public static HSLColor ValidatePlayerColorAndGetAlternative(S server, HSLColor askedColor, int playerIndex, Connection connectionToEcho = null) { var askColor = askedColor; Color invalidColor; if (!ValidatePlayerNewColor(server, askColor.RGB, playerIndex, out invalidColor, connectionToEcho)) { var altColor = GetColorAlternative(askColor.RGB, invalidColor); if (altColor == null || !ValidatePlayerNewColor(server, altColor.Value, playerIndex)) { // Pick a random color do { var hue = (byte)server.Random.Next(255); var sat = (byte)server.Random.Next(255); var lum = (byte)server.Random.Next(51, 255); askColor = new HSLColor(hue, sat, lum); } while (!ValidatePlayerNewColor(server, askColor.RGB, playerIndex)); } else { askColor = HSLColor.FromRGB(altColor.Value.R, altColor.Value.G, altColor.Value.B); } } return(askColor); }
void ShowLightDiffuseColorDropDown(DropDownButtonWidget color, ColorPreviewManagerWidget preview, World world) { Action onExit = () => { System.Drawing.Color c = preview.Color.RGB; lightDiffuseColor[0] = float.Parse((Convert.ToSingle(c.R) / 255).ToString("0.0")); lightDiffuseColor[1] = float.Parse((Convert.ToSingle(c.G) / 255).ToString("0.0")); lightDiffuseColor[2] = float.Parse((Convert.ToSingle(c.B) / 255).ToString("0.0")); lightDiffuseColorBlock.GetColor = () => c; lightDiffuseColorValue.GetText = () => string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", lightDiffuseColor[0].ToString(), lightDiffuseColor[1].ToString(), lightDiffuseColor[2].ToString()); }; color.RemovePanel(); Action <HSLColor> onChange = c => preview.Color = c; var colorChooser = Game.LoadWidget(world, "COLOR_CHOOSER", null, new WidgetArgs() { { "onChange", onChange }, { "initialColor", HSLColor.FromRGB( Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[0] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[1] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[2] * 255) ) }, { "initialFaction", null } }); color.AttachPanel(colorChooser, onExit); }
static bool MakeSpectator(S server, Connection conn, Session.Client client, string s) { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can move players to spectators."); return(true); } int targetId; Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(s, out targetId); var targetConn = server.Conns.SingleOrDefault(c => server.GetClient(c) != null && server.GetClient(c).Index == targetId); if (targetConn == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "No-one in that slot."); return(true); } var targetClient = server.GetClient(targetConn); targetClient.Slot = null; targetClient.SpawnPoint = 0; targetClient.Team = 0; targetClient.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); server.SendMessage("{0} moved {1} to spectators.".F(client.Name, targetClient.Name)); Log.Write("server", "{0} moved {1} to spectators.".F(client.Name, targetClient.Name)); server.SyncLobbyClients(); CheckAutoStart(server); return(true); }
public static Color3f EaseColor(EasingTypes type, float time, float t1, float t2, Color3f c1, Color3f c2) { var h1 = HSLColor.FromRGB(c1); var h2 = HSLColor.FromRGB(c2); float h = Ease(type, time, t1, t2, h1.H, h2.H); float s = Ease(type, time, t1, t2, h1.S, h2.S); float l = Ease(type, time, t1, t2, h1.L, h2.L); return(new HSLColor(h, s, l).ToRGB()); }
public static Color GetComplimentaryColor(Color c) { hslColor = HSLColor.FromRGB(c); hslColor.Luminosity = Math.Max(0.4f, hslColor.Luminosity); hslColor.Saturation = Math.Max(0.4f, hslColor.Saturation); hslColor.Saturation = Math.Min(0.55f, hslColor.Saturation); hslColor.Hue -= 3.141593f; if (hslColor.Hue < 0.0) { hslColor.Hue += 6.283185f; } return(hslColor.ToRGB()); }
// IO public void Load(string path) { var settings = new IniSettings(); settings.Load(path); foreach (var prop in properties.Values) { try { string value; if (settings.TryGetString(prop.Name, out value)) { if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(Color)) { // #FFFFFF if (value.Length == 7 && value[0] == '#') { prop.SetValue(this, rgb(Convert.ToInt32(value.Substring(1), 16)), null); } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(Brush)) { // #FFFFFF if (value.Length == 7 && value[0] == '#') { prop.SetValue(this, new SolidBrush(rgb(Convert.ToInt32(value.Substring(1), 16))), null); } } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(Pen)) { // #FFFFFF if (value.Length == 7 && value[0] == '#') { prop.SetValue(this, new Pen(new SolidBrush(rgb(Convert.ToInt32(value.Substring(1), 16)))), null); } } } } catch { } } var c = (ChatBackground as SolidBrush)?.Color ?? Color.White; IsLightTheme = HSLColor.FromRGB(c.R / 255f, c.G / 255f, c.B / 255f).Luminosity > 0.5f; }
static bool Specate(S server, Connection conn, Session.Client client, string s) { if (server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators || client.IsAdmin) { client.Slot = null; client.SpawnPoint = 0; client.Team = 0; client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); server.SyncLobbyClients(); CheckAutoStart(server); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool InterpretCommand(S server, Connection conn, Session.Client client, string cmd) { if (server == null || conn == null || client == null || !ValidateCommand(server, conn, client, cmd)) { return(false); } var dict = new Dictionary <string, Func <string, bool> > { { "state", s => { var state = Session.ClientState.Invalid; if (!Enum <Session.ClientState> .TryParse(s, false, out state)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed state command"); return(true); } client.State = state; Log.Write("server", "Player @{0} is {1}", conn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, client.State); server.SyncLobbyClients(); CheckAutoStart(server); return(true); } }, { "startgame", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can start the game."); return(true); } if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots.Any(sl => sl.Value.Required && server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(sl.Key) == null)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Unable to start the game until required slots are full."); return(true); } if (!server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.EnableSingleplayer && server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Where(c => c.Bot == null && c.Slot != null).Count() == 1) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", server.TwoHumansRequiredText); return(true); } server.StartGame(); return(true); } }, { "slot", s => { if (!server.LobbyInfo.Slots.ContainsKey(s)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid slot: {0}", s); return(false); } var slot = server.LobbyInfo.Slots[s]; if (slot.Closed || server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s) != null) { return(false); } // If the previous slot had a locked spawn then we must not carry that to the new slot var oldSlot = client.Slot != null ? server.LobbyInfo.Slots[client.Slot] : null; if (oldSlot != null && oldSlot.LockSpawn) { client.SpawnPoint = 0; } client.Slot = s; S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, server.Map.Players.Players[s]); if (!slot.LockColor) { client.PreferredColor = client.Color = SanitizePlayerColor(server, client.Color, client.Index, conn); } server.SyncLobbyClients(); CheckAutoStart(server); return(true); } }, { "allow_spectators", s => { if (bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators)) { server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); return(true); } else { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed allow_spectate command"); return(true); } } }, { "spectate", s => { if (server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators || client.IsAdmin) { client.Slot = null; client.SpawnPoint = 0; client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); server.SyncLobbyClients(); CheckAutoStart(server); return(true); } else { return(false); } } }, { "slot_close", s => { if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, s, true)) { return(false); } // kick any player that's in the slot var occupant = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s); if (occupant != null) { if (occupant.Bot != null) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(occupant); server.SyncLobbyClients(); var ping = server.LobbyInfo.PingFromClient(occupant); if (ping != null) { server.LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Remove(ping); server.SyncClientPing(); } } else { var occupantConn = server.Conns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PlayerIndex == occupant.Index); if (occupantConn != null) { server.SendOrderTo(occupantConn, "ServerError", "Your slot was closed by the host."); server.DropClient(occupantConn); } } } server.LobbyInfo.Slots[s].Closed = true; server.SyncLobbySlots(); return(true); } }, { "slot_open", s => { if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, s, true)) { return(false); } var slot = server.LobbyInfo.Slots[s]; slot.Closed = false; server.SyncLobbySlots(); // Slot may have a bot in it var occupant = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s); if (occupant != null && occupant.Bot != null) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(occupant); var ping = server.LobbyInfo.PingFromClient(occupant); if (ping != null) { server.LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Remove(ping); server.SyncClientPing(); } } server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "slot_bot", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); if (parts.Length < 3) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed slot_bot command"); return(true); } if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, parts[0], true)) { return(false); } var slot = server.LobbyInfo.Slots[parts[0]]; var bot = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(parts[0]); int controllerClientIndex; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(parts[1], out controllerClientIndex)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid bot controller client index: {0}", parts[1]); return(false); } var botType = parts.Skip(2).JoinWith(" "); // Invalid slot if (bot != null && bot.Bot == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Can't add bots to a slot with another client."); return(true); } slot.Closed = false; if (bot == null) { // Create a new bot bot = new Session.Client() { Index = server.ChooseFreePlayerIndex(), Name = botType, Bot = botType, Slot = parts[0], Faction = "Random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.NotReady, BotControllerClientIndex = controllerClientIndex }; // Pick a random color for the bot var validator = server.ModData.Manifest.Get <ColorValidator>(); var tileset = server.Map.Rules.TileSet; var terrainColors = tileset.TerrainInfo.Where(ti => ti.RestrictPlayerColor).Select(ti => ti.Color); var playerColors = server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Select(c => c.Color.RGB) .Concat(server.Map.Players.Players.Values.Select(p => p.Color.RGB)); bot.Color = bot.PreferredColor = validator.RandomValidColor(server.Random, terrainColors, playerColors); server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Add(bot); } else { // Change the type of the existing bot bot.Name = botType; bot.Bot = botType; } S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(bot, server.Map.Players.Players[parts[0]]); server.SyncLobbyClients(); server.SyncLobbySlots(); return(true); } }, { "map", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can change the map."); return(true); } var lastMap = server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Map; Action <MapPreview> selectMap = map => { // Make sure the map hasn't changed in the meantime if (server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Map != lastMap) { return; } server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Map = map.Uid; var oldSlots = server.LobbyInfo.Slots.Keys.ToArray(); server.Map = server.ModData.MapCache[server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Map]; server.LobbyInfo.Slots = server.Map.Players.Players .Select(p => MakeSlotFromPlayerReference(p.Value)) .Where(ss => ss != null) .ToDictionary(ss => ss.PlayerReference, ss => ss); LoadMapSettings(server, server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings, server.Map.Rules); // Reset client states foreach (var c in server.LobbyInfo.Clients) { c.State = Session.ClientState.Invalid; } // Reassign players into new slots based on their old slots: // - Observers remain as observers // - Players who now lack a slot are made observers // - Bots who now lack a slot are dropped // - Bots who are not defined in the map rules are dropped var botNames = server.Map.Rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfos <IBotInfo>().Select(t => t.Name); var slots = server.LobbyInfo.Slots.Keys.ToArray(); var i = 0; foreach (var os in oldSlots) { var c = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(os); if (c == null) { continue; } c.SpawnPoint = 0; c.Slot = i < slots.Length ? slots[i++] : null; if (c.Slot != null) { // Remove Bot from slot if slot forbids bots if (c.Bot != null && (!server.Map.Players.Players[c.Slot].AllowBots || !botNames.Contains(c.Bot))) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(c); } S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(c, server.Map.Players.Players[c.Slot]); } else if (c.Bot != null) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(c); } } // Validate if color is allowed and get an alternative if it isn't foreach (var c in server.LobbyInfo.Clients) { if (c.Slot == null || (c.Slot != null && !server.LobbyInfo.Slots[c.Slot].LockColor)) { c.Color = c.PreferredColor = SanitizePlayerColor(server, c.Color, c.Index, conn); } } server.SyncLobbyInfo(); server.SendMessage("{0} changed the map to {1}.".F(client.Name, server.Map.Title)); if (server.Map.DefinesUnsafeCustomRules) { server.SendMessage("This map contains custom rules. Game experience may change."); } if (!server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.EnableSingleplayer) { server.SendMessage(server.TwoHumansRequiredText); } else if (server.Map.Players.Players.Where(p => p.Value.Playable).All(p => !p.Value.AllowBots)) { server.SendMessage("Bots have been disabled on this map."); } var briefing = MissionBriefingOrDefault(server); if (briefing != null) { server.SendMessage(briefing); } }; Action queryFailed = () => server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map was not found on server."); var m = server.ModData.MapCache[s]; if (m.Status == MapStatus.Available || m.Status == MapStatus.DownloadAvailable) { selectMap(m); } else if (server.Settings.QueryMapRepository) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Searching for map on the Resource Center..."); server.ModData.MapCache.QueryRemoteMapDetails(new[] { s }, selectMap, queryFailed); } else { queryFailed(); } return(true); } }, { "option", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can change the configuration."); return(true); } var allOptions = server.Map.Rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfos <ILobbyOptions>() .Concat(server.Map.Rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfos <ILobbyOptions>()) .SelectMany(t => t.LobbyOptions(server.Map.Rules)); // Overwrite keys with duplicate ids var options = new Dictionary <string, LobbyOption>(); foreach (var o in allOptions) { options[o.Id] = o; } var split = s.Split(' '); LobbyOption option; if (split.Length < 2 || !options.TryGetValue(split[0], out option) || !option.Values.ContainsKey(split[1])) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Invalid configuration command."); return(true); } if (option.Locked) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "{0} cannot be changed.".F(option.Name)); return(true); } var oo = server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.LobbyOptions[option.Id]; if (oo.Value == split[1]) { return(true); } oo.Value = oo.PreferredValue = split[1]; if (option.Id == "gamespeed") { var speed = server.ModData.Manifest.Get <GameSpeeds>().Speeds[oo.Value]; server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Timestep = speed.Timestep; server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.OrderLatency = speed.OrderLatency; } server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage(option.ValueChangedMessage(client.Name, split[1])); return(true); } }, { "assignteams", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option."); return(true); } int teamCount; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(s, out teamCount)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Number of teams could not be parsed: {0}".F(s)); return(true); } var maxTeams = (server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Count(c => c.Slot != null) + 1) / 2; teamCount = teamCount.Clamp(0, maxTeams); var clients = server.LobbyInfo.Slots .Select(slot => server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(slot.Key)) .Where(c => c != null && !server.LobbyInfo.Slots[c.Slot].LockTeam); var assigned = 0; var clientCount = clients.Count(); foreach (var player in clients) { // Free for all if (teamCount == 0) { player.Team = 0; } // Humans vs Bots else if (teamCount == 1) { player.Team = player.Bot == null ? 1 : 2; } else { player.Team = assigned++ *teamCount / clientCount + 1; } } server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "kick", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can kick players."); return(true); } var split = s.Split(' '); if (split.Length < 2) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed kick command"); return(true); } int kickClientID; Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(split[0], out kickClientID); var kickConn = server.Conns.SingleOrDefault(c => server.GetClient(c) != null && server.GetClient(c).Index == kickClientID); if (kickConn == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "No-one in that slot."); return(true); } var kickClient = server.GetClient(kickConn); Log.Write("server", "Kicking client {0}.", kickClientID); server.SendMessage("{0} kicked {1} from the server.".F(client.Name, kickClient.Name)); server.SendOrderTo(kickConn, "ServerError", "You have been kicked from the server."); server.DropClient(kickConn); bool tempBan; bool.TryParse(split[1], out tempBan); if (tempBan) { Log.Write("server", "Temporarily banning client {0} ({1}).", kickClientID, kickClient.IpAddress); server.SendMessage("{0} temporarily banned {1} from the server.".F(client.Name, kickClient.Name)); server.TempBans.Add(kickClient.IpAddress); } server.SyncLobbyClients(); server.SyncLobbySlots(); return(true); } }, { "name", s => { var sanitizedName = Settings.SanitizedPlayerName(s); if (sanitizedName == client.Name) { return(true); } Log.Write("server", "Player@{0} is now known as {1}.", conn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, sanitizedName); server.SendMessage("{0} is now known as {1}.".F(client.Name, sanitizedName)); client.Name = sanitizedName; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "faction", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Map has disabled faction changes if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockFaction) { return(true); } var factions = server.Map.Rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfos <FactionInfo>() .Where(f => f.Selectable).Select(f => f.InternalName); if (!factions.Contains(parts[1])) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Invalid faction selected: {0}".F(parts[1])); server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Supported values: {0}".F(factions.JoinWith(", "))); return(true); } targetClient.Faction = parts[1]; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "team", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Map has disabled team changes if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockTeam) { return(true); } int team; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(parts[1], out team)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid team: {0}", s); return(false); } targetClient.Team = team; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "spawn", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Spectators don't need a spawnpoint if (targetClient.Slot == null) { return(true); } // Map has disabled spawn changes if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockSpawn) { return(true); } int spawnPoint; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(parts[1], out spawnPoint) || spawnPoint <0 || spawnPoint> server.Map.SpawnPoints.Length) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid spawn point: {0}", parts[1]); return(true); } if (server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Where(cc => cc != client).Any(cc => (cc.SpawnPoint == spawnPoint) && (cc.SpawnPoint != 0))) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "You cannot occupy the same spawn point as another player."); return(true); } // Check if any other slot has locked the requested spawn if (spawnPoint > 0) { var spawnLockedByAnotherSlot = server.LobbyInfo.Slots.Where(ss => ss.Value.LockSpawn).Any(ss => { var pr = PlayerReferenceForSlot(server, ss.Value); return(pr != null && pr.Spawn == spawnPoint); }); if (spawnLockedByAnotherSlot) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "The spawn point is locked to another player slot."); return(true); } } targetClient.SpawnPoint = spawnPoint; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "color", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Spectator or map has disabled color changes if (targetClient.Slot == null || server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockColor) { return(true); } // Validate if color is allowed and get an alternative it isn't var newColor = FieldLoader.GetValue <HSLColor>("(value)", parts[1]); targetClient.Color = SanitizePlayerColor(server, newColor, targetClient.Index, conn); // Only update player's preferred color if new color is valid if (newColor == targetClient.Color) { targetClient.PreferredColor = targetClient.Color; } server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "sync_lobby", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set lobby info"); return(true); } var lobbyInfo = Session.Deserialize(s); if (lobbyInfo == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Invalid Lobby Info Sent"); return(true); } server.LobbyInfo = lobbyInfo; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } } }; var cmdName = cmd.Split(' ').First(); var cmdValue = cmd.Split(' ').Skip(1).JoinWith(" "); Func <string, bool> a; if (!dict.TryGetValue(cmdName, out a)) { return(false); } return(a(cmdValue)); }
