예제 #1
        public ActionResult SaveJoin()
            string key      = HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string username = HCRequest.GetString("username");
            string telphone = HCRequest.GetString("telphone");
            string message  = HCRequest.GetString("message");
            string themeid  = HCRequest.GetString("themeid");
            string uwx      = "";

            if (key.Contains('@'))
                uwx = key.Split('@')[1];
            bool hasSignIn = TravelThemeLogic.HasSignIn(uwx, themeid);

            if (hasSignIn)
                    success = false,
                    msg = "已经报名过"
                int rows = TravelThemeLogic.SaveJoin(username, telphone, message, uwx, themeid);
                    success = rows > 0,
                    msg = rows > 0?"报名成功":"报名失败"
예제 #2
        public ActionResult GetThemeList(int id)
            string key      = HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string weixinid = "";//酒店微信id

            if (!key.Equals("") && key.Contains("@"))
                weixinid = key.Split('@')[0];//酒店微信id

            int    curpage   = HCRequest.getInt("page");    //
            int    pagesize  = HCRequest.getInt("pagesize");
            int    sort      = HCRequest.getInt("sort");    //距离,价格高低 排序
            string themetype = HCRequest.GetString("type"); //多个类型逗号隔开
            string endcity   = HCRequest.GetString("cityname");
            string keyworks  = HCRequest.GetString("keyworks");

            List <LXS_ThemeView> listTheme = TravelThemeLogic.GetThemeList(weixinid, curpage, pagesize, sort, themetype, endcity, keyworks);

            Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter timeFormat = new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter();
            timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            string strJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listTheme, timeFormat);

                success = true,
                msg = strJson,
                nextpage = listTheme.Count == pagesize ? curpage + 1 : curpage
예제 #3
        public ActionResult ThemeDetail(int id)
            string themeid = HCRequest.GetString("themeid");
            string key     = HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string uwx     = "";

            if (!key.Equals("") && key.Contains("@"))
                uwx = key.Split('@')[1];

            LXS_ThemeView model = TravelThemeLogic.GetThemeModel(themeid);

            ViewData["model"] = model;
            ViewData["uwx"]   = uwx;

            List <LXS_JoinTheme> listJoin = TravelThemeLogic.GetJoinList(themeid);

            ViewData["listJoin"] = listJoin;

            bool hasSignIn = TravelThemeLogic.HasSignIn(uwx, themeid);

            ViewData["hasSignIn"] = hasSignIn;

            ViewData["hId"] = id;
            ViewData["key"] = key;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 免费WIFI页获取门店下所有WIFI
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetWiFiForFreeWifiPage()
            int shopId = HCRequest.GetInt("shopId", 0);
            var wifis  = wifiService.GetValidWifis(shopId);

            return(Json(wifis, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #5
        public ActionResult GetMyThemeList(int id)
            string key      = HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string weixinid = "";//酒店微信id
            string uwx      = "";

            if (!key.Equals("") && key.Contains("@"))
                weixinid = key.Split('@')[0];//酒店微信id
                uwx      = key.Split('@')[1];

            int curpage  = HCRequest.getInt("page");//
            int pagesize = HCRequest.getInt("pagesize");

            List <LXS_ThemeView> listTheme = TravelThemeLogic.GetMyThemeList(uwx, curpage, pagesize);

            Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter timeFormat = new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.IsoDateTimeConverter();
            timeFormat.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd";//"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
            string strJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(listTheme, timeFormat);

                success = true,
                msg = strJson,
                nextpage = listTheme.Count == pagesize ? curpage + 1 : curpage
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 酒店评价列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult CommentList()
            int qFlag     = HCRequest.getInt("qFlag", 0);            //0全部1有图
            int hotelID   = Convert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["Id"]); //HCRequest.getInt("hotelID", 0);
            int page      = HCRequest.getInt("page", 1);
            int pageSize  = HCRequest.getInt("pageSize", 10);
            var cBaseInfo = commentService.GetBaseInfo(hotelID);

            if (qFlag == 1)
                ViewData["models"] = cBaseInfo.Comments.Where(c => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Imgs)).Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
                ViewData["models"] = cBaseInfo.Comments.Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
            ViewData["hssAvg"]      = cBaseInfo.HSSAvg;//综合卫生评分
            ViewData["fssAvg"]      = cBaseInfo.FSSAvg;
            ViewData["nssAvg"]      = cBaseInfo.NSSAvg;
            ViewData["assAvg"]      = cBaseInfo.ASSAvg;
            ViewData["allAvg"]      = cBaseInfo.AllAvg;      //综合评分
            ViewData["allcount"]    = cBaseInfo.CommentAllCount;
            ViewData["hasPicCount"] = cBaseInfo.HasPicCount; //有图片评价数量
            ViewData["hotelID"]     = hotelID;
            ViewData["qFlag"]       = qFlag;
            ViewData["page"]        = page;
예제 #7
        public ActionResult Newsinfo(string id)
            string weixinid = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("weixinID");

            int    error = 0;
            string nid   = HCRequest.GetString("nid");

            string userWeiXinID = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");

            if (!userWeiXinID.Equals(""))
                weixinid = userWeiXinID.Split('@')[0];
                hotel3g.Models.Cookies.SetCookies("userWeixinNO", userWeiXinID.Split('@')[1], 30, userWeiXinID.Split('@')[0]);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nid) || !int.TryParse(nid, out error))
                return(base.RedirectToAction("NewsinfoList", "Hotel", new { id = id, key = userWeiXinID }));
            int preid, nextid;

            ViewData["HotelNewsinfo"] = HotelHelper.GetNewsDetails(nid, out preid, out nextid, id);
            ViewData["HotelNewsID"]   = nid;
            ViewData["preid"]         = nextid;
            ViewData["nextid"]        = preid;
            Hotel hotel = Cache.GetHotel(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            ViewData["hotel"] = hotel;

            ViewData["userWeiXinID"] = hotel3g.Models.Cookies.GetCookies("userWeixinNO", weixinid);
            string s = hotel3g.Models.HotelHelper.getTemp(weixinid);

예제 #8
        public ActionResult AddFaPiao()
            int Id = HCRequest.getInt("Id");

            if (Id > 0)
                string uId = HCRequest.GetString("uId");

                DataTable db = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Get_DataTable("select * from  fapiaoManager with(Nolock)  where Id=@Id and userweixinid=@userweixinid", HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                    { "Id", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = Id.ToString()
                      } },
                    { "userweixinid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = uId.ToString()
                      } },

                ViewData["name"]    = db.Rows[0]["name"].ToString();
                ViewData["taxnum"]  = db.Rows[0]["taxnum"].ToString();
                ViewData["linktel"] = db.Rows[0]["linktel"].ToString();

예제 #9
        public ActionResult roomlistindex(string id)
            int      hid           = HCRequest.getInt("hid");
            DateTime indate        = HCRequest.getDate("indate");
            DateTime outdate       = HCRequest.getDate("outdate");
            string   hotelweixinid = HCRequest.GetString("hotelweixinid");
            double   graderate     = WeiXinPublic.ConvertHelper.ToDouble(HCRequest.GetClearStr("graderate"));
            double   reduce        = WeiXinPublic.ConvertHelper.ToDouble(HCRequest.GetString("reduce"));
            int      couponType    = WeiXinPublic.ConvertHelper.ToInt(HCRequest.GetString("coupontype"));
            string   gradename     = HCRequest.GetString("gradename");
            string   membershow    = HCRequest.GetString("membershow");

            string dingfangmember = HCRequest.GetString("dingfangmember");
            int    ismember       = WeiXinPublic.ConvertHelper.ToInt(HCRequest.GetString("ismember"));;

            var memberCardCustomList = new List <Models.Home.MemberCardCustom>();
            var memberinfo           = new Repository.MemberInfo();

            if (membershow == "1")
                memberinfo = hotel3g.Repository.MemberHelper.GetMemberInfo(hotelweixinid);
                if (memberinfo == null)
                    memberinfo = new Repository.MemberInfo();

            if (ismember == 0 || membershow == "1")
                int       customcount   = 0;
                DataTable db_CardCustom = MemberCardCustom.GetMemberCardCustomList(hotelweixinid, out customcount, 1, 50, "", "");
                memberCardCustomList = DataTableToEntity.GetEntities <Models.Home.MemberCardCustom>(db_CardCustom).ToList();

