private void CompileHandlerMethods() { var type = GetType(); var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); foreach (var m in methods) { var mas = m.GetCustomAttributes().OfType <IRouteAttribute>().ToArray(); if (mas.Length == 0) { continue; } foreach (var a in mas.OfType <ITargetedAttribute>()) { a.InitForTarget(m); } var hm = new HandlerMethod { _method = m, _invoker = ResolveHandlerInvoker(m), }; hm._routes = mas.SelectMany(ma => ma.GetRoutes()).SelectMany(mar => { var id = Guid.NewGuid(); _handlerMethodMap[id] = hm; return(ResolveFullMethodRoutes(mar.route, mar.constraint, new { handlerMethodId = id })); }); _handlerMethods.Add(hm); } }
protected virtual void ProcessHandlerMethodException(HandlerMethod handlerMethod, Exception exception, IMessage message) { var invocable = GetExceptionHandlerMethod(handlerMethod, exception); if (invocable == null) { // logger.error("Unhandled exception from message handler method", exception); return; } invocable.MessageMethodArgumentResolvers = MethodArgumentResolvers; try { var cause = exception.InnerException; var returnValue = cause != null? invocable.Invoke(message, exception, cause, handlerMethod) : invocable.Invoke(message, exception, handlerMethod); var returnType = invocable.ReturnType; if (returnType.ParameterType == typeof(void)) { return; } MethodReturnValueHandlers.HandleReturnValue(returnValue, returnType, message); } catch (Exception) { // logger.error("Error while processing handler method exception", ex2); } }
protected virtual HandlerMethod CreateHandlerMethod(object handler, MethodInfo method) { HandlerMethod handlerMethod; handlerMethod = new HandlerMethod(handler, method); return(handlerMethod); }
protected virtual void HandleMatch(T mapping, HandlerMethod handlerMethod, string lookupDestination, IMessage message) { handlerMethod = handlerMethod.CreateWithResolvedBean(); var invocable = new InvocableHandlerMethod(handlerMethod); invocable.MessageMethodArgumentResolvers = MethodArgumentResolvers; try { var returnValue = invocable.Invoke(message); var returnType = handlerMethod.ReturnType; if (returnType.ParameterType == typeof(void)) { return; } if (returnValue != null && MethodReturnValueHandlers.IsAsyncReturnValue(returnValue, returnType)) { var task = returnValue as Task; throw new NotImplementedException("Async still todo"); } else { MethodReturnValueHandlers.HandleReturnValue(returnValue, returnType, message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Exception handlingException = new MessageHandlingException(message, "Unexpected handler method invocation error", ex); ProcessHandlerMethodException(handlerMethod, handlingException, message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { HandlerMethod handlerMammals = MammalsHandler; // Covariance enables this assignment HandlerMethod handlerDogs = DogsHandler; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //正常的匹配 返回父类 输入形参:无 HandlerMethod handler1 = FirstHandler; handler1(); //协变 返回值Dog默认转换为Mammal(父类中装子类) HandlerMethod handler2 = SecondHandler; handler2(); //创建父类的对象 Manmal m = new Manmal(); //正常匹配 无返回值,输入的形参为父类 HandleModthod1 handler11 = ThirdHandler; handler11(m); //创建子类的对象 Dog d = new Dog(); //逆变,参数Dog默认可以转换成为Mammal HandleModthod2 handle33 = ThirdHandler; handle33(d); }
static void Test() { HandlerMethod handlerMammals = MammalsHandler; // Covariance enables this assignment. HandlerMethod handlerDogs = DogsHandler; }
public void Bind <T>(HandlerMethod <T> method) where T : ITW.Protocol.Packet { if (bindedMethods.ContainsKey(typeof(T)) == false) { bindedMethods.Add(typeof(T), new List <object>()); } bindedMethods[typeof(T)].Add(method); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is EventHandlingInfos infos) { return(infos.HandlerMethod.ToString() == HandlerMethod.ToString() && new TypeEqualityComparer().Equals(infos.HandlerMethod.ReflectedType, HandlerMethod.ReflectedType)); } return(false); }
public void Match_QueryMethod_Does_Not_Match_IncorrectMethodName() { var methodObject = new HandlerMethod(typeof(HandlerMethodTests).GetMethod("GetCrayons"), TypeMapper); Assert.That( methodObject.Match(HttpMethod.Get, PathNodeType.Collection, TypeMapper.FromType(typeof(Critter))), Is.Null); }
