예제 #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Title = "Halibut Client";

            var hostName = args.FirstOrDefault() ?? "localhost";

            var certificate = new X509Certificate2("HalibutClient.pfx");

            var client = new HalibutClient(certificate);
            var calculator = client.Create<ICalculatorService>(new Uri("rpc://" + hostName + ":8433/"), "EF3A7A69AFE0D13130370B44A228F5CD15C069BC");
            var result = calculator.Add(12, 18);

            Console.WriteLine("12 + 18 = " + result);
예제 #2
        public void AliceCanSendMessagesToBob()
            using (var bob = new HalibutServer(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8013), Certificates.Bob))
                bob.Services.Register<IEchoService, EchoService>();
                bob.Options.ClientCertificateValidator = v => v.Thumbprint == Certificates.AlicePublicThumbprint ? CertificateValidationResult.Valid : CertificateValidationResult.Rejected;

                var alice = new HalibutClient(Certificates.Alice);
                var echo = alice.Create<IEchoService>(new Uri("rpc://localhost:8013"), Certificates.BobPublicThumbprint);

                Assert.That(echo.SayHello("Hi Bob, it's Alice"), Is.EqualTo("Hello!"));
예제 #3
        public void SupportsDifferentServiceContractMethods()
            using (var bob = new HalibutServer(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8013), Certificates.Bob))
                bob.Services.Register<ISupportedServices, SupportedServices>();
                bob.Options.ClientCertificateValidator = v => v.Thumbprint == Certificates.AlicePublicThumbprint ? CertificateValidationResult.Valid : CertificateValidationResult.Rejected;

                var alice = new HalibutClient(Certificates.Alice);
                var echo = alice.Create<ISupportedServices>(new Uri("rpc://localhost:8013"), Certificates.BobPublicThumbprint);

                echo.MethodReturningVoid(12, 14);

                Assert.That(echo.Hello(), Is.EqualTo("Hello"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d e"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d e f"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d e f g"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d e f g h"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d e f g h i"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d e f g h i j"));
                Assert.That(echo.Hello("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k"), Is.EqualTo("Hello a b c d e f g h i j k"));

                Assert.That(echo.Add(1, 2), Is.EqualTo(3));
                Assert.That(echo.Add(1.00, 2.00), Is.EqualTo(3.00));
                Assert.That(echo.Add(1.10M, 2.10M), Is.EqualTo(3.20M));

                Assert.That(echo.Ambiguous("a", "b"), Is.EqualTo("Hello string"));
                Assert.That(echo.Ambiguous("a", new Tuple<string, string>("a", "b")), Is.EqualTo("Hello tuple"));

                var ex = Assert.Throws<JsonRpcException>(() => echo.Ambiguous("a", (string) null));
                Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.StringContaining("Ambiguous"));
예제 #4
        public void ServerExceptionsAreWrappedAsJsonExceptions()
            using (var bob = new HalibutServer(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8013), Certificates.Bob))
                bob.Services.Register<IEchoService, EchoService>();
                bob.Options.ClientCertificateValidator = v => v.Thumbprint == Certificates.AlicePublicThumbprint ? CertificateValidationResult.Valid : CertificateValidationResult.Rejected;

                var alice = new HalibutClient(Certificates.Alice);
                var echo = alice.Create<IEchoService>(new Uri("rpc://localhost:8013"), Certificates.BobPublicThumbprint);

                var jsonex = Assert.Throws<JsonRpcException>(() => echo.Crash());
                Assert.That(jsonex.Message, Is.StringContaining("divide by zero"));
예제 #5
        public void BobOnlyAcceptsMessagesFromAlice()
            using (var bob = new HalibutServer(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8013), Certificates.Bob))
                bob.Services.Register<IEchoService, EchoService>();
                bob.Options.ClientCertificateValidator = v => v.Thumbprint == Certificates.AlicePublicThumbprint ? CertificateValidationResult.Valid : CertificateValidationResult.Rejected;

                var eve = new HalibutClient(Certificates.Eve);
                var echo = eve.Create<IEchoService>(new Uri("rpc://localhost:8013"), Certificates.BobPublicThumbprint);

                var ex = Assert.Throws<JsonRpcException>(() => echo.SayHello("Hi Bob, it's Eve"));
                Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.StringContaining("This can happen when the remote server does not trust the certificate that we provided."));
예제 #6
        public void AliceOnlySendsMessagesToBob()
            using (var eve = new HalibutServer(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8013), Certificates.Eve))
                eve.Services.Register<IEchoService, EchoService>();
                eve.Options.ClientCertificateValidator = v => v.Thumbprint == Certificates.AlicePublicThumbprint ? CertificateValidationResult.Valid : CertificateValidationResult.Rejected;

                var alice = new HalibutClient(Certificates.Alice);
                var echo = alice.Create<IEchoService>(new Uri("rpc://localhost:8013"), Certificates.BobPublicThumbprint);

                var ex = Assert.Throws<JsonRpcException>(() => echo.SayHello("Hi Bob, it's Eve"));
                Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.StringContaining("We aborted the connection because the remote host was not authenticated"));