예제 #1
        //Load weights from hdf5 file. Weights must be saved as a vector per layer
        public static float[] loadH5(string path, string dsname)
            //Get file id
            var h5fid = H5F.open(path, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
            //Get dataset id
            var h5did = H5D.open(h5fid, dsname);
            //Dataset size
            var h5space = H5D.getSpace(h5did);
            var h5size  = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(h5space);

            //Dataset size to array
            var S = h5size.ToArray();

            //Empty double array for the data
            double[] data = new double[S[0]];

            //Read the dataset

            var h5array = new H5Array <double>(data);
            var h5dtype = H5D.getType(h5did);

            H5D.read(h5did, h5dtype, h5array);

            //Convert to float
            float[] newarray = new float[data.Length];

            Parallel.For(0, data.Length, (k) =>
                newarray[k] = (float)data[k];

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the entire matrix table
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="matName"></param>
        /// <param name="rowIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void SetMatrix <T>(string matName, T[,] data)
            // check that matrix exists
            if (tables.ContainsKey(matName))
                H5DataSetId matId;
                tables.TryGetValue(matName, out matId);

                H5DataTypeId  matDataId = H5D.getType(matId);
                H5DataSpaceId spaceId   = H5S.create_simple(2, Shape);

                long[] start    = { 0, 0 };
                long[] count    = { Shape[0], Shape[1] };
                var    h5matrix = new H5Array <T>(data);

                H5S.selectHyperslab(spaceId, H5S.SelectOperator.SET, start, count);
                H5DataSpaceId readSpaceId = H5S.create_simple(2, count);

                H5D.write(matId, matDataId, readSpaceId, spaceId, H5P.create(H5P.PropertyListClass.DATASET_XFER), h5matrix);
                Console.WriteLine("table {0} not found in matrix file", matName);
예제 #3
        // Matrix Specific Methods
        // TODO:
        // 1. add handling for matrix title
        // 2. add specification of NA values
        // 3. other attributes: pa-format flag, year int, source string

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a row of the matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="matName"></param>
        /// <param name="rowIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public T[] GetMatrixRow <T>(string matName, int rowIndex)
            var rowData = new T[Shape[1]];

            // check that matrix exists
            if (tables.ContainsKey(matName))
                H5DataSetId matId;
                tables.TryGetValue(matName, out matId);

                H5DataTypeId  matDataId = H5D.getType(matId);
                H5DataSpaceId spaceId   = H5S.create_simple(2, Shape);

                var h5matrix = new H5Array <T>(rowData);

                long[] start = { rowIndex, 0 };
                long[] count = { 1, Shape[1] };
                H5S.selectHyperslab(spaceId, H5S.SelectOperator.SET, start, count);
                H5DataSpaceId readSpaceId = H5S.create_simple(2, count);

                H5D.read(matId, matDataId, readSpaceId, spaceId, H5P.create(H5P.PropertyListClass.DATASET_XFER), h5matrix);
                Console.WriteLine("table {0} not found in matrix file", matName);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 写数据集属性
        /// </summary>
        public void WriteDatasetAttribute(string datasetName, string attrName, string value)
            H5DataSetId   datasetId = H5D.open(_fileId, datasetName);
            H5DataTypeId  typeId    = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.C_S1);
            H5DataSpaceId spaceId   = H5S.create(H5S.H5SClass.SCALAR);

            H5T.setSize(typeId, value.Length);
            H5AttributeId attrId = H5A.create(datasetId, attrName, typeId, spaceId);

            if (value != "")
                H5Array <byte> buffer = new H5Array <byte>(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(value));
                H5A.write(attrId, typeId, buffer);

            if (typeId != null)
            if (spaceId != null)
            if (attrId != null)
            if (datasetId != null)
예제 #5
        public static T[,] Read2DArray <T>(this H5FileId fileId, string dataSetName)
            var dataset  = H5D.open(fileId, dataSetName);
            var space    = H5D.getSpace(dataset);
            var dims     = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            var dataType = H5D.getType(dataset);

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
                // this will also need a string hack...
            T[,] dataArray = new T[dims[0], dims[1]];
            var wrapArray = new H5Array <T>(dataArray);

            H5D.read(dataset, dataType, wrapArray);
예제 #6
        private static int[] GetInt32DataSet(H5FileId dataFile, string path)
            if (H5L.Exists(dataFile, path))
                var          dataSet   = H5D.open(dataFile, path);
                var          space     = H5D.getSpace(dataSet);
                var          size2     = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
                long         count     = size2[0];
                var          dataArray = new Int32[count];
                var          wrapArray = new H5Array <Int32>(dataArray);
                H5DataTypeId tid1      = H5D.getType(dataSet);

