive) { Core.Juggler.Remove(updateTask); if (movementTask != null) { Core.Juggler.Remove(movementTask); } Object.Destroy(this.gameObject); Hatchery.SpawnEffect(pos.x, pos.y,; } }); }
//오리 생성함수 public void OnHatchEggInHatchery(Hatchery hatchery, Egg egg) { Debug.Log("삐약"); GameObject objectBase = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/duck"), hatchery.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; string objectID = $"duck_{s_duckUniqueID++}"; Duck duckling = objectBase.GetComponent <Duck>(); duckling.ObjectID = objectID; duckling.male = egg.male; = objectID; ducksList.Add(objectID, duckling); foodsList.Remove(egg.ObjectID); GameObject.Destroy(egg.gameObject); eggCount--; }
public override void Init() { Hatchery.SpawnPeasant(tile.pos.x, tile.pos.y, comID); lumberProductionTask = Task.Run().Name("Townhall(produce)").Time(25f - Mathf.Clamp(level, 0, 20)).Loop(-1).OnRepeat(_ => { if (comID == CommanderID.Player) { Task.Run().Time(0.03f).Random(0.015f).Loop(level).OnRepeat(__ => { Controller.Instance.UI.AddResourceBit( Resource.Lumber, tile.transform.position, Controller.Instance.UI.Lumber.position, () => Controller.Instance.commanders[comID].AddLumber() ); }); } else { Controller.Instance.commanders[comID].AddLumber(level); } }); wheatProductionTask = Task.Run().Time(10f - Mathf.Clamp(level, 0, 8)).Loop(-1).OnRepeat(_ => { if (comID == CommanderID.Player) { Task.Run().Time(0.03f).Random(0.015f).Loop(level).OnRepeat(__ => { Controller.Instance.UI.AddResourceBit( Resource.Wheat, tile.transform.position, Controller.Instance.UI.Wheat.position, () => Controller.Instance.commanders[comID].AddWheat() ); }); } else { Controller.Instance.commanders[comID].AddWheat(level); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new egg to hatch /// </summary> public void CreateNewEgg() { attributes.text = "No attributes yet."; HatcheryTypes randHatchery = (HatcheryTypes)Random.Range(0, 3); switch (randHatchery) { case HatcheryTypes.AVIAN: hatchery = new AvianHatchery(); eggImage.GetComponent <Image>().color =; break; case HatcheryTypes.MAMMAL: hatchery = new MammalHatchery(); eggImage.GetComponent <Image>().color =; break; case HatcheryTypes.REPTILE: hatchery = new ReptileHatchery(); eggImage.GetComponent <Image>().color =; break; } }
public bool TryBuild(Entity entity, int x, int y) { entity.comID = comID; if (entity.GetPrice() <= lumber) { Tile tile = Builder.Build(entity, x, y); if (tile != null) { lumber -= entity.GetPrice(); tile.Border = color; tile.SetEntityColor(color); Hatchery.SpawnEffect(x, y, Config.colors.white); } Controller.Instance.UI.UpdateLumber(); return(true); } return(false); }
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) { return(WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureServices(services => { services.AddSingleton <IClusterClient>(sp => ConnectClient().Result); services.AddSingleton <RPC.HatcheryFacade, RPC.HatcheryFacade>(); services.AddSingleton <SubscriberFacade, SubscriberFacade>(); services.AddSingleton <LoggingInterceptor, LoggingInterceptor>(); // TODO: Find a better way to indicate that these are brokers. OR // TODO: Load brokers from appsettings.json services.AddSingleton <IEnumerable <string> >(sp => new List <string>() { "" }); services.AddSingleton <IEnumerable <Server> >(sp => { var hatcheryService = Hatchery.BindService(sp.GetService <RPC.HatcheryFacade>()); var subscriberService = Subscriber.BindService(sp.GetService <SubscriberFacade>()); var loggingInterceptor = sp.GetRequiredService <LoggingInterceptor>(); return new List <Server>() { new Server() { Services = { hatcheryService.Intercept(loggingInterceptor), subscriberService.Intercept(loggingInterceptor), }, Ports = { new ServerPort("", 9998, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } } }; }); services.AddSingleton <IHostedService, GrpcBackgroundService>(); }) .UseStartup <Startup>()); }
protected virtual void OnSceneGUI() { Hatchery hatchery = (Hatchery)target; // copy the target object's data to the handle = hatchery.transform.position; m_BoundsHandle.size = hatchery.Extents; // draw the handle EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_BoundsHandle.DrawHandle(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { // record the target object before setting new values so changes can be undone/redone Undo.RecordObject(target, "Change Hatchery Bounds"); // copy the handle's updated data back to the target object Bounds newBounds = new Bounds(); =; newBounds.size = m_BoundsHandle.size; hatchery.bounds = newBounds; hatchery.Extents = newBounds.size; } }
// Gets called every time, but fixture is built once for the whole suite public ChickenTests(ChickenTestsFixture fixture) { _hatchery = fixture.Hatchery; }
public static void SetupTestSuite(TestContext context) { _hatchery = new Hatchery(); }
public void SetupTestCase() { _hatchery = new Hatchery(); }
// Test suite setup public ChickenTestsFixture() { Hatchery = new Hatchery(); }
public void InitTestCase() { _hatchery = new Hatchery(); }
public void InitTestSuite() { _hatchery = new Hatchery(); }