protected void buy(string sql)
            SqlTransaction trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();

            myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);
        protected void ExecuteDepositWithdraw_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                string    Acctsql = "select bankAccountNumber, routingNumber from Account where accountNumber='" + getAccountNumber() + "' and bankAccountNumber IS NOT NULL";
                DataTable acct    = myHKeInvestData.getData(Acctsql);
                if (acct == null || acct.Rows.Count == 0)
                    IncorrectAmount.Text = "Sorry you don't have a bank account or routing number on file";

                else if (RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue == "Withdraw")
                    decimal   withdrawal        = decimal.Parse(Withdraw.Text);
                    string    sql               = "select balance from Account where accountNumber='" + getAccountNumber() + "'";
                    DataTable dtSecurityHolding = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);
                    decimal   balance           = decimal.Parse(dtSecurityHolding.Rows[0]["balance"].ToString());
                    if (dtSecurityHolding == null || dtSecurityHolding.Rows.Count == 0)
                        IncorrectAmount.Text = "A sql error occurred or your balance doesn't exist";

                    //Withdraw money cannot be greater than what's in the account
                    else if (withdrawal > balance)
                        // money
                        IncorrectAmount.Text = "Cannot withdraw more money than presently in your account";
                        //Withdraw money
                        string         depositSql = "update Account set balance=" + (balance - withdrawal) + " where accountNumber='" + getAccountNumber() + "'";
                        SqlTransaction trans      = extData.beginTransaction();
                        extData.setData(depositSql, trans);
                    decimal   deposit           = decimal.Parse(Deposit.Text);
                    string    sql               = "select balance from Account where accountNumber='" + getAccountNumber() + "'";
                    DataTable dtSecurityHolding = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);
                    decimal   balance           = decimal.Parse(dtSecurityHolding.Rows[0]["balance"].ToString());
                    if (dtSecurityHolding == null || dtSecurityHolding.Rows.Count == 0)
                        IncorrectAmount.Text = "A sql error occurred or your balance doesn't exist";
                    //Deposit money
                    string         depositSql = "update Account set balance=" + (balance + deposit) + " where accountNumber='" + getAccountNumber() + "'";
                    SqlTransaction trans      = extData.beginTransaction();
                    extData.setData(depositSql, trans);
예제 #3
        protected void btnAdd_onClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblAddErrorMessage.Visible = false;
            // Check if the input is valid
            if (tbSecurityCode.Text.Trim().Equals("") || ddlFavoriteType.SelectedValue.Equals("0"))
                lblAddErrorMessage.Text    = "Invalid Input.";
                lblAddErrorMessage.Visible = true;
            string    code   = tbSecurityCode.Text.Trim();
            string    type   = ddlFavoriteType.SelectedValue.Trim();
            DataTable dtTest = myExternalFunctions.getSecuritiesByCode(type, code);

            // Check if such security exists
            if (dtTest == null)
                lblAddErrorMessage.Text    = "No such security.";
                lblAddErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                string sql;
                // Check if it is already exists in the database
                sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.[FavoriteSecurities] f WHERE f.accountNumber='" + accountNumber + "' AND f.[type]='" + type + "' AND f.code ='" + code + "';";
                DataTable d = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);
                if (d == null)
                    return;              // sql error
                if (d.Rows.Count != 0)
                    lblAddErrorMessage.Text    = "Security already added.";
                    lblAddErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                // Now we are safe to add the record
                // construct the sql for inserting record
                sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO dbo.[FavoriteSecurities] VALUES	('{0}','{1}','{2}');", accountNumber, type, code);
                var myTrans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, myTrans);
                lblAddErrorMessage.Text    = "Successfully added.";
                lblAddErrorMessage.Visible = true;
예제 #4
        private void UpdateAccountUserName(string accountNumber, string userName)
            HKeInvestData  myInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
            string         sql          = "update [AccountTemp] set [userName]='" + userName + "' where [accountNumber]='" + accountNumber + "'";
            SqlTransaction trans        = myInvestData.beginTransaction();

            myInvestData.setData(sql, trans);
        protected void Register_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            HKeInvestData  myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
            SqlTransaction trans           = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();

            DateTime MyDateTime = new DateTime();

            MyDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(DateOfBirth.Text.Trim(), "MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            String DOB = MyDateTime.ToShortDateString();

            myHKeInvestData.setData("insert into [Account] ([accountNumber], [accountType],[balance]) values ('" + AccountNumber.Text.Trim() + "', '" + ddlAccountType.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + balance.Text.Trim() + "' )", trans);

            myHKeInvestData.setData("insert into [Client] ([firstName], [lastName],[dateofBirth],[email],[HKIDPassportNumber],[accountNumber],[building],[street],[district],[homePhone],[homeFax],[businessPhone],[mobilePhone],[countryOfCitizenship],[countryOfLegalResidence],[passportCountryOfIssue],[employmentStatus],[occupation],[yearsWithEmployer],[employerName],[employerPhone],[natureOfBusiness],[employedByFinanceInst],[memberPublicTradedInst],[primarySourceOfFunds],[investmentObjective],[investmentKnowledge],[annualIncome],[approxLiquidNetWorth],[sweep]) values ('"
                                    + FirstName.Text.Trim() + "', '" + LastName.Text.Trim() + "', '" + DOB + "', '" + Email.Text.Trim() + "', '" + HKID.Text.Trim() + "', '" + AccountNumber.Text.Trim() + "', '" + Building.Text.Trim() + "', '" + Street.Text.Trim() + "', '" + District.Text.Trim() + "', '" + HomePhone.Text.Trim() + "', '" + HomeFax.Text.Trim() + "', '" + BusinessPhone.Text.Trim() + "', '" + MobilePhone.Text.Trim() + "', '" + CountryOfCitizenship.Text.Trim() + "', '" + CountryOfLegalResidence.Text.Trim() + "', '" + PassportCountryOfIssue.Text.Trim() + "', '" + ddlEmploymentStatus.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + Occupation.Text.Trim() + "', '" + YearsWithEmployer.Text.Trim() + "', '" + EmployerName.Text.Trim() + "', '" + EmployerPhone.Text.Trim() + "', '" + NatureOfBusiness.Text.Trim() + "', '" + ddlEmployedByFinanceInst.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + ddlMemberPublicTradedInst.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + ddlPrimarySourceOfFunds.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + ddlInvestmentObjective.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + ddlInvestmentKnowledge.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + ddlAnnualIncome.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + ddlApproxLiquidNetWorth.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "', '" + ddlSweep.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "')", trans);

예제 #6
        private void Update_OrderStatus(string referenceNumber, string status, decimal serviceFee)
            HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
            string        sql             = string.Format("UPDATE [Order] SET orderStatus='{0}', serviceFee={1} WHERE orderReferenceNumber='{2}'", status, serviceFee, referenceNumber);
            var           trans           = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();

            myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);
예제 #7
        private void Check_AlertStatus()
            HKeInvestData     myHKeInvestData     = new HKeInvestData();
            ExternalFunctions myExternalFunctions = new ExternalFunctions();
            DataTable         dtAlert             = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT * FROM [Alert]");

            foreach (DataRow alert in dtAlert.Rows)
                string  accountNumber = alert.Field <string>("accountNumber");
                string  code          = alert.Field <string>("code");
                string  type          = alert.Field <string>("type");
                string  highOrLow     = alert.Field <string>("highOrLow");
                decimal value         = alert.Field <decimal>("value");
                string  isSameSide    = alert.Field <string>("isSameSide");
                decimal currPrice     = myExternalFunctions.getSecuritiesPrice(type, code);

                if (((highOrLow == "high" && currPrice >= value) || (highOrLow == "low" && currPrice <= value)) && isSameSide == "no")
                    // send notification to the client and cancel the alert.
                    string sql = string.Format("DELETE FROM [Alert] WHERE accountNumber='{0}' AND code='{1}' AND type='{2}' AND highOrLow='{3}'",
                    var trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);
                    Send_Notification(accountNumber, type, code, highOrLow, currPrice);
                else if (isSameSide == "yes" && ((highOrLow == "high" && currPrice < value) || (highOrLow == "low" && currPrice > value)))
                    string sql = string.Format("UPDATE [Alert] SET isSameSide='no' WHERE  accountNumber='{0}' AND code='{1}' AND type='{2}' AND highOrLow='{3}'",
                    var trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);
예제 #8
        private void AddUserName(string userName, string accountNumber)
            HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();