                H5D.read(dataSet, tid1, wrapArray);

예제 #7
파일: InputTester.cs 프로젝트: sfcta/DaySim
        //Reading and Printing Methods
        private static double[] GetDoubleDataSet(H5FileId dataFile, string path)
            if (H5L.Exists(dataFile, path))
                H5DataSetId      dataSet   = H5D.open(dataFile, path);
                H5DataSpaceId    space     = H5D.getSpace(dataSet);
                long[]           size2     = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
                long             count     = size2[0];
                double[]         dataArray = new double[count];
                H5Array <double> wrapArray = new H5Array <double>(dataArray);
                H5DataTypeId     tid1      = H5D.getType(dataSet);

                H5D.read(dataSet, tid1, wrapArray);

예제 #8
        public static T[] Read1DArray <T>(H5FileId fileId, string dataSetName)
            H5DataSetId   dataset  = null;
            H5DataSpaceId space    = null;
            H5DataTypeId  dataType = null;

            long[] dims;

                dataset  = H5D.open(fileId, dataSetName);
                space    = H5D.getSpace(dataset);
                dims     = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
                dataType = H5D.getType(dataset);
                if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
                    int    stringLength = H5T.getSize(dataType);
                    int    a            = (int)dims[0];
                    byte[] buffer       = new byte[(int)(dims[0]) * stringLength];
                    H5D.read(dataset, dataType, new H5Array <byte>(buffer));
                    string stuff = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);
                    return(stuff.SplitInParts(stringLength).Select(ss => (T)(object)ss).ToArray());
                T[] dataArray = new T[dims[0]];
                var wrapArray = new H5Array <T>(dataArray);
                H5D.read(dataset, dataType, wrapArray);
            catch {
                if (space != null)
                if (dataset != null)
예제 #9
        public static T[] Read1DArray <T>(this H5FileId fileId, string dataSetName)
            var dataset  = H5D.open(fileId, dataSetName);
            var space    = H5D.getSpace(dataset);
            var dims     = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            var dataType = H5D.getType(dataset);

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
                int    stringLength = H5T.getSize(dataType);
                byte[] buffer       = new byte[dims[0] * stringLength];
                H5D.read(dataset, dataType, new H5Array <byte>(buffer));
                string stuff = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer);
                return(stuff.SplitInParts(stringLength).Select(ss => (T)(object)ss).ToArray());
            T[] dataArray = new T[dims[0]];
            var wrapArray = new H5Array <T>(dataArray);

            H5D.read(dataset, dataType, wrapArray);
예제 #10
        private static T[, ,] Read3DArray <T>(H5GroupId groupID, string name)
            var dataset  = H5D.open(groupID, name);
            var space    = H5D.getSpace(dataset);
            var dims     = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            var dataType = H5D.getType(dataset);

            if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
                // this will also need a string hack...
                T[, ,] dataArray = new T[dims[0], 0, 0];
                T[, ,] dataArray = new T[dims[0], dims[1], dims[2]];
                var wrapArray = new H5Array <T>(dataArray);
                H5D.read(dataset, dataType, wrapArray);
예제 #11
        public string GetFileApi(string source, string filename, string destination)
            var fileId    = H5F.open(source, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
            var datasetId = H5D.open(fileId, filename);
            //var datasetTypeId = new H5DataTypeId(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_OPAQUE);
            //var space = H5D.getSpace(datasetId);
            //var dims = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            var dataType = H5D.getType(datasetId);

            long size      = H5D.getStorageSize(datasetId);
            var  fileBytes = new byte[size];
            var  h5Array   = new H5Array <byte>(fileBytes);

            H5D.read(datasetId, dataType, h5Array);

            var outPath = Path.Combine(destination, filename);

            File.WriteAllBytes(outPath, fileBytes);

예제 #12
        private static void WriteHdf5Data(int[] values, string className, string p)
            var fileId    = GetFileId();
            var setName   = GetNamePrefix() + className + p;
            var dim1      = GetChunkSize();
            var writeSize = values.Length;
            var dataType  = new H5DataTypeId(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT);
            var dataSetId = CreateDatasetIfNoneExists(fileId, setName, dim1, dataType);

            var wrapArray   = new H5Array <int>(values);
            var fileSpaceId = new H5DataSpaceId(H5S.H5SType.ALL);
            var all         = new H5DataSpaceId(H5S.H5SType.ALL);
            var xferProp    = H5P.create(H5P.PropertyListClass.DATASET_XFER);

            var newSize = new long[] {

            H5D.setExtent(dataSetId, newSize);

