예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The get picture settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="PictureSize.PictureSettingsJob"/>.
        /// </returns>
        private PictureSize.PictureSettingsJob GetPictureSettings(ChangedPictureField changedField)
            PictureSize.PictureSettingsJob job = new PictureSize.PictureSettingsJob
                Width             = this.Width,
                Height            = this.Height,
                ItuPar            = false,
                Modulus           = this.SelectedModulus,
                ParW              = this.ParWidth,
                ParH              = this.ParHeight,
                MaxWidth          = this.MaxWidth,
                MaxHeight         = this.MaxHeight,
                KeepDisplayAspect = this.MaintainAspectRatio,
                AnamorphicMode    = this.SelectedAnamorphicMode,
                Crop              = new Cropping(this.CropTop, this.CropBottom, this.CropLeft, this.CropRight),

            if (this.SelectedAnamorphicMode == Anamorphic.Custom)
                if (changedField == ChangedPictureField.DisplayWidth)
                    var displayWidth = this.DisplayWidth;
                    job.ParW = (int)displayWidth; // num
                    job.ParH = job.Width;         // den

            // Reduce the Par W/H if we can. Don't do it while the user is altering the PAR controls through as it will mess with the result.
            if (changedField != ChangedPictureField.ParH && changedField != ChangedPictureField.ParW)
                long x, y;
                HandBrakeUtils.Reduce(job.ParW, job.ParH, out x, out y);
                job.ParW = (int)y;
                job.ParH = (int)x;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Recalculate the picture settings when the user changes a particular field defined in the ChangedPictureField enum.
        /// The properties in this class are dumb. They simply call this method if there is a change.
        /// It is the job of this method to update all affected private fields and raise change notifications.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changedField">
        /// The changed field.
        /// </param>
        private void RecaulcatePictureSettingsProperties(ChangedPictureField changedField)
            // Sanity Check
            if (this.currentTitle == null)

            // Step 1, Update what controls are visible.

            // Step 2, Set sensible defaults
            if (changedField == ChangedPictureField.Anamorphic && (this.SelectedAnamorphicMode == Anamorphic.None || this.SelectedAnamorphicMode == Anamorphic.Loose))
                this.Task.Width = this.sourceResolution.Width > this.MaxWidth
                                      ? this.MaxWidth
                                      : this.sourceResolution.Width;
                this.Task.KeepDisplayAspect = true;

            // Choose which setting to keep.
            PictureSize.KeepSetting setting = PictureSize.KeepSetting.HB_KEEP_WIDTH;
            switch (changedField)
            case ChangedPictureField.Width:
                setting = PictureSize.KeepSetting.HB_KEEP_WIDTH;

            case ChangedPictureField.Height:
                setting = PictureSize.KeepSetting.HB_KEEP_HEIGHT;

            // Step 2, For the changed field, call hb_set_anamorphic_size and process the results.
            PictureSize.AnamorphicResult result = PictureSize.hb_set_anamorphic_size2(this.GetPictureSettings(changedField), this.GetPictureTitleInfo(), setting);
            double dispWidth = Math.Round((result.OutputWidth * result.OutputParWidth / result.OutputParHeight), 0);

            this.Task.Width  = result.OutputWidth;
            this.Task.Height = result.OutputHeight;
            long x, y;

            HandBrakeUtils.Reduce((int)Math.Round(result.OutputParWidth, 0), (int)Math.Round(result.OutputParHeight, 0), out x, out y);
            this.Task.PixelAspectX = (int)Math.Round(result.OutputParWidth, 0);
            this.Task.PixelAspectY = (int)Math.Round(result.OutputParHeight, 0);
            this.Task.DisplayWidth = dispWidth;

            // Step 3, Set the display width label to indicate the output.
            this.DisplaySize = this.sourceResolution == null || this.sourceResolution.IsEmpty
                           ? string.Empty
                           : string.Format(Resources.PictureSettingsViewModel_StorageDisplayLabel, dispWidth, result.OutputHeight, this.ParWidth, this.ParHeight);

            // Step 4, Force an update on all the UI elements.
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Width);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.Height);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.DisplayWidth);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ParWidth);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.ParHeight);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CropTop);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CropBottom);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CropLeft);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.CropRight);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.SelectedModulus);
            this.NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => this.MaintainAspectRatio);

            // Step 5, Update the Preview
            if (delayedPreviewprocessor != null && this.Task != null && this.StaticPreviewViewModel != null && this.StaticPreviewViewModel.IsOpen)
                delayedPreviewprocessor.PerformTask(() => this.StaticPreviewViewModel.UpdatePreviewFrame(this.Task, this.scannedSource), 800);