void ValidateClient(Connection newConn, string data) { try { if (State == ServerState.GameStarted) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; game is already started.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game has already started"); DropClient(newConn); return; } var handshake = HandshakeResponse.Deserialize(data); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Password) && handshake.Password != Settings.Password) { var message = string.IsNullOrEmpty(handshake.Password) ? "Server requires a password" : "Incorrect password"; SendOrderTo(newConn, "AuthenticationError", message); DropClient(newConn); return; } var client = new Session.Client { Name = OpenRA.Settings.SanitizedPlayerName(handshake.Client.Name), IpAddress = ((IPEndPoint)newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(), Index = newConn.PlayerIndex, Slot = LobbyInfo.FirstEmptySlot(), PreferredColor = handshake.Client.PreferredColor, Color = handshake.Client.Color, Faction = "Random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.Invalid, IsAdmin = !LobbyInfo.Clients.Any(c1 => c1.IsAdmin) }; if (client.IsObserver && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game is full"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (client.Slot != null) { SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, Map.Players.Players[client.Slot]); } else { client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); } if (ModData.Manifest.Id != handshake.Mod) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; mods do not match.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible mod"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (ModData.Manifest.Metadata.Version != handshake.Version && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowVersionMismatch) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Not running the same version.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible version"); DropClient(newConn); return; } // Check if IP is banned var bans = Settings.Ban.Union(TempBans); if (bans.Contains(client.IpAddress)) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Banned.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "You have been {0} from the server".F(Settings.Ban.Contains(client.IpAddress) ? "banned" : "temporarily banned")); DropClient(newConn); return; } Action completeConnection = () => { // Promote connection to a valid client PreConns.Remove(newConn); Conns.Add(newConn); LobbyInfo.Clients.Add(client); newConn.Validated = true; var clientPing = new Session.ClientPing { Index = client.Index }; LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Add(clientPing); Log.Write("server", "Client {0}: Accepted connection from {1}.", newConn.PlayerIndex, newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); if (client.Fingerprint != null) { Log.Write("server", "Client {0}: Player fingerprint is {1}.", newConn.PlayerIndex, client.Fingerprint); } foreach (var t in serverTraits.WithInterface <IClientJoined>()) { t.ClientJoined(this, newConn); } SyncLobbyInfo(); Log.Write("server", "{0} ({1}) has joined the game.", client.Name, newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); // Report to all other players SendMessage("{0} has joined the game.".F(client.Name), newConn); // Send initial ping SendOrderTo(newConn, "Ping", Game.RunTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (Dedicated) { var motdFile = Platform.ResolvePath(Platform.SupportDirPrefix, "motd.txt"); if (!File.Exists(motdFile)) { File.WriteAllText(motdFile, "Welcome, have fun and good luck!"); } var motd = File.ReadAllText(motdFile); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(motd)) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", motd); } } if (Map.DefinesUnsafeCustomRules) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", "This map contains custom rules. Game experience may change."); } if (!LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.EnableSingleplayer) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", TwoHumansRequiredText); } else if (Map.Players.Players.Where(p => p.Value.Playable).All(p => !p.Value.AllowBots)) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", "Bots have been disabled on this map."); } }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(handshake.Fingerprint) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(handshake.AuthSignature)) { waitingForAuthenticationCallback++; Action <DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs> onQueryComplete = i => { PlayerProfile profile = null; if (i.Error == null) { try { var yaml = MiniYaml.FromString(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(i.Result)).First(); if (yaml.Key == "Player") { profile = FieldLoader.Load <PlayerProfile>(yaml.Value); var publicKey = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(profile.PublicKey)); var parameters = CryptoUtil.DecodePEMPublicKey(publicKey); if (!profile.KeyRevoked && CryptoUtil.VerifySignature(parameters, newConn.AuthToken, handshake.AuthSignature)) { client.Fingerprint = handshake.Fingerprint; Log.Write("server", "{0} authenticated as {1} (UID {2})", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, profile.ProfileName, profile.ProfileID); } else if (profile.KeyRevoked) { Log.Write("server", "{0} failed to authenticate as {1} (key revoked)", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, handshake.Fingerprint); } else { Log.Write("server", "{0} failed to authenticate as {1} (signature verification failed)", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, handshake.Fingerprint); } } else { Log.Write("server", "{0} failed to authenticate as {1} (invalid server response: `{2}` is not `Player`)", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, handshake.Fingerprint, yaml.Key); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write("server", "{0} failed to authenticate as {1} (exception occurred)", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, handshake.Fingerprint); Log.Write("server", ex.ToString()); } } else { Log.Write("server", "{0} failed to authenticate as {1} (server error: `{2}`)", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint, handshake.Fingerprint, i.Error); } delayedActions.Add(() => { var notAuthenticated = Dedicated && profile == null && (Settings.RequireAuthentication || Settings.ProfileIDWhitelist.Any()); var blacklisted = Dedicated && profile != null && Settings.ProfileIDBlacklist.Contains(profile.ProfileID); var notWhitelisted = Dedicated && Settings.ProfileIDWhitelist.Any() && (profile == null || !Settings.ProfileIDWhitelist.Contains(profile.ProfileID)); if (notAuthenticated) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Not authenticated.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server requires players to have an OpenRA forum account"); DropClient(newConn); } else if (blacklisted || notWhitelisted) { if (blacklisted) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; In server blacklist.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); } else { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Not in server whitelist.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); } SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "You do not have permission to join this server"); DropClient(newConn); } else { completeConnection(); } waitingForAuthenticationCallback--; }, 0); }; new Download(playerDatabase.Profile + handshake.Fingerprint, _ => { }, onQueryComplete); } else { if (Dedicated && (Settings.RequireAuthentication || Settings.ProfileIDWhitelist.Any())) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Not authenticated.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server requires players to have an OpenRA forum account"); DropClient(newConn); } else { completeConnection(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write("server", "Dropping connection {0} because an error occurred:", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); Log.Write("server", ex.ToString()); DropClient(newConn); } }