            H5D.write(dataSetId, dataType, all, fileSpaceId, xferProp, wrapArray);
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to read an individual cell or block of data from a matrix
        /// rowIndex and colIndex are the zero-based offsets into the matrix
        /// rowLength and colLength are the size of the arrays (min 1)
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="matName"></param>
        /// <param name="rowIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="colIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="rowLength"></param>
        /// <param name="colLength"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public T[,] GetMatrixBlock <T>(string matName, int rowIndex, int colIndex, int rowLength, int colLength)
            // check that block parameters are legit
            if ((rowLength < 1 | colLength < 1) | (rowIndex + rowLength > Shape[0] | colIndex + colLength > Shape[1]))
                Console.WriteLine("invalid block size and/or index, must be non-zero in both dimensions and within matrix size");
            var blockData = new T[rowLength, colLength];

            // check that matrix exists
            if (tables.ContainsKey(matName))
                H5DataSetId matId;
                tables.TryGetValue(matName, out matId);

                H5DataTypeId  matDataId = H5D.getType(matId);
                H5DataSpaceId spaceId   = H5S.create_simple(2, Shape);

                var h5matrix = new H5Array <T>(blockData);

                long[] start = { rowIndex, colIndex };
                long[] count = { rowLength, colLength };
                H5S.selectHyperslab(spaceId, H5S.SelectOperator.SET, start, count);
                H5DataSpaceId readSpaceId = H5S.create_simple(2, count);

                H5D.read(matId, matDataId, readSpaceId, spaceId, H5P.create(H5P.PropertyListClass.DATASET_XFER), h5matrix);
                Console.WriteLine("table {0} not found in matrix file", matName);

예제 #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            H5FileId file_id;
             float[,] data = new float[718, 359];
             H5Array<float> h5_data = new H5Array<float>(data);

            file_id = H5F.open("gfs.hdf5", H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);

            if (file_id.Id >= 0)
               H5GroupId i_gid = H5G.open(file_id, "/Results/wind modulus");

               for (int i = 0; i < 200000; i++)
                  H5DataSetId i_dsid = H5D.open(i_gid, "wind modulus_00001");
                  H5DataTypeId i_dt = H5D.getType(i_dsid);
                  H5DataTypeId i_ndt = H5T.getNativeType(i_dt, H5T.Direction.DESCEND);
                  H5D.read(i_dsid, i_ndt, h5_data);


             catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("An exception happened. The message returned was:");
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message);
예제 #15
        private static T[] Read1DArray <T>(H5GroupId fileId, string dataSetName)
            var dataset  = H5D.open(fileId, dataSetName);
            var space    = H5D.getSpace(dataset);
            var dims     = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            var dataType = H5D.getType(dataset);

            T[] dataArray = null;
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(string))
                // this will also need a string hack...
                dataArray = new T[dims[0]];
                dataArray = new T[dims[0]];
                var wrapArray = new H5Array <T>(dataArray);
                H5D.read(dataset, dataType, wrapArray);
예제 #16
        private static void WriteHdf5Data(double[] values, string className, string p)
            H5FileId fileId    = GetFileId();
            string   setName   = GetNamePrefix() + className + p;
            int      dim1      = GetChunkSize();
            int      writeSize = values.Length;

            H5DataTypeId dataType  = new H5DataTypeId(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_DOUBLE);
            H5DataSetId  dataSetId = CreateDatasetIfNoneExists(fileId, setName, dim1, dataType);

            H5Array <double> wrapArray   = new H5Array <double>(values);
            H5DataSpaceId    fileSpaceId = new H5DataSpaceId(H5S.H5SType.ALL);
            H5DataSpaceId    all         = new H5DataSpaceId(H5S.H5SType.ALL);
            H5PropertyListId xferProp    = H5P.create(H5P.PropertyListClass.DATASET_XFER);

            long[] newSize = new long[] {

            H5D.setExtent(dataSetId, newSize);

            H5D.write(dataSetId, dataType, all, fileSpaceId, xferProp, wrapArray);
예제 #17
        public object ReadFile(string filename, Recording recording)
            RecordingConfig recordingConfig = recording.parameters;

            byte[] byteArray;
            double[] doubleArray = new double[1];
            string result = "";

            //This list will contain the positions of the movements to load.
            List<int> positionSelection;

