void CreatePassword() { for (int i = 0; i < m_receivePasswordsLocks.Count; i++) { string firstLetter = m_letters[Random.Range(0, m_letters.Length)]; string secondLetter = m_letters[Random.Range(0, m_letters.Length)]; string thirdLetter = m_letters[Random.Range(0, m_letters.Length)]; m_currentPassword = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", firstLetter, secondLetter, thirdLetter); m_allPasswords[i] = m_currentPassword; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_receivePasswordsLocks[i].password = m_allPasswords[i]; int randomKey = Random.Range(0, m_lockNumbers.Count); if (i == 0) { robotBodyPasswordButtonScript.ReceivePassword(m_allPasswords[0]); } if (i == 2) { m_safePasswords[3] = m_allPasswords[i]; m_safeLocksScript.actualPassword = m_allPasswords[i]; } m_receivePasswordsKeys[(m_lockNumbers[randomKey])].password = m_allPasswords[i]; string message = string.Format("////CONFIDENTIAL////\n---For Authorised Personnel Only---\n{0} has the password for {1}", m_keyObjectNames[(m_lockNumbers[randomKey])], m_lockObjectNames[i]); documentButtons[i].documentText = message; m_hackingDocumentScript.RecieveDocumentMessages(message, i); m_lockNumbers.Remove(m_lockNumbers[randomKey]); } SafePasswords(); }
void CreatePassword() { for (int i = 0; i < m_receivePasswordsLocks.Count; i++) { m_allPasswords[i] = generatePassword.GetGeneratePassword(3); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_receivePasswordsLocks[i].password = m_allPasswords[i]; int randomKey = Random.Range(0, m_lockNumbers.Count); switch (i) { case 0: robotBodyPasswordButtonScript.ReceivePassword(m_allPasswords[0]); aiObjectivesScript.ReceivePassword(m_allPasswords[0]); break; case 2: m_safePasswords[3] = m_allPasswords[i]; m_safeLocksScript.actualPassword = m_allPasswords[i]; break; } m_receivePasswordsKeys[(m_lockNumbers[randomKey])].password = m_allPasswords[i]; string message = string.Format("////CONFIDENTIAL////\n---For Authorised Personnel Only---\n{0} has the password for {1}", m_keyObjectNames[(m_lockNumbers[randomKey])], m_lockObjectNames[i]); documentButtons[i].documentText = message; m_hackingDocumentScript.RecieveDocumentMessages(message, i); m_lockNumbers.Remove(m_lockNumbers[randomKey]); } SafePasswords(); }
void AISwitchInfo() { for (int i = 6; i < 9; i++) { m_hackingDocumentScript.RecieveDocumentMessages(m_actionMessages[i - 1], i); documentButtons[i - 6].GetComponent <DocumentButton>().documentText = m_actionMessages[i - 1]; } }
void GenerateStarSign() { m_correctStarSign = Random.Range(0, 12); starsignImage.sprite = starsigns[m_currentStarsign]; string starsignMessage = string.Format("////CONFIDENTIAL////\n---For Authorised Personnel Only---\nThe star sign that unlocks the safe is {0}", starsignNames[m_correctStarSign]); documentButtons[0].GetComponent <DocumentButton>().documentText = string.Format("The star sign that unlocks the safe is {0}", starsignNames[m_correctStarSign]); scientistComputerScript.ReceiveStarsign(starsignMessage); m_hackingDocuments.RecieveDocumentMessages(starsignMessage, 4); }
void RandomiseButtonOrder() { int button1ID = Random.Range(0, 100); int button2ID = Random.Range(0, 100); int button3ID = Random.Range(0, 100); int button4ID = Random.Range(0, 100); int currentRank = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (i == button1ID) { m_rankOrder[0] = currentRank; currentRank += 1; } if (i == button2ID) { m_rankOrder[1] = currentRank; currentRank += 1; } if (i == button3ID) { m_rankOrder[2] = currentRank; currentRank += 1; } if (i == button4ID) { m_rankOrder[3] = currentRank; currentRank += 1; } } /*for (int i = 0; i < m_rankOrder.Length; i++) * { * print(m_rankOrder[i]); * }*/ //print(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", m_rankOrder[0], m_rankOrder[1], m_rankOrder[2], m_rankOrder[3])); string message = string.Format("////CONFIDENTIAL////\n---For Authorised Personnel Only---\n The order of the buttons are: \n{0},{1},{2},{3}", shapeNames[m_rankOrder[0] - 1], shapeNames[m_rankOrder[1] - 1], shapeNames[m_rankOrder[2] - 1], shapeNames[m_rankOrder[3] - 1]);//all goes wrong, remove shapenames part m_hackingDocumentScript.RecieveDocumentMessages(message, 3); documentButton.GetComponent <DocumentButton>().documentText = string.Format("The order of the shapes are: \n{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", shapeNames[m_rankOrder[0] - 1], shapeNames[m_rankOrder[1] - 1], shapeNames[m_rankOrder[2] - 1], shapeNames[m_rankOrder[3] - 1]); scientistComputerScript.ReceiveSequence(message); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_safeLockScript.sequenceOrder[i] = m_rankOrder[i]; } }
void Start() { //print("Start"); m_scientistWinScript = scientist.GetComponent <ScientistWin>(); m_safeAS = safe.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); m_freezeControls = gameController.GetComponent <FreezeControls>(); m_hackingDocuments = ai.GetComponent <HackingDocuments>(); m_safeAnim = safe.GetComponent <Animator>(); UpdatePanels(); m_lockedOutTime = lockedOutTime; m_countingDown = m_lockedOutTime; locksText.text = string.Format("({0}/3) Locks Unlocked", m_locksUnlocked); m_correctStarSign = Random.Range(0, 12); starsignImage.sprite = starsigns[m_currentStarsign]; string starsignMessage = string.Format("////CONFIDENTIAL////\n---For Authorised Personnel Only---\nThe star sign that unlocks the safe is {0}", starsignNames[m_correctStarSign]); documentButtons[0].GetComponent <DocumentButton>().documentText = string.Format("The star sign that unlocks the safe is {0}", starsignNames[m_correctStarSign]); scientistComputerScript.ReceiveStarsign(starsignMessage); m_hackingDocuments.RecieveDocumentMessages(starsignMessage, 4); safeCanvas.SetActive(false); }