            SqlTransaction trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();

            myHKeInvestData.setData("update[Account] set[userName] = '" +
                                    userName + "' " + "where [accountNumber]= '" + accountNumber + "'", trans);

예제 #9
        protected void CreateAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsValid)
            string sql = "";
            // 1. generate a unique account number
            string lastName = LastNamePrimary.Text.Trim().ToUpper();

            if (lastName.Length == 1)
                lastName = lastName + lastName;
                lastName = string.Concat(lastName[0], lastName[1]);
            sql = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Account WHERE accountNumber like '{0}%'", lastName);

            decimal newNumber        = myHKeInvestData.getAggregateValue(sql) + 1;
            string  newAccountNumber = lastName + newNumber.ToString("00000000");
            string  accountType      = AccountType.SelectedValue;
            var     myTrans          = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();

            sql = InsertAccount(newAccountNumber, accountType);
            myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, myTrans);

            // 2. insert client information into client table
            // 2.1 insert primary account holder's information
            InsertPrimaryAccountHolder(newAccountNumber, true);
            // 2.2 insert co-account holder's information (if any)
            if (accountType != "individual")
                InsertCoAccountHolder(newAccountNumber, false);
예제 #10
        private void Update_SecurityHolding(DataTable dtOrderDetails, string type, string accountNumber, decimal totalShares, string securityBase, string buyOrSell)
            HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
            string        sql             = Get_UpdateSql(dtOrderDetails, type, accountNumber, totalShares, securityBase, buyOrSell);

            if (sql == null)
            var trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();

            myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);
예제 #11
        protected void CreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                if (verifyClient(sender, e))

                var manager       = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>();
                var signInManager = Context.GetOwinContext().Get <ApplicationSignInManager>();
                var user          = new ApplicationUser()
                    UserName = UserName.Text, Email = Email.Text
                IdentityResult result = manager.Create(user, Password.Text);
                if (result.Succeeded)
                    // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit
                    //string code = manager.GenerateEmailConfirmationToken(user.Id);
                    //string callbackUrl = IdentityHelper.GetUserConfirmationRedirectUrl(code, user.Id, Request);
                    //manager.SendEmail(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>.");

                    IdentityResult roleResult = manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Client");
                    if (!roleResult.Succeeded)
                        ErrorMessage.Text = roleResult.Errors.FirstOrDefault();

                    SqlTransaction trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    string         sql   = "UPDATE Account SET userName = '******' " +
                                           "WHERE accountNumber = '" + AccountNumber.Text.Trim() + "'";

                    myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);

                    //sql = "SELECT userName FROM account WHERE accountNumber = '" + AccountNumber.Text.Trim() + "'";

                    //DataTable temp = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);
                    signInManager.SignIn(user, isPersistent: false, rememberBrowser: false);
                    IdentityHelper.RedirectToReturnUrl(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"], Response);
                    ErrorMessage.Text = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
예제 #12
        private decimal Update_AccountBalance(string accountNumber, decimal balance, decimal serviceFee, decimal totalPrice, string buyOrSell)
            HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
            decimal       newBalance      = balance - serviceFee;

            if (buyOrSell == "buy")
                newBalance = newBalance - totalPrice;
            else if (buyOrSell == "sell")
                newBalance = newBalance + totalPrice;
            string sql   = string.Format("UPDATE [Account] SET balance={0} WHERE accountNumber='{1}'", newBalance, accountNumber);
            var    trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();

            myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);

예제 #13
        protected void CreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsValid)
            string sql = "SELECT a.userName FROM dbo.Client AS c, dbo.Account AS a WHERE c.accountNumber=a.accountNumber and RTRIM(c.firstName)='" + FirstName.Text.Trim() + "' and " +
                         "RTRIM(c.lastName)='" + LastName.Text.Trim() + "' and " +
                         "RTRIM(c.accountNumber)='" + AccountNumber.Text.Trim() + "' and " +
                         "RTRIM(c.HKIDPassportNumber)='" + HKID.Text.Trim() + "' and " +
                         "RTRIM(c.dateOfBirth)=CONVERT(date, '" + DateOfBirth.Text.Trim() + "', 103) and " +
                         "RTRIM('" + Email.Text.Trim() + "' and " +

            DataTable account = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);

            if (account.Rows.Count != 1)
                ErrorMessage.Text = "user information doesn't match the account";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(account.Rows[0].Field <string>("userName")))
                ErrorMessage.Text = "account already exists";

            var manager       = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>();
            var signInManager = Context.GetOwinContext().Get <ApplicationSignInManager>();
            var user          = new ApplicationUser()
                UserName = UserName.Text, Email = Email.Text
            IdentityResult result = manager.Create(user, Password.Text);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                result = manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Client");
                if (result.Succeeded)
                    var myTrans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    sql = "UPDATE dbo.Account SET userName='******' WHERE accountNumber='" + AccountNumber.Text.Trim() + "'";
                    myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, myTrans);

                    // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit
                    string code        = manager.GenerateEmailConfirmationToken(user.Id);
                    string callbackUrl = IdentityHelper.GetUserConfirmationRedirectUrl(code, user.Id, Request);
                        sendEmail(Email.Text.Trim(), callbackUrl);
                        signInManager.SignIn(user, isPersistent: false, rememberBrowser: false);
                    catch (Exception)
                        myTrans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        sql     = "UPDATE dbo.Account SET userName='' WHERE accountNumber='" + AccountNumber.Text.Trim() + "'";
                        myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, myTrans);
                    // manager.SendEmail(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>.");

                    IdentityHelper.RedirectToReturnUrl(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"], Response);
                    ErrorMessage.Text = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
                ErrorMessage.Text = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
        protected void ExecuteOrderClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                string varSecurityType    = SecurityType.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim().ToLower();
                string varTransactionType = TransactionType.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim().ToLower();
                string accountNumber      = getAccountNumber();

                string name = "";

                if (varSecurityType.Equals("stock"))
                    //declare all relevant variables for placing a stock order
                    //Sorry for bad naming convention
                    string varStockCode  = StockCode.Text.ToString();
                    string varShares     = StockSharesQuantity.Text.ToString();
                    string varOrderType  = "";
                    string varExpiryDate = DaysUntilExpiration.SelectedValue;
                    string varAllOrNone  = AllOrNone.Checked == true ? "Y" : "N";
                    string varStopPrice  = StopPrice.Text.ToString();
                    string varLimitPrice = "";
                    name = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("stock", varStockCode).Rows[0]["name"].ToString().Trim();

                    if (OrderType.SelectedValue.Equals("Market Order"))
                        varOrderType = "market";
                    else if (OrderType.SelectedValue.Equals("Limit Order"))
                        varOrderType  = "limit";
                        varLimitPrice = LimitPrice.Text;
                    else if (OrderType.SelectedValue.Equals("Stop Order"))
                        varOrderType = "stop";
                    else if (OrderType.SelectedValue.Equals("Stop Limit Order"))
                        varOrderType  = "stop limit";
                        varLimitPrice = LimitPrice.Text;
                    //Check to see if the code exists
                    var validSecurity = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("stock", varStockCode);
                    if (validSecurity == null)
                        //Sell order was not succesfully submitted
                        InvalidStockCode.Text = "The code given does not exist";
                    else if (varTransactionType.Equals("buy"))
                        InvalidStockSharesQuantity.Text = stockSharesAmountIsValid(varShares, TransactionType.Text, varStockCode);
                        if (InvalidStockSharesQuantity.Text != "")