                H5FileId fileId = H5F.open(filename, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
                H5GroupId groupId = H5G.open(fileId, "/recSession");
                H5ObjectInfo objectInfo = H5O.getInfoByName(fileId, "/recSession");

                int nAttributes = (int)objectInfo.nAttributes;

                H5AttributeId[] attributeIds = new H5AttributeId[nAttributes];

                //Attribute extraction and filling of the RecordingConfig object

                for (int i = 0; i < nAttributes; i++)
                    attributeIds[i] = H5A.openByIndex(groupId, "/recSession", H5IndexType.CRT_ORDER, H5IterationOrder.INCREASING, (long)i);
                    string attributeName = H5A.getName(attributeIds[i]);
                    H5DataTypeId attributeType = H5A.getType(attributeIds[i]);
                    H5AttributeInfo attributeInfo = H5A.getInfo(attributeIds[i]);

                    int dataSize = (int)attributeInfo.dataSize;
                    int typeSize = H5T.getSize(attributeType);

                    if ((attributeName == "mov") || (attributeName == "dev") || (attributeName == "cmt"))
                        byteArray = new byte[typeSize];
                        H5Array<byte> byteBuffer = new H5Array<byte>(byteArray);
                        H5A.read<byte>(attributeIds[i], attributeType, byteBuffer);
                        result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray);
                        doubleArray = new double[(int)(dataSize / typeSize)];
                        H5Array<double> doubleBuffer = new H5Array<double>(doubleArray);
                        H5A.read<double>(attributeIds[i], attributeType, doubleBuffer);

                    switch (attributeName)
                        case "cT": //contraction time
                            recordingConfig.scheduleItemTime = (float)doubleArray[0];
                        case "rT": //rest time
                            _restTime = doubleArray[0];
                        case "cmt": //comments
                            _comments = result;
                        case "date":
                            _date = doubleArray;
                        case "dev": //device name
                            _deviceName = result;
                        case "mov": //list of movements
                            //TODO: Extract it to a label sequence. We will use these labels to construct the frame sequence
                            //Beware: each movement will possibly include rest periods. We can use the value of rT to determine
                            //if that is the case --  to guess where the rests are and label them as such!
                            //it seems that all movement recordings in Matlab exports begin with a CONTRACTION

                            _movements = result.Split(';');

                            //plan: concatenate all movements on all channels one after another

                            //This list will be used when writing MPTCE files as a way to store the movements known
                            //by the program. NOT ALL THE MOVEMENTS WILL NORMALLY APPEAR ON A SINGLE RECORDING.
                            //For the BioPatRec samples, it seems that this list actually holds the movements
                            //encoded in the data structure. That would mean that the only way to describe the movement
                            //would be the string content itself!

                        case "nCh": //number of channels
                            recordingConfig.nChannels = (uint)doubleArray[0];
                        case "nM": //number of movements
                            //Redundant with list of movements?
                            _numMovs = doubleArray[0];
                        case "nR": //number of repetitions
                            recordingConfig.repetitions = (uint)doubleArray[0];
                        case "sF": //sampling frequency
                            recordingConfig.sampleFreq = (uint)doubleArray[0];
                        case "sT": //sample time -> duration of the recording for each movement, including rests (?)
                            _partialDuration = doubleArray[0];

                        //  The following are MPTCE-specific attributes not present in BioPatRec files
                        case "version": //Format version. If defined, this means that some version of MPTCE created it. If not, it
                            // surely is a Matlab export.
                            _version = doubleArray[0];
                        case "mV":
                            recordingConfig.minVoltage = doubleArray[0];
                            _minmaxDefined = true;
                        case "MV":
                            recordingConfig.maxVoltage = doubleArray[0];
                            _minmaxDefined = true;
                        case "movSeq": //Array defining the sequence of and which movements listed in mov were recorded
                            _movSeq = doubleArray;


                //Now we do the data reading

                H5DataSetId dataSetId = H5D.open(groupId, "tdata");
                H5DataTypeId dataSetType = H5D.getType(dataSetId);
                int dataTypeSize = (int)H5T.getSize(dataSetType);

                H5DataSpaceId dataSpaceId = H5D.getSpace(dataSetId);
                int nDims = H5S.getSimpleExtentNDims(dataSpaceId);
                long[] dims = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(dataSpaceId);
                //On Matlab-created HDF5 files, the dimensions are as follows:
                // 0 -> number of movement
                // 1 -> number of channel
                // 2-> samples per movement
                double[, ,] data = new double[dims[0], dims[1], dims[2]];

                H5Array<double> dataBuffer = new H5Array<double>(data);

                H5D.read<double>(dataSetId, dataSetType, dataBuffer);

                //We try to identify the movements stored in the data array with a known movement in MPTCE

                List<ScheduleItem> movCodes = GuessMovs(_movements, knownMovements, allowedComplexMovements);

                //With this list, we can now select which movements we want to load. If requestedMovements is defined
                //and has elements, we satisfy that request and load only those movements. Otherwise we present some kind
                //of dialog, so that users can select the movements that they want

                if (requestedMovements != null && requestedMovements.Count > 0)
                    //Initialize positionSelection with the position of each of the desired movements
                    //in the data array
                    positionSelection = FindMovPositions(requestedMovements, movCodes);

                    //Prompt for movements
                    movementSelector.movementNames = knownMovements;
                    movementSelector.availableMovements = movCodes;
                    positionSelection = FindMovPositions(_movementSelector.SelectMovements(), movCodes);

                //We have the information needed to compose our recording data

                recordingConfig.scheduleActive = false;

                FillRecording(data, recording, positionSelection,movCodes);
            catch (HDFException e)
                throw new IFileReadWriterException("Error while reading HDF5 file.", e);

            return recording;
예제 #18
        public SkimMatrix Read(string filename, int field, float scale)
            Console.WriteLine("Reading {0}", filename);
            int hdf5NameEnd = filename.IndexOf("/");

            // the first part of the name in the roster file is the omx/hdf5 file
            string HDFName = filename.Substring(0, hdf5NameEnd);

            //rename filename to be only the name of the skim matrix inside of the skim file
            //skims are stored in the "data" folder within the omx/hdf5 file
            filename = filename.Substring(hdf5NameEnd);

            string hdfFile = _path + "\\" + HDFName;

            var  dataFile = H5F.open(hdfFile, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
            var  dataSet  = H5D.open(dataFile, filename);
            var  space    = H5D.getSpace(dataSet);
            var  size2    = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            long nRows    = size2[0];
            long nCols    = size2[1];
            long numZones = _mapping.Count();

            // if the count in the hdf5 file is larger than the number of
            // tazs in the mapping, ignore the values over the total number
            //of tazs in the mapping because these are not valid zones.
            _matrix = new ushort[numZones][];
            for (var i = 0; i < numZones; i++)
                _matrix[i] = new ushort[numZones];

            //OMX is a square matrix of doubles
            //In addition to the data folder for matrices, an OMX file has a lookup folder
            //with a zone mapping vector.  However, this is ignored since DaySim also has one.
            //Therefore, it is assumed the OMX matrix does not skip rows/cols and every row/col
            //corresponds to an actual zone in the DaySim zone mapping file by index
            //Scaling should be set to TRUE since OMX stores doubles (not scaled integers)
            var          dataArray = new double[nRows, nCols];
            var          wrapArray = new H5Array <double>(dataArray);
            H5DataTypeId tid1      = H5D.getType(dataSet);

            H5D.read(dataSet, tid1, wrapArray);

            for (var row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
                if (_mapping.ContainsKey(row + 1))
                    for (var col = 0; col < nCols; col++)
                        if (_mapping.ContainsKey(col + 1))
                            var value = dataArray[row, col] * scale;

                            if (value > 0)
                                if (value > ushort.MaxValue - 1)
                                    value = ushort.MaxValue - 1;

                                _matrix[_mapping[row + 1]][_mapping[col + 1]] = (ushort)value;

            var skimMatrix = new SkimMatrix(_matrix);

예제 #19
        public SkimMatrix Read(string filename, int field, float scale)
            //hdf5 filename contain "filename/group/skim"
            //get the index of group
            int hdf5GroupEnd = filename.LastIndexOf("/");

            //get the index of filename
            int hdf5NameEnd = hdf5GroupEnd > 0 ? filename.LastIndexOf("/", hdf5GroupEnd - 1) : -1;

            //get the omx/hdf5 filename
            string HDFName = filename.Substring(0, hdf5NameEnd);

            //rename filename to be only the name of the skim matrix inside of the skim file
            filename = filename.Substring(hdf5NameEnd);

            string hdfFile = Path.Combine(_path, HDFName);

            Console.WriteLine("Loading skim file: {0}.", hdfFile);

            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(hdfFile);

            if (!file.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("The skim file {0} could not be found.", file.FullName));

            H5FileId      dataFile = H5F.open(hdfFile, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
            H5DataSetId   dataSet  = H5D.open(dataFile, filename);
            H5DataSpaceId space    = H5D.getSpace(dataSet);

            long[] size2    = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            long   nRows    = size2[0];
            long   nCols    = size2[1];
            long   numZones = _mapping.Count();

            // if the count in the hdf5 file is larger than the number of
            // tazs in the mapping, ignore the values over the total number
            //of tazs in the mapping because these are not valid zones.
            _matrix = new ushort[numZones][];
            for (int i = 0; i < numZones; i++)
                _matrix[i] = new ushort[numZones];

            //OMX is a square matrix of doubles
            //In addition to the data folder for matrices, an OMX file has a lookup folder
            //with a zone mapping vector.  However, this is ignored since DaySim also has one.
            //Therefore, it is assumed the OMX matrix does not skip rows/cols and every row/col
            //corresponds to an actual zone in the DaySim zone mapping file by index
            //Scaling should be set to TRUE since OMX stores doubles (not scaled integers)
            double[,] dataArray = new double[nRows, nCols];
            H5Array <double> wrapArray = new H5Array <double>(dataArray);
            H5DataTypeId     tid1      = H5D.getType(dataSet);

            H5D.read(dataSet, tid1, wrapArray);

            for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
                if (_mapping.ContainsKey(row + 1))
                    for (int col = 0; col < nCols; col++)
                        if (_mapping.ContainsKey(col + 1))
                            double value = dataArray[row, col] * scale;

                            if (value > 0)
                                if (value > ushort.MaxValue - 1)
                                    value = ushort.MaxValue - 1;

                                _matrix[_mapping[row + 1]][_mapping[col + 1]] = (ushort)value;

            SkimMatrix skimMatrix = new SkimMatrix(_matrix);

예제 #20
        public SkimMatrix Read(string fileNameAndGroupAndDataTable, int field, float scale)
            //mb merged these changes to local develop before pushing #210

            //hdf5 filename contain "filename/group/skim"
            //get the index of group
            int hdf5GroupEnd = fileNameAndGroupAndDataTable.LastIndexOf("/");

            string fileNameAndGroup = hdf5GroupEnd > 0 ? fileNameAndGroupAndDataTable.Substring(0, hdf5GroupEnd) : fileNameAndGroupAndDataTable;

            //get the index of filename
            int hdf5NameEnd = hdf5GroupEnd > 0 ? fileNameAndGroup.LastIndexOf("/") : -1;

            string groupName = fileNameAndGroup.Substring(hdf5NameEnd + 1);

            //get the omx/hdf5 filename
            string HDFName = fileNameAndGroup.Substring(0, hdf5NameEnd);

            string groupAndDataTable = fileNameAndGroupAndDataTable.Substring(hdf5NameEnd);

            string hdfFile = Path.Combine(_path, HDFName);

            FileInfo file = new FileInfo(hdfFile);

            if (!file.Exists)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("The skim file {0} could not be found.", file.FullName));

            H5FileId      dataFile = H5F.open(hdfFile, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
            H5DataSetId   dataSet  = H5D.open(dataFile, groupAndDataTable);
            H5DataSpaceId space    = H5D.getSpace(dataSet);

            long[] size2 = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            long   nRows = size2[0];
            long   nCols = size2[1];

            Debug.Assert(nRows == nCols);
            long numZones = _mapping.Count();

            int[]     lookupMap       = null;
            string    lookupMapName   = null;
            string    lookupGroupName = "lookup";
            H5GroupId luGroup         = H5G.open(dataFile, lookupGroupName);

            if (H5G.getNumObjects(luGroup) == 1L)
                lookupMapName = H5G.getObjectNameByIndex(luGroup, 0);
                H5DataSetId lookupDataSet = H5D.open(dataFile, string.Concat(lookupGroupName, "/", lookupMapName));

                H5DataTypeId  lookupMapType  = H5D.getType(lookupDataSet);
                H5DataSpaceId lookupMapSpace = H5D.getSpace(lookupDataSet);
                long          lookupMapSize  = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(lookupMapSpace)[0];
                lookupMap = new int[lookupMapSize];
                H5Array <int> lookupWrapArray = new H5Array <int>(lookupMap);
                H5D.read(lookupDataSet, lookupMapType, lookupWrapArray);
            if (lookupMap != null)
                if (lookupMap.Length != nRows)
                    Global.PrintFile.WriteLine(string.Format("DATA WARNING: skim file: {0} has a lookup map named {1} but its length ({2}) is different than the matrix size ({3}) in group table {4}", hdfFile, lookupMapName, lookupMap.Length, nRows, groupAndDataTable));
                    lookupMap = null;

            // if the count in the hdf5 file is larger than the number of
            // tazs in the mapping, ignore the values over the total number
            //of tazs in the mapping because these are not valid zones.
            _matrix = new ushort[numZones][];
            for (int i = 0; i < numZones; i++)
                _matrix[i] = new ushort[numZones];

            //OMX is a square matrix of doubles
            //In addition to the data folder for matrices, an OMX file has a lookup folder
            //with a zone mapping vector.  However, this is ignored since DaySim also has one.
            //Therefore, it is assumed the OMX matrix does not skip rows/cols and every row/col
            //corresponds to an actual zone in the DaySim zone mapping file by index
            double[,] dataArray = new double[nRows, nCols];
            H5Array <double> wrapArray = new H5Array <double>(dataArray);
            H5DataTypeId     tid1      = H5D.getType(dataSet);

            H5D.read(dataSet, tid1, wrapArray);

            long numSuccessfuLookups = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
                int mappingKey = (lookupMap == null) ? (row + 1) : lookupMap[row];
                if (_mapping.TryGetValue(mappingKey, out int mappedRow))
                    for (int col = 0; col < nCols; col++)
                        mappingKey = (lookupMap == null) ? (col + 1) : lookupMap[col];
                        if (_mapping.TryGetValue(mappingKey, out int mappedCol))
                            double value = dataArray[row, col] * scale;
                            if (value > 0)
                                if (value > ushort.MaxValue - 1)
                                    value = ushort.MaxValue - 1;

                                _matrix[mappedRow][mappedCol] = (ushort)value; //bug #208 deferred but this will eventually changed be Convert.ToUInt16 to avoid 0.57*100=56 bug
                    } //for col
            }         //for row

            Global.PrintFile.WriteLine(string.Format("Loaded skim file: {0} dataset: {1}, scale={6} with input matrix size={2} and DaySim matrix size={3} zones. Percentage successful mappings {4}. {5}", hdfFile, groupAndDataTable, nRows, numZones, (numSuccessfuLookups / (nRows * nCols)) * 100.0, lookupMap != null ? string.Format("Using lookupMap {0}.", lookupMapName) : "No lookupMap.", scale), true);

            SkimMatrix skimMatrix = new SkimMatrix(_matrix);

예제 #21
        public SkimMatrix Read(string filename, int field, float scale)
            Console.WriteLine("Reading {0}", filename);
            int hdf5NameEnd = filename.IndexOf("/");

            // the first part of the name in the roster file is the hdf5 file:
            string HDFName = filename.Substring(0, hdf5NameEnd);

            //rename filename to be only the name of the skim inside of the time period file
            filename = filename.Substring(hdf5NameEnd);

            string hdfFile = _path + "\\" + HDFName;

            var  dataFile = H5F.open(hdfFile, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
            var  dataSet  = H5D.open(dataFile, filename);
            var  space    = H5D.getSpace(dataSet);
            var  size2    = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(space);
            long nRows    = size2[0];
            long nCols    = size2[1];
            long numZones = _mapping.Count();

            var          dataArray = new double[nRows, nCols];
            var          wrapArray = new H5Array <double>(dataArray);
            H5DataTypeId tid1      = H5D.getType(dataSet);

            H5D.read(dataSet, tid1, wrapArray);

            // if the count in the hdf5 file is larger than the number of
            // tazs in the mapping, ignore the values over the total number
            //of tazs in the mapping because these are not valid zones.
            _matrix = new ushort[numZones][];
            for (var i = 0; i < numZones; i++)
                _matrix[i] = new ushort[numZones];

            //leave as is for PSRC. Values are already scaled integers and matrices already condensed
            if (Global.Configuration.PSRC)
                for (var i = 0; i < numZones; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < numZones; j++)
                        _matrix[i][j] = (ushort)dataArray[i, j];
                for (var row = 0; row < nRows; row++)
                    if (_mapping.ContainsKey(row + 1))
                        for (var col = 0; col < nCols; col++)
                            if (_mapping.ContainsKey(col + 1))
                                var value = dataArray[row, col] * scale;

                                if (value > 0)
                                    if (value > short.MaxValue)
                                        value = short.MaxValue;

                                    _matrix[_mapping[row + 1]][_mapping[col + 1]] = (ushort)value;

            var skimMatrix = new SkimMatrix(_matrix);

