예제 #1
 void OnSceneGUI()
     for (int i = 0; i < followScript.levelAreas.Count; i++)
         followScript.levelAreas[i].Set(HandlesUtil.ResizeRect(followScript.levelAreas[i].levelRect, Handles.DotCap, 1f));
         if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
             Undo.RecordObject(target, "Changed levelBounds");
    public void OnSceneGUI()
        var script = (EnemyMoveFlyingController)target;

        Vector2 startPosition = (Vector2)script.transform.position;
        Vector2 endPosition   = startPosition + script.MoveDirection;

        HandlesUtil.DrawArrow2D(startPosition, endPosition, Color.white);

        using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope())
            HandlesUtil.DrawFreeMoveHandle(ref endPosition, Color.blue, capFunction: HandlesUtil.CrossedCircleHandleCap, screenSizeScale: 2f);  // moving direction handle

            if (check.changed)
                // Don't normalize direction to make it easier to edit using snapping
                // with values like (-2, 1)
                // Move direction will be normalized before moving
                script.MoveDirection = endPosition - startPosition;
예제 #3
    private void OnSceneGUI()
        var script = (EnemyWave)target;

        // Scale offset with handle size so it remains constant on screen
        float handleSize = HandlesUtil.Get2DPixelSize();

        // In order to draw the global handle (that moves all spawn points at the same time), we must determine
        // the minimum bounding box containing all the spawn points
        Rect boundingBox = new Rect
            min = Vector2.positiveInfinity,
            max = Vector2.negativeInfinity

        // we're modifying indirect (deep) members of the script, and besides applying custom rounding,
        // so changes are not trivial and need Undo Record Object
        Undo.RecordObject(script, "Changed Enemy Wave Data");

        foreach (EnemySpawnData enemySpawnData in script.EnemySpawnDataArray)
            using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope())
                HandlesUtil.DrawFreeMoveHandle(ref enemySpawnData.spawnPosition, spawnPointColor, manualSnapValue * Vector2.one, HandlesUtil.CrossedCircleHandleCap, 2f);

                if (check.changed)
                    enemySpawnData.spawnPosition = RoundPosition(enemySpawnData.spawnPosition);

            // Expand bounding box to contain any (rounded) spawn point not inside it already
            // Note that we are following 2D psace convention, not UI convention, so +Y is up
            boundingBox.min = Vector2.Min(boundingBox.min, enemySpawnData.spawnPosition);
            boundingBox.max = Vector2.Max(boundingBox.max, enemySpawnData.spawnPosition);

            string enemyName = enemySpawnData.enemyData ? enemySpawnData.enemyData.enemyName : "NONE";
            HandlesUtil.Label2D(new Vector3(enemySpawnData.spawnPosition.x - 24f * handleSize, enemySpawnData.spawnPosition.y - 32f * handleSize, 0f), enemyName, 2f, true, spawnPointColor);

            Texture previewTexture = enemySpawnData.enemyData.editorSpawnPreviewTexture;
            if (previewTexture != null)
                Vector3 labelPosition = new Vector3(enemySpawnData.spawnPosition.x - (previewTexture.width / 2f) * handleSize, enemySpawnData.spawnPosition.y - (15f + previewTexture.height / 2f) * handleSize, 0f);
                Handles.Label(labelPosition, previewTexture);

        // Ignore infinite bounding box (only happens when EnemySpawnDataArray is empty)
        if (!float.IsInfinity(boundingBox.width) && !float.IsInfinity(boundingBox.height))
            // Place batch move handle above the bounding box (remember 2D convention is +Y up)
            // Since we are using 2D space coordinates, we don't need fixed screen scaling, so no need to * handleSize
            Vector2 batchMoveHandleStartPosition   = new Vector2(boundingBox.center.x, boundingBox.yMax + 1f);
            Vector2 batchMoveHandleCurrentPosition = batchMoveHandleStartPosition;

            using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope())
                HandlesUtil.DrawFreeMoveHandle(ref batchMoveHandleCurrentPosition, batchHandleColor,
                                               manualSnapValue * Vector2.one, Handles.RectangleHandleCap, 2f);

                if (check.changed)
                    // Calculate handle move
                    Vector2 handleDelta = batchMoveHandleCurrentPosition - batchMoveHandleStartPosition;

                    // Move all spawn points the same way we moved the batch handle
                    foreach (EnemySpawnData enemySpawnData in script.EnemySpawnDataArray)
                        enemySpawnData.spawnPosition = RoundPosition(enemySpawnData.spawnPosition + handleDelta);

            HandlesUtil.Label2D(new Vector3(batchMoveHandleCurrentPosition.x - 63f * handleSize, batchMoveHandleCurrentPosition.y + 52f * handleSize, 0f), "Batch move", 2f, true, batchHandleColor);
예제 #4
    public void OnSceneGUI()
        var script = (EnemyMoveGroundedController)target;

        HandlesUtil.Label2D(script.transform.position + 1f * Vector3.up, script.DebugLastAIBehaviourResult, color: Color.black);