public void Match_QueryMethod_PrefixedWithQuery_Matches_CorrectSignature() { var methodObject = new HandlerMethod(typeof(HandlerMethodTests).GetMethod("QueryCritters"), TypeMapper); Assert.That( methodObject.Match(HttpMethod.Get, PathNodeType.Collection, TypeMapper.FromType(typeof(Critter))), Is.Not.Null); }
protected override IEnumerator RespondToCommandInternal(string command) { IEnumerator handler = (IEnumerator)HandlerMethod.Invoke(CommandComponent, new object[] { command }); CancelBool?.SetValue(CommandComponent, false); while (handler.MoveNext()) { yield return(handler.Current); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { HandlerMethod handler = FirstHandler; Console.WriteLine(handler().GetType()); HandlerMethod handler2 = SecondHandler; Console.WriteLine(handler2().GetType()); Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); }
public void Match_ChildResource_Takes_ParentResource() { var methodObject = new HandlerMethod(typeof(HandlerMethodTests).GetMethod("GetPlanetarySystems"), TypeMapper); Assert.That( methodObject.Match(HttpMethod.Get, PathNodeType.Collection, TypeMapper.FromType(typeof(PlanetarySystem))), Is.Not.Null); }
protected override IEnumerator RespondToCommandInternal(string command) { KMSelectable[] selectables = (KMSelectable[])HandlerMethod.Invoke(CommandComponent, new object[] { command }); if (selectables == null) { yield break; } yield return(null); yield return(selectables); }
private void CreateViewHandler(HandlerMethod method) { if (method == HandlerMethod.ADD_HANDLERS) { _currentAttachmentAdapter.EntrySelected += AttachmentAdapter_EntrySelected; _currentAttachmentAdapter.AttachmentRetrieveError += AttachmentAdapter_AttachmentRetrieveError; } else { _currentAttachmentAdapter.EntrySelected -= AttachmentAdapter_EntrySelected; _currentAttachmentAdapter.AttachmentRetrieveError -= AttachmentAdapter_AttachmentRetrieveError; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Execute(Page page) { var handler = HandlerMethod.Create(Method); var arguments = new object[handler.Parameters.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < handler.Parameters.Length; i++) { var parameter = handler.Parameters[i]; arguments[i] = await page.Binder.BindModelAsync(page.PageContext, parameter.Type, parameter.DefaultValue, parameter.Name); } var result = await handler.Execute(page, arguments); return(result); }
public Handler(object handler, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, string filter) { _eventAggregator = eventAggregator; reference = new WeakReference(handler, true); var interfaces = handler.GetType().GetInterfaces() .Where(x => typeof(IHandle).IsAssignableFrom(x) && x.IsGenericType()); foreach (var @interface in interfaces) { var type = @interface.GetGenericArguments()[0]; var method = @interface.GetMethod("Handle", new[] { type }); //Debug.WriteLine("Added Reference: "+reference.Target.GetType().Name+" Type: "+type.Name); if (method != null) { supportedHandlers[type] = new HandlerMethod(method, filter); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Execute(Page page, object model) { var handler = HandlerMethod.Create(Method); var receiver = Method.DeclaringType.IsAssignableFrom(page.GetType()) ? page : model; var arguments = new object[handler.Parameters.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < handler.Parameters.Length; i++) { var parameter = handler.Parameters[i]; arguments[i] = await page.Binder.BindModelAsync(page.PageContext, parameter.Type, parameter.DefaultValue, parameter.Name); } var result = await handler.Execute(receiver, arguments); return(result); }
static void pMain() { //正常匹配:委托和方法一致 HandlerMethod handler1 = FirstHandler; handler1(); //协变:返回Dog值默认可以转换成Memmal HandlerMethod handler2 = SecondHandler; handler2(); //正常匹配 HandlerMethod1 handler3 = ThirdHandler; handler3(new Mammal()); //逆变:参数Dog默认可以转换成Mammal(父类) HandlerMethod2 handler4 = ThirdHandler; handler4(new Dog()); Console.ReadKey(); }
protected virtual InvocableHandlerMethod GetExceptionHandlerMethod(HandlerMethod handlerMethod, Exception exception) { var beanType = handlerMethod.BeanType; _exceptionHandlerCache.TryGetValue(beanType, out var resolver); if (resolver == null) { resolver = CreateExceptionHandlerMethodResolverFor(beanType); _exceptionHandlerCache[beanType] = resolver; } var method = resolver.ResolveMethod(exception); if (method != null) { return(new InvocableHandlerMethod(handlerMethod.Bean, method)); } return(null); }
private MulticastDelegate CreateHandlerDelegate() { // Required Handler Parameters: var paramTypes = new List <Type> { ConsumerType, QueryType }; // Optional Handler Parameters: if (IsCancellable) { paramTypes.Add(typeof(CancellationToken)); } paramTypes.Add(HandlerMethod.ReturnType); var dispatchType = Expression.GetDelegateType(paramTypes.ToArray()); return((MulticastDelegate)HandlerMethod.CreateDelegate(dispatchType)); }
/// <summary> /// Information about a lambda function that can be invoked. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"> /// The name of the function. /// </param> /// <param name="functionType"> /// The lambda function type that will be activate. /// </param> /// <param name="handlerMethod"> /// The lambda function method that will be invoked. /// </param> /// <param name="reservedConcurrency"> /// The reserved concurrency. /// </param> public LambdaFunctionInfo( string name, Type functionType, string handlerMethod, int?reservedConcurrency = null) { Name = name; Type = functionType; HandlerMethod = functionType.GetMethod(handlerMethod, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) !; // Search to see if a Lambda serializer is registered. var attribute = HandlerMethod.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(LambdaSerializerAttribute)) as LambdaSerializerAttribute ?? functionType.Assembly.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(LambdaSerializerAttribute)) as LambdaSerializerAttribute; if (attribute != null) { Serializer = (Activator.CreateInstance(attribute.SerializerType) as ILambdaSerializer) !; } ReservedConcurrency = reservedConcurrency; HandlerString = $"{functionType.Assembly.GetName().Name}::{functionType.FullName}::{handlerMethod}"; }
public DefaultHandlerMethodInvoker(HandlerMethod method) : base(method) { }
public InvocableHandlerMethod(HandlerMethod handlerMethod) : base(handlerMethod) { }
public Match(T mapping, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) { Mapping = mapping; HandlerMethod = handlerMethod; }
protected static Webhook BuildWebhook <T>(ActivityPayload payload) where T : ICanHandleGitHubWebhooks { return(new Webhook(HandlerMethod.GetUsableHandlerMethodsFrom(typeof(T)).First(), payload)); }
public IEnumerator RespondToCommand(string userNickName, string cmdStr, bool isWhisper, IEnumerator processCommand = null) { if (HandlerMethod == null && processCommand == null) { IRCConnection.SendMessage("Sorry @{0}, this holdable is not supported by Twitch Plays.", userNickName, !isWhisper, userNickName); yield break; } _disableOnStrike = false; Strike = false; StrikeCount = 0; _currentUserNickName = userNickName; FloatingHoldable.HoldStateEnum holdState = Holdable.HoldState; if (holdState != FloatingHoldable.HoldStateEnum.Held) { if (TwitchGame.BombActive) { BombCommands.Drop(TwitchGame.Instance.Bombs[TwitchGame.Instance._currentBomb == -1 ? 0 : TwitchGame.Instance._currentBomb]); } IEnumerator holdCoroutine = Hold(); while (holdCoroutine.MoveNext() && !Strike) { yield return(holdCoroutine.Current); } } DebugHelper.Log("Running RespondToCommandInternal()"); if (HandlerMethod != null && processCommand == null) { processCommand = MakeCoroutine(HandlerMethod.Invoke(CommandComponent, new object[] { cmdStr })); } bool cancelled = false; bool parseError = false; bool cancelling = false; if (processCommand == null || !processCommand.MoveNext()) { if (!Strike) { SendToChat(null, userNickName, isWhisper, ref parseError); } } else { ProcessIEnumerators.Push(processCommand); ProcessIEnumerators.Push(FirstItem(processCommand.Current)); } do { try { bool result = false; while (!result && !Strike) { if (ProcessIEnumerators.Count > 0) { processCommand = ProcessIEnumerators.Pop(); result = processCommand.MoveNext(); if (result) { ProcessIEnumerators.Push(processCommand); } } else { break; } } if (Strike) { DebugHelper.Log("A strike was caused by the command. Invocation will not continue."); } if (!result || Strike) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { DebugHelper.LogException(ex, "Error processing command due to