                        //Limit price = high price here
                        string result = extFunction.submitStockBuyOrder(varStockCode, varShares, varOrderType, varExpiryDate, varAllOrNone, varLimitPrice, varStopPrice);

                        if (result != null)
                            //Figure out how to query with a value that should be zero
                            string sql = "INSERT INTO OrderHistory ([referenceNumber], [buyOrSell], [securityType], [securityCode], [dateSubmitted], [shares], [stockOrderType], [expiryDay], [allOrNone],";

                            if (varLimitPrice != "")
                                sql += "[limitPrice],";
                            if (varStopPrice != "")
                                sql += "[stopPrice],";
                            string timeNow = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt");

                            sql += "[accountNumber], [name]) VALUES ('" +
                                   result + "', '" +
                                   varTransactionType.Trim() + "', '" +
                                   varSecurityType.Trim() + "', '" +
                                   varStockCode + "', '" +
                                   timeNow + "', cast('" +
                                   varShares + "' as decimal(18,2)), '" +
                                   varOrderType + "', '" +
                                   varExpiryDate + "', '" +
                                   varAllOrNone + "', '";

                            if (varLimitPrice != "")
                                sql += varLimitPrice + "', '";
                            if (varStopPrice != "")
                                sql += varStopPrice + "', '";
                            sql += accountNumber + "', '" +
                                   name + "')";

                            SqlTransaction trans = extData.beginTransaction();
                            extData.setData(sql, trans);

                            sendInvoice(result, varStockCode, varShares);
                    else if (TransactionType.SelectedValue.Equals("Sell"))
                        //Check sell price to see if stock is avlid

                        InvalidStockSharesQuantity.Text = stockSharesAmountIsValid(varShares, TransactionType.Text, varStockCode);
                        //Basically what the stock shares amount is validatesd as (recipe for bad code)
                        if (InvalidStockSharesQuantity.Text != "")
                        // varLimitPrice = lowPrice
                        string result = extFunction.submitStockSellOrder(varStockCode, varShares, varOrderType, varExpiryDate, varAllOrNone, varLimitPrice, varStopPrice);
                        if (result != null)
                            //Code to write result into order history table

                            //Tested and properly replicates in the bonds
                            //Testing sql for Sell stock
                            string sql = "INSERT INTO OrderHistory ([referenceNumber], [buyOrSell], [securityType], [securityCode], [dateSubmitted], [shares], [stockOrderType], [expiryDay], [allOrNone],";

                            if (varLimitPrice != "")
                                sql += "[limitPrice],";
                            if (varStopPrice != "")
                                sql += "[stopPrice],";
                            sql += "[accountNumber], [name]) VALUES ('" +
                                   result + "', '" +
                                   varTransactionType.Trim() + "', '" +
                                   varSecurityType.Trim() + "', '" +
                                   varStockCode + "', '" +
                                   DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + "', cast('" +
                                   varShares + "' as decimal(18,2)), '" +
                                   varOrderType + "', '" +
                                   varExpiryDate + "', '" +
                                   varAllOrNone + "', '";

                            if (varLimitPrice != "")
                                sql += varLimitPrice + "', '";
                            if (varStopPrice != "")
                                sql += varStopPrice + "', '";
                            sql += accountNumber + "', '" +
                                   name + "')";

                            SqlTransaction trans = extData.beginTransaction();
                            extData.setData(sql, trans);
                            extData.commitTransaction(trans);                            //Return URL

                        sendInvoice(result, varStockCode, varShares);
                    string varBondTrustCode = BondTrustCode.Text.ToString();
                    if (TransactionType.SelectedValue.Equals("Buy"))
                        string varBondTrustSharesAmount = BondTrustSharesQuantity.Text.ToString();
                        if (SecurityType.SelectedValue.Equals("Bond"))
                            var validSecurity = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("bond", varBondTrustCode);
                            if (validSecurity == null)
                                //Buy order was not succesfully submitted
                                InvalidBondTrustCode.Text = "The code given does not exist";
                                string result = extFunction.submitBondBuyOrder(varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustSharesAmount);

                                if (result != null)
                                    //Yes. This is a redundant execution
                                    name = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("bond", varBondTrustCode).Rows[0]["name"].ToString().Trim();

                                    string sql = "INSERT INTO OrderHistory ([referenceNumber], [buyOrSell], [securityType], [securityCode], [dateSubmitted], [amount], [accountNumber], [name]) VALUES ('" +
                                                 result + "', '" +
                                                 varTransactionType + "', '" +
                                                 varSecurityType + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustCode + "', '" +
                                                 DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustSharesAmount + "', '" +

                                                 accountNumber + "', '" +
                                                 name + "')";

                                    SqlTransaction trans = extData.beginTransaction();
                                    extData.setData(sql, trans);

                                    sendInvoice(result, varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustSharesAmount);
                        else if (SecurityType.SelectedValue.Equals("Unit Trust"))
                            var validSecurity = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("unit trust", varBondTrustCode);
                            if (validSecurity == null)
                                //Buy order was not succesfully submitted
                                InvalidBondTrustCode.Text = "The code given does not exist";
                                string result = extFunction.submitUnitTrustBuyOrder(varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustSharesAmount);

                                if (result != null)
                                    name = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("unit trust", varBondTrustCode).Rows[0]["name"].ToString().Trim();

                                    string sql = "INSERT INTO OrderHistory ([referenceNumber], [buyOrSell], [securityType], [securityCode], [dateSubmitted], [amount], [accountNumber], [name]) VALUES ('" +
                                                 result + "', '" +
                                                 varTransactionType + "', '" +
                                                 varSecurityType + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustCode + "', '" +
                                                 DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustSharesAmount + "', '" +

                                                 accountNumber + "', '" +
                                                 name + "')";

                                    SqlTransaction trans = extData.beginTransaction();
                                    extData.setData(sql, trans);

                                    sendInvoice(result, varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustSharesAmount);
                    else if (TransactionType.SelectedValue.Equals("Sell"))
                        string varBondTrustShares = BondTrustSharesSelling.Text.ToString();

                        if (SecurityType.SelectedValue.Equals("Bond"))
                            var validSecurity = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("bond", varBondTrustCode);

                            string validSharesAmount = bondSharesAmountIsValid("bond", varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustShares, "sell");
                            if (validSecurity == null || validSharesAmount != "")
                                //Buy order was not succesfully submitted
                                InvalidBondTrustCode.Text = "The code given does not exist";
                                string result = extFunction.submitBondSellOrder(varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustShares);

                                if (result != null)
                                    //Yes. This is a redundant execution
                                    name = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("bond", varBondTrustCode).Rows[0]["name"].ToString().Trim();

                                    string sql = "INSERT INTO OrderHistory ([referenceNumber], [buyOrSell], [securityType], [securityCode], [dateSubmitted], [shares], [accountNumber], [name]) VALUES ('" +
                                                 result + "', '" +
                                                 varTransactionType + "', '" +
                                                 varSecurityType + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustCode + "', '" +
                                                 DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustShares + "', '" +

                                                 accountNumber + "', '" +
                                                 name + "')";

                                    SqlTransaction trans = extData.beginTransaction();
                                    extData.setData(sql, trans);

                                    sendInvoice(result, varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustShares);
                        else if (SecurityType.SelectedValue.Equals("Unit Trust"))
                            var validSecurity = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("unit trust", varBondTrustCode);

                            string validSharesAmount = bondSharesAmountIsValid("unit trust", varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustShares, "sell");
                            if (validSecurity == null || validSharesAmount != "")
                                //Buy order was not succesfully submitted
                                InvalidBondTrustCode.Text = "The code given does not exist";
                                string result = extFunction.submitUnitTrustSellOrder(varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustShares);

                                if (result != null)
                                    //Yes. This is a redundant execution
                                    name = extFunction.getSecuritiesByCode("unit trust", varBondTrustCode).Rows[0]["name"].ToString().Trim();

                                    string sql = "INSERT INTO OrderHistory ([referenceNumber], [buyOrSell], [securityType], [securityCode], [dateSubmitted], [shares], [accountNumber], [name]) VALUES ('" +
                                                 result + "', '" +
                                                 varTransactionType + "', '" +
                                                 varSecurityType + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustCode + "', '" +
                                                 DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") + "', '" +
                                                 varBondTrustShares + "', '" +

                                                 accountNumber + "', '" +
                                                 name + "')";

                                    SqlTransaction trans = extData.beginTransaction();
                                    extData.setData(sql, trans);

                                    sendInvoice(result, varBondTrustCode, varBondTrustShares);
예제 #15
        protected void CreateAccount(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();

                string generateAccNum = "";
                //SELECT accountNumber FROM Account WHERE accountNumber LIKE 'AA%'
                string accEng = "";
                if (LastName.Text.Length == 1)
                    accEng = accEng + LastName.Text.ToUpper() + LastName.Text.ToUpper();
                else if (LastName.Text.Length > 1)
                    accEng = accEng + LastName.Text.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper();

                int acDigit = 1;
                //string accDigit = "";
                string    precedingzeros = "";
                int       precedzeros    = 8 - acDigit.ToString().Length;
                DataTable samelastname   = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT accountNumber FROM Account WHERE accountNumber LIKE '" + accEng + "%' ORDER BY accountNumber");
                if (samelastname.Rows.Count != 0)
                    foreach (DataRow row in samelastname.Rows)
                        //for each accNum with same last name, compare the 8 digit and returns the one havn't used
                        int    ifDigitEq       = 0;
                        string accindatabase   = "" + row["accountNumber"];
                        string compareAccDigit = accindatabase.Substring(2, 8);

                        string precedzero = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < precedzeros; i++)
                            precedzero = precedzero + "0";

                        string comAccDigit = precedingzeros + acDigit.ToString();

                        ifDigitEq = compareAccDigit.CompareTo(comAccDigit);
                        if (ifDigitEq != 1 || ifDigitEq != -1)
                            acDigit = acDigit + 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < precedzeros; i++)
                    precedingzeros = precedingzeros + "0";

                generateAccNum = accEng + precedingzeros + acDigit.ToString();

                //inserting data into table Account
                SqlTransaction tranAcc = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO Account (accountNumber, accountType, balance, sweepFreeCredit) VALUES ('" + generateAccNum + "', '" + ddlAccType.SelectedValue + "', " + deposit.Text + ", '" + ddlsweep.SelectedValue + "')", tranAcc);

                //inserting data into table Client
                SqlTransaction tranCli = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO Client (accountNumber, title, lastName, firstName, dateOfBirth, email, building, street, district, homePhone, homeFax, businessPhone, mobile, citizenship, legalResidence, HKIDPassportNumber, passportCountryOfIssue) VALUES ('" + generateAccNum + "', '" + ddlTitle.SelectedValue + "', '" + LastName.Text + "', '" + FirstName.Text + "', '" + DateOfBirth.Text + "', '" + Email.Text + "', '" + Building.Text + "', '" + Street.Text + "', '" + District.Text + "', " + HomePhone.Text + ", " + HomeFax.Text + ", " + BusinessPhone.Text + ", " + MobilePhone.Text + ", '" + Citizenship.Text + "', '" + Residence.Text + "', '" + HKID.Text + "', '" + PassportCountry.Text + "')", tranCli);

                //inserting data into table Employment
                if (ddlEmployed.SelectedValue != "employed")
                    SqlTransaction tranEmpl = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO Employment (accountNumber, status) VALUES ('" + generateAccNum + "', '" + ddlEmployed.SelectedValue + "')", tranEmpl);
                    SqlTransaction tranEmpl = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO Employment (accountNumber, status, specificOccupation, yearsWithEmployer, employerName, employerPhone, businessNature) VALUES ('" + generateAccNum + "', '" + ddlEmployed.SelectedValue + "', '" + specificOccupation.Text + "', " + yearEmploy.Text + ", '" + employerName.Text + "', " + employerPhone.Text + ", '" + busiNature.Text + "')", tranEmpl);

                //inserting data into table Investment
                SqlTransaction tranInv = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO RegulatoryDisclosures (accountNumber, employedByFinancialInstitution, publiclyTradedCompany, primarySourceOfFunds, otherSource) VALUES ('" + generateAccNum + "', '" + ddlemployedByFinancialInstitution.SelectedValue + "', '" + ddlDirector.SelectedValue + "', '" + ddlPrimarySource.SelectedValue + "', '" + otherPrimarySource.Text + "')", tranInv);

                //inserting data into table Regulatory Disclosures
                SqlTransaction tranReg = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO Investment (accountNumber, objective, knowledge, experience, annualIncome, liquidNetWorth) VALUES ('" + generateAccNum + "', '" + ddlInvestmentObjective.SelectedValue + "', '" + ddlInvestmentKnowledge.SelectedValue + "', '" + ddlInvestmentExperience.SelectedValue + "', '" + ddlAnnualIncome.SelectedValue + "', '" + ddlNetWorth.SelectedValue + "')", tranReg);

                //inserting data into table Security Holdings

                /*SqlTransaction tranSec = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                 * myHKeInvestData.setData("", tranSec);
                 * myHKeInvestData.commitTransaction(tranSec);*/

                //INSERT INTO Account (accountNumber, accountType, balance) VALUES ('HI00000001', 'individual', 1000)

                //generate a new account number for new added client

                /*string generateAccNum= "";
                 * SqlTransaction trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                 * myHKeInvestData.setData("update [Account] set [accountNumber]='" + generateAccNum + "' WHERE [HKIDPassportNumber] = '" + HKID.Text + "'", trans);
                 * myHKeInvestData.commitTransaction(trans);*/
        protected void btnAlertClick_onClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lblAlertErrorMessage.Visible = false;
            decimal price = 0;

            if (ddlAlertType.SelectedValue.Equals("0") || tbAlertPrice.Text.Trim().Equals("") || !decimal.TryParse(tbAlertPrice.Text.Trim(), out price))
            string    choice        = ddlAlertType.SelectedValue.Trim();
            string    accountNumber = (string)ViewState["accountNumber"];
            string    code          = (string)ViewState["alertCode"];
            string    type          = (string)ViewState["alertType"];
            string    isSameSide    = "no";
            string    sql           = "SELECT * FROM dbo.[Alert] a WHERE a.accountNumber='" + accountNumber + "' AND a.code='" + code + "' AND a.[type]='" + type + "';";
            DataTable dt            = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);

            if (dt == null)
            if (dt.Rows.Count >= 2)
                lblAlertErrorMessage.Text    = "No more alert allowed.";
                lblAlertErrorMessage.Visible = true;
            else if (dt.Rows.Count == 1 && choice.Equals(Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["highOrlow"]).Trim()))
                lblAlertErrorMessage.Text    = "No more alert allowed for choice " + choice + ".";
                lblAlertErrorMessage.Visible = true;
                // Need to check the current price of the security
                decimal marketPrice = myExternalFunctions.getSecuritiesPrice(type, code);
                if (marketPrice == -1)
                    return; // invalid type and code

                // Now comparing the limit price with the current price
                if (choice.Equals("high"))
                    isSameSide = (marketPrice < price) ? "no" : "yes";
                    isSameSide = (marketPrice > price) ? "no" : "yes";

                sql = string.Format("insert into dbo.[Alert] values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4},'{5}','{6}');",
                var myTrans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, myTrans);
            lblAlertErrorMessage.Visible = false;
            divAlertSettings.Visible     = false;
        protected void setAlertValue(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();

                //get user id
                string    loginuser   = Context.User.Identity.GetUserName();
                DataTable idsearch    = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT accountNumber FROM Account WHERE userName = '******'");
                string    loginuserid = "";
                foreach (DataRow row in idsearch.Rows)
                    loginuserid = loginuserid + row["accountNumber"];
                //************Now loginuserid stores the id**************

                string choosencode = Snamecode.SelectedValue.Trim();
                string choosentype = Stype.SelectedValue.Trim();
                string high        = "NULL";
                string low         = "NULL";
                string inputhigh   = high = highValue.Text.Trim();
                string inputlow    = lowValue.Text.Trim();
                if (highValue.Text.Trim() != "")
                    high = highValue.Text.Trim();
                if (lowValue.Text.Trim() != "")
                    low = lowValue.Text.Trim();

                //verify if alert had been set
                DataTable checkalert = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT * FROM Alert WHERE accountNumber = '" + loginuserid + "' AND type = '" + choosentype + "' AND code = '" + choosencode + "'");
                if (checkalert.Rows.Count == 0)
                    //add new alert data if doesnt exist
                    SqlTransaction addalertdata = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO Alert (accountNumber, type, code, highValue, lowValue) VALUES ('" + loginuserid + "', '" + choosentype + "', '" + choosencode + "', " + high + ", " + low + ")", addalertdata);
                    //update alert info  (cover old value)
                    SqlTransaction modifyalertdata = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    if (inputhigh != "" && inputlow != "")
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE Alert SET highValue = '" + high + "', lowValue = '" + low + "' WHERE accountNumber = '" + loginuserid + "' AND Alert.type = '" + choosentype + "' AND Alert.code = '" + choosencode + "'", modifyalertdata);
                        Label1.Text = "Your alert value had been updated.";
                    else if (inputhigh == "" && inputlow != "")
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE Alert SET lowValue = '" + low + "' WHERE accountNumber = '" + loginuserid + "' AND Alert.type = '" + choosentype + "' AND Alert.code = '" + choosencode + "'", modifyalertdata);
                        Label1.Text = "Your alert value had been updated.";
                    else if (inputhigh != "" && inputlow == "")
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE Alert SET highValue = '" + high + "' WHERE accountNumber = '" + loginuserid + "' AND Alert.type = '" + choosentype + "' AND Alert.code = '" + choosencode + "'", modifyalertdata);
                        Label1.Text = "Your alert value had been updated.";
                    Label1.Visible = true;

                string    curhighv = "";
                string    curlowv  = "";
                DataTable curalert = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT * FROM Alert WHERE accountNumber = '" + loginuserid + "' AND Alert.type = '" + choosentype + "' AND Alert.code = '" + choosencode + "'");
                if (curalert.Rows.Count == 0)
                    foreach (DataRow row in curalert.Rows)
                        curhighv = curhighv + row["highValue"];
                        curlowv  = curlowv + row["lowValue"];
                    curhigh.Text = curhighv;
                    curlow.Text  = curlowv;
예제 #18
        protected void CreateClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                    string  accountNumber = GenerateNextKey(LastName.Text.Trim());
                    decimal balance       = Convert.ToDecimal(DepositAmount.Text.Trim());
                    string  hkidPassNum   = HKID.Text == "" ? PassportNumber.Text : HKID.Text;
                    string  updateAccount = "INSERT INTO Account VALUES (" + "'" + accountNumber + "','" +
                                            RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue + "','" +
                                            balance + "','" +
                                            PrimarySource.SelectedValue + "','" +
                                            OtherInformation.Text + "','" +
                                            InvestmentObjective.SelectedValue + "','" +
                                            InvestmentKnowledge.SelectedValue + "','" +
                                            AnnualIncome.SelectedValue + "','" +
                                            LiquidWorth.SelectedValue + "','" +
                                            FreeCreditSwee.SelectedValue + "','" +
                                            null + "','" +
                                            RoutingNumber.Text + "','" +
                                            BankAccountNumber.Text + "')";

                    SqlTransaction trans1 = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData(updateAccount, trans1);

                    string updateClient = "INSERT INTO Client VALUES ('" + accountNumber +
                                          "','" + cbTitle.SelectedValue +
                                          "','" + FirstName.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + LastName.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + FormatDateToSQL(DateOfBirth.Text) + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + Email.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + Building.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + Street.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + District.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + HomePhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + HomeFax.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + BusinessPhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + MobilePhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + CitizenshipCountry.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + ResidenceCountry.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + hkidPassNum + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + PassportCountry.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + cbEmploymentStatus.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + SpecificOccupation.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + EmployYears.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + EmployName.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + EmployPhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + BusinessNature.Text + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + IsEmployedFinancial.SelectedValue + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + IsInIPO.SelectedValue + "'" + "," +
                                          "'" + FormatDateToSQL(SignedOn.Text) + "'," +

                    SqlTransaction trans2 = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData(updateClient, trans2);

                    if (!RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue.Equals("individual"))
                        string updateCOClient = "INSERT INTO Client VALUES ('" + accountNumber + "'," +
                                                "'" + COcbTitle.SelectedValue + "'," +
                                                "'" + COFirstName.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COLastName.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + FormatDateToSQL(CODateOfBirth.Text) + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COEmail.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COBuilding.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COStreet.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + CODistrict.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COHomePhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COHomeFax.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COBusinessPhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COMobilePhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COCitizenshipCountry.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COResidenceCountry.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COHKID.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COPassportCountry.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COcbEmploymentStatus.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COSpecificOccupation.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COEmployYears.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COEmployName.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COEmployPhone.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COBusinessNature.Text + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COIsEmployedFinancial.SelectedValue + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + COIsInIPO.SelectedValue + "'" + "," +
                                                "'" + FormatDateToSQL(COSignedOn.Text) + "'," +

                        //Error is with this insertion
                        SqlTransaction trans3 = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        myHKeInvestData.setData(updateCOClient, trans3);
                    Console.WriteLine("Updated Successfully");
                    IdentityHelper.RedirectToReturnUrl(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"], Response);
                catch (Exception f)
                    Console.WriteLine("error thrown: " + f);
        private void PeriodicTask()
                 * FOR BUY &  SELL PERIODIC TASK
                string  status = "";
                string  refnum = "";
                decimal fee    = 0;
                decimal cost   = fee;

                //get datatable where email has not yet sent out //another approach: condition: where status != completed --> still needa checkout
                DataTable statustable = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT referenceNumber FROM TransactionRecord WHERE emailsent = 0");
                foreach (DataRow rows in statustable.Rows)
                    //get referencenumber
                    refnum = rows["referenceNumber"].ToString();
                    //for each emailsent=0;
                    status = myExternalFunctions.getOrderStatus(refnum);
                    //if status is completed
                    if (String.Compare(status, "completed", true) == 0)
                        decimal accountNumber = myHKeInvestData.getAggregateValue("SELECT accountNumber FROM TransactionRecord WHERE referenceNumber = refnum");
                        string  actnum        = accountNumber.ToString();
                        string  buyorsell     = myData.getOneDatabyNO("buyOrSell", "TransactionRecord", actnum);
                        string  date          = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        decimal shares        = myHKeInvestData.getAggregateValue("SELECT shares FROM TransactionRecord WHERE referenceNumber = refnum");
                        string  strshares     = shares.ToString();
                        string  code          = myData.getOneDatabyNO("securityCode", "TransactionRecord", actnum);
                        string  username      = myData.getOneDatabyNO("userName", "TransactionRecord", actnum);
                        decimal pricepshare   = myHKeInvestData.getAggregateValue("SELECT executePrice FROM TransactionRecord WHERE referenceNumber = refnum");
                        string  type          = myData.getOneDatabyNO("securityType", "TransactionRecord", actnum);
                        string  sname         = myData.getOneDatabyNO("name", "TransactionRecord", actnum);
                        string  sbase         = myData.getOneDatabyNO("base", "TransactionRecord", actnum);
                        cost = shares * pricepshare;
                        string strcost = cost.ToString();
                        //get order transaction
                        DataTable ordertrans = myExternalFunctions.getOrderTransaction(refnum);
                        string    exedate    = "";
                        string    exeshares  = "";
                        string    exeprice   = "";
                        string    transnum   = "";
                        //string executeDate = "";
                        //string executeShares = "";

                        // DataTable temp = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT executeDate FROM ordertrans WHERE transactionNumber = '" + refnum + "'");
                        foreach (DataRow row in ordertrans.Rows)
                            transnum  = row["transactionNumber"].ToString();
                            exedate   = row["executeDate"].ToString();
                            exeshares = row["executeShares"].ToString();
                            exeprice  = row["executePrice"].ToString();

                        //calcaulta transaction fee
                        fee = 0;
                        //modify account balance
                        SqlTransaction trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        //set acct balance
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE Account SET balance = (balance - '" + cost + "'-'" + fee + "' WHERE accountNumber = '" + accountNumber + "'", trans);
                        //set email sent =1
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE TransactionRecord SET emailsent = 1  WHERE accountNumber ='" + accountNumber + "'", trans);
                        //update TransactionRecord to match the order status the rest of records
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE TransactionRecord SET status = completed", trans);
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE TransactionRecord SET transactionNumber ='" + transnum + "' WHERE accountNumber ='" + accountNumber + "'", trans);
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE TransactionRecord SET executeDate ='" + exedate + "' WHERE accountNumber ='" + accountNumber + "'", trans);
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE TransactionRecord SET executePrice ='" + exeprice + "' WHERE accountNumber ='" + accountNumber + "'", trans);
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE TransactionRecord SET executeShares ='" + exeshares + "' WHERE accountNumber ='" + accountNumber + "'", trans);
                        //update security holding

                        SqlTransaction addsecurity = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        //check if same bond n code exist
                        DataTable check = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT accountNumber, type, code FROM SecurityHolding WHERE accountNumber = '" + actnum + "'");
                        foreach (DataRow row in check.Rows)
                            string checktype = row["type"].ToString();
                            if (String.Compare(checktype, type, true) == 0)
                                if (String.Compare(row["code"].ToString(), code, true) == 0)
                                    if (String.Compare(buyorsell, "buy", true) == 0)
                                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE SecurityHolding SET shares = shares + '" + shares + "' WHERE accountNumber = '" + actnum + "' AND type = '" + type + "' AND code = '" + code + "'", addsecurity);
                                    else if (String.Compare(buyorsell, "sell", true) == 0)
                                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE SecurityHolding SET shares = shares - '" + shares + "' WHERE accountNumber = '" + actnum + "' AND type = '" + type + "' AND code = '" + code + "'", addsecurity);
                                    myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO SecurityHolding (accountNumber, type, code, name, shares, base) VALUES ('" + accountNumber + "','" + type + "','" + sname + "','" + strshares + "','" + sbase + "')'", addsecurity);
                                myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO SecurityHolding (accountNumber, type, code, name, shares, base) VALUES ('" + accountNumber + "','" + type + "','" + sname + "','" + strshares + "','" + sbase + "')'", addsecurity);
                        //myHKeInvestData.setData("INSERT INTO SecurityHolding (accountNumber, type, code, name, shares, base) VALUES ('" + accountNumber + "','" + type + "','" + sname + "','" + strshares + "','" + sbase + "')'", addsecurity);
                        //myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE Account SET balance = (balance - cost) + value +"' WHERE accountNumber = '" + AccountNumber + "'", trans);

                        //gen invoice
                        // protected string generateInvoiceMsg(string user, string actnum, string orderrefnum, string buyorsell, string code,
                        //string sname, string stocktype, string date, string amt, string cost,
                        //string transnum, string dateExe, string numexe, string price)
                        string msg = generateInvoiceMsg(username, actnum, refnum, buyorsell, code, sname, type, date, strshares, strcost, refnum, exedate, exeshares, exeprice);
                        //send email
                        sendemail(username, msg);

                        //Update email flag
                        SqlTransaction emailflag = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE TransactionRecord SET emailsent = 1 WHERE accountNumber ='" + accountNumber + "'", emailflag);

                    //check if email sent

                 * END OF PERIODIC TASK OF BUY & SELL

                // Place the method call for the periodic task here.
                //if price in external table reach the value set in alert table, send email
                //add a attribute "lastsent" to indicate if today had sent
                //alert high, low save in table
                //foreach compare wilth external
                //HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
                //ExternalFunctions myExternalFunctions = new ExternalFunctions();
                DataTable alerts = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT * FROM Alert");
                foreach (DataRow row in alerts.Rows)
                    string id   = "" + row["accountNumber"];
                    string type = "" + row["type"].ToString().Trim();
                    string code = "" + row["code"].ToString().Trim();
                    //string high = "" + row["high"];
                    decimal high    = System.Convert.ToDecimal(row["highValue"]);
                    decimal low     = System.Convert.ToDecimal(row["lowValue"]);
                    decimal current = myExternalFunctions.getSecuritiesPrice(type, code);

                    string    date       = "";
                    DataTable searchdate = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT lastsent FROM Alert WHERE accountNumber='" + id + "' AND code='" + code + "' AND type = '" + type + "'");
                    foreach (DataRow rows in searchdate.Rows)
                        date = date + rows["lastsent"];
                    if (date == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
                        string    email       = "";
                        DataTable searchemail = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT email FROM Client WHERE accountNumber='" + id + "'");
                        foreach (DataRow rows in searchemail.Rows)
                            email = email + rows["email"];
                        string    name     = "";
                        DataTable security = myExternalFunctions.getSecuritiesByCode(type, code);
                        foreach (DataRow rows in security.Rows)
                            name = name + rows["name"];

                        if (high <= myExternalFunctions.getSecuritiesPrice(type, code))
                            SqlTransaction updatedate = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                            myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE alert SET lastsent='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' WHERE accountNumber='" + id + "' AND code='" + code + "' AND type = '" + type + "'", updatedate);

