private static Rect ClearCamera(SceneView sceneView, Color clearColor) { Rect cameraRect = GetCameraRect(sceneView: sceneView); Rect groupSpaceCameraRect = new Rect(x: 0, y: 0, width: cameraRect.width, height: cameraRect.height); Rect groupSpaceCameraRectInPixels = EditorGUIUtility.PointsToPixels(rect: groupSpaceCameraRect); CameraClearFlags oldClearFlags =; Color oldClearColor =; = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor; = clearColor; Handles.ClearCamera(position: groupSpaceCameraRectInPixels, camera:; = oldClearFlags; = oldClearColor; return(cameraRect); }
private void OnGUI() { onGUIDelegate(this); SceneViewUtilities.ResetOnGUIState(); SetupCamera(); Rect guiRect = new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height); Rect cameraRect = EditorGUIUtility.PointsToPixels(guiRect); PrepareCameraTargetTexture(cameraRect); Handles.ClearCamera(cameraRect, m_Camera); m_Camera.cullingMask = Tools.visibleLayers; // Draw camera bool pushedGUIClip; DoDrawCamera(guiRect, out pushedGUIClip); SceneViewUtilities.BlitRT(m_SceneTargetTexture, guiRect, pushedGUIClip); }
public override void OnGUI() { if (!(containerWindow is SceneView view)) { return; } Rect gizmoRect = new Rect(0, 0, kRotationSize, kRotationSize); GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(gizmoRect.width, gizmoRect.height + kPerspOrthoLabelHeight); Event evt = Event.current; if (evt.type == EventType.MouseDown && evt.button == 1 && !view.in2DMode && !view.isRotationLocked && gizmoRect.Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { DisplayContextMenu(new Rect(evt.mousePosition.x, evt.mousePosition.y, 0, 0), view); evt.Use(); } // Usually this does nothing, but when dragging the window between monitors that have different scaling // it can resize the RT as necessary. SetupRenderTexture(); SetupCamera(view); //Handle transparency when rotation is locked using (new BlendingScope( view.isRotationLocked ? BlendMode.One : BlendMode.SrcAlpha, view.isRotationLocked ? BlendMode.Zero : BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha)) { using (new GUI.GroupScope(gizmoRect)) { var temp =; Handles.SetCamera(gizmoRect, m_Camera); if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { = m_RenderTexture; GL.Clear(false, true, k_RTBackground); Handles.ClearCamera(gizmoRect, m_Camera); GUIClip.Internal_PushParentClip(Matrix4x4.identity, GUIClip.GetParentMatrix(), gizmoRect); } DoOrientationHandles(view, m_Camera); if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { GUIClip.Internal_PopParentClip(); } = temp; } GUI.Label(gizmoRect, m_RenderTexture); Rect labelRect = gizmoRect; labelRect.y += gizmoRect.height; DrawLabels(view, labelRect); } }
public void Clear() { Handles.ClearCamera(Position, Camera); }
private void OnSceneGUI() { //stop the scene GUI when in playmode, it f***s shit up. if (Application.isPlaying) { return; } //clear the scene view and re-draw it for better visibility. Camera cam = SceneView.GetAllSceneCameras()[0]; Handles.ClearCamera(new Rect(0, 0, 1000, 1000), cam); cam.Render(); //if the pad is able to rotate and the inspector isnt in manual mode, show the pivot rotation handle. if (pad.CanRotate && !manualOverride) { //secondary direction Handles.color = Color.magenta; var seconDir = (!pad.IsSecondary? seconRotationProperty : primRotationProperty).quaternionValue * (!pad.IsSecondary ? vectorBProperty.vector3Value : vectorAProperty.vector3Value); Handles.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + seconDir); Handles.Label(transform.position + seconDir, (pad.IsSecondary ? "Primary" : "Secondary")); Quaternion oldRotation = pivot.rotation; var rotation = Handles.RotationHandle(pivot.rotation, transform.position + pivot.up * 2f); if (pad.IsSecondary) { seconRotationProperty.quaternionValue = rotation; } else { primRotationProperty.quaternionValue = rotation; } pivot.rotation = rotation; //set recalculate flag if the rotation has changed. recalculate = recalculate | oldRotation != rotation; } //i like cyan :) Handles.color = Color.cyan; //the active vector property to edit. var activeVector = pad.IsSecondary? vectorBProperty : vectorAProperty; //change the launch setting. Vector3 worldPosition = Handles.DoPositionHandle(pivot.TransformPoint(activeVector.vector3Value), pivot.rotation); Vector3 result = pivot.InverseTransformPoint(worldPosition); Vector3 direction = pivot.TransformVector(result); //Draw the arc. DrawArc(transform.position, direction); //Helper tangent line Handles.DrawLine(transform.position, worldPosition); if (recalculate || result != activeVector.vector3Value) { //Recalculate the landing point. landingZone = FindLandingZone(transform.position, direction); } result.x = 0; //Handles.DrawWireCube(result,; activeVector.vector3Value = result; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }