protected override long[] ParseHandId(List <string> header)
            var line  = header[0];
            var idStr = line.SubstringBetween(6, line.IndexOf(' ', 6));

예제 #2
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            //Game ID: 261402571 2/4 Braunite (Omaha)
            int endIndex = handLines[1].IndexOf(' ', GameIDStartIndex);
            var handId   = handLines[1].Substring(GameIDStartIndex, endIndex - GameIDStartIndex);

예제 #3
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(JObject JSON)
            var hand         = JSON["history"][0];
            var handIDString = hand["handId"].ToString();

            var items = handIDString.Split(new string[] { ".hand." }, StringSplitOptions.None);

예제 #4
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(List <string> header)
            // Expect the first line to look like this:
            // "***** Hand History for Game 13550493674 *****"
            const int firstDigitIndex = 28;//"***** Hand History for Game ".Length

            string line   = header[0];
            string handId = line.SubstringBetween(firstDigitIndex, line.Length - 6);

        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            //***** 888poker Hand History for Game 349736402 *****
            int    start      = GetHandStartIndex(handLines);
            string line       = handLines[start];
            int    endIndex   = line.LastIndexOf(' ');
            int    startIndex = line.LastIndexOf(' ', endIndex - 1);

            string idString = line.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            // Full Tilt Poker Game #26862468195: Table Adornment (6 max, shallow) - $0.50/$1 - No Limit Hold'em - 16:09:19 ET - 2010/12/31
            string line = handLines[0];

            int hashIndex  = 21;
            int colonIndex = line.IndexOf(':', hashIndex);

            string handNumber = line.Substring(hashIndex + 1, colonIndex - hashIndex - 1);

예제 #7
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            foreach (var handLine in handLines)
                var match = HandIdRegex.Match(handLine);
                if (match.Success)
                    return(HandID.Parse(match.Value, '-'));

            throw new HandIdException(handLines[1], "Couldn't find handid");
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            // Expect the first line to look like this:
            // "***** Hand History for Game 13550493674 *****"
            const int firstDigitIndex = 28;  //= "***** Hand History for Game ".Length

            string line           = handLines[0];
            int    lastDigitIndex = line.IndexOf(' ', firstDigitIndex);

            string handId = handLines[0].Substring(firstDigitIndex, lastDigitIndex - firstDigitIndex);

예제 #9
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            string line = handLines[0];

            // 1st line is:
            //  ***** History for hand R5-244090560-4 *****

            char[] startChars = new char[] { 'R', 'T' };
            int    startIndex = line.IndexOfAny(startChars) + 1;
            int    endIndex   = line.IndexOf(' ', startIndex);

            string handNumber = line.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

            return(HandID.Parse(handNumber, '-'));
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            // Line 1 is:
            // Winamax Poker - CashGame - HandId: #5276724-697-1382607755 - Holdem no limit (10€/20€) - 2013/10/24 09:42:35 UTC
            // the full handid is too long. The id contains 3 numbers: #Table-Hand-TotalWinamaxHand
            // for our purposes it should be enough to either use Table-Hand or TotalWinamaxHand
            // with regards to our standards for other sites we use Table-Hand as HandID

            int indexOfHandIdStart = handLines[0].IndexOf('#') + 1;
            int indexOfHandIdEnd   = handLines[0].IndexOf(" - ", indexOfHandIdStart + 9); // this makes sure to skip the first appearance of '-'

            string handNumber = handLines[0].Substring(indexOfHandIdStart, indexOfHandIdEnd - indexOfHandIdStart);

            return(HandID.Parse(handNumber, '-'));
예제 #11
        private void ReadGameInfo(HandHistory hand, JSON_gameinfo info)
            var game  = ParseEnum <GameEnum>(;
            var limit = ParseEnum <GameLimitEnum>(info.limit);

            hand.GameDescription.GameType = new GameType(limit, game, info.cap);

            var currency = ParseEnum <Currency>(info.currency);

            hand.GameDescription.Limit       = Limit.FromSmallBlindBigBlind(info.smallBlind, info.bigBlind, currency, info.ante != 0, info.ante);
            hand.GameDescription.PokerFormat = ParseEnum <PokerFormat>(info.format);
            hand.GameDescription.SeatType    = SeatType.FromMaxPlayers(info.maxSeats);
            hand.GameDescription.Site        = ParseEnum <SiteName>(;

            hand.TableName            = info.tablename;
            hand.DateOfHandUtc        = GetFromUnixTime(;
            hand.DealerButtonPosition =;
            hand.HandId   = HandID.Parse(info.gameId, '.');
            hand.TotalPot = info.totalPot;
            hand.Rake     = info.rake;
예제 #12
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            string ID = GetXMLAttributeValue(handLines[0], "ID");

예제 #13
 protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
예제 #14
        protected override long[] ParseHandId(string[] handLines)
            string handIdLine = handLines[0];

            return(HandID.Parse(GetAttribute(handIdLine, " id=\"")));