                            System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
                            mail.From            = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "HKeInvest", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                            mail.Subject         = "Alert Triggered!";
                            mail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                            mail.Body            = "The high value alert for your " + type + " security, code: " + code + " name: " + name + " had been triggered. The current price of the security is " + current + ". The high alert value you set is " + high + ".";
                            mail.BodyEncoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                            mail.IsBodyHtml      = true;
                            mail.Priority        = MailPriority.High;
                            SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
                            client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("comp3111_team120", "team120#");
                            client.Port        = 587;
                            client.Host        = "";
                            client.EnableSsl   = true;
                                //Page.RegisterStartupScript("UserMsg", "<script>alert('Successfully Send...');if(alert){ window.location='SendMail.aspx';}</script>");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Exception ex2          = ex;
                                string    errorMessage = string.Empty;
                                while (ex2 != null)
                                    errorMessage += ex2.ToString();
                                    ex2           = ex2.InnerException;
                                //Page.RegisterStartupScript("UserMsg", "<script>alert('Sending Failed...');if(alert){ window.location='SendMail.aspx';}</script>");
                        else if (low >= myExternalFunctions.getSecuritiesPrice(type, code))
                            SqlTransaction updatedate = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                            myHKeInvestData.setData("UPDATE alert SET lastsent='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' WHERE accountNumber='" + id + "' AND code='" + code + "' AND type = '" + type + "'", updatedate);

                            System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
                            mail.From            = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "HKeInvest", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                            mail.Subject         = "Alert Triggered!";
                            mail.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                            mail.Body            = "The low value alert for your " + type + " security, code: " + code + " name: " + name + " had been triggered. The current price of the security is " + current + ". The low alert value you set is " + low + ".";
                            mail.BodyEncoding    = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
                            mail.IsBodyHtml      = true;
                            mail.Priority        = MailPriority.High;
                            SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
                            client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("comp3111_team120", "team120#");
                            client.Port        = 587;
                            client.Host        = "";
                            client.EnableSsl   = true;
                                //Page.RegisterStartupScript("UserMsg", "<script>alert('Successfully Send...');if(alert){ window.location='SendMail.aspx';}</script>");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Exception ex2          = ex;
                                string    errorMessage = string.Empty;
                                while (ex2 != null)
                                    errorMessage += ex2.ToString();
                                    ex2           = ex2.InnerException;
                                //Page.RegisterStartupScript("UserMsg", "<script>alert('Sending Failed...');if(alert){ window.location='SendMail.aspx';}</script>");
            } while (true);
예제 #20
        private DataTable Sync_TransactionTable(DataTable dtTransaction, string orderReferenceNumber)
            if (dtTransaction == null)
            // clone the table, and convert the column type
            DataTable dtCloned   = new DataTable();
            var       primaryKey = dtCloned.Columns.Add("transactionNumber", typeof(string));

            dtCloned.Columns.Add("orderReferenceNumber", typeof(string));
            dtCloned.Columns.Add("executeDate", typeof(DateTime));
            dtCloned.Columns.Add("executeShares", typeof(decimal));
            dtCloned.Columns.Add("executePrice", typeof(decimal));
            dtCloned.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { primaryKey };
            foreach (DataRow transaction in dtTransaction.Rows)
                DateTime executeDate       = transaction.Field <DateTime>("executeDate");
                string   transactionNumber = transaction.Field <int>("transactionNumber").ToString("00000000");
                string   referenceNumber   = transaction.Field <int>("referenceNumber").ToString("00000000");
                decimal  executeShares     = transaction.Field <decimal>("executeShares");
                decimal  executePrice      = transaction.Field <decimal>("executePrice");

                DataRow newRow = dtCloned.NewRow();
                newRow["transactionNumber"]    = transactionNumber;
                newRow["orderReferenceNumber"] = referenceNumber;
                newRow["executeDate"]          = executeDate;
                newRow["executeShares"]        = executeShares;
                newRow["executePrice"]         = executePrice;

            HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
            DataTable     dtLast          = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT * FROM [Transaction] WHERE [orderReferenceNumber]='" + orderReferenceNumber.Trim() + "'");

            DataTable dtChanges = dtLast.GetChanges(DataRowState.Added);

            if (dtChanges == null)
            foreach (DataRow transaction in dtChanges.Rows)
                DateTime executeDate       = transaction.Field <DateTime>("executeDate");
                string   transactionNumber = transaction.Field <string>("transactionNumber");
                string   referenceNumber   = transaction.Field <string>("orderReferenceNumber");
                decimal  executeShares     = transaction.Field <decimal>("executeShares");
                decimal  executePrice      = transaction.Field <decimal>("executePrice");
                string   date = executeDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt");

                string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO [Transaction] VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', {3}, {4})",
                var trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                myHKeInvestData.setData(sql, trans);

예제 #21
        protected void CreateClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                    //Get user information if on client
                    string accountNumber = AccountNumber.Text.Trim();

                    //TODO figure out some way to bind data

                    //Update account

                    string updateAccount = "UPDATE Account SET ";

                    //If statement to update the sql commands
                    if (PrimarySource.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateAccount += "sourceOfFunds='" + PrimarySource.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (OtherInformation.Text.Trim() != "")
                        updateAccount += "otherSource='" + OtherInformation.Text.Trim() + "',";
                    //Code for investment objective
                    if (InvestmentObjective.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateAccount += "investmentObjective='" + InvestmentObjective.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (InvestmentKnowledge.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateAccount += "investmentKnowledge='" + InvestmentKnowledge.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (AnnualIncome.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateAccount += "annualIncome='" + AnnualIncome.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (LiquidWorth.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateAccount += "approxLiquidNetWorth='" + LiquidWorth.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (FreeCreditSwee.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateAccount += "sweepFreeCreditBalance='" + FreeCreditSwee + "',";

                    //Code to delete last comma
                    updateAccount = updateAccount.Remove(updateAccount.Length - 1);

                    updateAccount = " WHERE accountNumber = '" + accountNumber + "'";

                    if (updateAccount.Length > 56 && mainform.Visible)
                        SqlTransaction trans1 = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        myHKeInvestData.setData(updateAccount, trans1);

                    string updateClient = "UPDATE Client SET ";

                    if (cbTitle.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateClient += "title='" + cbTitle.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (FirstName.Text.Trim() != "")
                        updateClient += "firstName='" + FirstName.Text.Trim() + "',";
                    if (LastName.Text.Trim() != "")
                        updateClient += "lastName='" + LastName.Text.Trim() + "',";
                    if (Email.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "email" + Email.Text + "',";
                    if (Building.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "building='" + Building.Text.Trim() + "',";
                    if (Street.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "street='" + Street.Text + "',";
                    if (District.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "district=" + District.Text + "',";
                    if (HomePhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "homePhone='" + HomePhone.Text + "',";
                    if (HomeFax.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "homeFax='" + HomeFax.Text + "',";
                    if (BusinessPhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "businessPhone='" + BusinessPhone.Text + "',";
                    if (MobilePhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "mobilePhone='" + MobilePhone.Text + "',";
                    //Execute sql to check if HKID, or passport has been updated

                    //Will fail if there is no regex from the
                    string    sql  = "SELECT * FROM Client WHERE accountNumber = '" + accountNumber + "' AND isPrimary = 'Y'";
                    DataTable temp = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);

                    if (temp.Rows[0]["passportCountry"].ToString() != "")
                        if (HKID.Text != "")
                            updateClient += "HKIDPassportNumber='" + HKID.Text + "',";
                        if (PassportCountry.Text != "")
                            updateClient += "passportCountry='" + PassportCountry.Text + "',";
                    if (CitizenshipCountry.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "citizenship='" + CitizenshipCountry.Text + "',";
                    if (ResidenceCountry.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "legalResidence='" + ResidenceCountry.Text + "',";
                    if (cbEmploymentStatus.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "employeeStatus'" + cbEmploymentStatus.Text + "',";
                    if (SpecificOccupation.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "occupation='" + SpecificOccupation.Text + "',";
                    if (EmployYears.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "years='" + EmployYears.Text + "',";
                    if (EmployName.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "employerName='" + EmployName.Text + "',";
                    if (EmployPhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "employerPhone='" + EmployPhone.Text + "',";
                    if (BusinessNature.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "natureBusiness='" + BusinessNature + "','";
                    if (IsEmployedFinancial.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateClient += "isEmployedFinance'=" + IsEmployedFinancial.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (IsInIPO.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateClient += "isPubliclyTraded'=" + IsInIPO.SelectedValue + "',";

                    updateClient = updateAccount.Remove(updateAccount.Length - 1);

                    updateClient = " WHERE accountNumber = '" + accountNumber + "' AND isPrimary = 'Y'";