예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new dataset from an HDF5 data file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blob">The input blob is reshaped to the dataset item shape.</param>
        /// <param name="strDatasetName">Specifies the new dataset name.</param>
        /// <param name="bReshape">Specifies whether to reshape the 'blob' parameter.</param>
        /// <param name="nMinDim">Specifies the minimum dimension.</param>
        /// <param name="nMaxDim">Specifies the maximum dimension.</param>
        /// <param name="id">Optional, group ID to use instead of internal file (default = null).</param>
        /// <param name="bAllowSingleItems">When true single item values are allowed and used to copy across entire blob.</param>
        public void load_nd_dataset(Blob <T> blob, string strDatasetName, bool bReshape = false, int nMinDim = 1, int nMaxDim = int.MaxValue, H5GroupId id = null, bool bAllowSingleItems = false)
            H5DataSetId ds = null;
            int         nSingleItemSize = 0;

                Tuple <H5DataSetId, int> ds1 = load_nd_datasetEx(blob, strDatasetName, bReshape, nMinDim, nMaxDim, id, bAllowSingleItems);
                ds = ds1.Item1;
                nSingleItemSize = ds1.Item2;

                H5DataTypeId dsType = H5D.getType(ds);
                int          nSize  = H5T.getSize(dsType);

                if (nSize == sizeof(double))
                    double[]         rgBuffer = new double[blob.count()];
                    H5Array <double> rgData   = new H5Array <double>(rgBuffer);

                    H5D.read <double>(ds, dsType, rgData);

                    if (!bAllowSingleItems || nSingleItemSize == 0)
                        blob.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgBuffer);
                else if (nSize == sizeof(float))
                    float[]         rgBuffer = new float[blob.count()];
                    H5Array <float> rgData   = new H5Array <float>(rgBuffer);

                    H5D.read <float>(ds, dsType, rgData);

                    if (!bAllowSingleItems || nSingleItemSize == 0)
                        blob.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgBuffer);
                else if (nSize == sizeof(byte))
                    byte[]         rgBuffer = new byte[blob.count()];
                    H5Array <byte> rgData   = new H5Array <byte>(rgBuffer);

                    H5D.read <byte>(ds, dsType, rgData);

                    float[] rgf = rgBuffer.Select(p1 => (float)p1).ToArray();
                    blob.mutable_cpu_data = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgf);
                    m_log.FAIL("The dataset size of '" + nSize.ToString() + "' is not supported!");
            catch (Exception excpt)
                if (ds != null)
예제 #23
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            fileNameTextBox.Text = "";
            string filename = "";

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if ((openFileDialog1.OpenFile()) != null)
                    filename             = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                    fileNameTextBox.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;

                var h5      = H5F.open(filename, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);
                var dataset = H5D.open(h5, "/radarData/data");
                var Space   = H5D.getSpace(dataset);
                var size    = H5S.getSimpleExtentDims(Space);

                float[, , , ,] dataarray = new float[size[0], size[1], size[2], size[3], size[4] * 2];
                var wrapArray = new H5Array <float>(dataarray);
                NOS = (int)size[2]; //number_of_scan (X)
                NOC = (int)size[3]; //Number of channel (antenna) (Y)
                NOF = (int)size[4]; // Number of frequency (Z)
                if (NOS < NOF)
                    m    = NOS;
                    last = n = 50;
                    m    = NOS;
                    last = n = 50;
                x  = new float[m][];
                xb = new float[m][];
                c1 = new float[m][];
                y1 = new float[m][];
                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    x[i]  = new float[n];
                    xb[i] = new float[n];
                    c1[i] = new float[n];
                    y1[i] = new float[n];
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                        y1[i][j] = 0;
                        x[i][j]  = 0;
                textBox1.Text = size[2].ToString();
                textBox2.Text = size[4].ToString();
                textBox3.Text = size[3].ToString();
                var dataType = H5D.getType(dataset);

                H5D.read <float>(dataset, dataType, wrapArray);
                data = new float[size[2], size[3], size[4] * 2];
                var xd = data.Length;


                for (int k = 0; k < size[2]; k++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < size[3]; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < size[4] * 2; j++)
                            data[k, i, j] = dataarray[0, 0, k, i, j];
                // res = 10; //10mm
                res   = 1;         //100mm
                n_o_s = NOS;       //640;// 510;//number of files
                n_o_c = NOC * res; //100;// NOC* res; //* res; //for outdoor =NOC * res for indoor=100; 150 for outdoor as after 15th channel readings were not proper
                n_o_f = NOF;
                grid  = new float[NOS, NOC *res, NOF];

                for (int k = 0; k < NOS; k++) //100mm
                    for (int i = 0; i < NOC; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < NOF; j++)
                            grid[k, i, j] = data[k, i, j * 2];

            hscn = 0; depth = 0; dtscn = 0; dtdep = 0; chnl = 0; dtchnl = 0;
            imagescanner(0, 0, 0);