            ViewData["customlist"] = memberCardCustomList;
            ViewData["memberinfo"] = memberinfo;

            ViewData["membershow"] = membershow;

            string ratejson = ActionController.getratejson(hid, indate, outdate, hotelweixinid, graderate, reduce, couponType);

            ViewData["ratejson"]  = ratejson;
            ViewData["graderate"] = graderate;

            ViewData["reduce"]     = reduce;
            ViewData["coupontype"] = couponType;
            ViewData["gradename"]  = gradename;

            ViewData["dingfangmember"] = dingfangmember;
            ViewData["ismember"]       = ismember;

예제 #10
        public ActionResult ThemeIndex(int id)
            string key = HCRequest.GetString("key");

            ViewData["key"] = key;
            ViewData["hId"] = id;
예제 #11
        public ActionResult EditPayPassword()

            int status = -1;
            string errmsg = "保存失败";

            string key = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string hotelweixinId = key.Split('@')[0];
            string userweixinId = key.Split('@')[1];

            string ypassword = HCRequest.GetString("ypaypassword").Trim();
            string newpassword = HCRequest.GetString("newpaypassword").Trim();
            DataTable db_member = RechargeCard.GetRechargeMemberPayPassword(hotelweixinId, userweixinId);

            if (ypassword != db_member.Rows[0]["pwd"].ToString())
                errmsg = "原密码错误";
                return Json(new
                    Status = status,
                    Mess = errmsg

                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


            int row = RechargeCard.UpdateRechargeMemberPayPassword(hotelweixinId, userweixinId, newpassword);

            if (row > 0)
                status = 0;
                errmsg = "修改成功";

                errmsg = "修改失败";

            if (ypassword == string.Empty)
                errmsg = errmsg.Replace("修改", "设置");

            return Json(new
                Status = status,
                Mess = errmsg

            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

예제 #12
        public ActionResult Detail()
            string key           = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string hotelweixinId = key.Split('@')[0];
            string userweixinId  = key.Split('@')[1];

            int hid       = Convert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["Id"]);
            int meetingId = Convert.ToInt32(HCRequest.GetString("meetingId"));

            var dbMeeting = Meeting.GeteMeeting(hid, meetingId);
            var meeting   = DataTableToEntity.GetEntity <Meeting>(dbMeeting);

            meeting.listMeetingTypeCapacity = new List <MeetingTypeCapacity>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meeting.TypeAndHoldInfo) && meeting.TypeAndHoldInfo.Contains("{"))
                meeting.listMeetingTypeCapacity = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <MeetingTypeCapacity> >(meeting.TypeAndHoldInfo);

            ViewData["meeting"] = meeting;

            var date = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["date"]);
            List <MeetingRates> rateList = new List <MeetingRates>();

            if (meeting.PayType == 0)
                DataTable dbRates = MeetingRates.GeteMeetingRatesList(hid, meetingId, date);
                rateList = DataTableToEntity.GetEntities <MeetingRates>(dbRates).ToList();
            ViewData["rateList"] = rateList;

            DataTable db_pics = Meeting.GetMeetingPics(hid);
            var       picList = DataTableToEntity.GetEntities <RoomTypeImgEntity>(db_pics);

            picList             = picList.Where(c => c.RoomId == meetingId).ToList();
            ViewData["picList"] = picList;

            string MemberCardRuleJson = ActionController.getMemberCardIntegralRule(userweixinId, hotelweixinId);

            ViewData["MemberCardRuleJson"] = MemberCardRuleJson;
            Hashtable MemberCardRuleJsonobj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Hashtable>(MemberCardRuleJson);
            Hashtable ruletable             = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Hashtable>(MemberCardRuleJsonobj["rule"].ToString());
            double    graderate             = WeiXinPublic.ConvertHelper.ToDouble(ruletable["GradeRate"]);

            ViewData["graderate"] = graderate;

            Hotel hotel = HotelHelper.GetMainIndexHotel(hid);

            ViewData["hotelName"] = hotel.SubName;

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取认证地址
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetPassUrl()
            string passUrl = string.Empty;
            var    wifi    = wifiService.GetWifiById(HCRequest.GetInt("wifiId", 0));

            if (wifi.ProtocolType == 31 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wifi.PassPwd))
                passUrl = "" + MD5Encrypt32(wifi.PassPwd);
            return(Json(passUrl, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #14
        public ActionResult SendMsg()
            int    status = -1;
            string errmsg = "发送失败";

            string key           = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string hotelweixinId = key.Split('@')[0];
            string userweixinId  = key.Split('@')[1];

            string mobile = HCRequest.GetString("mobile").Trim();
            string Code   = new Random().Next(100000, 999999).ToString();

            string MsgContent = string.Format("忘记支付密码验证码为:{0},5分钟内有效【微可牛】", Code);

            HotelCloud.SMS.SmsMD20140117 sms = new HotelCloud.SMS.SmsMD20140117();

            sms.ReceiveMobileNo = mobile;
            sms.Content         = MsgContent;
            string res = sms.Send();

            if (res == "0")
                int row = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(@"insert into wkn_smssend(Mobile,SMSContent,SMSCode,Channel,Ip,WeiXinID) values(@Mobile,@SMSContent,@SMSCode,@Channel,@Ip,@WeiXinID);", HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                    { "Mobile", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = mobile
                      } },
                    { "SMSContent", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = MsgContent
                      } },
                    { "SMSCode", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = Code
                      } },
                    { "Channel", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = "用户忘记支付密码"
                      } },
                    { "Ip", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = GetIPAddress()
                      } },
                    { "WeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = userweixinId
                      } },

                status = 0;
                errmsg = "发送成功";

                Status = status,
                Mess = errmsg
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 领取红包
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetCoupon()
            string tel      = HCRequest.GetString("tel");
            int    hid      = HCRequest.getInt("hid");
            int    memberid = HCRequest.getInt("memberid");
            string weixinid = HCRequest.GetString("weixinid");
            bool   status   = false;
            string msg      = PromoterDAL.SendCustomCoupon(weixinid, tel, memberid, hid, out status);

            return(Json(new { status = status ? 1 : 0, msg = msg }));
예제 #16
        public ActionResult QuitOut()
            string themeid = HCRequest.GetString("themeid");
            string uwx     = HCRequest.GetString("uwx");
            int    rows    = TravelThemeLogic.QuitOut(uwx, themeid);

                success = rows > 0
예제 #17
        public JsonResult CurHotel()
            int    hid      = HCRequest.getInt("hid");
            string weixinid = HCRequest.GetString("weixinid");

            if (hid > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(weixinid))
                string CookieName = "CurBranchHotel";
                hotel3g.Models.DAL.BranchHelper.BuildCookie(CookieName, hid.ToString(), weixinid);
예제 #18
        public ActionResult PicInfo(string id)
            ViewData["HotelPictures"] = HotelHelper.GetHotelPictures(id);
            string url      = HCRequest.GetString("surl").Split('@')[0];
            string weixinid = HCRequest.GetString("surl").Split('@')[1];
            Hotel  hotel    = Cache.GetHotel(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            ViewData["hotel"]    = hotel;
            ViewData["url"]      = url;
            ViewData["weixinid"] = weixinid;
예제 #19
        public ActionResult Fillorder(string id)
            ViewData["hid"] = id;
            string orderjson = HCRequest.GetString("orderjson");
            string key       = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderjson))
                return(Redirect(string.Format("/hotel/index/{0}?key={1}", id, key)));
예제 #20
        // GET: /Branch/

        public ActionResult Index(string id)
            string key = HCRequest.GetString("key");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && key.Split('@').Length == 2)
                string weixinid     = key.Split('@')[0];
                string userweixinid = key.Split('@')[1];
                ViewData["weixinid"]     = weixinid;
                ViewData["userweixinid"] = userweixinid;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weixinid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userweixinid))
                    return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Default"));
                string fromurl = HCRequest.GetString("fromurl");

                if (fromurl.ToLower().IndexOf("newsinfo") > -1)
                    fromurl = "/Hotel/NewsinfoList";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromurl))
                    ViewData["fromurl"] = fromurl;

                    string CookieName = "CurBranchHotel";
                    string hid        = hotel3g.Models.DAL.BranchHelper.GetCookie(CookieName, weixinid);
                    int    CurHotel   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hid) ? 0 : int.Parse(hid);
                    bool   isBranch   = hotel3g.Models.DAL.BranchHelper.IsBranch(weixinid);

                    if (CurHotel > 0)
                        //fromurl = string.Format("http://www.weikeniu.com{0}/{1}?{2}", fromurl, CurHotel, key,Server.MapPath("~"));

                        //Uri Url=new Uri(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(fromurl));

                        //return RedirectToAction(Url.Segments[2], Url.Segments[1], new { id = CurHotel, key = key });
                    ViewData["fromurl"] = "/Home/Main";
                List <hotel3g.Common.Branch.HotelResponse> BranchHotel = hotel3g.Models.DAL.BranchHelper.HotelList(weixinid);
                ViewData["BranchHotel"] = BranchHotel;
예제 #21
        public ActionResult GetThemeLocat(string id)
            string key      = HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string weixinid = "";

            if (!key.Equals("") && key.Contains("@"))
                weixinid = key.Split('@')[0];//酒店微信id

            DataTable dt = TravelThemeLogic.GetThemeLocat(weixinid);

                data = DishOrderController.SerializeDataTable(dt)
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #22
        public ActionResult SaveReply()
            string key      = HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string replymsg = HCRequest.GetString("replymsg");
            string joinid   = HCRequest.GetString("joinid");
            string joinname = HCRequest.GetString("joinname");
            string themeid  = HCRequest.GetString("themeid");
            string uwx      = "";

            if (key.Contains('@'))
                uwx = key.Split('@')[1];

            LXS_JoinTheme joinmodel = TravelThemeLogic.GetJoinModel(joinid);

            if (joinmodel != null)
                if (joinmodel.state == 0)
                    int rows = TravelThemeLogic.SaveReply(replymsg, joinid, joinname, uwx, themeid);
                        success = rows > 0,
                        msg = rows > 0 ? "回复成功" : "回复失败"
                        success = false,
                        msg = "该报名已经退出"
                    success = false,
                    msg = "不存在该报名人"
예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// 滑动加载评价信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult GetComments()
            int hotelID  = HCRequest.getInt("hotelID", 0);
            int qFlag    = HCRequest.getInt("qFlag", 0);
            int page     = HCRequest.getInt("page", 1);
            int pageSize = HCRequest.getInt("pageSize", 10);
            var comments = new List <Comment>();

            if (qFlag == 1)
                comments = commentService.GetListByHotelID(hotelID).Where(c => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c.Imgs)).Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
                comments = commentService.GetListByHotelID(hotelID).OrderByDescending(c => c.CreateTime).Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
            return(Json(comments, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #24
 public string GetNewsList(string id)
         string hid = id, res = "";
         int    page = Convert.ToInt32(HCRequest.GetString("page", "1"));
         int    temPage = 0, pageCount = 0;
         List <hotel3g.Models.HotelNews>   hotelnews = hotel3g.Models.HotelHelper.PageNewList(10, page, hid, "id", out temPage, out pageCount);
         ListChangeToJson.ListChangeToJson classJson = new ListChangeToJson.ListChangeToJson();
         if (temPage == 0)
             return("{" + "\"ok\":" + "\"false\"}");
         res = classJson.ArrayToJsonAll(hotelnews, "data");
         return("{" + "\"count\":" + temPage.ToString() + "," + res.Substring(1));;
     catch { return("{" + "\"ok\":" + "\"false\"}"); }
예제 #25
        public string ClearCache()
            string hotelID = HCRequest.GetString("hotelid");
            string roomID  = HCRequest.GetString("roomid");
            string type    = HCRequest.GetString("clearType");

            if (type.Equals("hotel"))
                string cacheKey = string.Format("s{0}", Cache.GetCacheName(Convert.ToInt32(hotelID)));
                Cache.SetCache(cacheKey, new Hotel(), -1);

            if (type.Equals("room"))
                Cache.SetRoomsCache(string.Format("rooms_{0}", hotelID), string.Empty, -1);
                Cache.RemoveCache(string.Format("simpleroom_{0}", roomID));
예제 #26
        public ActionResult ValidateMsgCode()
            int    status = -1;
            string errmsg = "验证码错误";

            string key           = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string hotelweixinId = key.Split('@')[0];
            string userweixinId  = key.Split('@')[1];

            string mobile = HCRequest.GetString("mobile").Trim();
            string Code   = HCRequest.GetString("code").Trim();

            string smsCode = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Get_Value("select  SmsCode from wkn_smssend with(nolock) where  weixinId=@weixinId and  mobile=@mobile and  addTime>@addTime  and channel=@channel  order by addtime desc",
                                                                      HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                { "Mobile", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                      ParamValue = mobile
                  } },
                { "WeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                      ParamValue = userweixinId
                  } },
                { "addTime", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                      ParamValue = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5).ToString()
                  } },
                { "channel", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                      ParamValue = "用户忘记支付密码"
                  } }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smsCode) && Code == smsCode)
                status = 0;
                errmsg = "验证成功";

                Status = status,
                Mess = errmsg
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #27
        public ActionResult MyTheme(int id)
            string key      = HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string weixinid = "";//酒店微信id
            string uwx      = "";

            if (!key.Equals("") && key.Contains("@"))
                weixinid = key.Split('@')[0];//酒店微信id
                uwx      = key.Split('@')[1];

            DataTable myinfo = TravelThemeLogic.GetMyMemberInfo(weixinid, uwx);

            ViewData["myinfo"] = myinfo;

            ViewData["hId"] = id;
            ViewData["key"] = key;
            ViewData["uwx"] = uwx;
예제 #28
        public ActionResult Comment()
            string key           = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string hotelweixinId = key.Split('@')[0];
            string userweixinId  = key.Split('@')[1];
            int    hotelID       = Convert.ToInt32(RouteData.Values["Id"]);
            int    orderID       = HCRequest.getInt("orderID", 0);

            if (commentService.CurrUserIsComment(hotelID, orderID))
                return(RedirectToAction("CommentList/" + hotelID));
                ViewData["hotelID"]       = hotelID;
                ViewData["userWeixinID"]  = userweixinId;
                ViewData["hotelWeixinID"] = hotelweixinId;
                ViewData["roomType"]      = HCRequest.GetString("RoomType", "");
                ViewData["orderID"]       = orderID;
예제 #29
        public ActionResult UseTuanCode()
            int    status = -1;
            string errmsg = "操作失败";

            string key           = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string hotelweixinId = key.Split('@')[0];
            string userweixinId  = key.Split('@')[1];

            string tuancode = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("tuancode").Trim();
            int    orderId  = HCRequest.getInt("orderId");

            string sql = @"update  SaleProducts_OrdersTuan  set Status=@Status     where  OrderId=@OrderId  and TuanCode=@TuanCode ";
            int    row = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(sql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                { "OrderId", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                      ParamValue = orderId.ToString()
                  } },
                { "TuanCode", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                      ParamValue = tuancode
                  } },
                { "Status", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                      ParamValue = ((int)ProductSaleOrderTuanStatus.已使用).ToString()
                  } },

            if (row > 0)
                status = 0;
                errmsg = "操作成功";

                Status = status,
                Mess = errmsg
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #30
        public ActionResult AddEditFaPiao()
            int    status = -1;
            string errmsg = "保存失败";

            string key           = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.GetString("key");
            string hotelweixinId = key.Split('@')[0];
            string userweixinId  = key.Split('@')[1];

            int hotelId = HotelCloud.Common.HCRequest.getInt("hotelId");

            string f_name      = HCRequest.GetString("f_name").Trim();
            string f_no        = HCRequest.GetString("f_no").Trim();
            string phonenumber = HCRequest.GetString("phonenumber").Trim();

            int    Id   = HCRequest.getInt("Id");
            string uId  = HCRequest.GetString("uId");
            string type = HCRequest.GetString("type");

            string    usermobile = string.Empty;
            DataTable dbmember   = WeiXin.Models.Home.RechargeCard.GetRechargeMemberInfo(hotelweixinId, userweixinId);

            if (dbmember.Rows.Count > 0)
                usermobile = dbmember.Rows[0]["mobile"].ToString();

            if (type == "del")
                int rows = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL("delete from  FapiaoManager where Id=@Id and userweixinId=@userweixinid ", HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                    { "Id", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = Id.ToString()
                      } },
                    { "userweixinid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = uId
                      } }

                if (rows > 0)
                    status = 0;
                    errmsg = "删除成功";

            else if (type == "default")
                string sql = "update   fapiaoManager    set  IsDefault=0   where userweixinid=@userweixinid ";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(usermobile))
                    sql = "update   fapiaoManager    set  IsDefault=0    where usermobile=@usermobile  or  userweixinid=@userweixinid   ";

                sql += " update   fapiaoManager    set  IsDefault=1      where Id=@Id and userweixinId=@uId  ";

                int rows = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(sql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                    { "Id", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = Id.ToString()
                      } },
                    { "userweixinid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = userweixinId
                      } },
                    { "uId", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = uId
                      } },
                    { "usermobile", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                          ParamValue = usermobile
                      } }

                if (rows > 0)
                    status = 0;
                    errmsg = "设置成功";

                if (Id == 0)
                    StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
                    strSql.Append("insert into FapiaoManager(");
                    strSql.Append(") values (");
                    strSql.Append(") ");
                    strSql.Append(";select @@IDENTITY");
                    string obj = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Get_Value(strSql.ToString(), HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                        { "HotelId", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = hotelId.ToString()
                          } },
                        { "weixinId", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = hotelweixinId
                          } },
                        { "userweixinId", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = userweixinId
                          } },
                        { "Name", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = f_name
                          } },
                        { "TaxNum", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = f_no
                          } },
                        { "LinkTel", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = phonenumber
                          } },
                        { "UserMobile", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = usermobile
                          } },

                    if (Convert.ToInt32(obj) > 0)
                        status = 0;
                        errmsg = "添加成功";

                    StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();
                    strSql.Append("update  FapiaoManager  set  ");
                    strSql.Append("UserMobile=@UserMobile ,");
                    strSql.Append("Name=@Name ,");
                    strSql.Append("TaxNum=@TaxNum ,");
                    strSql.Append("LinkTel=@LinkTel ");
                    strSql.Append(" where Id=@Id   and userweixinId=@userweixinId");

                    int rows = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(strSql.ToString(), HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.GetCon(), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                        { "Name", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = f_name
                          } },
                        { "TaxNum", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = f_no
                          } },
                        { "LinkTel", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = phonenumber
                          } },
                        { "UserMobile", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = usermobile
                          } },
                        { "Id", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = Id.ToString()
                          } },
                        { "userweixinId", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                              ParamValue = uId
                          } },

                    if (rows > 0)
                        status = 0;
                        errmsg = "保存成功";

                Status = status,
                Mess = errmsg
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));