public bool InterpretCommand(S server, Connection conn, Session.Client client, string cmd) { if (!ValidateCommand(server, conn, client, cmd)) { return(false); } var dict = new Dictionary <string, Func <string, bool> > { { "ready", s => { // if we're downloading, we can't ready up. if (client.State == Session.ClientState.NotReady) { client.State = Session.ClientState.Ready; } else if (client.State == Session.ClientState.Ready) { client.State = Session.ClientState.NotReady; } Log.Write("server", "Player @{0} is {1}", conn.socket.RemoteEndPoint, client.State); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); CheckAutoStart(server, conn, client); return(true); } }, { "startgame", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can start the game"); return(true); } if (server.lobbyInfo.Slots.Any(sl => sl.Value.Required && server.lobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(sl.Key) == null)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Unable to start the game until required slots are full."); return(true); } server.StartGame(); return(true); } }, { "slot", s => { if (!server.lobbyInfo.Slots.ContainsKey(s)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid slot: {0}", s); return(false); } var slot = server.lobbyInfo.Slots[s]; if (slot.Closed || server.lobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s) != null) { return(false); } client.Slot = s; S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, server.Map.Players[s]); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); CheckAutoStart(server, conn, client); return(true); } }, { "spectate", s => { client.Slot = null; client.SpawnPoint = 0; client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "slot_close", s => { if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, s, true)) { return(false); } // kick any player that's in the slot var occupant = server.lobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s); if (occupant != null) { if (occupant.Bot != null) { server.lobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(occupant); } else { var occupantConn = server.conns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PlayerIndex == occupant.Index); if (occupantConn != null) { server.SendOrderTo(occupantConn, "ServerError", "Your slot was closed by the host"); server.DropClient(occupantConn); } } } server.lobbyInfo.Slots[s].Closed = true; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "slot_open", s => { if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, s, true)) { return(false); } var slot = server.lobbyInfo.Slots[s]; slot.Closed = false; // Slot may have a bot in it var occupant = server.lobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s); if (occupant != null && occupant.Bot != null) { server.lobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(occupant); } server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "slot_bot", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); if (parts.Length < 3) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed slot_bot command"); return(true); } if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, parts[0], true)) { return(false); } var slot = server.lobbyInfo.Slots[parts[0]]; var bot = server.lobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(parts[0]); int controllerClientIndex; if (!int.TryParse(parts[1], out controllerClientIndex)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid bot controller client index: {0}", parts[1]); return(false); } var botType = parts.Skip(2).JoinWith(" "); // Invalid slot if (bot != null && bot.Bot == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Can't add bots to a slot with another client"); return(true); } slot.Closed = false; if (bot == null) { // Create a new bot bot = new Session.Client() { Index = server.ChooseFreePlayerIndex(), Name = botType, Bot = botType, Slot = parts[0], Country = "random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.NotReady, BotControllerClientIndex = controllerClientIndex }; // pick a random color for the bot var hue = (byte)server.Random.Next(255); var sat = (byte)server.Random.Next(255); var lum = (byte)server.Random.Next(51, 255); bot.Color = bot.PreferredColor = new HSLColor(hue, sat, lum); server.lobbyInfo.Clients.Add(bot); } else { // Change the type of the existing bot bot.Name = botType; bot.Bot = botType; } S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(bot, server.Map.Players[parts[0]]); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "map", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can change the map"); return(true); } if (!server.ModData.AvailableMaps.ContainsKey(s)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map not found"); return(true); } server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Map = s; var oldSlots = server.lobbyInfo.Slots.Keys.ToArray(); LoadMap(server); SetDefaultDifficulty(server); // Reassign players into new slots based on their old slots: // - Observers remain as observers // - Players who now lack a slot are made observers // - Bots who now lack a slot are dropped var slots = server.lobbyInfo.Slots.Keys.ToArray(); int i = 0; foreach (var os in oldSlots) { var c = server.lobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(os); if (c == null) { continue; } c.SpawnPoint = 0; c.State = Session.ClientState.NotReady; c.Slot = i < slots.Length ? slots[i++] : null; if (c.Slot != null) { // Remove Bot from slot if slot forbids bots if (c.Bot != null && !server.Map.Players[c.Slot].AllowBots) { server.lobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(c); } S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(c, server.Map.Players[c.Slot]); } else if (c.Bot != null) { server.lobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(c); } } server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "fragilealliance", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.FragileAlliances.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled alliance configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.FragileAlliances); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "allowcheats", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Cheats.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled cheat configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowCheats); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "shroud", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Shroud.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled shroud configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Shroud); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "fog", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Fog.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled fog configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Fog); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "assignteams", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } int teamCount; if (!int.TryParse(s, out teamCount)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Number of teams could not be parsed: {0}".F(s)); return(true); } var maxTeams = (server.lobbyInfo.Clients.Count(c => c.Slot != null) + 1) / 2; teamCount = teamCount.Clamp(0, maxTeams); var players = server.lobbyInfo.Slots .Select(slot => server.lobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(slot.Key)) .Where(c => c != null && !server.lobbyInfo.Slots[c.Slot].LockTeam); var assigned = 0; var playerCount = players.Count(); foreach (var player in players) { // Free for all if (teamCount == 0) { player.Team = 0; } // Humans vs Bots else if (teamCount == 1) { player.Team = player.Bot == null ? 1 : 2; } else { player.Team = assigned++ *teamCount / playerCount + 1; } } server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "crates", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Crates.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled crate configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Crates); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "allybuildradius", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.AllyBuildRadius.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled ally build radius configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllyBuildRadius); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "difficulty", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (s != null && !server.Map.Options.Difficulties.Contains(s)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Unsupported difficulty selected: {0}".F(s)); server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Supported difficulties: {0}".F(server.Map.Options.Difficulties.JoinWith(","))); return(true); } server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Difficulty = s; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "startingunits", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (!server.Map.Options.ConfigurableStartingUnits) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled start unit configuration"); return(true); } server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.StartingUnitsClass = s; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "startingcash", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.StartingCash.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled cash configuration"); return(true); } server.lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.StartingCash = int.Parse(s); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "kick", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can kick players"); return(true); } var split = s.Split(' '); if (split.Length < 2) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed kick command"); return(true); } int kickClientID; int.TryParse(split[0], out kickClientID); var kickConn = server.conns.SingleOrDefault(c => server.GetClient(c) != null && server.GetClient(c).Index == kickClientID); if (kickConn == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Noone in that slot."); return(true); } var kickConnIP = server.GetClient(kickConn).IpAddress; Log.Write("server", "Kicking client {0} as requested", kickClientID); server.SendOrderTo(kickConn, "ServerError", "You have been kicked from the server"); server.DropClient(kickConn); bool tempBan; bool.TryParse(split[1], out tempBan); if (tempBan) { Log.Write("server", "Temporarily banning client {0} ({1}) as requested", kickClientID, kickConnIP); server.TempBans.Add(kickConnIP); } server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "name", s => { Log.Write("server", "Player@{0} is now known as {1}", conn.socket.RemoteEndPoint, s); client.Name = s; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "race", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.lobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(int.Parse(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Map has disabled race changes if (server.lobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockRace) { return(true); } targetClient.Country = parts[1]; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "team", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.lobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(int.Parse(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Map has disabled team changes if (server.lobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockTeam) { return(true); } int team; if (!int.TryParse(parts[1], out team)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid team: {0}", s); return(false); } targetClient.Team = team; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "spawn", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.lobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(int.Parse(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Spectators don't need a spawnpoint if (targetClient.Slot == null) { return(true); } // Map has disabled spawn changes if (server.lobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockSpawn) { return(true); } int spawnPoint; if (!int.TryParse(parts[1], out spawnPoint) || spawnPoint <0 || spawnPoint> server.Map.GetSpawnPoints().Length) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid spawn point: {0}", parts[1]); return(true); } if (server.lobbyInfo.Clients.Where(cc => cc != client).Any(cc => (cc.SpawnPoint == spawnPoint) && (cc.SpawnPoint != 0))) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "You can't be at the same spawn point as another player"); return(true); } targetClient.SpawnPoint = spawnPoint; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } }, { "color", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.lobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(int.Parse(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Spectator or map has disabled color changes if (targetClient.Slot == null || server.lobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockColor) { return(true); } var ci = parts[1].Split(',').Select(cc => int.Parse(cc)).ToArray(); targetClient.Color = targetClient.PreferredColor = new HSLColor((byte)ci[0], (byte)ci[1], (byte)ci[2]); server.SyncLobbyInfo(); return(true); } } }; var cmdName = cmd.Split(' ').First(); var cmdValue = cmd.Split(' ').Skip(1).JoinWith(" "); Func <string, bool> a; if (!dict.TryGetValue(cmdName, out a)) { return(false); } return(a(cmdValue)); }