an exception. Invocation will not continue.:"); break; } switch (processCommand.Current) { case IEnumerator iEnumerator: if (iEnumerator != null) { ProcessIEnumerators.Push(iEnumerator); } continue; case KMSelectable kmSelectable when kmSelectable != null: if (HeldSelectables.Contains(kmSelectable)) { DoInteractionEnd(kmSelectable); HeldSelectables.Remove(kmSelectable); } else { DoInteractionStart(kmSelectable); HeldSelectables.Add(kmSelectable); } break; case KMSelectable[] kmSelectables: foreach (KMSelectable selectable in kmSelectables) { if (selectable != null) { yield return(DoInteractionClick(selectable)); if (Strike) { break; } } else { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } } break; case Quaternion quaternion: RotateByLocalQuaternion(quaternion); break; case string currentString when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentString): if (currentString.Equals("trycancel", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && CoroutineCanceller.ShouldCancel) { CoroutineCanceller.ResetCancel(); cancelled = true; } else if (currentString.ToLowerInvariant().EqualsAny("elevator music", "hold music", "waiting music")) { if (_musicPlayer == null) { _musicPlayer = MusicPlayer.StartRandomMusic(); } } else if (currentString.EqualsIgnoreCase("cancelled") && cancelling) { CancelBool?.SetValue(CommandComponent, false); CoroutineCanceller.ResetCancel(); cancelled = true; } else if (currentString.StartsWith("strikemessage ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentString.Substring(14).Trim())) { StrikeMessage = currentString.Substring(14); } else if (currentString.Equals("strike", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { _delegatedStrikeUserNickName = _currentUserNickName; } else if (currentString.Equals("multiple strikes", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { _disableOnStrike = true; } else if (currentString.ToLowerInvariant().EqualsAny("detonate", "explode") && TwitchGame.BombActive) { var bomb = TwitchGame.Instance.Bombs[0]; AwardStrikes(_currentUserNickName, bomb.StrikeLimit - bomb.StrikeCount); bomb.CauseExplosionByModuleCommand(string.Empty, ID); Strike = true; } else if (currentString.EqualsIgnoreCase("show front")) { ProcessIEnumerators.Push(Hold()); } else if (currentString.EqualsIgnoreCase("show back")) { ProcessIEnumerators.Push(Hold(false)); } else { SendToChat(currentString, userNickName, isWhisper, ref parseError); } break; case string[] currentStrings: if (currentStrings.Length >= 1) { if (currentStrings[0].ToLowerInvariant().EqualsAny("detonate", "explode") && TwitchGame.BombActive) { TwitchBomb bombs = TwitchGame.Instance.Bombs[0]; AwardStrikes(_currentUserNickName, bombs.StrikeLimit - bombs.StrikeCount); switch (currentStrings.Length) { case 2: bombs.CauseExplosionByModuleCommand(currentStrings[1], ID); break; case 3: bombs.CauseExplosionByModuleCommand(currentStrings[1], currentStrings[2]); break; default: bombs.CauseExplosionByModuleCommand(string.Empty, ID); break; } } } break; case Dictionary <string, bool> permissions: foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> pair in permissions) { if ( { continue; }, pair.Value); TwitchPlaySettings.WriteDataToFile(); } break; case KMMission mission: TwitchPlaysService.Instance.RunMission(mission); break; case object[] objects: if (objects == null) { break; } // ReSharper disable once SwitchStatementMissingSomeCases switch (objects.Length) { case 3 when objects[0] is string objstr: if (IsAskingPermission(objstr, userNickName, out bool permissionGranted)) { if (permissionGranted) { switch (objects[1]) { case Action actionTrue: actionTrue.Invoke(); break; case IEnumerator iEnumerator when iEnumerator != null: ProcessIEnumerators.Push(iEnumerator); yield return(null); continue; } } else { switch (objects[2]) { case Action actionFalse: actionFalse.Invoke(); break; case string objStr2 when !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objStr2): SendToChat(objStr2, userNickName, isWhisper, ref parseError); break; case IEnumerator iEnumerator when iEnumerator != null: ProcessIEnumerators.Push(iEnumerator); yield return(null); continue; } } } break; } break; }
public override int GetHashCode() => HandlerMethod.ToString().GetHashCode();