IEnumerator Start () { var ws = new HTTP.WebSocket (); //This lets the websocket connection work asynchronously. StartCoroutine (ws.Dispatcher ()); //Connect the websocket to the server. ws.Connect (url); //Wait for the connection to complete. yield return ws.Wait(); //Always check for an exception here! if(ws.exception != null) { Debug.Log("An exception occured when connecting: " + ws.exception); } //Display connection status. Debug.Log("Connected? : " + ws.connected); //If websocket connected succesfully, we can send and receive messages. if(ws.connected) { //This specified that our OnStringReceived method will be called when a message is received. ws.OnTextMessageRecv += OnStringReceived; //This sends a message to the server. ws.Send ("Hello!"); ws.Send ("Goodbye"); } }
void WebSocketExample () { var ws = new HTTP.WebSocket (); StartCoroutine (ws.Dispatcher ()); ws.Connect (""); ws.OnTextMessageRecv += (e) => { Debug.Log ("Reply came from server -> " + e); }; ws.Send ("Hello"); ws.Send ("Hello again!"); ws.Send ("Goodbye"); }
IEnumerator Start() { yield return null; var ws = new HTTP.WebSocket(); StartCoroutine(ws.Dispatcher()); ws.Connect(" http://chernobyl.local:8888/"); ws.OnTextMessageRecv += (e) => { Debug.Log("Reply came from server -> " + e); }; ws.Send("Hello"); ws.Send("Hello again!"); ws.Send("Goodbye"); }
IEnumerator Start() { yield return null; var ws = new HTTP.WebSocket(); StartCoroutine(ws.Dispatcher()); Debug.LogError(ws); ws.Connect(""); ws.OnTextMessageRecv += (e) => { Debug.LogError("Reply came from server -> " + e); }; ws.Send("Hello"); ws.Send("Hello again!"); ws.Send("Goodbye"); }
IEnumerator Start() { yield return null; ws = new HTTP.WebSocket (); ws.OnTextMessageRecv += HandleTextMessage; var qs = string.Format ("?client={0}-uniweb&version={1}&protocol={2}", Application.platform, VERSION, PROTOCOL); var completeURL = url + pusherKey + qs; ws.Connect (completeURL); yield return ws.Wait(); if (!ws.connected) { Debug.LogError ("Could not connect."); } else { while(!connectedToPusher) yield return null; } }
IEnumerator _Connect() { connected = false; ws = new HTTP.WebSocket (); StartCoroutine (ws.Dispatcher ()); ws.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout; ws.OnConnect += HandleOnConnect; ws.OnDisconnect += HandleOnDisconnect; ws.OnTextMessageRecv += HandleOnTextMessageRecv; status = "Connecting"; ws.Connect (url); status = "Waiting for connection"; yield return ws.Wait (); if (ws.exception != null) { Debug.Log ("An exception occured when connecting: " + ws.exception); if (reconnectOnLostConnection) { status = "Reconnecting"; Invoke ("Connect", 2); yield break; } } status = "Connected"; }