예제 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Find the pointer to the collider that defines the "zone".
        Collider collider = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>();

        if (collider == null)
            Debug.LogError("This Haptic Surface Demo Effect requires a collider");

        if (FrictionTexture == null)
            Debug.LogError("This Haptic Surface Demo Effect requires a texture assigned to it.");

        Vector3 StylusPos = device.stylusPositionWorld;               //World Coordinates
        Vector3 CP        = collider.ClosestPointOnBounds(StylusPos); //World Coordinates
        float   delta     = (CP - StylusPos).magnitude;

        if (delta < 1.0f)
            Vector3 direction = transform.position - CP;

            // Cast a ray between the stylus and the center of the collider
            RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(CP, direction);

            //There may be some false positives in the list, so loop through
            //and find the hit on the current collider.
            foreach (RaycastHit H in hits)
                if (H.collider == collider)
                    // This is the correct hit, so retrieve the UV values...
                    Vector2 UV = H.textureCoord;

                    // Scale the UV to the size of the texture...
                    int U = (int)(UV.x * FrictionTexture.width);
                    int V = (int)(UV.y * FrictionTexture.height);

                    // Retrieve the color of that pixel.
                    Color C = FrictionTexture.GetPixel(U, V);
                    luminocity = C.grayscale;

            // Assign the haptic material setttings so that they transition proportionatly
            // between the two values based on the luminocity of the texel.
            float Value = luminocity;
            float inVal = 1.0f - Value;

                                        hlStiffness * Value + hlStiffness2 * inVal,
                                        hlDamping * Value + hlDamping2 * inVal,
                                        hlStaticFriction * Value + hlStaticFriction2 * inVal,
                                        hlDynamicFriction * Value + hlDynamicFriction2 * inVal,
                                        hlPopThrough * Value + hlPopThrough2 * inVal);
예제 #2
    //! Update is called once per frame and updates OpenHaptics with the current suface materials.
    void Update()
        bool needUpdate = false;

        if (hlStiffness != oldStiffness)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlDamping != oldDamping)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlStaticFriction != oldStaticFriction)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlDynamicFriction != oldDynamicFriction)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlPopThrough != oldPopThrough)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (snapDistance != oldSnapDistance)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlTouchModel != oldTouchModel)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (Flip_Normals != oldFlipNormals)
            needUpdate = true;
        if (hlTouchable != oldFacing)
            needUpdate = true;

        if (needUpdate)
            HapticPlugin.shape_settings(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), hlStiffness, hlDamping, hlStaticFriction, hlDynamicFriction, hlPopThrough);

            int M = 0;
            if (hlTouchModel == HLTOUCH_MODEL.HL_CONSTRAINT)
                M = 1;

            HapticPlugin.shape_constraintSettings(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), M, snapDistance);
            HapticPlugin.shape_flipNormals(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), Flip_Normals);

            int T = 1;
            if (hlTouchable == HLFACING.HL_BACK)
                T = 2;
            if (hlTouchable == HLFACING.HL_FRONT_AND_BACK)
                T = 3;
            HapticPlugin.shape_facing(gameObject.GetInstanceID(), T);

            oldStiffness       = hlStiffness;
            oldDamping         = hlDamping;
            oldStaticFriction  = hlStaticFriction;
            oldDynamicFriction = hlDynamicFriction;
            oldTouchModel      = hlTouchModel;
            oldSnapDistance    = snapDistance;
            oldPopThrough      = hlPopThrough;
            oldFlipNormals     = Flip_Normals;
            oldFacing          = hlTouchable;