public VxlBrowserLogic(Widget widget, Action onExit, ModData modData, World world, Dictionary <string, MiniYaml> logicArgs) { = world; this.modData = modData; panel = widget; var voxelWidget = panel.GetOrNull <VoxelWidget>("VOXEL"); if (voxelWidget != null) { voxelWidget.GetVoxel = () => currentVoxel != null ? currentVoxel : null; currentPalette = voxelWidget.Palette; voxelWidget.GetPalette = () => currentPalette; voxelWidget.GetPlayerPalette = () => currentPlayerPalette; voxelWidget.GetNormalsPalette = () => currentNormalsPalette; voxelWidget.GetShadowPalette = () => currentShadowPalette; voxelWidget.GetLightAmbientColor = () => lightAmbientColor; voxelWidget.GetLightDiffuseColor = () => lightDiffuseColor; voxelWidget.GetLightPitch = () => lightPitch; voxelWidget.GetLightYaw = () => lightYaw; voxelWidget.IsVisible = () => !isVideoLoaded && !isLoadError; } var playerWidget = panel.GetOrNull <VqaPlayerWidget>("PLAYER"); if (playerWidget != null) { playerWidget.IsVisible = () => isVideoLoaded && !isLoadError; } var paletteDropDown = panel.GetOrNull <DropDownButtonWidget>("PALETTE_SELECTOR"); if (paletteDropDown != null) { paletteDropDown.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowPaletteDropdown(paletteDropDown, world); paletteDropDown.GetText = () => currentPalette; } var lightAmbientColorPreview = panel.GetOrNull <ColorPreviewManagerWidget>("LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR_MANAGER"); if (lightAmbientColorPreview != null) { lightAmbientColorPreview.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB( Convert.ToInt32(lightAmbientColor[0] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightAmbientColor[1] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightAmbientColor[2] * 255) ); } var lightDiffuseColorPreview = panel.GetOrNull <ColorPreviewManagerWidget>("LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR_MANAGER"); if (lightDiffuseColorPreview != null) { lightDiffuseColorPreview.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB( Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[0] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[1] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[2] * 255) ); } var playerPaletteDropDown = panel.GetOrNull <DropDownButtonWidget>("PLAYER_PALETTE_SELECTOR"); if (playerPaletteDropDown != null) { playerPaletteDropDown.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowPlayerPaletteDropdown(playerPaletteDropDown, world); playerPaletteDropDown.GetText = () => currentPlayerPalette; } var normalsPlaletteDropDown = panel.GetOrNull <DropDownButtonWidget>("NORMALS_PALETTE_SELECTOR"); if (normalsPlaletteDropDown != null) { normalsPlaletteDropDown.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowNormalsPaletteDropdown(normalsPlaletteDropDown, world); normalsPlaletteDropDown.GetText = () => currentNormalsPalette; } var shadowPlaletteDropDown = panel.GetOrNull <DropDownButtonWidget>("SHADOW_PALETTE_SELECTOR"); if (shadowPlaletteDropDown != null) { shadowPlaletteDropDown.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowShadowPaletteDropdown(normalsPlaletteDropDown, world); shadowPlaletteDropDown.GetText = () => currentShadowPalette; } scaleInput = panel.GetOrNull <TextFieldWidget>("SCALE_TEXT"); scaleInput.OnTextEdited = () => OnScaleEdit(); scaleInput.OnEscKey = scaleInput.YieldKeyboardFocus; lightPitchInput = panel.GetOrNull <TextFieldWidget>("LIGHTPITCH_TEXT"); lightPitchInput.OnTextEdited = () => OnLightPitchEdit(); lightPitchInput.OnEscKey = lightPitchInput.YieldKeyboardFocus; lightYawInput = panel.GetOrNull <TextFieldWidget>("LIGHTYAW_TEXT"); lightYawInput.OnTextEdited = () => OnLightYawEdit(); lightYawInput.OnEscKey = lightYawInput.YieldKeyboardFocus; var lightAmbientColorDropDown = panel.GetOrNull <DropDownButtonWidget>("LIGHT_AMBIENT_COLOR"); if (lightAmbientColorDropDown != null) { lightAmbientColorDropDown.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowLightAmbientColorDropDown(lightAmbientColorDropDown, lightAmbientColorPreview, world); lightAmbientColorBlock = panel.Get <ColorBlockWidget>("AMBIENT_COLORBLOCK"); lightAmbientColorBlock.GetColor = () => System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( Convert.ToInt32(lightAmbientColor[0] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightAmbientColor[1] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightAmbientColor[2] * 255) ); } lightAmbientColorValue = panel.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("LIGHTAMBIENTCOLOR_VALUE"); lightDiffuseColorValue = panel.GetOrNull <LabelWidget>("LIGHTDIFFUSECOLOR_VALUE"); var lightDiffuseColorDropDown = panel.GetOrNull <DropDownButtonWidget>("LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOR"); if (lightDiffuseColorDropDown != null) { lightDiffuseColorDropDown.OnMouseDown = _ => ShowLightDiffuseColorDropDown(lightDiffuseColorDropDown, lightDiffuseColorPreview, world); lightDiffuseColorBlock = panel.Get <ColorBlockWidget>("DIFFUSE_COLORBLOCK"); lightDiffuseColorBlock.GetColor = () => System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[0] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[1] * 255), Convert.ToInt32(lightDiffuseColor[2] * 255) ); } unitnameInput = panel.Get <TextFieldWidget>("FILENAME_INPUT"); unitnameInput.OnTextEdited = () => ApplyFilter(); unitnameInput.OnEscKey = unitnameInput.YieldKeyboardFocus; if (logicArgs.ContainsKey("SupportedFormats")) { allowedExtensions = FieldLoader.GetValue <string[]>("SupportedFormats", logicArgs["SupportedFormats"].Value); } else { allowedExtensions = new string[0]; } acceptablePackages = modData.ModFiles.MountedPackages.Where(p => p.Contents.Any(c => allowedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(c).ToLowerInvariant()))); unitList = panel.Get <ScrollPanelWidget>("ASSET_LIST"); template = panel.Get <ScrollItemWidget>("ASSET_TEMPLATE"); PopulateAssetList(); var closeButton = panel.GetOrNull <ButtonWidget>("CLOSE_BUTTON"); if (closeButton != null) { closeButton.OnClick = () => { if (isVideoLoaded) { player.Stop(); } Ui.CloseWindow(); onExit(); } } ; }
public bool InterpretCommand(S server, Connection conn, Session.Client client, string cmd) { if (!ValidateCommand(server, conn, client, cmd)) { return(false); } var dict = new Dictionary <string, Func <string, bool> > { { "state", s => { var state = Session.ClientState.Invalid; if (!Enum <Session.ClientState> .TryParse(s, false, out state)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed state command"); return(true); } client.State = state; Log.Write("server", "Player @{0} is {1}", conn.socket.RemoteEndPoint, client.State); server.SyncLobbyClients(); CheckAutoStart(server); return(true); } }, { "startgame", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can start the game"); return(true); } if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots.Any(sl => sl.Value.Required && server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(sl.Key) == null)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Unable to start the game until required slots are full."); return(true); } server.StartGame(); return(true); } }, { "slot", s => { if (!server.LobbyInfo.Slots.ContainsKey(s)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid slot: {0}", s); return(false); } var slot = server.LobbyInfo.Slots[s]; if (slot.Closed || server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s) != null) { return(false); } client.Slot = s; S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, server.Map.Players[s]); server.SyncLobbyClients(); CheckAutoStart(server); return(true); } }, { "allow_spectators", s => { if (bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators)) { server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); return(true); } else { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed allow_spectate command"); return(true); } } }, { "spectate", s => { if (server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators || client.IsAdmin) { client.Slot = null; client.SpawnPoint = 0; client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } else { return(false); } } }, { "slot_close", s => { if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, s, true)) { return(false); } // kick any player that's in the slot var occupant = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s); if (occupant != null) { if (occupant.Bot != null) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(occupant); server.SyncLobbyClients(); var ping = server.LobbyInfo.PingFromClient(occupant); server.LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Remove(ping); server.SyncClientPing(); } else { var occupantConn = server.Conns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.PlayerIndex == occupant.Index); if (occupantConn != null) { server.SendOrderTo(occupantConn, "ServerError", "Your slot was closed by the host"); server.DropClient(occupantConn); } } } server.LobbyInfo.Slots[s].Closed = true; server.SyncLobbySlots(); return(true); } }, { "slot_open", s => { if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, s, true)) { return(false); } var slot = server.LobbyInfo.Slots[s]; slot.Closed = false; server.SyncLobbySlots(); // Slot may have a bot in it var