                    //Checking to see if any fields in client are to be updated (Length 77)
                    if (updateClient.Length > 77 && mainform.Visible)
                        SqlTransaction trans2 = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        myHKeInvestData.setData(updateClient, trans2);

                    //Add some sort of auto postback for the account information that should be displayed
                    updateClient = "UPDATE Client SET ";

                    if (COcbTitle.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateClient += "title='" + COcbTitle.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (COFirstName.Text.Trim() != "")
                        updateClient += "firstName='" + COFirstName.Text.Trim() + "',";
                    if (COLastName.Text.Trim() != "")
                        updateClient += "lastName='" + COLastName.Text.Trim() + "',";
                    if (COEmail.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "email" + COEmail.Text + "',";
                    if (COBuilding.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "building='" + COBuilding.Text.Trim() + "',";
                    if (COStreet.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "street='" + COStreet.Text + "',";
                    if (CODistrict.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "district=" + CODistrict.Text + "',";
                    if (COHomePhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "homePhone='" + COHomePhone.Text + "',";
                    if (COHomeFax.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "homeFax='" + COHomeFax.Text + "',";
                    if (COBusinessPhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "businessPhone='" + COBusinessPhone.Text + "',";
                    if (COMobilePhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "mobilePhone='" + COMobilePhone.Text + "',";
                    //Execute sql to check if HKID, or passport has been updated

                    //Will fail if there is no regex from the
                    sql  = "SELECT * FROM Client WHERE accountNumber = '" + accountNumber + "' AND isPrimary='N'";
                    temp = myHKeInvestData.getData(sql);

                    //No error checking on temp

                    //Only allow for passport information updating
                    if (temp.Rows[0]["passportCountry"].ToString() != "")
                        if (COHKID.Text != "")
                            updateClient += "HKIDPassportNumber='" + COHKID.Text + "',";
                        if (COPassportCountry.Text != "")
                            updateClient += "passportCountry='" + COPassportCountry.Text + "',";
                    if (COCitizenshipCountry.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "citizenship='" + COCitizenshipCountry.Text + "',";
                    if (COResidenceCountry.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "legalResidence='" + COResidenceCountry.Text + "',";
                    if (COcbEmploymentStatus.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "employeeStatus'" + COcbEmploymentStatus.Text + "',";
                    if (COSpecificOccupation.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "occupation='" + COSpecificOccupation.Text + "',";
                    if (COEmployYears.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "years='" + COEmployYears.Text + "',";
                    if (COEmployName.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "employerName='" + COEmployName.Text + "',";
                    if (COEmployPhone.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "employerPhone='" + COEmployPhone.Text + "',";
                    if (COBusinessNature.Text != "")
                        updateClient += "natureBusiness='" + COBusinessNature + "','";
                    if (COIsEmployedFinancial.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateClient += "isEmployedFinance'=" + COIsEmployedFinancial.SelectedValue + "',";
                    if (COIsInIPO.SelectedValue != "")
                        updateClient += "isPubliclyTraded'=" + COIsInIPO.SelectedValue + "',";
                    //Removce final comma
                    updateClient = updateAccount.Remove(updateAccount.Length - 1);

                    updateClient = " WHERE accountNumber = '" + accountNumber + "' AND isPrimary = 'N'";

                    if (updateClient.Length > 77 && coAccount2.Visible)
                        SqlTransaction trans3 = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                        myHKeInvestData.setData(updateClient, trans3);

                    Console.WriteLine("Updated Successfully");
                    IdentityHelper.RedirectToReturnUrl(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"], Response);
                catch (Exception f)
                    Console.WriteLine("error thrown: " + f);
예제 #22
        protected void CreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Page.IsValid)
                HKeInvestData myHKeInvestData = new HKeInvestData();
                string        idnum           = HKID.Text.Trim();
                string        mail            = Email.Text.Trim();

                //check if HKIDPassportNumber is really stored in the database
                DataTable curHKID = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT HKIDPassportNumber FROM Client WHERE HKIDPassportNumber = '" + idnum + "'");
                if (curHKID.Rows.Count == 0)
                    ErrorMessage.Text = "The input data does not match the client data.";

                //check if input data matches the one in database
                DataTable checkdata = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT email, accountNumber, lastName, firstName, dateOfBirth FROM Client WHERE HKIDPassportNumber = '" + idnum + "'");
                DataTable checkdate = myHKeInvestData.getData("SELECT Convert(varchar(10),CONVERT(date,dateOfBirth,106),103) AS DOB FROM Client WHERE HKIDPassportNumber = '" + idnum + "'");

                string checkemail     = "";
                string checkAccNum    = "";
                string checklastname  = "";
                string checkfirstname = "";
                string checkDOB       = "";

                foreach (DataRow row in checkdata.Rows)
                    checkemail     = checkemail + row["email"];
                    checkAccNum    = checkAccNum + row["accountNumber"];
                    checklastname  = checklastname + row["lastName"];
                    checkfirstname = checkfirstname + row["firstName"];

                foreach (DataRow row in checkdate.Rows)
                    checkDOB = checkDOB + row["DOB"];

                int emailcheck = checkemail.CompareTo(Email.Text.Trim());
                int accNumCheck = checkAccNum.CompareTo(AccountNumber.Text.Trim());
                int lastNameCheck = checklastname.CompareTo(LastName.Text.Trim());
                int firstNameCheck = checkfirstname.CompareTo(FirstName.Text.Trim());
                int DOBcheck = checkDOB.CompareTo(DateOfBirth.Text.ToString());

                if (emailcheck == -1 || accNumCheck == -1 || lastNameCheck == -1 || firstNameCheck == -1 || DOBcheck == -1)
                    ErrorMessage.Text = "The input data does not match the client data.";

                var manager       = Context.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>();
                var signInManager = Context.GetOwinContext().Get <ApplicationSignInManager>();
                var user          = new ApplicationUser()
                    UserName = UserName.Text, Email = Email.Text
                IdentityResult result = manager.Create(user, Password.Text);
                if (result.Succeeded)
                    //assign to role client
                    IdentityResult roleResult = manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Client");

                    SqlTransaction trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                    myHKeInvestData.setData("update [Account] set [userName]='" + UserName.Text + "' WHERE [accountNumber] = '" + AccountNumber.Text + "'", trans);

                    if (!roleResult.Succeeded)
                        ErrorMessage.Text = roleResult.Errors.FirstOrDefault();

                    // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit
                    //string code = manager.GenerateEmailConfirmationToken(user.Id);
                    //string callbackUrl = IdentityHelper.GetUserConfirmationRedirectUrl(code, user.Id, Request);
                    //manager.SendEmail(user.Id, "Confirm your account", "Please confirm your account by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>.");

                    signInManager.SignIn(user, isPersistent: false, rememberBrowser: false);
                    IdentityHelper.RedirectToReturnUrl(Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"], Response);
                    ErrorMessage.Text = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();

                /*SqlTransaction trans = myHKeInvestData.beginTransaction();
                 * myHKeInvestData.setData("update [Account] set [userName]='" + UserName.Text + "' WHERE [accountNumber] = '" + AccountNumber.Text + "'", trans);
                 * myHKeInvestData.commitTransaction(trans);*/