occupant = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(s); if (occupant != null && occupant.Bot != null) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(occupant); var ping = server.LobbyInfo.PingFromClient(occupant); server.LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Remove(ping); } server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "slot_bot", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); if (parts.Length < 3) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed slot_bot command"); return(true); } if (!ValidateSlotCommand(server, conn, client, parts[0], true)) { return(false); } var slot = server.LobbyInfo.Slots[parts[0]]; var bot = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(parts[0]); int controllerClientIndex; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(parts[1], out controllerClientIndex)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid bot controller client index: {0}", parts[1]); return(false); } var botType = parts.Skip(2).JoinWith(" "); // Invalid slot if (bot != null && bot.Bot == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Can't add bots to a slot with another client"); return(true); } slot.Closed = false; if (bot == null) { // Create a new bot bot = new Session.Client() { Index = server.ChooseFreePlayerIndex(), Name = botType, Bot = botType, Slot = parts[0], Country = "random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.NotReady, BotControllerClientIndex = controllerClientIndex }; // Pick a random color for the bot HSLColor botColor; do { var hue = (byte)server.Random.Next(255); var sat = (byte)server.Random.Next(255); var lum = (byte)server.Random.Next(51, 255); botColor = new HSLColor(hue, sat, lum); } while (!ColorValidator.ValidatePlayerNewColor(server, botColor.RGB, bot.Index)); bot.Color = bot.PreferredColor = botColor; server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Add(bot); } else { // Change the type of the existing bot bot.Name = botType; bot.Bot = botType; } S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(bot, server.Map.Players[parts[0]]); server.SyncLobbyClients(); server.SyncLobbySlots(); return(true); } }, { "map", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can change the map"); return(true); } if (server.ModData.MapCache[s].Status != MapStatus.Available) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map was not found on server"); return(true); } server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Map = s; var oldSlots = server.LobbyInfo.Slots.Keys.ToArray(); LoadMap(server); SetDefaultDifficulty(server); // Reset client states foreach (var c in server.LobbyInfo.Clients) { c.State = Session.ClientState.Invalid; } // Reassign players into new slots based on their old slots: // - Observers remain as observers // - Players who now lack a slot are made observers // - Bots who now lack a slot are dropped var slots = server.LobbyInfo.Slots.Keys.ToArray(); var i = 0; foreach (var os in oldSlots) { var c = server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(os); if (c == null) { continue; } c.SpawnPoint = 0; c.Slot = i < slots.Length ? slots[i++] : null; if (c.Slot != null) { // Remove Bot from slot if slot forbids bots if (c.Bot != null && !server.Map.Players[c.Slot].AllowBots) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(c); } S.SyncClientToPlayerReference(c, server.Map.Players[c.Slot]); } else if (c.Bot != null) { server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Remove(c); } } foreach (var c in server.LobbyInfo.Clients) { // Validate if color is allowed and get an alternative it it isn't c.Color = c.PreferredColor = ColorValidator.ValidatePlayerColorAndGetAlternative(server, c.Color, c.Index, conn); } server.SyncLobbyInfo(); server.SendMessage("{0} changed the map to {1}.".F(client.Name, server.Map.Title)); return(true); } }, { "fragilealliance", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.FragileAlliances.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled alliance configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.FragileAlliances); server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} {1} Diplomacy Changes." .F(client.Name, server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.FragileAlliances ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return(true); } }, { "allowcheats", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Cheats.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled cheat configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowCheats); server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} {1} Developer Cheats." .F(client.Name, server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowCheats ? "allowed" : "disallowed")); return(true); } }, { "shroud", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Shroud.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled shroud configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Shroud); server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} {1} Shroud." .F(client.Name, server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Shroud ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return(true); } }, { "fog", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Fog.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled fog configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Fog); server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} {1} Fog of War." .F(client.Name, server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Fog ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return(true); } }, { "assignteams", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } int teamCount; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(s, out teamCount)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Number of teams could not be parsed: {0}".F(s)); return(true); } var maxTeams = (server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Count(c => c.Slot != null) + 1) / 2; teamCount = teamCount.Clamp(0, maxTeams); var players = server.LobbyInfo.Slots .Select(slot => server.LobbyInfo.ClientInSlot(slot.Key)) .Where(c => c != null && !server.LobbyInfo.Slots[c.Slot].LockTeam); var assigned = 0; var playerCount = players.Count(); foreach (var player in players) { // Free for all if (teamCount == 0) { player.Team = 0; } // Humans vs Bots else if (teamCount == 1) { player.Team = player.Bot == null ? 1 : 2; } else { player.Team = assigned++ *teamCount / playerCount + 1; } } server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "crates", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.Crates.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled crate configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Crates); server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} {1} Crates Appear." .F(client.Name, server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Crates ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return(true); } }, { "allybuildradius", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.AllyBuildRadius.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled ally build radius configuration"); return(true); } bool.TryParse(s, out server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllyBuildRadius); server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} {1} Build off Ally ConYards." .F(client.Name, server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllyBuildRadius ? "enabled" : "disabled")); return(true); } }, { "difficulty", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (s != null && !server.Map.Options.Difficulties.Contains(s)) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Unsupported difficulty selected: {0}".F(s)); server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Supported difficulties: {0}".F(server.Map.Options.Difficulties.JoinWith(","))); return(true); } server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Difficulty = s; server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} changed difficulty to {1}.".F(client.Name, s)); return(true); } }, { "startingunits", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (!server.Map.Options.ConfigurableStartingUnits) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled start unit configuration"); return(true); } var startUnitsInfo = server.Map.Rules.Actors["world"].Traits.WithInterface <MPStartUnitsInfo>(); var selectedClass = startUnitsInfo.Where(u => u.Class == s).Select(u => u.ClassName).FirstOrDefault(); var className = selectedClass != null ? selectedClass : s; server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.StartingUnitsClass = s; server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} changed Starting Units to {1}.".F(client.Name, className)); return(true); } }, { "startingcash", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.StartingCash.HasValue) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled cash configuration"); return(true); } server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.StartingCash = Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(s); server.SyncLobbyGlobalSettings(); server.SendMessage("{0} changed Starting Cash to ${1}.".F(client.Name, s)); return(true); } }, { "techlevel", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can set that option"); return(true); } if (server.Map.Options.TechLevel != null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Map has disabled Tech configuration"); return(true); } server.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.TechLevel = s; server.SyncLobbyInfo(); server.SendMessage("{0} changed Tech Level to {1}.".F(client.Name, s)); return(true); } }, { "kick", s => { if (!client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can kick players"); return(true); } var split = s.Split(' '); if (split.Length < 2) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Malformed kick command"); return(true); } int kickClientID; Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(split[0], out kickClientID); var kickConn = server.Conns.SingleOrDefault(c => server.GetClient(c) != null && server.GetClient(c).Index == kickClientID); if (kickConn == null) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Noone in that slot."); return(true); } var kickClient = server.GetClient(kickConn); Log.Write("server", "Kicking client {0} as requested", kickClientID); server.SendMessage("{0} kicked {1} from the server.".F(client.Name, kickClient.Name)); server.SendOrderTo(kickConn, "ServerError", "You have been kicked from the server"); server.DropClient(kickConn); bool tempBan; bool.TryParse(split[1], out tempBan); if (tempBan) { Log.Write("server", "Temporarily banning client {0} ({1}) as requested", kickClientID, kickClient.IpAddress); server.SendMessage("{0} temporarily banned {1} from the server.".F(client.Name, kickClient.Name)); server.TempBans.Add(kickClient.IpAddress); } server.SyncLobbyClients(); server.SyncLobbySlots(); return(true); } }, { "name", s => { Log.Write("server", "Player@{0} is now known as {1}", conn.socket.RemoteEndPoint, s); server.SendMessage("{0} is now known as {1}.".F(client.Name, s)); client.Name = s; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "race", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Map has disabled race changes if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockRace) { return(true); } targetClient.Country = parts[1]; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "team", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Map has disabled team changes if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockTeam) { return(true); } int team; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(parts[1], out team)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid team: {0}", s); return(false); } targetClient.Team = team; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "spawn", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Spectators don't need a spawnpoint if (targetClient.Slot == null) { return(true); } // Map has disabled spawn changes if (server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockSpawn) { return(true); } int spawnPoint; if (!Exts.TryParseIntegerInvariant(parts[1], out spawnPoint) || spawnPoint <0 || spawnPoint> server.Map.GetSpawnPoints().Length) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid spawn point: {0}", parts[1]); return(true); } if (server.LobbyInfo.Clients.Where(cc => cc != client).Any(cc => (cc.SpawnPoint == spawnPoint) && (cc.SpawnPoint != 0))) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "You can't be at the same spawn point as another player"); return(true); } targetClient.SpawnPoint = spawnPoint; server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } }, { "color", s => { var parts = s.Split(' '); var targetClient = server.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(Exts.ParseIntegerInvariant(parts[0])); // Only the host can change other client's info if (targetClient.Index != client.Index && !client.IsAdmin) { return(true); } // Spectator or map has disabled color changes if (targetClient.Slot == null || server.LobbyInfo.Slots[targetClient.Slot].LockColor) { return(true); } var newHslColor = FieldLoader.GetValue <HSLColor>("(value)", parts[1]); // Validate if color is allowed and get an alternative it it isn't var altHslColor = ColorValidator.ValidatePlayerColorAndGetAlternative(server, newHslColor, targetClient.Index, conn); targetClient.Color = altHslColor; // Only update player's preferred color if new color is valid if (newHslColor == altHslColor) { targetClient.PreferredColor = altHslColor; } server.SyncLobbyClients(); return(true); } } }; var cmdName = cmd.Split(' ').First(); var cmdValue = cmd.Split(' ').Skip(1).JoinWith(" "); Func <string, bool> a; if (!dict.TryGetValue(cmdName, out a)) { return(false); } return(a(cmdValue)); }
void ValidateClient(Connection newConn, string data) { try { if (State == ServerState.GameStarted) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; game is already started.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game has already started"); DropClient(newConn); return; } var handshake = HandshakeResponse.Deserialize(data); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Password) && handshake.Password != Settings.Password) { var message = string.IsNullOrEmpty(handshake.Password) ? "Server requires a password" : "Incorrect password"; SendOrderTo(newConn, "AuthenticationError", message); DropClient(newConn); return; } var client = new Session.Client { Name = OpenRA.Settings.SanitizedPlayerName(handshake.Client.Name), IpAddress = ((IPEndPoint)newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(), Index = newConn.PlayerIndex, Slot = LobbyInfo.FirstEmptySlot(), PreferredColor = handshake.Client.PreferredColor, Color = handshake.Client.Color, Faction = "Random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.Invalid, IsAdmin = !LobbyInfo.Clients.Any(c1 => c1.IsAdmin) }; if (client.IsObserver && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game is full"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (client.Slot != null) { SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, Map.Players.Players[client.Slot]); } else { client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); } if (ModData.Manifest.Id != handshake.Mod) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; mods do not match.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible mod"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (ModData.Manifest.Metadata.Version != handshake.Version && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowVersionMismatch) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Not running the same version.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible version"); DropClient(newConn); return; } // Check if IP is banned var bans = Settings.Ban.Union(TempBans); if (bans.Contains(client.IpAddress)) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Banned.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "You have been {0} from the server".F(Settings.Ban.Contains(client.IpAddress) ? "banned" : "temporarily banned")); DropClient(newConn); return; } // Promote connection to a valid client PreConns.Remove(newConn); Conns.Add(newConn); LobbyInfo.Clients.Add(client); newConn.Validated = true; var clientPing = new Session.ClientPing { Index = client.Index }; LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Add(clientPing); Log.Write("server", "Client {0}: Accepted connection from {1}.", newConn.PlayerIndex, newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); foreach (var t in serverTraits.WithInterface <IClientJoined>()) { t.ClientJoined(this, newConn); } SyncLobbyInfo(); Log.Write("server", "{0} ({1}) has joined the game.", client.Name, newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); if (LobbyInfo.NonBotClients.Count() > 1) { SendMessage("{0} has joined the game.".F(client.Name)); } // Send initial ping SendOrderTo(newConn, "Ping", Game.RunTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (Dedicated) { var motdFile = Platform.ResolvePath(Platform.SupportDirPrefix, "motd.txt"); if (!File.Exists(motdFile)) { File.WriteAllText(motdFile, "Welcome, have fun and good luck!"); } var motd = File.ReadAllText(motdFile); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(motd)) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", motd); } } if (Map.DefinesUnsafeCustomRules) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", "This map contains custom rules. Game experience may change."); } if (!LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.EnableSingleplayer) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", TwoHumansRequiredText); } else if (Map.Players.Players.Where(p => p.Value.Playable).All(p => !p.Value.AllowBots)) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", "Bots have been disabled on this map."); } if (handshake.Mod == "{DEV_VERSION}") { SendMessage("{0} is running an unversioned development build, ".F(client.Name) + "and may desynchronize the game state if they have incompatible rules."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write("server", "Dropping connection {0} because an error occurred:", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); Log.Write("server", ex.ToString()); DropClient(newConn); } }
void ValidateClient(Connection newConn, string data) { try { if (State == ServerState.GameStarted) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game has already started"); DropClient(newConn); return; } var handshake = HandshakeResponse.Deserialize(data); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Password) && handshake.Password != Settings.Password) { var message = string.IsNullOrEmpty(handshake.Password) ? "Server requires a password" : "Incorrect password"; SendOrderTo(newConn, "AuthenticationError", message); DropClient(newConn); return; } var client = new Session.Client { Name = EW.Settings.SanitizedPlayerName(handshake.Client.Name), IpAddress = ((IPEndPoint)newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(), Index = newConn.PlayerIndex, Slot = LobbyInfo.FirstEmptySlot(), PreferredColor = handshake.Client.PreferredColor, Color = handshake.Client.Color, Faction = "Random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.Invalid, IsAdmin = !LobbyInfo.Clients.Any(cl => cl.IsAdmin) }; if (client.IsObserver && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game is full"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (client.Slot != null) { SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, Map.Players.Players[client.Slot]); } else { client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); } if (ModData.Manifest.Id != handshake.Mod) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible mod"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (ModData.Manifest.Metadata.Version != handshake.Version && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowVersionMismatch) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible version"); DropClient(newConn); return; } //Check if IP is banned var bans = Settings.Ban.Union(TempBans); if (bans.Contains(client.IpAddress)) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "You have been {0} from the server".F(Settings.Ban.Contains(client.IpAddress) ? "banned" : "temporarily banned")); DropClient(newConn); return; } //Promote connection to a valid client PreConns.Remove(newConn); Conns.Add(newConn); LobbyInfo.Clients.Add(client); newConn.Validated = true; var clientPing = new Session.ClientPing { Index = client.Index }; LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Add(clientPing); foreach (var t in serverTraits.WithInterface <IClientJoined>()) { t.ClientJoined(this, newConn); } SyncLobbyInfo(); if (LobbyInfo.NonBotClients.Count() > 1) { SendMessage("{0} has joined the game".F(client.Name)); } SendOrderTo(newConn, "Ping", WarGame.RunTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); if (Dedicated) { } if (Map.DefinesUnsafeCustomRules) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", "This map contains custom rules.Game experience may change."); } if (!LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.EnableSinglePlayer) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", TwoHumansRequiredText); } else if (Map.Players.Players.Where(p => p.Value.Playable).All(p => !p.Value.AllowBots)) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", "Bots have been disabled on this map"); } } catch (Exception ex) { DropClient(newConn); } }
public MyColorHSL(Color rgbcolor) { this.rgbcolor = rgbcolor; this.hslcolor = HSLColor.FromRGB(rgbcolor); }
void ValidateClient(Connection newConn, string data) { try { if (State == ServerState.GameStarted) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; game is already started.", newConn.socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game has already started"); DropClient(newConn); return; } var handshake = HandshakeResponse.Deserialize(data); var client = new Session.Client() { Name = handshake.Client.Name, IpAddress = ((IPEndPoint)newConn.socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(), Index = newConn.PlayerIndex, Slot = lobbyInfo.FirstEmptySlot(), PreferredColor = handshake.Client.Color, Color = handshake.Client.Color, Country = "random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.NotReady, IsAdmin = !lobbyInfo.Clients.Any(c1 => c1.IsAdmin) }; if (client.Slot != null) { SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, Map.Players[client.Slot]); } else { client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); } // Check that the client has compatible mods var mods = handshake.Mods; var validMod = mods.All(m => m.Contains('@')) && //valid format mods.Count() == Game.CurrentMods.Count() && //same number mods.Select(m => Pair.New(m.Split('@')[0], m.Split('@')[1])).All(kv => Game.CurrentMods.ContainsKey(kv.First)); if (!validMod) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; mods do not match.", newConn.socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Your mods don't match the server"); DropClient(newConn); return; } var validVersion = mods.Select(m => Pair.New(m.Split('@')[0], m.Split('@')[1])).All( kv => kv.Second == Game.CurrentMods[kv.First].Version); if (!validVersion && !lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowVersionMismatch) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Not running the same version.", newConn.socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Not running the same version."); DropClient(newConn); return; } // Check if IP is banned var bans = Settings.Ban.Union(TempBans); if (bans.Contains(client.IpAddress)) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Banned.", newConn.socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "You are {0} from the server.".F(Settings.Ban.Contains(client.IpAddress) ? "banned" : "temporarily banned")); DropClient(newConn); return; } // Promote connection to a valid client preConns.Remove(newConn); conns.Add(newConn); lobbyInfo.Clients.Add(client); Log.Write("server", "Client {0}: Accepted connection from {1}.", newConn.PlayerIndex, newConn.socket.RemoteEndPoint); foreach (var t in ServerTraits.WithInterface <IClientJoined>()) { t.ClientJoined(this, newConn); } SyncLobbyInfo(); SendMessage("{0} has joined the server.".F(client.Name)); // Send initial ping SendOrderTo(newConn, "Ping", Environment.TickCount.ToString()); if (File.Exists("{0}motd_{1}.txt".F(Platform.SupportDir, lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Mods[0]))) { var motd = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("{0}motd_{1}.txt".F(Platform.SupportDir, lobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Mods[0])); SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", motd); } if (mods.Any(m => m.Contains("{DEV_VERSION}"))) { SendMessage("{0} is running an unversioned development build, ".F(client.Name) + "and may desynchronize the game state if they have incompatible rules."); } SetOrderLag(); } catch (Exception) { DropClient(newConn); } }
void ValidateClient(Connection newConn, string data) { try { if (State == ServerState.GameStarted) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; game is already started.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game has already started"); DropClient(newConn); return; } var handshake = HandshakeResponse.Deserialize(data); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Password) && handshake.Password != Settings.Password) { var message = string.IsNullOrEmpty(handshake.Password) ? "Server requires a password" : "Incorrect password"; SendOrderTo(newConn, "AuthenticationError", message); DropClient(newConn); return; } var client = new Session.Client() { Name = handshake.Client.Name, IpAddress = ((IPEndPoint)newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint).Address.ToString(), Index = newConn.PlayerIndex, Slot = LobbyInfo.FirstEmptySlot(), PreferredColor = handshake.Client.Color, Color = handshake.Client.Color, Race = "Random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.Invalid, IsAdmin = !LobbyInfo.Clients.Any(c1 => c1.IsAdmin) }; if (client.IsObserver && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowSpectators) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "The game is full"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (client.Slot != null) { SyncClientToPlayerReference(client, MapPlayers.Players[client.Slot]); } else { client.Color = HSLColor.FromRGB(255, 255, 255); } if (ModData.Manifest.Mod.Id != handshake.Mod) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; mods do not match.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible mod"); DropClient(newConn); return; } if (ModData.Manifest.Mod.Version != handshake.Version && !LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.AllowVersionMismatch) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Not running the same version.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "Server is running an incompatible version"); DropClient(newConn); return; } // Check if IP is banned var bans = Settings.Ban.Union(TempBans); if (bans.Contains(client.IpAddress)) { Log.Write("server", "Rejected connection from {0}; Banned.", newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); SendOrderTo(newConn, "ServerError", "You have been {0} from the server".F(Settings.Ban.Contains(client.IpAddress) ? "banned" : "temporarily banned")); DropClient(newConn); return; } // Promote connection to a valid client PreConns.Remove(newConn); Conns.Add(newConn); LobbyInfo.Clients.Add(client); var clientPing = new Session.ClientPing(); clientPing.Index = client.Index; LobbyInfo.ClientPings.Add(clientPing); Log.Write("server", "Client {0}: Accepted connection from {1}.", newConn.PlayerIndex, newConn.Socket.RemoteEndPoint); foreach (var t in serverTraits.WithInterface <IClientJoined>()) { t.ClientJoined(this, newConn); } SyncLobbyInfo(); SendMessage("{0} has joined the game.".F(client.Name)); // Send initial ping SendOrderTo(newConn, "Ping", Game.RunTime.ToString()); if (Settings.Dedicated) { var motdFile = Platform.ResolvePath("^", "motd.txt"); if (!File.Exists(motdFile)) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(motdFile, "Welcome, have fun and good luck!"); } var motd = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(motdFile); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(motd)) { SendOrderTo(newConn, "Message", motd); } } if (handshake.Mod == "{DEV_VERSION}") { SendMessage("{0} is running an unversioned development build, ".F(client.Name) + "and may desynchronize the game state if they have incompatible rules."); } SetOrderLag(); } catch (Exception) { DropClient(newConn); } }
public static ColorScheme FromHue(float hue, float multiplier) { Func <HSLColor, float, HSLColor> getColor = (hsl, luminosity) => hsl.WithLuminosity(((luminosity - 0.5f) * multiplier) + 0.5f); var scheme = new ColorScheme(); HSLColor gray; if (multiplier > 0.9f || multiplier < -0.9f) { gray = HSLColor.FromRGB(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); } else { gray = HSLColor.FromRGB(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.515f); } var highlight = new HSLColor(hue, 1f, 0.5f); // Light scheme scheme.IsLightTheme = multiplier > 0; //if (scheme.IsLightTheme) //{ // scheme.TabPanelBG = Color.White; //} //else //{ // scheme.TabPanelBG = Color.Gray; //} // Text scheme.TextCaret = new SolidBrush(scheme.Text = (multiplier > 0 ? HSLColor.FromRGB(0, 0, 0) : HSLColor.FromRGB(1, 1, 1)).ToColor()); scheme.ChatBorderFocused = scheme.ChatBorder = getColor(gray, 1f).ToPen(); scheme.ChatMessageSeperatorBorder = getColor(gray, 0.99f).ToPen(); scheme.ChatMessageSeperatorBorderInner = getColor(gray, 0.8f).ToPen(); scheme.ChatSeperator = getColor(gray, 0.75f).ToColor(); // Backgrounds scheme.ChatBackground = getColor(gray, 0.95f).ToBrush(); if (scheme.IsLightTheme) { scheme.ChatBackgroundHighlighted = getColor(HSLColor.FromRGB(1f, 0.5f, 0.5f), 0.9f).ToBrush(); scheme.ChatBackgroundResub = getColor(HSLColor.FromRGB(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f), 0.9f).ToBrush(); scheme.ChatBackgroundWhisper = getColor(HSLColor.FromRGB(0.5f, 1f, 0.5f), 0.9f).ToBrush(); } else { //scheme.ChatBackgroundHighlighted = getColor(HSLColor.FromRGB(0.6f, 0.5f, 0.52f), 0.9f).ToBrush(); //scheme.ChatBackgroundHighlighted = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(52, 0, 16)); var l = multiplier == -1 ? 0 : 20; scheme.ChatBackgroundHighlighted = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(55 + l, 20 + l, 24 + l)); scheme.ChatBackgroundResub = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(47 + l, 20 + l, 70 + l)); scheme.ChatBackgroundWhisper = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(20 + l, 40 + l, 70 + l)); //scheme.ChatBackgroundResub = getColor(HSLColor.FromRGB(0.52f, 0.5f, 0.6f), 0.8f).ToBrush(); //scheme.ChatBackgroundWhisper = getColor(HSLColor.FromRGB(0.5f, 0.55f, 0.5f), 0.8f).ToBrush(); } scheme.Menu = getColor(gray, 0.90f).ToBrush(); scheme.MenuBorder = getColor(gray, 0.86f).ToPen(); scheme.ChatInputOuter = getColor(gray, 0.90f).ToBrush(); scheme.ChatInputBorder = getColor(gray, 0.86f).ToPen(); // Scroll scheme.ScrollbarThumb = getColor(gray, 0.8f).ToBrush(); // Highlights scheme.TabSelectedBG = highlight.WithLuminosity(0.5f).WithSaturation(0.5f).ToBrush(); scheme.TabHighlightedBG = highlight.WithLuminosity(0.8f).WithSaturation(0.5f).ToBrush(); scheme.TabNewMessageBG = highlight.WithLuminosity(0.9f).WithSaturation(0.5f).ToBrush(); scheme.TabNewMessageBG = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.LightUpwardDiagonal, highlight.WithLuminosity(0.85f).WithSaturation(0.5f).ToColor(), highlight.WithLuminosity(0.95f).WithSaturation(0.5f).ToColor()); scheme.TextFocused = getColor(highlight, 0.25f).ToColor(); return(scheme); }